[Law & Order: SVU]

Blinking Blue

Jan 15, 2016
Savannah Beckett had spent the last hour with her legs propped up. She had the decency to at least angle it so that her legs hit the edge of the desk before her boots could touch the metal, though it might have been less because she actually cared and more because she could now argue that technically, her feet weren't up on the table at all. Dark hair had been pulled up out of her face with a claw clip, and she had a pen between her lips. The detective didn't seem to be chewing on it though, as much as just fidgeting with it while she read papers that had been stapled together and slapped inside a little haphazardly. Grey-green eyes moved across the page with a dedicated focus, trying to make sure that she got everything that had been printed there. The more she knew, the better. The papers were in her lap, and the hand that wasn't turning pages was twirling a few strands of loose hair around one of her fingers.

It might not have been a particularly professional position, but at least she was dressed for her job. a white button up blouse and black slacks. Her shoes were scuffed, but Savannah didn't see the point. Nice shoes were fine if you were gonna be in court or on a date, but she was gonna be walking on the street, maybe running, she didn't need her Sunday best for that. They wouldn't stay that way anyway.

A cup of cold coffee sat near her leg, and she reached for it, lifting it to her lips to take a sip, before wrinkling her nose and setting it back down. Nope. Gross. She just set it back down exactly where she'd had it before, noting casually to herself that she'd probably make the same mistake again in an hour or two. She had hoped that someone would warn her when the ADA got there, she'd never met the man before. She'd gotten a.... prepping (if one could call it that) from Carisi, but the man had so much excitement about the court process it had sort of devolved into stories and she'd tuned him out a little. Instead, she didn't know he'd arrived until he'd actually stepped into their section of the precinct. It wasn't that hard to pick the man out, nobody dressed like that here. She tilted her head back to get a better look at the man, not bothering to hide her curiosity.

After a moment she lifted a hand for a lazy wave. She was the arresting officer and had sort of taken the lead on the case, so she was probably the one that he'd want to talk to. Eventually anyway. If they went to trial she'd have to testify. Savannah didn't seem like she was going to get up to go meet the man, there wasn't a need to exceptionally rushed. They had the guy they needed sweating, there was plenty of evidence as far as she was concerned, this was just an 'ADA shows up and we give him everything' kinda case. Sure, they guy was creepily charming, but that didn't mean anything. Shouldn't mean anything.
Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael_Barba#/media/File:ADA_Rafael_Barba_SVU.png) seemed to be tripled booked today. Going from meeting to meeting, from the courthouse to his office and back to the police precinct.

Barba walked into the building and took a deep breathe, always smelt the same in here, always something unique about this space. That must of the old building. He looked around and said a few quick hellos. Well, his hellos were more of a staredown and a little nod, no time for spoken words.

He reached SVU and looked at Olivia and he looked at a case file and discussed one of her cases they had been working on and he looked at her. "Where is the new detective?" He looked around and saw her. Shoes up on the desk and he smirked a little. "Detective Beckett?" He asked and he came a little closer. His sharp eyes locking onto her amazing grey eyes for the first time.
Her shoes were not on the desk! Her legs were, and Savannah would happily argue that an attention to obnoxious semantics that would probably make the lawyer in Carisi proud. She watched the man in the suit approach, file still on her lap, legs still kicked up where they'd been before. She didn't seem to feel the need to make herself seem more professional for the lawyer. If it was someone else, probably. Victims and those reporting crimes needed that respect and focus, this stern faced guy had to work with them. Didn't matter if he thought she looked a little bit less than professional while she was at the precinct.

When he said her name, she did at least close her file, meeting his gaze evenly. "That's me. Can I help you?" Didn't look like he was bringing her a 'welcome to the team' gift. Not that anything else would have fit on her desk at this point. Thee were already way too many papers, some books, and a thumb sized cactus in a little brown plant pot. "You're the ADA, right? Barba." She remembered. No one had warned her he was hot, though. Which... probably made sense. Carisi and Fin wouldn't have thought if it, and she couldn't see Olivia and Rollins thinking of that. She still wasn't convinced Rollins and Carisi weren't secretly dating.

"First name is fine if you want." She'd respond to Savannah, Vanna, or whatever nickname came up. This guy seemed like a strictly last name sort of dude, but who knew? A little reluctantly she finally swung her legs down off the desk and straightened, setting the file down on the small empty space on her desk. "I was arresting officer and in the room during the confession." So he was going to have to interact with her if this was about the case they'd just called him for.
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