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Therapist's Toy (RoleplayMaster x KayTee)


Jun 26, 2013
Curtis was a young man of 25, experienced in his field of psychology. He loved people, and loved figuring how people think. By simply observing, you could learn so much about someone, from what they like, to what makes them 'tick'. This is why the man sought the job of a therapist, wanting to help people with their problems. It was always fun to see someone new walk through the door, with their own unique problems.

He had been a therapist for three years, and has had clientele of many varieties. But it was not until recently that he ever had a celebrity on his couch. He was just a simple therapist, with a very simple practice. Apparently this was why he was chosen - so that is was less likely that his client would be discovered.

Emilia Clarke was his newest client, with an impressive filmography including Terminator and Game of Thrones. She recently had hit a rough patch, where in the latest contract negotiations, she had requested no nude scenes for Game of Thrones. This caused fan backlash, sexist comments, and other shocking behaviour from viewers of the show. So that was when she found help, knowing that the pressure to be liked would soon be overwhelming.

Today was a warm Monday afternoon, 1:29pm. In a few moments, he would hear Emilia's knock on his door, then she would take five steps into the room and slide into the couch in front of him. She seemed to enjoy 'routine', maybe with an ounce of OCD in her. Just as the thought went through his mind, he heard a quick three knocks on the door. "Come in, Emilia" The man said, a slightly amused tone in his voice which he tried to hide. Therapists were meant to be emotionless, as with every client, every emotion could be taken in the wrong way. You had to tread carefully or else risk offending them.

"How are you doing today?" He asked. They had a few sessions already, though extremely basic things. This would be the first session where they would need to tackle something difficult, with her fan issues.
"That's great, tell Kit I'll be there and tell him It'll be better than his last birthday present okay? Cool. See you later Terry, Mwah, byeee!"

Emilia ended the call and slid the mobile back into her bag and sighed, blowing a stray strand of auburn hair form her face as she climbed the stairs to her shrink's office. She knocked three times as always and wiated, counting one... two...

"Come in, Emilia"

She smiled as he answered on cue. She liked a little routine n her life, things had seemed to be a bit too...random recently. She opened the door and crossed the few steps to the couch and settled down, being careful to smooth down the hem of her little black dress. The pleated lower half tended to flare out if she wasn’t careful revealing a little too much leg. As per Curtis’s advice, she had spurned the five inch heels and settled for lower heels making her barely

"How are you doing today?" He sounded in a pleasant mood, Emilia thought to herself.

“How do I feel? I suppose its not been a bad day, I got invited to Kit Harrington’s birthday party week after next.” Her rich English accent caused her to roll her r sounds a little. Her eyes were bright, but her expression was a little more sombre. “Of course, my..problem, had not got much better. You heard about the Star Wars film?”

It had been in several papers, She had been signed up for a lead role in the new Han Solo trilogy of movies, but according to papers that was now going to Naomi Scott. The papers had cited ‘creative differences’ with the studio.

“It’s bullshit Curtis.” She exclaimed. “Essentially they as good as said I was a has-been! I’m thirty for God’s sake!” She sighed and clutched at her back defensively. “All because of those sodding Game of Thrones fans.”
Listening to Emilia's plight, he could hear the annoyance and distress in her words. "Take a few deep breaths." He instructed, watching her as she looked more and more stressed. "Now, most our sessions have been very basic so far. We talk, I understand your issues, and we try and progress. Thankfully, until now, your issues haven't been too big, so talking is simply all we needed to do. But now, we will do some exercises." He explained, standing up slowly. "Follow me please."

The room was split into three areas. One area had his desk, and the stereotypical therapist's couch that Emilia had just settled into. The second area had a full length mirror, and a cupboard with unknown things within. And the third area had a table about the length of a person, with a blanket over it. Curtis lead Emilia to the mirror.

"We will spend a bit of time gathering confidence, as well as trying to observe yourself from an outsider's point of view. To do this, you must first remove yourself from social bindings. This is done by stripping down until you wear nothing." He instructed. "Now, I will be observing you anyway, but for your own comfort, I shall look away while you do this." He said, turning on the spot and waiting for Emilia to strip naked.
Emilia blinked in surprise, she knew Curtis' reputation as a miracle worker, but she had not quite expected anythign like this. part of her whole 'problem' was the nudity thing, ever since refusiing to lose her clothes again in Game of Thrones, she had received a lot of backlash which had led her to feelings of objectification.

She supposed this represented getting to the heart of the issue.

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this Curtis," she said, her vocie wavering slightly. "But.... if you think it will help..."

She waited till his back was turned and then, blushing furiously, she slipped off her dress, bra and panties, and then rolled down the stockings till she was naked. she folded her clothes neatly and put them in a pile on the floor. Her long auburn hair spilled down over her shoulders, but not long enough to cover anything.

"Uh....I... I'm all done..." she said trying to hide the nervousness. This was a bit wierd to say the least.

Self consciously, she moved one hand over her breasts and rested the other so it hung down covering her crotch.
Curtis turned around as Emilia told him she was finished. Turning around, she still had all the same curves he was familiar with from the show she was famous for. She did her best to hide herself, not that it would matter as he would soon instruct her to reveal her body. Thankful that he had ogled her naked body for quite a while from the show, he did not have the presence of mind to stare at her body. This made it much easier for him to seem indifferent, acting professional rather than sleazy.

"Thank you. Now, turn and look at yourself in the mirror." He instructed. As she spun around, she would see him standing behind her in the reflection. "This exercise is about becoming more confident as yourself. Not as Daenerys Targaryen, or any other role you've played. Not even as Emilia Clarke, famous actress and model. This is about being more confident as that girl you were before you were famous. The girl you are when you're all alone, or with friends." He explained gently.

"The brain is a very stubborn part of you. It makes you remember things that are unimportant, and forget things that in some cases, are extremely important. You would have heard about different ways to make memory stronger towards certain things. Well, one of those, is touch." He informed her. "So, what your task is, right now, is to touch something on your body that you are unhappy with. You will speak about how you dislike it for whatever reason, and then come up with a way that it is actually a good thing about you."

"If you need an example, I've had a few issues with ladies in the past, where they mention their dismay for how large their hips are. When they can't think of anything good about it, I ask if they want kids. When they reply in the affirmative, I explain that large hips help tremendously for childbirth." Of course, that whole example was a lie. He had never done this with anyone before. But the therapist carried himself with such confidence and professionalism, that it was hard to imagine him lying at all. As he spoke, his hands moved to her shoulders, gently running down her arms. This was solely done so that he could bring her arms to her sides, revealing her body in a way she had been trying to hide. "Don't be ashamed of your body. It is a very beautiful one, and it is a shame to hide it." He said softly, giving her a gentle smile.

This exercise's true purpose was so he could watch Emilia touch herself. Would it be sexual? Inevitably, yes. Would he be happy with whatever she touched? Yes. It would show her trust growing for him, and it would still be erotic to watch her stroke her stomach or her shoulder.
Emilia swallowed down a knot of nervousness. She was also angry at herself. He was right, she should be fine with this. She had made a public stand on defending her nude shots on the show only to have that thrown in her face when she refused to do any more. 'Feminist' what shuould be an affirmation of her gender and taking strength from that had made her seem petty and almost childish. As a result, being nude had become something of a sticking point with her.

No doubt that was why Curtis was doing this, she understood that while at the same time remembering her parent's dismay when she had watched 'that' episode with them. The comments on social media, the ugly posts and youtube comments. She knew better than to read them but... she had not been abloe to help it.

Now as she looked at her own body, a body she had once been secretly proud off, seemed to draw her eyes to every percieved flaw and imperfection. The feeling of his hands on her arms didnt concern her, she had started to trust Curtis and she knew others trusted him too. So she allowed the contact and tuned it out as she tried to focus. It was hard, but not so unlike some of her early acting classes
at the Drama Centre.

She spoke cautiously. "My legs are too short..." she said, placing her hands on her thighs.
"Your legs are too short?" He repeated, taking a few steps back to check. He didn't believe her legs had any issues. Emilia was kinda short, though most women were. Curtis was fairly short too, only reaching a few inches above Emilia. "Well, what are the upsides to having shorter legs?" He asked. "Oh, and you need to ingrain the idea of your legs in your mind while you speak about the positives. So rub your legs up and down, maybe massage them a little or anything like that. Anything that gets some movement into your hands, and feels good. So don't pinch or anything."
Emilia frowned at the unusual request. "Rub them, Really?" At his nod she leaned over and started to rub up and down her legs. As she did she tried to explain her thoughts to him.

"I'm really short and I always envied models with those mile-long legs. It's suprisingly hard to get good clothes to fit when you are not designed for the catwalk." She explained." She paused and slowed down, feeling like this was supposed to be more about feeling that exercising, so she started longer slower descents and rises up her legs, almost like she was dancing.

"On the plus side, I suppose, I have tiny feet which means that I can pull off heels in a way larger footed women struggle with, also I have pretty strong thighs and calves from dancing and I can run forever."

She smiled as she spoke, this wasn't actually a bad idea. She was forgetting he was there as a man, and so never even thought about the view he might be getting as he stood behind her as she bent and stretched down.
Watching Emilia move, he could feel himself harden in his pants. He had such a great angle, that any sane, straight male would have the same reaction. "See? That's the perfect way of doing it. You look at a negative, and turn it into a positive. I want you to do it two more times, with two other areas." he requested. "Don't be afraid to be hard on yourself when you talk about your issues. You're in safe hands, and I won't let it become too sad in here. And I am sure that whatever bad things you think of, there are twice as many good things." He promised with a smile.
Emilia as starting to feel much more relaxed and less self-conscious about her nakedness in front of her therapist. She turned, making an effort not to cover anything and managed to smile.

"My arse, Curtis. That's the next thing I hate, it's bloody huge! When I saw it on screen it was like two full moons. Sure I get the whole wide child bearing pelvis, but honestly, I'm not that concerned about children. About the only thing I can say nice about it is it gives me something like a classic hourglass I suppose, and, suppose, it does look good in a tight skirt."

She looked up at him. "I suppose you want me to fondle my arse now?" She reached back and started to massage her backside.

"This is a bit odd you know." She said, trying to sound casual. "I just wish it didn;t feel so flabby. I know its not thhat bad, in fact men often complimented me on my backside. but self image bis a bitch right?"

As she worked her arse cheeks in her hands, she found herself swaying a little form side to side. It didn't help that, stood as she was with her arms right behind her, it tended to push out her boobs.

"I...I'm a little less confident about the next one... Since that whole thing over Game of Thrones, I've been worried my boobs as a bit too... heavy, know?"

She moved her hands to her chest and covered one with each small hand. "I... I'm not completely comfortable with fondling my boobs in front of you Curtis, I..."

She didn't want to admit how sensitive they were, her nipples had already hardened under her hands in anticipation, and she felt the colour flooding her cheeks. "This is a little... intimate, don't you think?"
Watching Emilia begin to touch herself, he was silent as she began to reason with how her large and flabby ass was a strong suit of hers. He was a very big fan of her butt, which he had no issues with whatsoever. "This is good." he encouraged, his eyes looking away from time to time, in an attempt to give her privacy. But he looked back, looking as professional as ever.

Her hands soon moved to cup her breasts, which he loved to see. Unfortunately she did not grope them yet, but he did not push her to. "No need to uh... 'fondle' them, as you put it, until after you begin to think of the positive things." Was his first answer. "But I shall look away if you wish? I feel obligated to watch to ensure you are doing everything correctly, though I think I can trust you enough to do it fine with my back turned." He shrugged, turning away from her and staring at the rest of his office.

"But as for your intimacy issues with the exercise, intimacy is a strong feeling, and strong feelings are what help cement ideas and feelings. If you were too casual or bored with this exercise, the idea wouldn't stick." He explained.
"I do understand but... " she paused and turned away from him slighty as she started to move her hands over her breasts. "I suppose the good thing about my boobs is that... well...not to put too fine a point on it, but they are one of my more sensual areas, I tend to get very turned on by people touching them, especially my nipples." as she spoke she grazed her nipples and had to stifle a gasp.

*Get a grip, Emilia, he will get completely the wrong idea.*

"I mean to say...I'm not getting turned on now, of course." she manged a forced chuckle.


"But you know what I mean, its a positive though right? I do like my boobs, very much, but they looked... enormous and saggy on screen. I'm sure it just the starknes sof how it was filmed. They look much better in lingerie."
Hiding a smile, which was easy as his back was to her, he gave a small nod. "Understandable, I assure you. You're not the first, nor will you be the last, to have sensitive spots like that." he assured her. "When you're done and happy, I want you to go and lay down on the table behind me." Figuring that he was free to move through the office however he liked, and Emilia would surely stop what she was doing if she wanted him to not see her, Curtis moved to the table with the blanket over it. Pulling it off, it was soon discovered to be a massage table, complete with the hole for her face to fit through. "Lay on your stomach please, face in the hole." He requested.

Walking off toward his table, he pulled out the massage oil and returned to the celebrity, having a great view up her legs as he returned. "This is solely to relieve some stress I can see building up in your body. But just like the last exercise, it is good to talk about things while this happens. Talking about things that make you feel better works, though we can also talk about things that you can do to improve yourself, to make you happier." He explained. She would hear a squirting sound, and the cool oil hitting her back. Despite the initial cold, his hands rubbing into her skin soon made whatever was touched feel rather warm. His fingers were firm into her skin, yet never painful.

"Now, some of these questions may seem intimate, however they are important for me to know the answer to. First of all, I know you have a male partner. How often are the two of you intimate?" He asked, hands moving from her shoulders and neck down to her arms, then her back. He kept to her upper body for now. "And how often are you intimate while alone?" he followed up. While he was gently asking the questions, his real questions were how often she had sex and how often she masturbated.
Emilia sighed as she settled on the bed. This was more like it. She was a little surprised when Curtis broke out the massage oil, but she was not opposed to a free massage, especially as she knew it would help her relax, so she snuggled down and enjoyed the sensations of his hands moving over her back.

"That's lovely, if I had known this was part of the service I'd have signed up months ago." she quipped easily, as her eyes closed a little.

"Intimate?" She smiled like a cat. "That's a very polite way of saying am I getting enough? I told you about Ryan, yes? He's a thesp, nice hands, sweet brown eyes. We get um... intimate.. a couple times a week."

She paused,, not sure hnow much to say, but then she dived in. "Truth be told, Curtis, he's a little bit of a let down in that department. He's... how shall we put it, not to scale... and hes not very imaginative. It's often wham bam thank you ma'am. I rarely.. get off. As to the other... I suppose a couple of times a week, sometimes more..."

She made a soft "mmm'" as he worked on a knot between her shoulder blades. "O-M-G that is bliss!"
Slowly, his hands worked her body, before suddenly disappearing from her for a few moments. Of course, they soon returned, both hands grasping her foot and bending her leg back, fingers running over every inch of her foot. He did the same for the other one, before slowly working up her legs.

Listening to her problems, it definitely worked well with him. A boyfriend that was unsatisfactory, a toy that could only do so much. He wasn't the most well hung of men, but certainly better than the average guy, which would appease Emilia when it came time for it. "What is your experience, sexually? Before your current boyfriend, did you have better boyfriends in the size department? What was your... 'satisfaction', with them? And how... exploratory were the two of you? With uh... kinks, I suppose the word would be." His hands slowly worked up her legs and thighs, firm hands making every moment pure bliss. As he neared her pussy, he decided not to pursue it today. Even if he chose not to though, it didn't stop him from making her want it.

Hands kept gradually rising, until eventually he was mere inches from it. Yet he never approached further, being just close enough to tease, and for her to basically beg him to continue. But he doubted she would, and he wouldn't even if she wanted him to. He had to maintain professionalism, so when she finally did beg, it was on her and not him.

As he noticed her pussy begin to react to the teasing, he slowly pulled his hands away, her body soaked in oil except for her ass. "Roll over please." He requested.
Emilia was having some issues. His line of questioning had thrown her a little off guard and the fact she was naked made it seem all the more intimate. Against her better judgment his skills hands, so much better than Ryan's rough attempts, had moved her past relaxation and into something more. It had been along time since anyone had touched her so expertly, and as his hands gradually worked higher and higher, she found herslef struggling to concentrate entirely on what he was saying although she answered his questions almost automatically. It was almost as if she was in a light trance, or a daze and she found herself unable, or unwilling to be anything but honest, even as she started to wonder where this was going and, if it came to it, what would she do if he tried to take things further? She ought to be repulsed but... she wasn't.

"Before?" she began, "In honestly, I've only had a handful of boyfriends Curtis, I was with Seth MCfarlane, the Family Guy man? for over half a year. he was... very nice in the bedroom, considerate, thoughtful and.. um, well proportioned shall we say. I... I never had an orgasm before Seth. But our senses of humour were not entirely in tune, plus our work schedules were intense and we were not finding time together. That lead to rows and... wel that was that."

She let out a soft gasp as his hands brushed her inner thighs just a few inches below her rapidly moistening sex.

"Um... and then... well there were a couple of guys from Thrones.. just dalliances really, nothing special in the bedroom... as for... kinks? Well, nothing much really. I'm intrigued by a lot of the fetish gear, the rubber and leather. I must admit, I have wondered what it might be like to be tied up, but most of the men I have been with would much rather I was tying them up I think. And I've never acxtually done anythng beyond a pair pof furry handcuffs. Apart from that.. nothing really racy."

Her voice had dropped to a low murmur as she closed her eyes, relishing the sensations. She found herself biting on her lower lip as his hands moved upwards again, this time barely two inches from her sex.

"Roll over please." He requested.

Oh dear, she thought to herself. Her nipples were hard as rock and her cheeks and upper chest were flushed. he would surely see. She tried to take a couple of breaths to calm herself. and then she rolled over allowing her arms to relax and hang, closing her eyes so she could not see his expression or judgments of her.
So Emilia was fairly vanilla, yet her fantasies involved many different toys? Interesting indeed. As the woman rolled over, she would feel a damp cloth gently placed on her forehead, covering her closed eyes. It had a comforting weight to it, and helped stop her from looking even if she wanted to. Now he could admire her body in peace.

His eyes roamed the naked front, hands gently running along her shoulders and arms. "If you want me to stop, let me know. I may touch places you are uncomfortable with, but I am only doing things I am meant to." He assured her softly, slowly moving to her neck and being extra soft. After a few moments, his hands slid down her body, rubbing her left boob.

Squeezes, rubbing, and even gentle rubbing and pinching of the nipple began to happen, though it was in amongst a lot of other touches that seemed so natural to a massage. It felt good, doubly so when he began on the other one. When he finished, he said "one moment" and walked off. A minute later, and she would feel something icy cold against both nipples. He had retreated to get a few ice blocks specifically shaped to rest on nipples, to harden them in an erotic fashion. Placing them, he smiled to himself as he moved down her stomach.

"One request I will make of you now, as I observe the different areas of stress on your body... I want you to take a break from wearing underwear. Top and bottom." He instructed, hands running along her waistline yet teasingly holding back from her pussy. "Just hold back until I see you next, which should be next week." He explained, working on her feet and legs once again.


It was a solid thirty minute massage, and by the end of it, the ice had melted over her nipples, keeping them wet and stiff. Her body glistened with oil, though it was a stark difference when the gaze fell to her pussy or ass. Her body would be buzzing with pleasure, though her pussy would be craving a man's touch. Which was the position he wanted her in.

"Thank you for your time, Ms Clarke. I will request one more thing of you before you go. Until I see you next, I want you to refrain from having sex. And I want you to try a thing called 'edging'. The principle of it, if you don't know, is that you masturbate as much as you can until you feel close to orgasming. Then you stop. Do not cum at all. I want you to do this every moment you are free." He explained. "Can you do that for me?"

Soon enough, he was letting her out of the door. Washing his hands, he smiled as he remembered seeing Emilia's nipples poke through her clothing. Writing down an email to his secretary, he asked her to send an email to Emilia Clarke four days from today, saying that he would have to reschedule their appointment to the following week, as he could not attend her scheduled time. This was to ensure Emilia edged herself for a solid two weeks, and would be sexually frustrated next time she saw him.
RoleplayMaster said:
So Emilia was fairly vanilla, yet her fantasies involved many different toys? Interesting indeed. As the woman rolled over, she would feel a damp cloth gently placed on her forehead, covering her closed eyes. It had a comforting weight to it, and helped stop her from looking even if she wanted to. Now he could admire her body in peace.

His eyes roamed the naked front, hands gently running along her shoulders and arms. "If you want me to stop, let me know. I may touch places you are uncomfortable with, but I am only doing things I am meant to." He assured her softly, slowly moving to her neck and being extra soft. After a few moments, his hands slid down her body, rubbing her left boob.

Squeezes, rubbing, and even gentle rubbing and pinching of the nipple began to happen, though it was in amongst a lot of other touches that seemed so natural to a massage. It felt good, doubly so when he began on the other one. When he finished, he said "one moment" and walked off. A minute later, and she would feel something icy cold against both nipples. He had retreated to get a few ice blocks specifically shaped to rest on nipples, to harden them in an erotic fashion. Placing them, he smiled to himself as he moved down her stomach.

"One request I will make of you now, as I observe the different areas of stress on your body... I want you to take a break from wearing underwear. Top and bottom." He instructed, hands running along her waistline yet teasingly holding back from her pussy. "Just hold back until I see you next, which should be next week." He explained, working on her feet and legs once again.


It was a solid thirty minute massage, and by the end of it, the ice had melted over her nipples, keeping them wet and stiff. Her body glistened with oil, though it was a stark difference when the gaze fell to her pussy or ass. Her body would be buzzing with pleasure, though her pussy would be craving a man's touch. Which was the position he wanted her in.

"Thank you for your time, Ms Clarke. I will request one more thing of you before you go. Until I see you next, I want you to refrain from having sex. And I want you to try a thing called 'edging'. The principle of it, if you don't know, is that you masturbate as much as you can until you feel close to orgasming. Then you stop. Do not cum at all. I want you to do this every moment you are free." He explained. "Can you do that for me?"

Soon enough, he was letting her out of the door. Washing his hands, he smiled as he remembered seeing Emilia's nipples poke through her clothing. Writing down an email to his secretary, he asked her to send an email to Emilia Clarke four days from today, saying that he would have to reschedule their appointment to the following week, as he could not attend her scheduled time. This was to ensure Emilia edged herself for a solid two weeks, and would be sexually frustrated next time she saw him.
By the time Curtis had been working on her front for 15 minutes or so, Emilia was in a terrible state of arousal. She couldn’t work out how this was part of therapy, and part of her wondered if she was being taken for a ride, but she had been recommended his services by more than one person so she had to assume this was normal.

It wouldn’t be so bad if she wasn’t so aroused. It was very embarrassing to have her body respond this way and she doubted this was in any way normal. But by the time he was finishing off she was finding it hard not to beg him to touch her in a few other places, but she managed to keep it under control by biting her lower lip and trying to think of anything but sex.

She was rather taken aback by his conditions but she reluctantly agreed even though there was nothing more she wanted right now than to go mad with her vibrator.

The next week passed by in an agony of sexual tension and frustration. All she had to do was thing about the massage and she was aroused. But she told her boyfriend her doctor had told her to abstain for a week or two and he seemed fine with it. Instead, she spent her nights in frustrated misery as she brought herself close, but stopped herself before going to far. It was so hard to stop herself, it was all she could do not to complete and, as the days stretched on it just got harder and harder.

She was distraught when her appointment was cancelled and she was tempted to cheat but she had been brought up to keep her words and so she struggled on, getting more and more desperate for release until, by the time her next appointment finally game round, she was practically obsessed with the idea of finally being able to cum.

On the day of the appointment she put on only a simple black tube dress and matching patent heels with black seamed hold up stockings. She had almost got used to not wearing bras and panties by this point, but she hoped he could rescind the rule. Her nipples spent so much time being hard now, it was getting embarrassing.
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