Ej's Cravings

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Jun 23, 2017
Planet Werebunneh
It is very rare I have a craving for a straight rp but I have one. So Ima toss 3 plots out and see what happens.
Looking for someone who can write at least three paragraphs in a sitting. And someone who is interested in the plot as much as the potential smut.

Dangerous Woman
Mc is a noblewoman who defied all odds set against her and learned the arts of war. She fought her way up the pole to become one the best warriors in her kingdom, a kingdom where men hold power and women have none. In her early thirties and still she is without a husband and is known through out a number of kingdoms for her skills with the sword. Though she tends to avoid Court to the best of her ability the King demanded she attending this Social season.

Yc is a Lord/Knight/Nobleman of the country. He was raised in the same beliefs as most that a womans place is at home tending her Husbands household and children. He at first finds Mc to be an oddity he is unsure how to handle. It is something he struggles with as Mc is often around now since the King ordered her to be present for Court this Spring/Summer. Will the hot headed warrior woman get under Yc's skin? Or will he find her a rarity he must have as his own?

Seven Devils
Mc and Yc were born Nephilim, a race of human angel hybrids. Part of an old order who protects humans from the shadow world and maintains the peace among those in the shadow world who follow the Law. Mc is known as a skilled hunter, her and her partner have always accomplished their goals. They are the top hunting pair in HQ. Yc has been in and out of partnerships, and seems to lack ambition.

One mission Mc tragically looses her partner to a demon attack, and barely makes it back herself. Once healed Mc is partnered with Yc since Nephilim never hunt alone. Their job is to find out how the demon that killed Mc's partner come about without warning and who is behind summoning it. Will they be able to handle the truth of a cult of Warlocks seeking to destroy the world? More importantly, will they be able to work together?

Side to Side
Mc is a pirate, and she has a reputation despite being female. Many know her as ruthless and cruel. Other rumors speak of her being a harlot who got too power hungry, others still claim she is a goddess of the sea in human shape. It is hard to know who she is without meeting her. But the one that that is known is her secret wealth from the number of raids she led.

Yc is a pirate/Naval Officer who comes across Mc's ship the Sin. For the first time the Sin is over taken and defeated. Most of the crew killed or imprisoned. Yc has Mc brought to his personal chambers with an offer for Mc. Lead him to her hidden treasure and he would spare her from the gallows, more importantly his men. Will they be able to work together? Can Yc handle the fiery redheaded ex-captain?
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