Give In... You Know You Want To {FxF; FxM; semi/lit}

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machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
dub^con (noun)
Abbreviation of dubious and consent.

Definition: (fandom slang, erotica) Erotica or lemon fanfiction where the presence of sexual consent is unclear.

The Checklist/Explanation

I'm looking for plots that, for the most part, loosely fall into "dubcon," (also known as reluctance; I'll sometimes use the terms interchangeably) at least for the first interaction (where it goes varies). I'm somewhat flexible on this, particularly for some pairings, but I wanted to put some ideas I had out there. The following are the details:

  • Medium: Thread, PM, or email ( ) based RPs (my slight order of preference). You likely won't get me on messenger.
  • Gender Combo: I do pretty well all gender combinations and orientations. I am not interested in a female dominating a male. I can write it, but it's not my thing.
  • Character Ages: I'm fairly flexible. I prefer younger girls, and I'll rarely do older female/younger male.
  • Plot to Smut Ratio: Expect around a 60/40 to 70/30 ratio of smut to plot. This changes some with the overall flavor/genre, but I generally use plot as a device to move from sex scene to sex scene.
  • Kinks: I have a clothes fetish: I like it when girls are fucked while still wearing something and/or when they're forced to dress up in sexy/sexualized clothing. If you insta-strip a char, I'll lose a lot of interest in the RP. I also do have a bit of a kink toward threat of pregnancy/breeding. Outside of that, I'm pretty open to kinks. Most minor ones I can entertain. I can even handle several major ones. I'm not interested in scat, death, gore, or vore, nor violence for violence's sake. Also the word "cunt" throws me off for some reason. Here is my f-list, which is fairly up to date. Anything that's a "Maybe" essentially is "if it makes sense for the RP or my partner really wants it"
  • That whole length/literacy thing: Look, the whole "lit" thing is mostly garbage. But I do need some description and at least a few paragraphs to get the juices flowing. Too few and I lose interest. Too many and I get tired and would rather write my own erotica.
  • Regularity: I respond several times a day when I'm "on." I sometimes go "off," but I'm getting a lot better at letting partners know (particularly now, since I've got one partner who's essentially threatened to leave me if I don't let them know). If I love the idea, I can respond within minutes. I'm perfectly fine with daily posters, or even every few days, much longer...
  • PM Etiquette: I don't do the silly phrases, but it's good if you show that you read this. At least let me know who's playing what role (again, I'm fine with playing around). The trick is that I do male and female, sub and dom, so I never know unless you let me know who's playing who. I've literally written a starter from the wrong side of the RP, and it sucked.
tl;dr: Dub-con, mebbe branching into romance, let me know who's playing who, will play all combos.

Plot Ideas

General/Flexible; for ideas that can spread to many worlds

Egg Selling
She needs money; simple as that. She hears about this new thing that's going around: girls can sell their eggs to science/interested buyers/people. So she goes and unwittingly signs a contract over. Turns out she probably should have read the fine-print, as now her reproductive bits are all but "owned" by someone else...

The first time is so distasteful
She loves them. So much that she knows that they’re going to sleep together and it will be wonderful, magical. However, when she approaches her lover, the lover insists that the first time is distasteful. Instead, they set her up with someone else, a professional, and insist that everything be recorded. This starts a series of sessions for the poor girl, who soon find out that her lover is much more interested in watching than participating.

_____ Trainer
I recently played a RAGs game called "Wife Trainer" that I thought was especially good. The basic premise is that there exists a profession known as, well, "Wife Training." This follows the trainer as he takes on various wives that are all having various issues: they're cheating or they want to be better wives or so forth. Not all of them were actually wives: some are girlfriends or employees, but they all go through training to become 'more suited' and the training naturally involves copious amounts of sex and sexual activity.

The original world itself even allowed for some basic magic, with potions and hypnotism and such, so I'd love to include bits of that. I'd also love to try this idea with celebrities as well, and I definitely like using RL pictures (quite likely of said celebrities).

For Him
She loves him (or them, but him would likely make this kinkier). the problem is that he knows that. He also knows that she's beautiful/pretty/sexy, and that he's in trouble with someone who definitely thinks so. So he makes a deal: take her, and he gets to go free. She reluctantly agrees to a date/night/weekend, only to discover after the fact that the time will include debauchery the likes of which she could only imagine.

She's looking for something. Or someone. She just knows that they're hidden away in a shady organization. All she has to do is infiltrate. The problem is that the only way to sneak in unnoticed is by pretending to be a prostitute/sex slave/girlfriend/chattel. Soon she's wrapped up in debauchery and sinking deeper and deeper.

Fantasy/Medieval fantastical fucks of magic and splendor
Under the Bed
She's a caring young big sister, or maybe young mom, or even aunt. She loves her charge and makes sure they're safe and comfortable. Lately said child has been afraid to go to bed, however, claiming that the monsters under their bed are out to get them. Being the diligent caregiver, she checks. At first there's no monsters, and the child goes to sleep. A noise wakes her up, and she runs in to see an actual monster about to kidnap and/or consume the child. She makes a desperate offer: take me not them! the monster takes a moment: why give up a tasty morsel? Then they realize that there's a lot more fun to be had with a sexually mature female, and maybe even said female could make more tasty morsels...

Send in Your Strongest!
She's a hero. She's saved the world or become well known for being one of the strongest female warriors in the land. Perhaps she's the best knight or wizard or fighter or just a hero out of a classic fantasy storyline. She's likely been saving herself for the hero or someone else in their party. Unfortunately for her, a new threat has shown up. The threat almost immediately eliminates an entire powerful kingdom/city/country. They make a simple request: give me your strongest woman, and I'll stop. Our hero volunteers, not realizing that she's signing up for a battle in the sexual arena, where her experience is sorely lacking.
{could easily be fandom based}

Warned About the Deca-Heat
They're animals. Or at least the rest of the world wants to believe that. They have some animal in them, perhaps fully anthropomorphized or perhaps they've just got ears and benefits. Regardless, they're considered dangerous, and their territory taboo. In particular, it's said that during certain times, the danger increases dramatically for females who would dare come into contact or come near them. one female, for whatever reason, either enters into their territory or deals with one who was previously a friend. Now she finds out that the idea of "heat" is all too true for these, but she must press onward...

Borrowing the Goddess's Power
She seeks to be a hero. Or maybe just to get revenge. Regardless, she knows that to survive in this world, she needs to accumulate power. Here, gods and goddesses, or at least beings pretending to do so, will often grant portions of their power to their champions. She hears about one "forbidden" goddess that currently has no champion and seeks her out. That goddess does have power, power to spare, but it comes with a price: the goddess delights in the carnal, and her chosen champion must engage with it to receive more ability and strength. The dirtier the act, the bigger the increase.

Modern; for outings reflecting our reality

Wrong Turn
She/they were just having fun. Maybe it's Spring Break and they're traveling. Maybe they're just getting home from a party. Doesn't matter; what matters is they take a wrong turn and end up stranded somewhere. C'mon, the idea's pretty much cliche... but it's also been around for a while for good reason, right?

Meet Your New Parent
Her dad/mom made a mistake. A fairly big one, one that could potentially ruin the family. Fortunately for said family, there's a friend of the family who's willing to help out and essentially save the family. Unfortunately for her, they decide that they want custody over her, irregardless of her age. she's declared their dependent, and now has to deal with the consequences.

Fucking For Grades
She/they has/have been hacked! Some super nerd got into the college computer system and now has complete control over several permanent records on file. They've even accumulated enough evidence to make the college administration go along with it. So now they've started a new regime: if these girls want their good grades back, or even good grades period, they need to fuck their way to the top.

Squad Goals
She has to join. Maybe it's the cheerleading squad or a sorority; the details are between us. But for whatever reason, she has to join/stay on the squad. Said squad seems fine with it, but she soon finds out that in order to maintain her position, she has to do some rather lecherous things with people of the squad's choosing....

How do I porn?
She needs money. She’s not dumb: she knows that porn can be exploitative and so forth, but she’s heard that if she can manage to start it on her own, through a cam, then she can make the money. The problem is that she’s not sure how to get started by herself. Maybe she's even clueless about sex itself. But, she does happen to know someone who could help, and out of desperation, she seeks them out. They help, but they definitely have ulterior motives, and now someone quite malleable to shape in their hands.

How gay will go?
She needs money. And it’s so simple: she just has to bet that she could be a lesbian. She’s already forward thinking and totally for gay rights, so it’s no big deal. She simply makes an arrangement with a known lesbian associate to “date” her. The date does work, but the money goes double or nothing with a simple premise: video, video of her proving just how gay she can be. She figures out why not, and soon things spiral from there (either for romance or blackmail or some strange combination to our desires).

The hired shipper
She needs money. And she happens to at least know of cosplay (or maybe loves it). There’s a notice online: someone’s desperately looking for someone to cosplay a certain character at a con. She fits a lot of the physical build requirements, so she sends in a picture. To her surprise, she gets a contract with a ridiculous amount of money. She signs without thinking, and arrives. To her horror, the holder of her contract happens to not only want her to dress in the outfit for the duration, but to fuck them rather regularly, and live out their fantasies.

Fanbased; for ideas based upon existing worlds/characters

Gerudo Men
She is the Princess Zelda, of Hyrule. He is Ganondorf of the Gerudo. Thus our story is set in a world parallel to the popular Legend of Zelda games. Zelda suspects something about Ganondorf, for whatever reason, but the rest of Hyrule remains convinced he is harmless, possibly even friendly. Well, the rest of the world save for the hero of time, Link. Zelda opts to make her move, attempting to discover more about Ganondorf. Unfortunately for her, he's willing enough to let her discover quite a bit, like how the rumors about Gerudo men are more true than the virginal Zelda thinks.

Malfoy's Plan
She is the key to Harry Potter's success. Of all the Dark Lord's associates, Draco Malfoy knows this more than anyone. He knows that if you remove Hermione Granger from the equation, then there's no way simple Harry Potter could figure things out. So he sets his sights on Miss Granger, figuring the best way to remove her is to make her his. (This could also lead to a dark romance Dramoine style if necessary).

The HoneyBee Inn
It's an infamous FFVII location. Though who's to say that this didn't extend to other FFs, like the famous chocobos and Cids? In the game, it served as a semi-playful locale where people could pay to have titillating fantasies brought to life. What if we took that concept and took it further? Investigation, capture, poor luck: a FF girl or girls wind up in the HoneyBee, and find themselves in over their head in a hurry.

Some Loose Cravings
--I will always do Korra x Asami from LoK. I almost don't care the plot: I've never gotten to do a very long term of this and I love the ship.

--I love Harry Potter. I'll gladly RP in that world. Hermione Granger is one of my biggest character crushes (and probably why I'm not a huge Ron Weasley fan), so I will likely jump at the chance to play her or possibly bang her.

--I really, really want to do a RP with Supergirl, particularly looking and acting in a way that matches that (Millennial Supergirl? Only less adorkable than the TV show version; I love her; I'd just rather date her than write erotica about her)

--I'm generally up for doing something involving the girls from RWBY.

--The world of Fairy Tail offers a lot of fun possibilities, though I'm less sure about using canon characters for that.
RE: Delightfully Decadent Dubcon {FxF; FxM; semi/lit}

would like a few more partners; got several good ones now~ (adding a new plot!)
RE: Delightfully Decadent Dubcon {FxF; FxM; semi/lit}

looking for a few more, particularly with some fantasy elements~
RE: Delightfully Decadent Dubcon (and more?) {FxF; FxM; semi/lit}

what's this? Some major reorganization? More plots? Spoilers? finally got around to really expanding this, and hoping for more interested parties~
RE: Delightfully Decadent Dubcon (and more?) {FxF; FxM; semi/lit}

hey look, finally fixed a sorta not there link; still looking~
Hey, I was hoping to try this out. I'm new to the site, but I'd like to contact you with e-mail to discuss details further.
Alty said:
Hey, I was hoping to try this out. I'm new to the site, but I'd like to contact you with e-mail to discuss details further.
Pretty sure you're not supposed to post in other people's request threads, but since you're new, I don't think anyone's gonna hold it against you or anything. I went ahead and dropped my email into my request, since I realized it's not there. It's if you want to email me. In the future, you may want to stick to PM-ing someone or just emailing them though :)
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