Amazon Colosseum (reinterest check){may change story}


What does the note say for you?
Feb 15, 2011
So I want to do a rp based on the game by Toffi, though not having the same plot. The setting is a fantasy land where everything that has a humanoid body is either female or futa. This world has anything from a normal human with different powers to even races unknown to anyone. With all these races on one land, a war would break out if nothing was done. In order to keep a war from starting a Colosseum was made in the center of the land. This place lets any futa enter the Colosseum and fight other futas. For most this is a way to show superiority over the other races, for others this is a chance to gain power from the other races, and some this is more for entertainment. For the Warriors to win they have to wear down their opponent and must make them submit sexually.

So anyway before I get too deep into character details and how the system of the fights will work I want to see if the number people that want to join would require those things.

Character profile
Good to hear. I'll wait for at least one or two people to show an interest in this rp.
I'd love to give this game a try :D

Huge fan of the Amazon Brawl game from Toffi, so I know what this is about
Well glad hear more interest in this Rp.

So should this rp have a system fight or just be up the rpers controlling the characters?
I'd say we should have a short system to keep things interesting, though it could get pretty complex without a huge discussion. My vote is for the system.
The system I had in would use only a d6.

Characters will have two types point a HP that starts at 5 and points for something sexual SP that starts at 0 then when it get to 10 that character loses.

Attacking HP will be rolling a 1 is miss, 2-5 is 1 hit, and 6 is 2 hit.

When The Hp is 0 the character put into sexual grapple attack. Rolling 1-3 is a fail to grapple and 4-6 is successful grapple. In this sexual grapple the character takes hit to SP, but can recover HP and when they reach 5 they break the grapple. Recovering rolls will be 1-2 is 1, 3-4 is 2, and 5-6 is 3.

The recovering character rolls until it they recover fully and the grappler would roll the same number of times that the recovering character did to hit the SP. 1-4 rolls are 1 hit and 5-6 is 2 hit.

This is what I had in mind for a system.
I like the system, though I feel a grapple should be automatic when a character runs out of HP. Depending on how luck goes, there could be a few too many rounds were a player escapes being grappled, and nothing happens. If the grapple is done on KO, then you're at least guaranteed some SP.

I'm also worried about ties, if you always do damage if you roll high enough, For instance, what happens if 2 characters knock each other out? My guess is either both girls just get up, or each player rolls to be the first to get back up.

The core mechanic works, just a few minor nitpicks.
I wasn't thinking of the HP reaching 0 isn't the same as being knocked out, more like the girl is weakened being able to be grappled at that time though they can still fight back. But if the grapple rolls is taken out I guess once the HP reach to 0 the character get automatically caught in a grapple.

Though I open to hear other suggests how this rp should work.
Are there people still interested in this or should I start to waiting of other to find interests in this rp.
This still open and just waiting for a few more people to make some characters before starting the main thread.
Okay I'll submit my character. I didn't realize you got so far so fast. My bad. I also vote some sort of system. But I like gambling and the thrill that comes it could go either way.
Ok so to try bring this back and see anyone would be interested in joining.
Depending on what other people feel I may change it only females. Depending if anymore people show interest
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