Legends of Adea [title still in progress] (fxm, fxf, fxfuta)

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Nov 5, 2016
The 5th Dimension
Hi! So I'm not really sure how to name this thread, so if anyone who reada it has any ideas, please feel free to tell me either by replying to the thread or sending me a PM with your idea.

So this is going to be a long thread, I'm sorry but hold out and see what I have going on please! So, I've always had this idea for some sort of a D&D style roleplay but just more raunchy. I've wanted to try it on here, but I've never really had the time or motivation to do it, so here I am today, to finally do what I've been meaning to do.

This thread is a bit long, so bear with me as it will be very colorful and divided into sections to make it easier.

The sections are:
· Rules and important stuff
· World building (the world it takes place in)
· character links
· "help me make the thread better" poll

Rules and Important Stuff

Rule 1: This is a fantasy roleplay, it will be and this thread will be solely dedicated to that. I will update this thread with each weekly bump, but if fantasy isn't your thing, check out my cravings thread which is linked in my signature.

Rule 2: I've seen some people use dice for these kinds of things... That's kind of cool, so if anyone wants to use D&D dice, just mention it and we can totally do that. If you don't have D&D dice you do not need them to do this rp.

Rule 3: The F-lists for all my characters will be linked in the thread and subsequent bumps, but will also all be listed in my signature. There, you can find their bios, as well as kinks, info. etc. They will be updated regularly based on the roleplays.

The way that will work is simple, say that I am playing with three people, all of eh I'm are playing the storyline with Lyneth. Two people say she escapes slavery while one says she is enslaved by the moon elves.

Since two is greater than one, her bio will be updated to say that she escaped slavery, if those two also said she did a lot of anal before escaping, I may adjust her F-list so she likes anal a bit more

The one person who said she was still a leave will not affect the F-list post, or be affected by it. We will continue to play that storyline how it is, regardless of the change.
So, basically majority rules.

Rule 4: still on the topic of F-lists, the F-list is arranged in a weird way. The Fave and Yes sections, are things that the CHARACTER likes, while the maybe section will be things I m okay with doing to them.

For example, if a character has "butt stuff" in the Maybe section, the character may or may not eventually enjoy butt stuff, But I (the person playing the character) sure will!

Rule 5. You (the person reading this thread) can either play as a set character (or several characters. Bonus for being able to play multiple people) or as a sort of DM (dungeon master). But you cannot play one of the character's I have made doe this, they are mine.

Rule 6. I can play multiple characters in one roleplay. If it makes sense, maybe somehow Andera meets Nialla, or Lyneth meets Andera or anything else.

World building

The continent as a whole is called Adea, divided into several areas and nations apart from one another.

Oshal is located in the midst of a great desert called Belial's Waste. The capital city of Amoac is built on the remnants of previous failed civilizations, leaving the city ringed with the ruins of old decrepit buildings.

Oshal is home to the Sun Elves (like elves but tan-ish and generally with white or blonde hair). The elves have thrived in the land, building civilization off the oasis surrounding the pyramids and temples erected to worship the Great Pharaoh.

While Oshal is renownd for culture and advancements, they have bitter hatred for the moon elves and after the coup and overthrowing of the queen Tihana (she will be a character later on). The new queen rules with an iron will, squashing any chance of rebellion that might ooccur. Increasing slave trade within the country.

Udrus is home to the moon elves (drow basically, light purple skin with dark hair), the vast region of Udrus is housed with pagodas, entrances to subterranean cities that make up Udrus. While most of the city is above ground, many temples and government buildings are underground.

The moon elves hold honor above all else and find the most honor in the hunt, especially that of dragons. The dragon is viewed as the peak predator and therefore the greatest creature to hunt. Many warriors will even have their armor made from the bones of the creatures they kill.

Moon Elves have held a mistrust of Sun elves since ancient times, inna dispute over the Black Jungle that separates them from one another.

The Black Jungle
Between Udrus and Oshal is a massive expanse of jungle, barring the two countries from one another. The dense jungle recieved Ir's name.for having jet black trees, with leaves and vines that shined like gold. No Axe could fell them. no fire could burn them and no beast could trample them.

The forest was treacherous, and it was fabled that there were tribes of people who did not she, living deep within the rainforest.

North of Udrus was the ruins of Aglana. The country has been abandoned by human refugees, after a great war had torn the country apart. Most of the humans immigrates to Udrus or to Oshal, some joined the nomad tribe or the mountain kingdoms, and a few sailed across the crimson sea to new lands.

Despite the loss of life, some still live in Aglana, some criminals, slavers, bandits, cults and even some people legitimately trying to rebuild the country to it's former glory.


Uskela is divided into two sections. eastern and northern.

Eastern Uskela is directly east of Aglana and north of Oshal. A bustling coastal city, the pounding rainstorms slowly tore away at the land and made a good portion into islands, connected by land bridges and boats.

Northern Uskela was built into the mountains, monks looking to find enlightenment in the solitude and nomadic orc tribes looking to find a place to stay carved cities into the side of the mountains. But nobody has ever gone beyond them, the peak has claimed many lives and left many widows...

Character Links

Lyneth Cosllett, a former mercenary general betrayed by the sun elves and taken prisoner. Now as the new usurper queen plans to turn Lyneth into a slave, she plots to escape and seek her revenge.

Andera, an adventurer seeking her next opportunity to find gold and glory.

Nialla, the Silent, An amazon tribeswoman disconnected from her beloved Black Jungle on a mission to save her tribe from their captors.

The Future for the Thread
So, I will be adding more characters to this universe with my.weekly bumps, speaking of which, always be sure to see what I say in the bumps because those will be where I add the updated info. I hope to be able to expand the world and the characters to see what can be made.

I'm excited to see what you all come up with, feel free to send me PMs or post in the thread for.any requests for characters or if you're interested in playing... Or if you have a name for the thread!
RE: Legends of Area [title still in progtess] (fxm, fxf, fxfuta)

Time for a bumpin'

So not much new, coming up with some new characters and stories but for now however, this is a fairly small update. I got a mediocre title now and added a poll to see why people didn't play so I can make the thread better.

Also, I'd like to know how any readers think I could make the thread better. Send me suggestions for characters, stories, tell me how much I suck, etc.
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