❖Château Delacroix❖ (Seeking FEMALE SUBS)

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Jul 1, 2017
Hello! My friend and I are now only focusing on finding SUBS for the Chateau(but we will still accept private doms who are interested in us for private messaging and if we get many more subs, we'll start asking for doms again). We also accept switches (people who can swap from dom to sub(but we would really like them to lean more on the sub side). When it comes to the roleplay, we *really* appreciate elaborate details and are welcoming to all persons (third person, first person etc.)! Another thing is, is we like to use a social software called "Discord" and prefer it when her and I RP, we've already set up the server that we'll be using and we'd like to keep it relatively small and private for the people who wish to join us. Now I'll quickly talk about us two and what we like in our smut! WE ARE SEEKING FEMALE SUBS NOW!

Felicity(DOM+SUB also known as FeFe): An elegant and graceful woman who likes to be in control but appreciates someone else to be in control, though she'd never admit it. She is in her early twenties but likes to act more mature than that. In her Chateau, she expects nothing less than the best and is used to getting her way, using whatever methods she deems necessary. When playing Mistress, she is cruel in her methods of teasing and acts condescendingly towards her target but at the same time, she can quickly turn sweet if only to tease them more. She likes affection secretly but is not accustomed to it and it always catches her off guard. FeFe(Felicity's nickname) is a thicker woman, particularly in her lower body. She has thick, long, curly brown hair that she often puts in a vintage style up-do and wears similar fashion. FeFe also has creamy porcelain skin and intense, piercing blue-green eyes with well-defined eyebrows that are quite...animated. She appreciates someone who matches her tastes and adores working with someone to put a misbehaved *guest* in their place. But despite her need for control, she enjoys the occasional surprise that leaves her *not* in control.~ Here is a chart of her kinks: https://i.imgur.com/GuvEdfr.png

Naomi(SUB): A sexy little minx who is a true glutton for punishment. Naomi is shorter than Felicity and has a very curvy figure(in ALL areas). Similar in skin tone, she does have a bit more color than Felicity, and her eyes are friendlier and more blue, but hold a hint of mischief. Naomi has very long, wavy, chestnut colored hair that she usually wears down. One of Naomi's favorite pass-times is to run about the chateau and do whatever she can to frustrate and test her mistress, Felicity. Of course, this hobby of her's transfers to other potential doms. Potential masters and mistresses of this feisty fox will require patience and their own fire to make her bend to their will. Sweet and sassy, this pet is loving but very mischievous and will no doubt keep all of her dom's busy! Here's a chart of her kinks: https://i.imgur.com/ydCy0FA.png

About Chateau Delacroix: Chateau Delacroix is the pride and joy of Felicity. This is where much of the roleplay between her and Naomi and the guests will take place. *However*,
we created a channel called "nsfw-freestyle" where our *guests* can play around with different settings, scenarios, and plots. You have all the freedom you could want in this channel! We hope that we can establish friendships between the people who join our little group too(though not required)! If you join our server, you will also get your own room in the Chateau you can paint as you see fit(figuratively).

Please send me or NaomiFox a private message here if any of this sounds appealing to you. We look forward to seeing you at Chateau Delacroix!:blush:

Most of the doms are very into non-con and turning girls into slaves/pets, they have kink lists on the server as well.
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