Fantasy, Sci-Fi Role plays (plots included)

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Mar 20, 2017
Fantasy, Sci-Fi Role plays (plots included)

Okay…I still have my main RP request and lists open, See here.

But right now, other then with the ones I’m Role Playing with now and planning with, these are ones I really want to do.

One or all of these three is what I’m looking for.

Sacrificial Angel

Based on this picture.

The Daemoniuma is a race of Dragon like Demons invade the land of the Angelus . Their land is dark, cold and stony, a land of panoptical never ending darkness where the sun never shines.

The Angelus is a race of Angel like beings that live in a world of light, of love.

When the Daemoniumas invade they destroy lands and homes, devastating the Angelus. Both races went to war and loses was devastating on both. Finally the Daemoniuma King offered a truce if the Angelus King offered up his one and only Daughter. Thus….scared, but her head held high, she is sent off to her fate, wondering if it would be a fate worse then Death…

Clichés, yes, I know, but some never fails to be good starters. Oldies, but Goldies as they say


(Master/Slave, Master/Pet, Pseudo-rape, Vaginal Virginity, Romance, Story Driven, Discipline/Reinforcement, Consensual, Corruption, Bondage)

Abduction of the Heart.

A girl is outside studying the stars with her telescope when she sees a falling star crash literary in her backyard. In the woods not far from her farm house. She goes out and looks for the fallen ‘star’ only to find that it’s a space ship. She’s grabbed up with the intent of selling her.

Two ways this can go.
1) the alien can keep her as a slave on his ship

2) he CAN sell her to another


(Master/Slave, Master/Pet, Pseudo-rape, Romance, Story Driven, Discipline/Reinforcement, Consensual, Bondage)

Open Plot

Anyone is open to give me any ideas…..

My F-list right here.
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