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Jan 3, 2017
Smut>Plot (70-30)
2-3 para
AIM, YIM, PM (In that order)
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I'm looking for a pairing that focuses on turning a feminist with strong moral convictions into a "good girl" by the patriarchy's standards. Ideally she would already be wholesome and feminine, a bookworm type who wholeheartedly believes in feminism because of the ethical implications and not as a means of self service. I'd like her to have the moral conviction to voice her objections towards my character's unashamed misogyny, but lacking the fortitude to make it through one rough facefuck without questioning her entire belief system.

I'd play an older white male, early to mid forties. Possibly a teacher, professor, principle, politician or a profesional that she is interning for to complete her major.

I'm looking for clean cut women. Think Anne Hathaway types, who are in it to make a difference. That means im not looking for obnoxious SJW's.

If you have ideas for other pairings using this theme I'd love to listen.

Hope to be domesticating your lovelies soon~

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