Enter the Abyss..

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Jul 1, 2017
Welcome to my dark corner of the earth.

On a daily basis I wear a mask so I might blend in with society. However in this space that mask slips so I might, metaphorically speaking, let the demons off their lead to stretch their legs.
My inner being is feral and savage at heart. This is the aspect of myself I wish to release via writing/roleplaying.

Yes, I'm one of those.

While erotica is my main focus, I am not opposed to a clean role-play if the premise/partner is interesting enough. This is after all, a writing site is it not?
I've been writing since my early teen years in something called Cheetah Chat/ Yahoo user rooms collectively referred to as "Ayenee".

I'll let my work speak for itself.

Examples of plots I am interested in are as foilows. ( I will create more descriptive entries in the near future.)

Eyes in the Dark
Were/Anthro x Human
In the settlement of Ravenholm there is a dark and mysterious forest which borders it's northern side. Legend has it that the woods host various tribes of
beast-men inhabit the center of this haunted labyrinth of trees. A tribe of aboriginal humans during the ancient age made a dark pact with a pagan nature deity. It is said their wild god descended and bred with their women, passing on its feral traits.
Disappearances are often blamed upon these monsters said to be lurking in the shadow of the Forbidden Forest. Most common sightings are the eyes in the dark watching you from the tree line.

Naysayers blame it on fireflies and imaginations run wild. That Ravensholme is on the edge of the Principality, thick with dangerous wild life and bandits.
Logic and reason aside however never quell that basic instincts Human's possess. The feeling of dread causing goosebumps when a superior predator is hunting them. Nor does it stop the occasional "crazed" hermit trapper who claims to have seen them.
In this particular theme I envision a culture not far removed from the Victorian era. Think of it like a colony in a hostile fantasy environment bringing civilization to even the darkest corners of the earth.

Such is their arrogance.

Rifled muskets have replaced the bow and sword as the standard but has not progressed so far as to completely obsolete them. A steel cuirass will likely absorb the blow from the minié ball.

A human woman from either humble or aristocratic origins will offered as a sacrifice to the dark pagan gods who rule the forest. A secret cult within the settlement began to revere these deities, believing offering a virgin to the beasts who dwell in it will gain their favor and ultimately their blessing.

I'm looking for a long term scenario here. I am willing to play the Anthro ( M) or the Human ( F) with equal zeal and satisfaction. I know you won't disagree.

Feel free to PM me with any thoughts.

Other ideas of writing can include.. ( I can play either role)

Human ( F ) x Feral ( M )
Anthro ( F ) x Feral ( M )
Anthro ( F) x Anthro ( M, F )
Anthro/Mythological Beast ( M ) x Human ( F )
Vampire ( M, F ) x Werewolf ( F, M )
Alien x Human

I will continue to update this thread and include an F-List in short order.

Thank you for the consideration.
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