Control my Fire

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Jun 20, 2017
As the flames grow higher I will be the force to fan them higher..My destiny has been shaped by those who believe I am chosen...yes..I'm a girl on fire...
The legend about the phoenix,the goddess that was worshiped through the kingdom of Igesia,was said to one day come to a human willing to take on the burden of the phoenix in the lands time of need.The resent royalty was a mess of chaos and corruption and only saw to there own needs and the common people suffered for it,they would call out to the deity,but it appeared as if there cries were unheard..
Then one day a young woman,who eyes were full of a burning passion,rose up and started a revolt against the cursed royalty and government.She rounded up all who were willing to put there lives on the line to bring a knew government.She was known as..The Girl on Fire.
Enya Tamura, was known as a hero to the common people,always offering food and provisions to the poor and when nobility started to act out of hand she burn a hole in there plans. She was a light in the dark land of Igesia.Yet..she felt satisfied with her efforts but in her own personal life..she had no one to talk one to rely on..besides.."Enya.."Her thoughts came to an abrupt stop as turned to her second in command Demos.Demos was in his usual clad of black leather and his twin blades on his back,his silky black hair swaying to the side,as he gave her a brief smile as he wrapped his arms around her waist"Enya..How long has it been since I've been able to hold you like this..?"He mumbled in her ear as he kissed the tip causing her to shiver"Feels like forever..Demos.."She said as she felt him turn her slowly around and feel the scar across the her eye as he stared at it with a scowl as the brief moments of that moment flashed between them,as Enya placed her hand in his against her cheek"There was nothing you could have down back then.."Demos tried to object before Enya would place a finger against his lips with a smile"Demos..You know better than to object to me.."Demos gave a slight chuckled as he kissed her finger and pulled her hand away from his mouth so he could touch her lips with his own"Of course..My little Phoenix.."He said as he was about to press his lips on her's a soldier came to them as Demos moved away as Enya had a slight blush on her face"What is it?"Enya said with a slight annoyance in her voice as the soldier straightened up"Lady Enya,their looking for you...The nobles.."Enya sighed as Demos came behind her"Prepare a party,we'll meet them with a hostility."Demos nodded but from the look in his eyes,she could tell there little intimate moment was to be continued later on.
"Please meet the crown prince Sir Mikhail Darvin.."As the carriage a young man with burning red hair silver hazel eyes as he walked out from the carriage and walked right infront on Enya"What can I do for you Prince Mikhail?"She said with a daggers for words,there was no respect in her voice and she gave him a fiery glare,as fierce as the color of his hair.The nobles stiffened but the the prince just gave a smile and reached out to touch her as he grasped the end"Such beauty,such confidence,truly you are well known Girl on Fire."Enya slapped his hand away as one noble gasped"What do you want!?Speak before I cut your tongue out!"She growled as she was getting annoyed.The prince however just gave a charismatic smile"My Lady Enya,I would like to take you as my bride and queen."He said as he gave her a bow as Enya's eyes narrowed,believing this was a joke"Of course you will have authority to watch and judge these nobles as you see fit and have all the power you need to help the common people,and you second command,Demos I believe.."He said as Enya slide her eyes slightly over to Demos,as she saw him about to slice the prince to pieces.Of course,the prince noticed but still did not faulter"He will be given the Captain of the Guard,he will be well cared for.."As the prince said this Enya started to realize he was serious as he put on hand on her shoulder and whispered into her ear"I hope you'll agree my little flame.."He said as he blew on her ear lightly"I'll give you three days..Until then..Farewell.."The prince said as he turned before winking at Enya,making her straighten up as he became hidden in his carriage and the royals left..
Later that night Enya was brushing through her hair,her face scrunched up as she had munch on her mind"What do I do Demos.."She thought as she always got his opinion on things but he hadn't come to her since the prince showed up.
Must be Multi-Para to Novella
No One-Liners!!
Only males or male personas(I will take up to six roleplayers, two for each roleplay)
The reason I want two is to have a love triangle between the prince, the vice captain, and my character Enya.
Roleplay 1:
Roleplay 2:
Roleplay 3:
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