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Now Who's in Charge? (An unexpected master/slave relationship develops)

Should the next chapter continue to be from David's POV?

  • Keep David's point of view

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  • Switch to Jessica's point of view

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May 11, 2017
So, this is a story that was originally a roleplay. With the permission of my roleplay partner I transformed our back-and-forth dialogue and action into one cohesive story to make it easier to follow. This has been (and is still ongoing) a fun and exciting story for us to develop; full of twists and turns that often take each other by surprise. We knew going into it the general idea of what we wanted to accomplish with our story and I think we'd both agree that we accomplished that and so much more. Together we are on what we have titled chapter 27.

I decided to tell the story (at least this chapter) from the male perspective because I thought it would be more interesting that way. Here is the first chapter. Enjoy.

Chapter 1 – Fun Times in the Office with the New Intern

The gaze of the CEO was locked intently on to the monitor on his desk, in his peripheral vision he caught a glimpse of movement. Immediately he felt himself become agitated. Lunch time was the one time of day when he put his phone on 'Do Not Disturb', conducted no meetings, and allowed himself time to get caught up on returning emails and reviewing project reports.

People at his office knew not to bother him at this time of day unless it was critical. So why was his door opening? Without so much as looking up he called out to his secretary, grumbling, "Margaret? You didn't schedule a meeting for me, did you?"

Only when he heard the door close did he look away from his monitor. In an instant his demeanor changed noticeably, even a hint of a smile crossing his face. Though he tried to maintain as professional of an appearance as possible, he couldn't help but have his eyes take in the sight of the curves of this gorgeous young woman who for some reason was now standing in his office.

Standing just inside the door was a rather timid looking young woman. “Sir, I need to speak with you.” She said in a small, scared voice which only worked to stroke his own arrogance. The power he clearly had over her made his chest swell slightly. She was the epitome of beauty in David’s mind. Blond hair, eyes as blue as the ocean, pale white skin that looked to be carved from marble and the body of a supermodel; all added up to a bombshell of a young woman. If he had to guess he would say her breasts – which were partially hidden by the white tablet she was clutching to her chest like a life preserver – were at least D cups. The flattering white dress she wore hugged her slim body close and accented her curves and edges so perfectly it was like a second skin. The paleness of her legs was made even paler due to the black fishnet stockings that covered them. It was an intoxicating mixture of flesh and clothing that caused his pants to become tighter.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone," he offered with a smile, rising from his desk and approaching his visitor. Though the deep blue jacket of his custom tailored suit hung neatly on a hanger on a corner coat rack, his sense of style was obvious. He wore a crisp white monogrammed shirt with a red silk designer tie, stylish yet conservative. His eyes were a captivating shade of blue, his hair blonde, short and neatly styled, as was the tidily maintained facial hair that gave him a more rugged appearance.

Though the handsome 35 year old man had the appearance of a conservative businessman, his reputation was that of an aggressive, no-nonsense, win at all costs sort of leader. Still, he always knew when to wear a smile, particularly when he was around a gorgeous woman.

He extended his hand toward her. "Hello, I'm David Morton. And you are?" he asked politely, before adding, "And, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

To his amusement, the young thing bit her lip as her eyes clearly took him in. He noticed the way her eyes lingered on his crotch. He didn’t need to look down to know there was a slight bulge forming there, the presence of such a young beauty was already having effects on him. She seemed awe-struck, like she was meeting her idol for the first time. It wasn’t until he was standing directly in front of her, his hand outstretched for a hand-shake that she seemed to realize she wasn’t dreaming.

Reaching out her hand, she placed it delicately into his own. “Oh, uh… It’s Ja-Jessica.” She stumbled, her face flushing in embarrassment as her words caught in her mouth. “I’m the new intern. Mr. Brown hired me a couple weeks ago.”

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Jessica," he said with a smile. "And welcome to our firm."

David Morton was the sort of man who was simply enamored by beautiful women, but there was something different about this woman. Something unique. For a brief moment he looked at her almost as if studying her, trying to determine just what it was about her that seemed to have him feeling so captivated and intrigued. Though he told himself that was just because she looked like a figure right out of his fantasies; he would have to thank Mike for this later.

But then, his gaze momentarily glanced downward and he was distracted by the tempting view of soft, pillowy, perfectly shaped breasts. Even the silky softness of her hand in his had his mind momentarily distracted by thoughts of what it would be like to feel them caressing and brushing against his skin. They stood there staring at each other for a long couple of minutes. She made no move to pull her hand away and so he just enjoyed the feeling of her soft, small hand in his.

His momentary reverie was broken though by the sound of her voice, “Sorry.” Glancing back at her face he saw that her cheeks were even more flushed now. “I… It’s just that…” Once more she was biting her lip; she was kind of cute when she did that. “You’re so handsome!” She blurted out. His eyebrows rose ever so slightly in amusement at the suddenness of her exclamation. Though instantly she seemed to regret her words as her hand flew up to cover her mouth. Her head started to shake back and forth, eyes wide. “I-I’m sorry… That was inappropriate… I um… I had something I wanted to show you…” Her voice was getting softer and softer as she rambled, as though she was afraid he would just throw her out for her inappropriate words.

With a hint of mischief in his eyes he replied with a smile, "Don't be silly, that wasn't inappropriate at all. I may be a bit older than you, but I'm not too old to appreciate a compliment from a beautiful woman, I'm flattered... so, thank you." He even offered a playful wink.

She looked away, looking flustered and fumbled with her tablet. "I, uh... I have something to... uh... to show you."

"Oh? Well then, let's see what that is then, shall we? And please, I want you to feel free to come see me anytime Jessica. My door is always open," he added. Well, that was blatantly untrue most of the time, unless of course it was directed toward a beautiful woman - then indeed David always was welcoming.

The poor dear seemed relieved that he was so forgiving. Taking the moment to look away, she quickly held out her table. The screen was blank. The color to her cheeks – which had just started to dissipate – returned and she gave him a weak smile. “Oh blast this thing… Sorry, it must have turned off on me. Just a moment.”

While Jessica dealt with her tablet David made no move to step away, instead doing his best to appear as if he was intently watching her tablet and waiting for it to boot up. The reality was, no matter how hard he tried the breast-obsessed man could scarcely draw his gaze away from her tantalizing cleavage. Truthfully, between the visual treats he was enjoying and the light, intoxicating scent of her perfume he couldn't have been more content.

The tablet made noise as it booted up. She reached into the case and pulled out her stylus only to have the plastic utensil slip from her fingers and roll across the room. She blushed prettily, the pink of her cheeks accenting her natural makeup. "S-Sorry." She muttered again, seeming flustered. Turning, she quickly bent over to pick up the stylus. This treated David to a view of her perfect round behind as her short skirt rode up. There was just the barest bit of red material covering her crotch but the thin strap of the thong was swallowed by her smooth bare behind.

His eyes widened though at the sight of her bending over to pick her up stylus, his mouth even dropping open. His first instinct was to be a gentleman and pick it up for her, but he was in such a state of shock at the sight before him he simply stood there motionless. Even when she managed to gather up the stylus and turned back toward him he still wore that same look of awe on his face that he then quickly had to try to conceal.

"Got it? Ready to go now?" He asked with a smile, his face still noticeably flushed. David then pointed toward the plush black leather sofa that sat along the back wall of his office. "Please, have a seat, make yourself comfortable," he invited. "I'm very much looking forward to seeing what you have to show me. One moment though first please?"

David strode over to his desk, picked up his phone and buzzed his secretary. "Margaret, I'm going to be in a meeting for a bit so please hold all my calls." With a smile, he then returned so that he could join Jessica on the couch.

Truthfully, David had little use for interns. To him they were a waste of corporate time and money. From his perspective rarely did they make any substantial contributions to the company and they were there simply to earn a paycheck. Because of that, though he never would come out and say it explicitly, he had a way of making it clear to the head of HR of the 'type' of intern he preferred to see roaming the halls. And while he had seen, and enjoyed, many female interns before; Jessica was... well... exceptional.

Now sitting next to her on his sofa David put on his best corporate face and conveyed the appearance of paying close attention, though his mind was whirring and his gaze alternating between Jessica's enticing cleavage and shapely legs. Though he noticed the way she had shifted closer to him. As close as she could be without actually touching him. Due to his height, it gave him a great view right down her lovely shirt.

"So, I know I'm just a low-level intern, Mr. Morton, but I caught a glimpse of something that concerned me." She was saying.

He nodded subtly, quietly saying, "Mmm hmm, I see... I see," as she spoke, feigning interest in her presentation.

She pulled up a spreadsheet on her tablet. "I was going over one of the reports I was supposed to analyze and re-type when some of the figures didn't quite add up. I have a thing for numbers, you see. At first I thought it was an innocent mistake; that someone had written down the wrong number on their paperwork."

He fought back a grin, and also felt a stirring, at the feel of her hand finding his leg where it casually came to rest. 'Perfect,' he thought to himself. 'Yet another young, innocent, vulnerable girl who is infatuated by wealthy, powerful, older men.' Now his mind really began whirring, fast forwarding to that inevitable moment when this sweet girl surrendered to his charms and he was exploring all of her luscious curves to his heart's content.

"It got me thinking so I started looking through the finances a little more. These discrepancies keep appearing. See look.”


“I made a spreadsheet of all the discrepancies. It adds up quickly. It doesn't look like an oversight either. So I looked into where the money is going. It's all going to the same bank account. Which means someone is stealing money. Either the accountants are in on it or they've been paid off to ignore it. I think this is coming from somewhere higher up though."

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Suddenly his mood soured, but he did his best to disguise it. Quickly he remembered that he wasn't being grilled by a ruthless attorney or by a financial expert, but rather merely by a low-level intern who likely didn't even completely understand what she'd uncovered. This was no doubt the sort of girl who could be charmed, persuaded and if necessary, intimidated. Definitely not the sort of girl who could potentially cause his career, his life, to come crashing down around him.

Still, he needed to proceed with some degree of caution. He needed to get her off of the trail, and he needed this to come to an end. Quickly.
Now that she was done explaining she looked over at him and seemed to notice where her hand was. She blushed and pulled her hand back quickly. "Sorry."

Gathering his composure when he felt her hand draw back he smiled and said, "No need to apologize." Then, as if to reassure and convey he was not uncomfortable he let his hand rest on hers for a moment, then moved his hand so it rested on her knee. "No need to feel uncomfortable around me, Jessica," he said with a smile. "Trust me, I'm not one of those people who is easily offended, and I hope you're not either... I'd much rather you feel like you can just be yourself around me."

Reluctantly, he then drew his hand away from her knee, wishing that instead it was traveling slowly up along the inside of her silky thigh. Thinking quickly and regaining focus he explained, "That was really outstanding work, Jessica... I'm impressed... really impressed. And, you absolutely did the right thing by coming directly to me." Her eyes seemed to light up and she sat up a little straighter, happy to be complemented on her hard work.

He paused, then continued. "I have to tell you though; I'm already aware of the situation and have a team working on this. I expect that this will be resolved shortly and that the person responsible will be identified soon. Obviously this is a highly confidential matter so I need to make sure you understand how critical it is you don't say a word about this to anyone other than me. I mean, who knows at this point who you might be divulging information to if you did?"

Wanting to drive home his point even further, David paused for emphasis then added. "Our corporate attorneys are all over this one right now, so the best thing you can do is to just keep this between you and me. Trust me, you don't want to find yourself in the middle of a legal mess..... you understand, don't you Jessica?"

She bit her lip, her cheeks going red a little. "O-Of course, sir. You are the only person I've shown this to." She took a couple quick breaths. "Is it hot in here or is that just me?" She asked. Indeed her forehead was glistening with a thin layer of sweat. Her hand went to her shirt and pulled it away from her heated body then fanned herself a little with it. The way she did so not only revealed more of her shiny, soft breasts but wafted her smell towards the older man.

‘My god in heaven, this girl is unbelievable,’ David thought to himself as she oh so casually fanned herself with her shirt. As if the view of her breasts wasn't tempting enough, now she was all but putting them on display for him to see. His attempt to resist was futile. Not only were his eyes drawn to her soft, glistening mounds but the delicate, feminine scent of her breasts wafting toward him caused his breath to catch in his throat.

"No, no," he replied, his voice cracking ever so slightly when he first spoke. "It's not just you; it's definitely a little warm in here today." Taking the opportunity, he then loosened his tie and undid the first button, exhaling with a bit of legitimate relief as he softly said, "There... that's better... I hope you don't mind."

"I swear I won't show this to anyone else." She said, setting her hand on his thigh now, her tablet resting precariously on his lap, her hand tantalizingly close to the bulge starting to form in his pants. Though she seemed oblivious to his arousal. "Um, sir... If I may ask..." She looked down at her lap and stopped fanning herself, seeming unsure of how to word her next question.

With his senses already reeling, to his disbelief he then breathed in the unmistakable scent of feminine arousal. ‘My god, is this girl getting hot and turned on?’ He thought to himself incredulously. Ok, now his head was spinning and the bulge in his designer suit pants was growing by the second. And, when her hand again found his thigh it was as if his cock immediately switched teams, now obeying Jessica's touch and stiffening even more in tribute rather than adhering to his own futile hopes of controlling himself.

"Did you- I mean.." She took a deep breath. "Are you the one taking the money?" She blurted out, coming right out and saying it and then blushing even more before suddenly standing.

It was at that moment, when his mind reeling the most, that he heard her utter the imaginable words. Did he take the money?? Fuck, fuck, fuck. How could this brand new low-level intern be so bold, so brash to question someone like him?! Never mind the trivial little details like... it was absolutely true. Who was she to question him??

Somehow he managed to break free from his lust-induced haze he'd been trapped in and was about to tell her, in no uncertain terms, that not only was he not the one, but there was no longer a place in the company for a young woman with her attitude. But then, he felt like once again he was hit with a staggering uppercut.

"Sorry. That was wrong of me. Just the idea of someone like you, powerful, rich and... and handsome... Of you doing something so... wrong got me excited. I'm sorry." She bowed slightly in an almost anime-esque admittance of wrong doing. "Please, forgive my brash words."

Wait, what?? The thought of him being the one turned her on?? How could that be??

‘Think, think, think...’ he told himself, trying to reboot his mind from its sexual daze. But, with Jessica now standing directly in front of him her sweet erotic scent was even more obvious, more dizzying. Briefly, his eyes glazed over with pure lust as her scent invaded his senses. He found his head swimming as his gaze was now directed toward her full curvy hips, but when he looked away his eyes traveled upward, the swells of her breasts so alluring from this perspective they were intimidating. David was feeling hotter, more trapped, more confused, and most definitely more turned on by the minute.

Obviously he didn't want to commit career suicide, but still..... my god, this girl was not only a gift from heaven, but she was the definition of irresistible. His breathing was now noticeably labored, his face flushed as he loosened his tie a bit more. Maybe, he could let the door crack open slightly.... let her in just enough so that he could capitalize on her apparent 'bad boy' fetish and have what he wanted without risking everything. Just hearing her call him powerful, rich and handsome was like an aphrodisiac to David, fueling both his lust and ego, making her all the more irresistible to him.

Exhaling deeply he managed to stand, and then slowly walk past her. "Jessica... I.... I.... you have to understand...," he said, walking toward his office door, turning the deadbolt to ensure it was locked. He was vaguely aware that she was still holding her tablet but it didn’t bother him; she was just holding onto it for dear life it seemed.

He then turned and walked back toward her. "It's... complicated... a lot of circumstances you don't know about," he said. Now standing close to her he gently touched his hand to her face and in a soft voice said, "Jessica, you're obviously a very bright girl.... and, I feel like I can trust you."

Slowly, his fingertips trailed softly from her face, down to her jaw then slowly down the line of her graceful neck. "I can, can't I? Trust you, I mean?" he said, looking in to her eyes.

His fingertips then drifted lower still, tracing lightly along the edge of the fabric of her top, brushing against the silky softness of the swell of her breasts. Now almost in a whisper he said, "Jessica... it's not what you think... but... yes... it's me. You're the only person I've told, and I hope you're not going to make me regret trusting you."

She was looking down, not meeting his gaze but as he admitted that he was the one to steal the money he saw a small smile form on her lips. Her face turned to look at him and lit up with excitement. Whether it was just the thrill of being right, or because she was turned on by knowing he was the one behind it, he couldn’t know.

“It is?” She asked breathlessly. Her eyes appreciatively took in the inch or two of skin exposed from him loosening his tie. "Will you... tell me all about it?" Her hands carefully undid his tie, slowly sliding it from his neck as her eyes finally locked with his for the first time since they had made their way to the couch. Her bright blue eyes seemed even more stunning with the way her face was flushed and the way they shone with excitement.

For a brief moment David felt a sickening twinge of regret. Why in god's name was he making these confessions to this young woman he didn't know at all? What had he been thinking? But then, he heard the tone of her voice. Saw the sparkle in her eyes. And oh god, the way she reached up and allowed her slender, delicate fingers to undo and peel off his tie was so breathtakingly seductive that he felt as dazed and entranced as a school boy.

Clearly Jessica was unlike any other young woman he'd ever known. It couldn't have been more obvious to him that his trust had not been misguided, that in fact his little confession had her so turned on that he had her playing right in to his hand. Not only did he obviously have a hot little admirer, but she was turned on by his power, his wealth, and the fact that he felt so invincible he could get away with whatever he pleased.

"How did you manage to steal the money with no one else noticing?" She asked as one of her hands reached up to run through his hair. "I mean, the accountants at least didn't seem to notice. Or did you pay them off?" Her excitement was getting the better of her as she questioned him, seeming genuinely curious about how he had pulled off such a feat in a short amount of time.

Her entire body language told him that she was ready to fuck him right here and now. She was just waiting for permission.

The more he told her, the more he could hear her lust and arousal for him all but bubbling over in her voice. He began by offering only small details, almost teasing her by holding back what he knew she really wanted until she was all but begging for it. “Oh god," he moaned softly at the feel of her fingers in his hair, prompting yet another barrage of words from him. Gradually, the more obvious it became to him that she was hanging on his every word the more impossible it became for the power-hungry, lust-crazed man to stop the words from flowing like a cascading waterfall.

".... yes, it's been going on for months.......... hundreds of thousands of dollars..... the idiots in accounting are clueless.... well, except for the one I fired and blackmailed to make sure he kept his mouth shut.... it's not just the one account you saw, I have dozens....... the Caymans... Switzerland...."

The more he talked the more he could breathe in the scent of her arousal, the more her breasts heaved and her stiffening nipples poked through the fabric. He was powerless to stop the flow of confessions, each one obviously a heady aphrodisiac to the impressionable, awe-struck young woman. He felt a rush of power as his confessions were leaving this sweet girl in a state of total awe and crazed lust over him.

Brazenly, the young woman set his tie around her own neck her fingers found the next button of his shirt and pulled it open, her eyes breaking from his gaze to admire his chest.

When he looked at her with his tie draped seductively around her neck he all but groaned, "My god you are beautiful," his eyes clearly now undressing her.

Suddenly her hands gripped the fine material in a tight grasp as she looked back up at him and pushed herself onto her tip-toes, her lips meeting his in a wild and passionate kiss that left a dark red lipstick smear across David’s lips. Holding the kiss for a moment she pulled away just as suddenly with a gasp, returning to the shy girl she truly was before she’d been overcome with her sudden passion. "S-Sorry. That was... I don't know what came over me..."

By the time she gripped his shirt and leaned in to him with her hot, smoldering kiss David had been reduced to a mindless incoherent mass of raging male hormones. He couldn't remember when the last time he was that he'd wanted a woman this badly, and for David Morton, that was saying something.

Any thoughts of potential trouble were now long gone, in fact David's mind was now capable of thinking of one thing, and one thing only. "Don't be silly," he said, his voice nearly panting with lust.

He wound one arm around her so he could draw her close, his hand gliding down her back, then touching and squeezing her perfectly sculpted ass while he not so subtly allowed his now bulging erection to press against her. His other hand momentarily went to one of her breasts, which he briefly but boldly fondled, moaning softly at its softness and exquisite perfection.

David's chest was now visibly rising and falling with each breath as reluctantly he allowed his hand on her breast to drift upward, where it went to the back of her head, his fingers entwining gently, yet possessively, in her silky hair.

"I don't want you to be sorry, Jessica..... ," he said softly. "What I want is... to fuck you. God, you're so unbelievably sexy.... I've wanted to fuck you from the moment you walked in to my office........."

By that time David was so engulfed in his own desperate lust that he interrupted himself by capturing her mouth with his own, kissing her even more passionately, more hungrily than she had him. When he broke the kiss David looked at her with smoldering eyes and in a mischievous voice said, "So, the door's locked and my calls are on hold..... how about I give you your own special tour of my office? Starting right here on this soft, leather couch?"

"Oh, Mr. Morton... But you only told your secretary to hold your calls for little bit. I don't think that will be enough to hold us over, do you? Maybe you should tell her to hold them... The rest of the day? And cancel all meetings." She said with her own mischievous smile.

Though he tried to conceal it, no doubt her bold comment revealed a chink in his armor, a nonverbal confession of sorts that he was not expecting her to be even more bold than he had been. Blinking several times in an effort to clear his eyes and his mind, he grinned and replied, "What was I thinking?? You're right.... absolutely I should... I don't think we want to be interrupted, now do we?"

Most women who found themselves in... let's say, a compromising position... in David's office tended to simply surrender to him. To his shock that certainly did not seem to be true of Jessica. Not only was this young beauty bold enough to come in to his office and all but accuse of him embezzlement, but now she was confident and assertive enough to guide him across his own office and back him up against his own desk??


What was it with this girl?? She was gorgeous. She was bold. She was confident. To be honest, to David she was a living, breathing wet dream! Rarely did a woman even his own age show this amount of sexual confidence, let alone a woman who looked young enough that she could almost be his own daughter. She was smaller than him by far. A petite, frail seeming girl. Yet the way she guided him across the room with no resistance you would have thought she were the one in control.

Honestly, at this point even though he was in the sanctity of his own office Jessica had him feeling more than a little off-balance. Rarely was he not the one in control. Sure, he was an admitted womanizer but rarely did a woman have his senses reeling so much that he found himself relinquishing the upper hand.

Not that he didn't enjoy this, quite the contrary; something about women who were sexually assertive, confident, women who were his match sexually were dizzying and mystifying to David. He ran across them so rarely that when he did he found himself slipping into a state of awe.

As he leaned back against his desk he was transfixed, as if his feet were embedded in concrete, watching silently and swallowing hard. Her small hands with their perfectly manicured nails began to undo his belt and then slipped it through the belt buckles; slow and steady, allowing the buildup of anticipation for what was to come. With a soft noise she set the leather belt on his desk and then her fingers undid the button on his pants. Her blue eyes met his as she undid the zipper. Slowly, carefully she reached through the opening in the fine material and found the silken boxers underneath. Her fingers slipped into the slit and at last found flesh. With a practiced motion she slid his cock out through the material and exposed it to the warm air of the room. "Oh god.... Jessica....."

Her delicate fingertips were softer than the luxurious silk boxers he wore, her touch like that of a goddess, causing his cock to twitch and a feverish wave of heat to surge through his body.

Without ever releasing his cock, her other hand picked up his office phone and held it out to him. "Call Margaret back. Tell her your... meeting... is going to last the rest of the day. Tell her you aren't to be disturbed no matter what." Mindlessly he nodded his agreement, his mouth parted slightly as his body was now trying to suck in much needed oxygen. At that moment he was more than willing to do whatever this woman asked if it meant he could still feel her touch where he ached for it most.

Quickly he realized that Jessica's comment wasn't a request, it was an expectation. Compliantly, David hit the button for Margaret's extension.

"Margaret.... my meeting is going to take longer than I thought. I'm going to need you to........." He paused, his words becoming stuck as he watched Jessica drop to her knees.

"I... I'm going to need you to clear my schedule for the rest of the afternoon.... ", his voice growing distant and more quiet as he watched her settle in before him.

And then, the feel of her tongue softly licking his shaft caused David to gasp softly, which he quickly disguised with a fake cough.

His voice was now more hurried, and breaking more noticeably. "Just.... clear my schedule... no calls... no interruptions........ for the rest of the day...", then exhaling in relief he hit the button again to end the call. And to be safe, hit his DND button as well.

Now, he could focus on the goddess on her knees before him. As pleasurable as the sensations felt, the sight of this gorgeous young woman on her knees before him was nearly just as arousing. Reaching down he stroked his fingers through her hair, feeling so dizzy with lust he was grateful that he was leaning back against his desk.

"So good......... that's it...... sooo good, Jessica. Just like that....," he moaned softly. His mind already fast forwarding with all the ways he would soon be making her his own little sex toy, using this gorgeous beauty to his heart's content.

Her lips and tongue were all but worshipping the entire length of his cock. And damn was she good; clearly she had practice doing this. She was a good little cock sucker and he intended to keep her all to himself now that he had her.

At the feel of his cock being vanquished from the velvety warmth of Jessica's mouth and being brought back in to the cool air David couldn't help but let out a soft moan of frustration. Any concerns he had were short-lived though as, much to his surprise, he found himself being pushed down on to his own desk.

Unreal. It was hardly the first time he'd had sex at his sturdy, intimidating desk - after all many times he'd had women at his mercy, bent over it as he used them for his pleasure. Never though could he recall anyone as bold as Jessica, taking him at his own desk??

When he found himself looking up at this gorgeous woman, now straddling him on his own desk, David couldn't conceal the look of dazed disbelief in his eyes. "Unbelievable," he said softly to no one in particular, the sight of her above him all but taking his breath away. “You know, we would both be more comfortable on the couch…”

"I'm sure the couch would be more comfortable, but this feels more... naughty." She explained, meeting his gaze.

"Damn, you are indeed one seriously naughty girl Jessica," he agreed with a wry smile. "But trust me, I assure you.... if you like the desk..... then fuck yes, I'm not going anywhere. The desk is perfect."

Little did he know he indeed wasn't going anywhere. Wasting no time the seductive blonde ran her hands up his arms in a slow and seductive movement that left him gasping in pleasure. While his head was fogged with lust so it took him a moment to realize thad she had taken the tie – his tie – from around her neck and expertly tied his wrists together. By the time he realized what she was doing she was leaned over his face. The beautiful cleavage of her chest hung before him and he was mesmerized, staring at the soft creaminess of her breasts, breathing in her scent. Truth be known, that simple move had rendered him helpless even before the sturdy strength of his silk tie had made his capture complete.

Instinctively his arms pulled against the tie, testing it. He was going nowhere; the vixen had tied the other end around – he could only assume since he couldn’t see it – the leg of his desk. And, as securely as he had been tied he suspected this may not have been the first time sweet, innocent Jessica had done this to a man. "Damn, you really do have a naughty side, don't you?" he said as he had no choice but to relax his arms.

This was definitely new territory for David. His heart was beating faster, his cock pulsing more urgently, his arousal clearly apparent on his face. Wanting to appear as if he had some degree of control, he said jokingly, almost as if taunting her, "Uh ohh, I guess you've got me now, huh? So, what are you going to do with me?"

But then his sense of power came crashing down with a thud as he watched Jessica seductively peel off her blouse and let it fall to the floor. Her pink bra underneath was a tease and sent a pulse of lust through his body.

"You'd like to touch these, wouldn't you, sir?" She asked teasingly, knowing that she had just tied his hands

His tone of voice was suddenly far less self-assured and cocky when he softly replied, "Very much."

Then she leaned forward and softly enveloped his face with the warmth, scent and softness of her bra-encased cleavage his head strained upward, his voice murmuring a muffled plea of, "My god..... Jessica...... please??" His head turned from side to side, longing to feel her softness against him, tilting his head back as he tried to kiss them.

"Mmm, Mr. Morton..." Her voice was soft and teasing and he felt his cock growing ever harder from the tease of what she was doing to him.

Instead of his plea being mercifully granted she rose up, the older man no doubt looking foolish as his head continued straining upward, trying to maintain contact until he had no choice but to let his fall back down with a soft groan of frustration. Now, all he could do was look up at her with pleading eyes. Eyes which widened as he suddenly felt her grinding the warmth of her wet panties along the length of his straining shaft. His gaze alternated between the swaying of her barely covered breasts and the erotic undulations of her hips, moaning softly as the moist warmth of her silky panties teased his desperately aroused cock.

Now, David was visibly panting, his face flushed as beads of perspiration formed. His hips tried to move beneath her, writhing, squirming, his cock frantically trying to find a way break the barrier of her moist panties. Soft, desperate sounds of need were coming from him, his arms sometimes pulling futilely against the silk tie.

"Jessica....... my god..... you are unbelievable......," he panted, the lust in his voice obvious. "Please?.... I want you so bad....... my god, you're driving me crazy......."

So obviously at first glance it was obvious to David that Jessica was ultra hot. However, never in his wildest imagination would he have imagined that this young woman who at first glance seemed so timid and tentative was in actuality a tigress, the likes of which he had never seen before.

He groaned in frustration, pleading, "No.... don't stop...." when she stopped erotically grinding her glistening sex against him. He could see his pleas were pointless though. Clearly, Jessica had something else on her agenda and was not to be stopped.

"Hey..... w-wait.... what are you doing?" apprehension evident in his voice when she began manipulating his body and his legs. David breathed a sigh of relief though when he realized all she was doing was peeling off his pants and boxers the rest of the way. Perfect. At least that would give him a little more freedom of movement.

Or, so he thought.

When she stopped, leaving his pants bunched up at his ankles above his shoes David suggested, "You don't have to stop...... you can keep going." Unfortunately she seemingly was ignoring me. He wiggled his legs, trying to find a way to shake his pants free but they were clearly stuck and going nowhere.

"Jessica? You can take them off the rest of the way," he suggested again, as if perhaps she hadn't heard him the first time.

Then, suddenly he felt her foot press down firmly on his pants and almost magically - his legs were virtually restrained. "Oh god," David groaned softly, suddenly realizing this girl had absolute no intention of freeing his legs from his pants.

Now she picked up his leather belt and looked down at him. "Now, what should I do with this?" She asked, holding it up. The belt was a strong, sturdy leather. she folded it in half and gripped either end before snapping it against itself with a loud 'snap'. She did it a couple more times, watching him with brilliant eyes.

The sights and sounds of her wickedly toying with his belt though quickly distracted him from the concerns of his bunched up pants. My god, this girl was relentless! Not only did things seem to be happening at break neck speed, but they were all Jessica's doing and he was powerless to stop any of them.

Swallowing hard he began shaking his head, for the first time some legitimate fear now showing on his face. "W-wait... wait, wait....," he said in an unsteady voice, his eyes locked on to the way her hands now wickedly toyed with the leather belt. "You don't have to do that.... you d-don't need that," he added. Truthfully, he had no idea what she might even be contemplating, but whatever it was he was all too well aware he was in no position to stop her.

Then again, she was at working maneuvering his legs, spreading them, making him feel so exposed and vulnerable in front of this young girl that his face turned crimson. For a moment David even closed his eyes, as if that might somehow spare him a shred of dignity. Again though, she pressed down on his pants, but now with his legs spread he was even more helpless and unable to move.

He tried to shift and move and when he realized how difficult it was a soft, involuntary whimper escaped him. Who in god's name was this girl?? And what was she?? Some sort of bondage genius??

David watched as she knelt between his parted legs, the belt still in her hands. At the feel of it touching his balls he gasped and pleaded, "Nooo... no, no.... please don't....," his voice now that of a man who recognized he was now at the mercy of another. His body tensed and he pulled against the make-shift restraints that held him in place.

Then, mercifully, she pulled the belt away from his nether region. "Thank god," he exhaled in relief, when he realized that his balls were going to be spared. Instead she was simply finishing off her wickedly creative bondage masterpiece, having now effectively spread and bound the corporate CEO to his own desk. Unbelievable.

His breathing was now coming in short gasps, his body visibly trembling, yet throughout all of this the stiffness and pulsing of his swollen, needy cock had not diminished even a little bit. He all but whimpered in a blend of pleasure and relief when he felt first the softness of her hand, then the warmth of her mouth back on his cock.

Instinctively his body tried to thrust upward, seeking more, but now Jessica's wickedly effective bondage ensured virtually any movement was impossible. "Oh god," he moaned softly in disbelief at what had happened to him in such a short period of time.

"You.... are amazing....... but h-how.... w-why......," he groaned in confusion. But then, again he was lost in pleasure and need and he simply begged, ".... it's sooo good.... don't stop.... please don't stop...."

Mercifully, now that she had succeeded in rendering him helpless it appeared that finally Jessica was again ready to resume paying attention to his frustrated, needy cock. David let out a low, soft moan as once again her soft hand and warm mouth went to work.

Unlike most younger women, Jessica had a style that was slow, patient, deliberate.... like a woman who knew she had all the time in the world, able to take her time and do as she pleased. In no position to argue, David had no choice but to lie back and accept whatever it was she was willing to give him.

At the pace she was working him the pleasure was building feverishly, like a form of slow torture. He wanted to thrust, he wanted to fuck, but instead his office was soon filled with the sound of his own soft, needy pleasure-filled moans.

But then, she began to slowly draw him deeper... and deeper in to her mouth. His muscles were tensing in anticipation, his fists clenching, his eyes watching in disbelief as more and more of his long, thick shaft continued to disappear between her soft, full lips.

Then, suddenly she stopped and he felt her smoldering eyes lock on to his, as if daring him to look away. Whimpering softly he pleaded, "More....... please more........," his eyes begging her for mercy.

Thank god she was indeed merciful, and she continued, drawing him deeper, taking the length of him down her throat. "My god," he groaned in amazement, his body now feverish and dripping with sweat. With her throat now contracting around him, her mouth sucking, David felt totally lost in pleasure.

"..... yessss..... yesssss..... my god Jessica yessss," he babbled incoherently. His cock throbbed and his balls were in turmoil, cum bubbling and churning within them as he felt the onset of his orgasm begin well up within him.

His groans became more needy, more frantic, his limbs straining against his makeshift, yet cruelly effective bonds. He could feel himself getting closer, the pleasure now overwhelming him and making the room spin. This girl might be young, but he had no doubt she was extraordinarily skilled and experienced in the sensual art of pleasing men.

Then, he felt Jessica's mouth begin slowly drawing back and he moaned, "..... no..... no...... almost there..... don't stop......." Still, her mouth continued pulling back, his pleas now becoming more desperate.

"Oh god.... no, no, no.... Jessica don't....," he pleaded. He tried to thrust his hips upward to maintain contact but they would barely budge. Oh fuck, he was so close... all he needed was a few more seconds.

"Jessica nooo!," he cried out. "Don't stop yet!" But, it was too late. Her mouth had abandoned him, and his cock was now waving and bobbing helplessly in mid-air. David groaned in frustration, trying to mentally will himself over the edge, but it was no use.

"Oh fuck," he whimpered softly to himself when he realized it was too late and the moment had passed. Now, he could virtually feel all of the pent-up cum receding back in to his balls, a dull ache beginning to form in them.

Panting, shaking, he looked at her and pleaded, "Jessica, my god that was amazing....... but please...... do that again?...... but, this time.... don't stop??"

"Oh, Mr. Morton, are you so selfish that you only think of yourself?" She asked and pulled up a chair where he could clearly see her.

Even something about the way Jessica continued to refer to him as 'Mr. Morton' struck David as yet one more way that this young woman was toying with and taunting him. Clearly based on, well their current circumstances, they could at least be on a first name basis now. But no, she continued to call him 'Mr. Morton', almost like a taunting reminder to him that supposedly he was the one in charge, the one in control, the one with authority. So then, why was it that somehow it ended up that he was the one spread and bound to his desk, while she was the one left smiling, teasing and doing as she pleased??

"You don't have to call me that," he said in frustration. "Please, you can call me David." In his mind, maybe if he made that concession to her she would back off of this power high she seemed to be on by somehow, someway managing to take complete control of him in his own office.

"And, no.... I'm not selfish, I promise!," he replied sincerely. Truthfully, one of David's weaknesses was that he had an oral fetish - being able to lick the creamy softness of a woman's folds, or suck passionately at the swells of her breasts was like heaven to him. With his voice more pleading he added, "I'll do whatever you want....... please, just let me show you??"

Instead, all he could do was settle for watching her settle in to a nearby chair, so close yet so clearly out of reach. "Oh my god, oh my god," he moaned softly at the sight of her lifting her skirt, parting her silky thighs, then slipping her fingers inside her brilliant pink panties. He was all but drooling at the sight, muscles tensing, his eyes locked on to her fingers as he desperately hoped she'd tug the now wet fabric aside.

But no, she seemed perfectly content as she was, her moans of pleasure beginning to drive him mad. His cock raged and throbbed helplessly, desperate for the same pleasures he was watching, but it was not to be. "Jessica please...... let me?.... I'm begging you..... let me make you cum??," he pleaded.

Instead, she drew one of her perfectly shaped breasts free from her bra, the breasts that had pressed softly against his face not long ago, rendering him incoherent as she finished securing his arms to his desk. "Oh fuck," he whimpered softly, the sight of her toying with her bare breast at the same time nearly more than he could bear.

"My god Jessica please??.... come over here??.... I'll do it.... I'll make you cum.... I promise..... my god you're driving me insane....."

Still, she ignored his plight. Her teasing voice called out to him, "Oh Mr. Morton..." she moaned as she continued to pleasure herself before his eyes, bringing herself closer and closer to orgasm, until finally she crashed over the edge in waves of pleasure. As she cried out in pleasure, no doubt she could also hear David's tormented moans and whimpers of frustration, the man so frantically desperate for her he was nearly fighting back tears.

He looked up at her pleadingly with disbelief when she walked back over to him, taunting him by telling him how good her orgasm was. His muscles tensed in anticipation of her touch as she slowly caressed his chest, but when her finger cruelly avoided his cock it caused him to release a moan so tormented it was pitiful. "Please..... I'm 'so desperate.... my god, you've got to let me cum too now," he moaned.

"Unfortunately, lunch break is over, sir. I should really get back to my desk. I'd hate to get written up in my second week because I didn't return on time." She told him

When she began talking and he realized what she was going to do he began shaking his head. "N-no.... no, no, no.... you don't have to go back.... I'll tell your supervisor you were in a meeting with me.... you won't get in trouble... I'll make sure of it," the powerful CEO pleaded to the new intern.

Instead he was in awe as she slid her pink panties down her gorgeous legs. "But before I go, I'll leave you with a little present..." Her taunting voice sent shivers down his spine. His eyes followed the panties in anticipation, wondering what this vixen had in mind now. He felt her warm, soft, moist panties being pulled down over his head, perfectly arranged so that each breath he took would be a tortuous, cruel reminder of what was so close, yet cruelly off limits to him. Without realizing it, his mouth opened and his tongue slipped out, licking and lapping, the bound helpless man desperate for a taste of this young goddess, no matter how humiliating it might be.

"That should keep you nicely occupied." Her voice now sounded triumphant.

With his vision now partially obscured he looked on in disbelief as the young woman worked on making herself presentable. "Jessica no..... you can't be serious.... you can't do this... you can't leave me like this," he pleaded, his muscles futilely straining against her brilliantly devised makeshift bondage.

"Oh, and before I forget..." She added, moving closer again.

"Oh fuck," he moaned beneath his breath when he saw her unplug the phone.

When she asked her one last question, "Now, need anything else before I go?" he still refused to believe she would actually do this to him.

"Jessica c'mon.... god, this was sooo hot.... but please, enough playing around.... my god, I'm going to go crazy if I don't get to cum.... you can't leave me like this...." Even as he spoke he was becoming dizzier, more aroused, the inescapable scent of her creamy wetness on her panties driving his lust higher like a powerful aphrodisiac.

Pitifully his hips were involuntarily trying to buck and thrust up off of the desk, his helpless cock swollen, quivering and weeping tears of pre-cum. Looking at her desperately he pleaded, ".... you can't go.... please, make me cum.... I'll do whatever you want... just don't leave me like this..."
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