M/F World of Warcraft RP anyone?

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May 15, 2016
hello hello,

I'm feeling like having fun with World of Warcraft's world today, so if you're interested, PM me! ;)

I have a couple ideas in mind, but new ones are welcome too ^^ I'm okay with most races, and we can play of different horde/alliance allegiances or skill levels. Playing with Naga, dragons and other usually non playable races might be interesting too.

About the writing
- Detailed, literate, with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. It doesn’t need to be 100% perfect all the time, but poor writing just turns me off completely.

- I write in 3rd person perspective only

- I RP in PMs or through emails

- For the length, I can do and expect in return anything from 1 paragraph to a full word page depending on the RP itself and my inspiration, though the average tends to be in the 1-3 paragraphs range. In all cases, i need your post to give me some substance to reply and react to, and i will provide the same.

- I will warn you in advance, i can sometimes get busy with life and take a long time to reply, so do not hesitate to message me if i haven’t replied in a while and/or if you are getting impatient. I will totally not resent you for that, and will in fact gladly welcome the reminder, and you won’t be thinking that i’ve abandoned the RP when i haven’t.

- I play females opposite (dominant) males, and am generally looking for a rather equilibrated relationship (in terms of power/control), in one way or another. I will not play opposite other female characters or futas. I will not play opposite submissive male characters (unless they turn dominant as the RP goes on). I could be convinced to play slightly submissive roles, in certain circumstances, if the plot is very good.

- I prefer playing OCs or AUs for the freedom of it (and the potential for what-ifs and pure imagination), and you will have to be very convincing if you want me to play canon characters. But if you want to play a canon character yourself you are free to.

About the plot ideas (to be detailed to our liking once we agree on the main points, it can be rather steamy and kinky, dark and violent, or more of a lighthearted adventure thing with romantic and comedic undertones)

- our characters meet in a tavern while seeking someone to go on a dungeon quest with?

- our characters meet in the wilderness, either having to compete because they seek the same relic or something, or by hazard and they fight due to differing allegiances, or team up?

- One character is generally a recluse person, living in the mountains or some remote place, and the other somehow end up lost and hurt on their property, so the recluse can choose to pick the lost one up and heal him/her, which could lead to some cohabitation play? If the lost one isn't hurt and isn't nice, they could try to raid the place, which may be another interesting, though more violent, start.

- One character answers an offer to be the other's assistant or apprentice? Or nags the experienced character to make them teach them their class/craft? Or they could be stuck together by an organization they're both part of? (e.g.: the earthen ring for shamans of all races across both the horde and the alliance)

- one character could own a tavern (or an armor/weapons shop, or an apothecary) and the other character could be a patron that often comes here, which could go the character focused way with their relationship evolving through each meeting, and/or something happening that throws them together in an unexpected adventure

- in a similar way, they could be old rivals, specialists in their craft from opposing factions, that somehow get involved with each other over time, and have to find a way to be together, or ignore their feeling and finally put an end to it by trying to kill the other or deciding to never meet again?

- a character could be a death knight, freshly freed from Arthas' grasp, and the other a chaperone that was appointed to keep an eye on the dead knight and/or walk him/her through normal life, something the undead has totally forgotten about? It could perhaps be humorous if the death knight has some completely out of proportions relations to some things?

- one character could have been captured by the opposite faction, who is potentially trying to get info out of him/her, and the second character is part of it (warden? Interrogator?) but gets kind of obsessed with his/her prisoner along the way, leading to some compromising developments for the both of them?

Optionally, it could be a smuttier plot if you have a good idea.
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