The Gerudo King (darkest fate x membrane)


Jun 13, 2012
An aura of darkness had been surrounding the land of Hyrule for the past several months. The number of monster sightings and especially attacks upon the people who lived within its borders had greatly escalated with every passing week, to a point where few could deny that such incidents were simple coincidence. The problem, however, had been in trying to pinpoint what exactly was the cause of such ever increasing mayhem. Rumors were started, as they often do when nobody has a clear idea of what is happening. Most of which were rather fruitless, save for the recurring talk by various eye witness accounts of an ominous red light coming from the distant Gerudo Village at night.

There were other warning signs. Fallen monsters which were wielding weapons that are traditionally of Gerudo craftsmanship, while others were seen riding upon wild breeds of horses that were normally found within their valleys. It was enough of a warning that the King of Hyrule had called upon the leader and representative of their tribe, Ganondorf, for a meeting within the Hyrule Castle walls a little over a week ago. While those who suspected Ganondorf to be behind the mounting chaos had high hopes for this encounter, the resulting meeting with the Gerudo male (which in itself was a rarity among their race) had actually gone off rather nicely in the dark complexioned visitors favor, with the King seemingly convinced that there was no way such an upstanding leader could be to blame for the recent incidents.

Fortunately, not all of those which Ganondorf had met during that visit to the castle were so easily convinced of his innocence, as the Gerudo leader sat in silent contemplation within the darkened halls of his palace until a knock came to the large door leading into his throne room. “Yes?” The crimson haired male called out, as he raised his head to look toward the Gerudo guard that made her way inside. The toned, yet slender female warrior bowed to her leader, as she spoke with slight hesitation, “Sorry for the intrusion. But… the Princess of Hyrule is here to see you.” Surprisingly, while others might expect him to show concern at such an unexpected visit, the male simply smirked at this news, almost like a part of him had expected such a visit to occur sooner or later, as he responded, “I see. Well, let’s not keep our guest waiting.”

With a bow of her head, the female rose to her feet to retrieve the visiting Princess, as her leader remained seated at his throne, dressed in a dark ceremonial robe which was opened enough at the top to show a bit more of his firm chest then his armor had during his visit to the castle. “This should be very…. interesting.” The male whispered to himself, awaiting for the Princess to make her appearance, while also putting a fair amount of fate in his warriors to keep an eye out should her visit have any hidden agendas behind it.
Ganondorf was behind the growing darkness.
Princess Zelda knew this.

Unfortunately, she couldn't precisely explain why, particularly to her father. It had a good deal to do with the power of the Triforce within her and Zelda's own natural magical proclivities. Her lineage had always had a strong connection to the pulsing magic that made the land of Hyrule, and Zelda appeared to have received a double burden of that power. It had been enough for at least one third of the great Triforce to reside in her, and she knew that the other bearer, the simple warrior Link, was working against the darkness. All signs pointed to this castle, to this land, to this horrible excuse for a man.

But he fooled them. Zelda had very nearly fallen over in shock when her father proclaimed that King or Lord or Chief Ganondorf (no one seemed able to agree on his exact title) had been perfectly civil and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that his people were in no way behind the attacks. Zelda had met the man in passing; they'd attended a formal ball together and of course she sat near her father at official meals. She'd felt the unease. She knew, knew to the depth of her soul. Knew enough to insist to Link, and to come up with a relatively simple plan.

Zelda would meet with Ganondorf as a follow up to his meeting. Often official dignitaries were exchanged, and her people hadn't sent someone to the Gerudo lands in quite some time. Her enamored father quickly agree to sending along even his precious daughter (she may have insisted more than slightly). Zelda would travel with a relatively small retinue: a handful of close handmaidens, a translator, a few traders and guards, etc.

And in among that retinue would be Link.

Zelda would distract; Link would investigate, and together they'd uncover definite proof of Ganondorf's evil ways. Thus Zelda made her presence known in several ways. She'd sent messengers ahead. she'd announced her arrival. She'd requested a formal audience. She'd shown herself to be the light skinned Hylian beauty she was, knowing that to be a weapon. Often people saw a pretty face with flawless features and clear blue eyes and didn't think her capable of subterfuge. Someone so beautiful and graceful, with intricate care taken in her hair and fine silken gloves covering delicate fingers, couldn't possibly have ill intent. A shimmering tiara would hide an excellent mind, while a flowing dress would hide magical skills and a little flexibility and agility.

Thus she approached now, waving some of her retinue forward. They cared gifts: customary Hylian foods and crafts. The princess strode at their head, dropping to a slight curtsy as she approached. "King Ganondorf," she said, using the highest title connected to the man, "I, Princess Zelda of Hyrule, only daughter of the king, bearer of--" she very nearly let the Triforce slip, instead, "bearer of good news, humbly come forth as an emissary of peace for my people. I bring offerings and a gesture of continued relation between our lands. It's my sincere hope to find you well, and that your generosity will allow me and mine to stay in your beautiful lands for some time," she finally looked up, blue eyes taking him in. his garb hardly looked proper for a ruler, and she fought the urge to say as much, almost literally biting her tongue. She had to act and look the part of the proper princess if this was to work, after all.
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