Superheroines in Search of Plots to Foil (if they can)

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Jun 20, 2017

I have a couple of superheroine characters that I am looking to find some misadventures for. :D I do not have specific scenarios in mind, partly for reasons I will go into in a moment, but also partly because, in my view, heroes/heroines are primarily reactive characters: the villains are the ones who are trying to accomplish nefarious aims, and the heroes/heroines are the ones trying to stop whatever those bad people are doing...

I usually write multiple paragraphs at a time, and tend to prefer a minimum of one to two in response. Much shorter than that, and I find my attention begins to drift. I also prefer literate roleplayers.


--I'm all about power and the loss thereof. That's the other reason I tend to prefer as little about what the villains might be planning going in: I feel like the more I know about a scenario, the more power I have over what is about to transpire, and I'd prefer to have as little power over that as possible.
--While my heroines will do everything they can to thwart whatever scheme they face (and I'm even open to them succeeding from time to time) I prefer them to end up on the losing side of the equation.
--I'm open to sexual content, but as I like to put it, I tend to prefer a little sex with my violence, as opposed to a little violence with my sex. I'm not morally opposed to explicit material, I just don't feel like I write it very well.
--Having said that, I do enjoy humiliation of the heroine, sexual or otherwise.
--I enjoy bondage and restraint.
--Mind control and psychological torment is a big turn on for me.
--I also have a soft spot for a David vs. Goliath sort of pairing, where my heroine comes across someone bigger and stronger than she can deal with. Only I prefer a better ending than that version... :D
--I also tend to prefer facing female opposition, though I'm open to male villains or monsters of indeterminate genders.


MUSE: Kira Kosarin
HEROINE: Songbird
ALTER EGO: Allison Vogel
AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 5‘8“
WEIGHT: 125lbs
HAIR: Raven black, long and wavy
EYES: Brown
ETHNICITY: American, of Jewish descent
COSTUME: A blue one piece. Scooped neckline, though the shoulders of the one piece merge into a white collar. The shoulder straps also connect to a white cap that falls to about mid-thigh. A pair of solid white arm bands encase each bicep, while she also sports matching elbow length gloves. At the waist, she wears a white sash, tied off and knotted just above the right hip. Her identity is preserved by a blue eye mask. Blue boots complete the ensemble.
--Enhanced strength
--Enhanced reflexes
--Sonic Burst (think Canary Cry--she can scream energy pulses which hit with percussion force.)
--Kinetic Bursts (like her cry, she can also launch force beams from her hands. She can also use these beams to propel herself off the ground and to fly, a la Tony Stark.)
--Inexperience, and all that comes with that.
--Not impervious to conventional weapons.
Allison Vogel was born in Flagstaff, Arizona on April 9th, 1997--the daughter of Arthur Vogel, a corporate attorney, and Amanda Vogel (nee Morgan), at the time a representative in the state legislature.

At the age of 12, tragedy struck Allison’s life. Her family were the victims of a home invasion, resulting in the murder of her father, the vicious assault of her mother (who was left for dead), and the abduction of Allison herself. Their attacker, a drug addict and registered sex offender named Malcolm Thomas, took young Allison to a storage unit he had rented and had sound proofed, in which he intended to hold her while using her for his sick and sadistic pleasures. But an odd thing happened when Malcolm began to advance.

Allison screamed.

Now, this in and of itself would not have been odd. But her scream ended up knocking Thomas off his feet and slamming him back into the wall, with enough force to knock him out cold. After Allison overcame her own shock at what had transpired, she ran as far and as fast as she could, eventually reaching a house with the living room light on. She banged on the door, actually putting a dent in it--which was attributed at the time to fear and adrenaline. The family took her in and called 911, with police and paramedics immediately dispatched to the Vogel residence and further police sent to the storage unit.

Amanda Vogel was found just clinging to life and rushed to the hospital, where doctors did in fact manage to save her life. Allison chose not to tell her mother the full details of how she had escaped. For one thing, she doubted she would be believed. But she also didn’t want to overburden her mother, who was also having to deal with Arthur’s death and her own recovery, with what she had discovered about herself.

Instead, Allison went about testing and exploring her powers and abilities in secret. To this day, she has no idea just how they originated--she presumes simple genetic mutation. But over time, she learned that she was stronger than the average human, quicker than the average human (though not, necessarily, faster), and that in addition to her scream, she could produce force waves with her hands. And before long, she worked out that she could use THOSE waves not just to attack criminals, but also to elevate herself and to fly.

While Malcolm Thomas had recovered enough to flee the scene before the police could arrive, eventually he was tracked down and arrested. The case took a number of years to work its way through the court system, and initially resulted in a conviction, which was appealed. Unfortunately, a technicality forced the case to be thrown out of court, allowing him to beat the charge and walk free. Amanda Vogel rode the resulting wave of public outrage all the way to a successful campaign for the governor’s mansion in Arizona with a tough on crime platform. Allison, meanwhile, dedicated herself to studying criminal justice, with the intention of going to law school and joining the prosecutor’s office in adult life.

But until then, she could fight crime her own way. Developing the guise of Songbird, Allison began to target criminal activity occurring in Flagstaff--and she took IMMENSE satisfaction when one of her first acts as a costumed heroine was saving another young girl from Malcolm Thomas, delivering him to the authorities--hopefully this time, to be put away for good.

After graduating high school, Allison was accepted to Arizona State University. But though she relocated from Flagstaff to Phoenix, she did not put away Songbird. Instead, and to increased publicity, Songbird began to protect the people of Phoenix.

In spite of the tragedy she has experienced, Allison has managed to retain a bright and cheerful disposition. She tends to make friends very easily, though she does tend to be initially more skeptical of men, it must be said. Her best friend is a fellow ASU undergrad named Michelle Morrison, who she shares an apartment with. Michelle does NOT know that her roommate is the mysterious new heroine of the city, and Allison wants to keep it that way, not wanting to draw her friend into her fight.

Allison is highly intelligent, fiercely determined, and feels an intense need to do all that she can to prevent anyone else from knowing the trauma she has known in her life.

MUSE: Hunter King
HEROINE: Andromeda
ALTER EGO: Ahamasa/Anna Messier
AGE: 153 (apparent age:23)
HEIGHT: 5‘5“
WEIGHT: 141lbs
HAIR: Blonde
EYES: Green
COSTUME: Open shouldered one piece, a dark mesh panel over over the chest with a plunging neckline. The one piece is not so much a solid color, but an expanse of space--with stars, galaxies, nebulae, flashes of light and streaks of color, ALL of which are in constant motion. White boots.
--Enhanced strength
--Enhanced speed
--Enhanced agility
--Completely mute
--Rather naive and trusting to a fault
Ahamasa is, shall we say, not from around these parts.

Ahamasa is a native of the planet Thymerion III, located within the Andromeda galaxy. Hers is a very homogenous species (in Earth terms, rather Nordic in appearance) who measure their lifespans in thousands of Earth years, and a society that has not known an armed conflict in nearly a million years.

Though 153 years old in Earth terms, by that standards of her people she is very much a teenager--and it would appear teenagers are not that different, regardless of which galaxy in which they reside. One night, she and some of her friends had taken small spacecraft out on what amounted to an interstellar joyride. There was a mishap, however, as Ahamasa’s vessel found itself ensnared in a wormhole. Her craft was spit back out into regular space not too far from the boundaries of our solar system, badly damaged by the journey. She was able to find one inhabitable planet in the system--can you guess which one?--but was unable to control her vessel’s approach, leading to a crash landing in the mountains of Colorado.

As fate would have it, her crash occurred not too far from the small practice of a local doctor, Patrick Jenkins, who saw the ship’s descent and traveled into the mountains to help. He found the wreckage and Ahamasa’s badly injured body before the authorities did--the crash site was remote, but he knew those mountains well--and though the unusual aspects of the wrecked ship had raised his suspicions, it was the examination upon getting her back to his surgery and the subtle differences in internal anatomy that revealed to him he was dealing with an extraterrestrial.

Concerned at how the authorities might go about handling a crash-landed alien, Patrick made the decision to treat her himself, and he was able to make enough intuitive guesses--or so he thought at the time--to pull her through.

But after saving her life came the tricky part: communication. Thymerians, you see, have NO ability vocalize whatsoever. Not only do they have no spoken language, they do not laugh. They do not roar in approval or wail in agony. Their entire basis of communication is telepathic. And initially, Ahamasa could only communicate with Jenkins in the vaguest of the ways, starting with her giving him mental nudges in the right direction while he had been treating her and then conveying her emotions. After a period of months being exposed to the doctor’s mind, she managed to piece together a working understanding of the English language.

Once she had sufficiently recovered, Patrick and Ahamasa made a visit back to the crash site. Confirming Ahamasa’s worst fears, both her ship and more importantly its communication equipment were irreparable. Even with her considerable lifespan, Ahamasa would likely be dead before a conventional radio signal sent by 21st century Earth technology could reach her home.

And so, Ahamasa resigned herself to living on her new home planet. Patrick came up with the alias of Anna Messier, and passed her off as a family friend from the east coast. And though, quite understandably, Ahamasa... err, Anna... was sad at being marooned, the more she learned of this planet, the more fascinated she became. She was enthralled by both the wide variety of life on this planet and the broad degree of diversity within the Earth’s dominant species. But she was also aghast at the cruelty and evil man could inflict on his fellow man.

Some months into her stay on Earth, Anna say her first news report about the exploits of Maiden America. At which point, she realized just how few people on planet Earth could do the sorts of things she could. So, against Patrick’s advice--especially once Anna determined that she would be unable to keep people from working out that mute Anna Messier and mute Andromeda were one and the same--she returned to the all but inaccessible wreck of her ship, to make a home there while she also fought to help usher the world toward a better future.

Maiden America
MUSE: Blake Lively
HEROINE: Maiden America
ALTER EGO: Ellen Barnes (born Jennifer Adams)
AGE: 33
OCCUPATION: Works in an antique shop
HEIGHT: 5‘10“
WEIGHT: 135lbs
HAIR: Blonde, long
EYES: Blue
COSTUME: A red, white and blue thong leotard--the lower portion in red, the upper portion in blue, separated by a white band around the waist. Cut high on the hips. Red gloves and boots.

She wears no mask. Instead, as opposed to her civilian identity with glasses and a ponytail, she wears her hair loose and ditches the specs.
--Enhanced strength
--Enhanced agility
--Enhanced hearing
--Enhanced vision
--Genetically re-engineered skin, which is impervious to projectile or blade weapons
--Regenerative abilities, due to nanotechnology that can repair injuries given sufficient time
--None that she has so far encountered. Like the nation whose name she bears, she is exceptional and indomitable. Allegedly.
--More seriously, the nanotechnology inside her. Should that ever be ascertained to be the source of her regenerative abilities, surely some tech-savvy supervillain could figure out a way to hack them and use them against her...
The early days of the 21st century were a dark time for the world.

As everyone knows, on September 11th, 2001, the United States was attacked by Al Qaeda, resulting in a near constant state of war that continues to this day. And in that time, the “War on Terror” has done a lot to show both what is good and what is bad about America.

In 2005, a 22 year old Jennifer Adams, the second youngest in her family of five and inspired to serve and defend her country, enlisted in the US Army. Eventually, she was deployed to Iraq in 2007, as part of the so-called “Surge.” Her unit fell victim to attack by a suicide bomber, resulting in numerous deaths and leaving Adams herself clinging to life by a thread...

But while there have been many counter terrorism efforts that we have known about by the United States government, and a number of efforts we WEREN’T supposed to know about but eventually discovered, there were still other, more successfully buried secret efforts. One such program was a black ops project dedicated to developing an “enhanced” counter terrorism fighter. With Jennifer’s chances of survival nearly infinitesimal if left to conventional medicine, her body was handed over to the project for a radical experiment. Officially, however, Adams was declared killed in action, and her family was notified accordingly.

Using a mixture of advanced (and, technically, illegal) stem cell research and even more advanced nanotechnology, Jennifer’s body wasn’t so much repaired and reconstructed as it was recreated and redesigned. The nanobots changed nearly every aspect of her physicality: hair color, eye color, facial structure, nearly everything was re-written at a genetic level. By the time they were done, the woman who came out of the procedure was no longer the Jennifer Adams who had enlisted.

Repairing and remaking her body was a piece of cake, however, to repairing her mind. While Adams was brought through the procedures, she fell into a deep coma, which lasted almost 2 years. During which time, the lead scientist in charge of the project, one Ben Knight, began to have second thoughts about an army of genetically engineered supersoldiers--especially as more and more came to light about the mismanagement of the war. In a daring break with the US armed forces, he managed to secret Jennifer and ALL of his research on the project out of the facility and, with the aid of a ludicrously rich backer of some of his previous work in the private sector, Knight and Adams were set up in a state of the art clinic in Switzerland.

When Jennifer eventually came out of her coma, she did so with near total amnesia. As Jennifer Adams was dead, as far as the rest of the world was concerned, Ben provided her with a new identity--Ellen Barnes. An only child, whose parents had both passed away by this point, with Knight presenting himself to Barnes as her uncle. Knowing that he would be unable to keep “Ellen” in the dark about her new powers and abilities for very long, he came up with the story that blended fantasy with reality: that Barnes had been involved in a devastating accident, and her only chance for survival had rested in experimental “reconstructive surgery” of a type never before attempted...

While Jennifer’s memories might no longer exist, one aspect of Adams nature remained: a desire to serve, protect and defend her country. So she and her “uncle”, with forged documents to give each a new identity and funding from their billionaire benefactor, returned to United States. While setting up a secret laboratory in his home, Ben--now known as Sam Butler--returned to the world in a place he reckoned the authorities would never look for him: running an antique shop in a secluded New England community, while Ellen worked in the store as well.

But Ellen also developed the guise of Maiden America, and began her career championing Truth, Justice and... well, you know the rest.

Ellen is shy, quiet and reclusive. Maiden America is bold, confident and resolute. While recognizing that embodying the values and ideals of America is no easy task, it’s a role she relishes, and she takes particular delight in being a role model to young people. She has a special affinity for children, perhaps the result of traces of memories for her baby sister.

If any of this seems interesting to you, please feel free to PM me! Looking forward to hearing from you...
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