"Tricked" by an Evil Old Man (a true story of a life experience, turned roleplay)

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May 18, 2016
So as many of you who've seen my threads before may have noticed, there seems to be a running theme with age gaps, with me on the younger side, and there's a pretty good reason for that. That reason... well, I had an actual life experience when I was 19 with a man..... we'll just say, very, very much older than I was. The story will give the answer to his age... lol, but I've had years to digest that experience, and I'm ready to share it all with you in the form of a plot suggestion for a roleplay. I'll start by telling a severely summarized version of the story, intentionally, so that we can customize it for our own specific needs.

Now, I feel compelled to point out that this was in no way a rape or anything. Maybe I questioned myself at obvious points during the experience, but that was on me, and I chose to continue. Yes, the man did in fact believe that he had tricked me, or at least I have no reason to believe that he thought otherwise, and while that may say a lot about his character, I still chose to continue and therefore this was completely consensual. It did earn the moniker of "evil" for him though... lol, I won't deny that.

Anyway, as for the (super short) summary, here goes. I can prove that this did in fact happen, but just know that I have no intention at all of doing so. That's the major part of this that I will be keeping to myself. But without further ado... Here you are!

Basically, what ended up happening was that there was a much older man that I used to work with. He was 63 at the time actually. Through our interactions, I was pretty much able to tell that he didn't really think much of my intelligence. He wasn't mean or anything, but he would really dumb things down for me and seem to be assuming that I had the intelligence of a second grader, but it went on for (almost) two years before we were sent on a long distance trip to complete a class for work.

I was only 19 at the time, but that was over the legal drinking age where we went. He asked if I wanted to go to the hotel bar with him, and of course I jumped all over that... but long story short, I got pretty drunk and he must have thought that I wouldn't have my wits about me, because he asked if I'd be willing to make a bet where he put $500 on the line against..... well, this is where it gets a little intense, but against my lips. I had an idea of where he was going with that, obviously. But when I asked him what he meant, he kind of danced around the question and basically told me that he meant exactly what he said. If I win, I get 500 bucks. If I lose, he owns my lips for a few hours.

It was in that moment right there that I realized that he was seriously believing that I was dumb enough to not realize where he was going with that. But in about an instant, a bunch of thoughts went through my head and in a drunken logic, I actually played along and pretended to be oblivious.

Now, I'm not exactly a huge baseball fan or anything, but for a little while I was actually paying attention to it. We were watching a game between our favorite teams on the TV in the bar for the first couple of drinks, but maybe 30 minutes in, I was feeling tipsy. I never drank that often, if at all around that time. So I just got pretty heavily buzzed pretty quickly.

Anyway, I never really found out what compelled him to go for this, because I played along like I was actually tricked until I left that workplace like a year later. I never told him that I realized that the game that we bet on was a replay that I watched two days prior to flying out here, and I didn't tell my boyfriend that that happened on the work trip with a 63 year old man.... and I don't plan on it lol

But anyway, he asks me if I want to wager on the game on TV. Now, he was a big fan of the sport. He knew what was going on, I have NO doubt about it. I watched that exact game two days prior to this trip. He was just hoping that I didn't realize that it was a replay and he already knew that his team would win. But in that moment, countless thoughts went through my mind. I've had a fantasy since I was 16 of being completely intimidated into letting an undesirable guy have his way with me, as plain and corny as that sounds, but in that moment, that fantasy came screaming to the front of my mind. With Mr. 63, I suddenly found myself justifying playing stupid because of that fantasy.

And so.... after another drink, I did play stupid. I was becoming drunk by then, and as soon as the game ended an hour later, I pretended not to know where this was going even though my heart was pounding. We walked up to his room and I followed him inside. We talked for a little bit, before he asked me if I was ready to pay up. Now I'm a bad actress, and I was obviously nervous but it didn't seem to affect anything. I nervously said "sure... yeah" and he seriously just unzipped his pants and dropped them to his ankles right then and there. There was no need to pretend my shock though, so that probably helped...... but then he said something that I'll always remember, VERBATIM:

"So then, why don't you wrap those pretty little lips that I own, wrap them around my cock for a little while?"

Now from this moment on, I'm petrified. Not one ounce of my reaction going forward for the rest of the night was staged. In that respect I suppose it was very convincing, but I looked at him and told him I didn't understand, that I didn't know why he would do this. I was trembling like a leaf but he didn't have much to say after that, only that a bet was a bet. I did tear up, I will say that. But he asked me to take my blouse off, and when I did, he talked about loving the view, and said to keep my bra on for the cleavage. I wasn't complaining, but I had it at the back of my mind the entire time that I was just giving him more of a show. Oddly humbling.

Long story short, giving head while drunk takes FOREVER. It was probably a total of 45 minutes, but it took about an hour and a half because of the breaks I took to use my hands, following his instructions to kiss and use my tongue on it..... to DRINK more so I could push through this.... and so on. I asked him where he was going to finish, and he said it was a surprise. Honestly though, at that point, I didn't really care where we finished....

But I'd be happy to start this conversation out with your guess to that question!
So far so good with takers on this :) I'm glad my experience seems to be liked by most haha
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