HP: After the War (RoleplayMaster x DairyPie)


Jun 26, 2013
Harry absentmindedly rubbed the scar on his head, feeling how faint it was after all these years. He was twenty years old today, July 31st. It still felt amazing that he had reached this milestone, as not even three years ago, a mass murdering psychopath had been out to kill him and rule the Wizarding World. He had even died to protect it, not knowing that he would actually come back to life and kill the man that murdered his parents.

After that day, life seemed good. The Elder Wand had repaired his Phoenix Feather wand, before he snapped the piece of the Deathly Hallows and threw it away. He and Ginny finally got together after dancing around the subject for way too long, as did Ron and Hermione, which he was happy to see. He and Ron managed to get into Auror training, a feat done by the youngest wizards in the history of the Ministry of Magic. It likely helped that they were two thirds of the trio that stopped Voldemort.

Slipping his wand into his holster, Harry packed up for the day and Floo'd home, smiling as he saw Ginny. She had managed to get onto the Holyhead Harpies last year, which he was exceedingly proud of her for. But it unfortunately meant a lot of time away from home. But Ginny made sure she would be home today for this special occasion. "Hey Gin." He smiled, pecking her forehead.

"Hey babe." Ginny replied, giving a hug to the taller man. Harry had managed to gain some muscle since he left Hogwarts. "Hermione mentioned having dinner tonight, just the four of us." Ginny told him, handing him dress robes that looked quite similar to a muggle suit. She already was dressed in a lovely piece, with a slit down the slid that showed off quite a bit of leg, and it also showed a little cleavage. Her chest wasn't particularly large, so there wasn't too much to show anyway.

Nodding, Harry quickly washed up and changed into the provided robes, allowing Ginny to Floo to Hermione and Ron's home first, before following a few moments later.
"Ron! Not there! No! Oh just let me do it!" Shouted Hermione quickly taking the carefully crafted banner from him. He had been trying to help, but it wasn't very helpful. Hermione had spent too much time planning this surprise party for any tiny thing to screw it up. No one had thought any of them would make it to be 20 years old. Especially Harry. It just seemed right to actually celebrate, and it had been Hermione's idea.

A surprise party, featuring his coworkers and friends from Hogwarts. Most everyone invited at come, so it was a very full party. Hermione wasn't a fan of the crowd, but hoped Harry would like it. Him and Ron worked so much, still chasing down Death Eaters, that a time to let loose should be appreciated. But because Hermione planned it, not Ron or any Weasley, it was just the right size party with his favorite things. It had taken months to get it all perfect.

She waved her wand positioning the banner across the top of the entrance to the kitchen. That was when she heard the fireplace roar to life. Everyone got into their hiding spots, Hemrione whisked off the lights. They waited. Harry and Ginny walked through the fireplace, before they all jumped out, shouting "Surprise! Happy Birthday!"
Jumping at the sound, Harry's wand came to his hand immediately. Getting into a battle stance, wand glowing, it took a moment to realise what was going on. Having the grace to look embarrassed, Harry slid the wand back into his holster and straightened up. "Thanks guys. Sorry about that." He apologised, noticing a few fearful, concerned, and annoyed faces scattered around the room.

Soon, the party was started up, music playing and everyone doing their own thing. Holding onto Ginny, Harry approached Hermione and Ron. "Was this your idea?" he asked Hermione. If it were Ron's he wouldn't have been able to keep the secret. And Ginny was away too often to be able to plan such an event. "It's very sweet of you, though as you noticed, I don't do surprises very well." He laughed. When Ginny had tried to surprise him after work 6 months ago, she had quickly been disarmed of her shopping bags and stuck to the opposite wall within seconds of the word 'surprise'. Harry seemed to be getting better with his trigger finger, as no one had been cursed this time.
Hermione had kind of expected the intense reaction to the surprise, soon everyone seemed to relax a little bit, going back to party festivities. She went up to her friend with Ron, prepared to apologize. She nodded when asked if it was her idea. "I thought it might be a nice way to celebrate something you didn't think would happen" she said slowly. "Ron insisted that it was not a surprise party, if we did not surprise you. I argued that just flooing into a party would be enough"

Ron shrugged, slinging an arm around Harry. "You didn't hurt anyone, so I don't see what the problem is." He said grinning. "Mione planned an amazing party. Wait til you see all the food. Just, try and have fun. Happy Birthday mate." Ron pulled his friend to go catch up with their friends from Hogwarts. "Dean brought some of his homemade firewhiskey he was telling us about, we've been waiting til you got here to try any of it."

Hermione sighed, finally able to relax some now that the party had actually started. She kept busy though, making sure there was always enough food and drinks. That the music kept playing and that Harry seemed to be having fun.
Harry smiled, walking over and hugging Hermione quickly in thank you. "Yeah, this party looks amazing. Thank you." Harry said quietly, before being pulled away by Ron. Watching the participants, he soon was greeted by Neville, Luna, Seamus, and Dean, all of which he hadn't seen since they graduated Hogwarts. "It's great to see you guys!" Harry said, accepting a hug from Luna and ignoring the newspaper being swatted around his head, apparently to scare off the Wrackspurts.

Behind him, Ginny had found Luna's boyfriend, a slightly younger man who had a few drinks already, leading him off upstairs.
The party was a big success. It was getting later into the evening and just about time for cake, when a Hermione glanced around, she found Ginny missing. She had been gone for what seemed to be the entirety of the party. It was like she vanished. It was easy to not notice though, Harry was so involved with his old friends, it wasn't like he wa sin his own world. This worried Hermione a little. Maybe Ginny was feeling neglected and jealous of Harry or maybe she wasn't feeling well. She took it upon herself to find her friend. She looked into a few rooms, checked the bathroom. That was when she noticed the door to her own bedroom was slightly open. She had been sure to lock it. Hermione frowned deeply, she carefully pushed open the door, peaking inside.

The sight that greeted her eyes were no other than Ginny, naked, on top of Luna's boyfriend and one of Harry's coworkers behind her. They were all morning, very lost in their own world to what was happening at the door. She had a few choices, to either make a scene and ruin the party, confront Ginny or just pretend she didn't see anything. Should she tell Harry?

Hermione finally decided to not make a huge scene, cleared her throat. "We were about to have cake" she said when she finally had their attention, before quietly shutting the door. She would have to have a long talk to Ginny, but it would wait til the end of the party. She felt so disgusting from seeing that. But the affairs of her friends were non elf her business. Synergy they had an open relationship and she never knew. Hermione plastered a smile on her face going back to preparing the cake.
When Hermione returned, she would find Harry at the cake, which had been brought out by Ron. The only thing left had been the icing writing, and Ron's weak attempt at neatness was quite obvious. Nevertheless, Harry seemed pleased, despite the attention that he hated so much. But thankfully, the attention was for Harry Potter, not the Chosen One, The Boy Who Survived.

Ron glanced over as Hermione approached, smiling before encouraging everyone into singing Happy Birthday, with lyrics slightly different to the muggle version. Harry was unsure if it was Ron's own lyrics, or if the wizarding culture had different lyrics than the muggles. Either way, he clapped as they finished, blowing the candles out and thanking everyone. He took care of cutting the cake while Ginny approached from behind, hugging him with her head against his back.
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