Hello Big Boy: MxM, MxF RP

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Jun 17, 2017
Just a warning: if you do not care for characters that are overweight, and I’m not talking like the mildest-bit-of-chub, to being unrealistically overweight, then everything on this thread will be a giant waste of time for you. And I don’t want to waste your time. And I definitely don’t want you to read or click on something that makes you uncomfortable.

Alright, here’s the skinny--hur hur--of it. I’m on another RP website in which I have a solid amount of RPs that I am participating in. They’re all pretty basic, and even the 1x1s I have are by the books-ish. Not to say I don’t enjoy this. I do. But there are some itches I wish to scratch, and that site has a pretty serious RP community that doesn’t dip into anything kinkier than a blindfold. So, just know, that this is not the sole thing I am interested in. It’s just I want I’ve been hankering to play for a while, and haven’t managed to entice anyone into joining So, I figured joining an 18+ site with experienced and talented writers would help my case. That’s why I give you this preface, so you know that I’m not so buried into this one idea that I can’t branch out. If anything, I just want to take this one idea and apply it to your regular ole RP.

I have a thing for characters that are overweight--and beyond, but more on that in a second--and I enjoy RPing them and/or against them. And while I do enjoy a bit of fetish play in these RPs, I also love a lot of plot… and smut… obviously. As I mentioned before, there’s not a lot of interest for this in the other site I play on, or if I slide an overweight character in there… they’re either degraded or their weight issue is entirely ignored. And I don’t want either of those in this RP. Not that there might be some mild humiliation, if we’re to RP a plot having to do with how people act, then that’s totally understandable. I just ask it not be from YC to MC or vice-versa.

So, I enjoy larger characters of both genders. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be men. Maybe because there’s generally less of that out there in the world, and so it’s a little less exhausting. So, I ask that in this RP that there’s a male character that’s carrying some of the weight. That being said, I’m not opposed to women. Bring them on, too. Just thought I would tell you my preference. I can be persuaded against this, but I’d rather not be.

As much as the size of the characters and no worries all these pictures involve clothed non-lewd characters, it can go from this or this to this. And I can just see your skeptical brow rising on that last picture. “How is that even supposed to work?” you ask. Here’s the thing, I expect most of my plots to have some sort of element of the fantastical. I can’t really do slice-of-life that well unless it is like detectives or something. So, for instance, we can justify this by say: a] a scifi setting where aliens visited Earth, shared their food with humans, and humans found it overly caloric and put on weight rapidly. The aliens, who only trust those that partake in their gifts, only offered their technology to these people. Fast forward ahead so many years, and it is the new norm. Medical breakthroughs have allowed people to both remain healthy and get around. Or b] a modern fantasy setting where the character is actually a dragon that has gotten particularly lazy and fat, and when he’s forced take his human form it reflects that. But he’s so strong due to being an all-powerful dragon, that he’s more than capable of handling it.

And by all means, if the latter picture is not your cup of soup, you don’t have to act like it is. Anywhere between those first two to that one work perfectly. The only thing I ask is that the character not lose a shit-ton of weight, be perfectly skinny, and the RP goes on from there totally negating the theme.

Does sort of give you the gist of what I want? If it doesn’t feel free to ask.

I have no problem playing male or female in this scenario. That being said, my usual go to is male, but hon, stly I am fine with most things.
MxF: This setting can go either way, I don’t care what you play. My only requirement is that the male have some weight to him even if the female steals the show.
MxM: This is my favorite. I am fine with one character being the overweight one and the other one not being. But my loved setting is chubby vs very-overweight. I am find with playing either.
FxF. Sorry. I like male element in my RP.

Modern: This is fine, we’ll keep things more in the realm of the believable and not fantastical. That being said, I want to avoid slice-of-life. Let’s throw some intrigue into the RP. Maybe they’re detectives, or a rich person and a body guard, or spies, or something of that sort.
Modern Fantasy: This setting is fine, as the aforementioned plot point stated, and I might be a bit more open to slice-of-life in this than normal modern, but we still need to spice it up.
Fantasy: This can be a sort of noble/intrigue plot, though not my favorite, or an adventure plot. Weirdly enough, without an interesting twist, this is my least-favorite setting. Though, I’ll never turn down a corpulent dragon-shifter.
Superhero: This could be a fun twist. I have an old character that had the power of fat manipulation and was more powerful when he was larger, but was formidable when he was sleek.
Historical/Steampunk: I like Victorian Steampunk, so that’s why I squashed these two together, because I like my historical around that era and up. Anyway, I love RPs like this. You don’t even have to ply me much. And put some magic in either of those settings and damn… just damn.
Futuristic/Cyberpunk: There are no ideas that shoot right off the top of my head, but it could be interesting, especially if combining it with another element like Fantasy or Regency.
Scifi/Space Opera : Oh, definitely doable. I love the idea of mercenaries or trackers innnn sppppacceee. Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. And the technology can make anything justifiable and work.

Weight Gain/Stuffing: I know these two go hand-in-hand, but I want to make sure to lay down some ground rules here. This doesn’t have to happen in the RP. And if it does, I ask that it just be a small part of it and not the entire RP. Also, I’m not accepting any RPs where all characters are skinny and slowly put on weight through this manner. I’ve been RPs like this before and we never make it to the good part.
Size Difference: Obviously, if one person chooses to have a thin character, there will be a size difference. But I mean this more in like fantasy-race traits, or height, or general build.
Age Difference: I love me some age difference. Though, let’s not call like a 20 and a 30 year old having an age gap. That happens naturally. Something a bit more dramatic.
Pegging: I can’t really explain why just that I like it. And not in a degrading fashion. It can be dominating, sure. Something that both parties agree on. It can be dominating, sure.
Pregnancy: I think just falls into my general love of expansion. Mpreg is also workable, if the setting makes sense. Just remember to follow the site rules.
Fluff: Yeah. Sure. This is a kink. I love some RP fluff. This isn’t necessary, but occasional bouts of fluffy, I enjoy.
Manly Men: Whether it be beards, being hirsute, or just otherwise being a man’s man, I just enjoy playing as and/or against other manly men. Just think like a bear aesthetic.

1] I’m a pretty experienced writer. I’ve RP’d for a number of years, greater than 10 less than… let’s say 1000, and I’m an author. It’s not anything big, just gotten a few short stories out there. That being said, I’m not perfect. I don’t expect you to be perfect. I’m going to miss words. My favorite word to miss is “a.” My favorite word to abuse is “that.” What I’m saying with this is, I’m going to give you a solid narrative to get you interested and respond to.
2] With the exception of a few things, I’m down for your kinks. If anything, I probably share them, and if I don’t, I’m eager to learn. Here’s a quick run by of what I don’t do:[/b]
  • non-con, dub-con, bathroom anything, incest, extreme bondage, and doing emotionally/physically traumatizing things to my character by your character and vice-versa.
  • So, as you can tell, I pretty much like relationships to be natural and not formed by a dark, more twisted bond. Power to you if you like that, but it’s not my cup of tea.
3] I will fanperson all over our RP. And the more we get along, the harder that’ll be.
4] I’m pretty funny? I wear my sense of humor like a badge. If you don’t like jokes or hate when people make bad puns or stick their characters in silly situations, then I’m not the RPer for you. But really, I don’t think anyone is that dour. Are, they?
5] A vivid imagination and a love for plots. I love plots. We’re going to create an adventure here.

1] I’ll respond once a day to once a week. This is dependant on how long the replies are for our RP, and where it takes place. Via skype, discord, email, gdoc, or titanpad: 1 day to 3 days. Via thread: 3 days to a week. This is because I cannot access this site anywhere but my home computer, and I’m not there often.
2] While I don’t expect you to write me a novella or anything, I expect enough to respond to. I’ll give you the same courtesy. And we don’t have to write multi-paragraphs everytime, but I expect that you can.
3] If you decide to drop, let me know. I’ll do the same. If you’re having a hard time posting, let me know. If you’ve lost interest but are still interested in RPing with me, let me know.
4] Please, do not try to slip the aforementioned “no”s into our RP without telling me. I’ll drop you faster than a hot plate.
Please hit me up via PM. Though, thread is fine. Whatever you are comfortable with. But I will respond to PM first.
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