Full Trifecta: Characters, World building, Plot (F for M/F)

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Jun 14, 2017
Greetings, Salutations, and other kind openers: Welcome!

Hello, I go by Asher, thanks for being here. I am seeking a long(ish) term writing partners that enjoy crafting the full triangle; Characters, Worlds, and Stories. While I have no real preference for "literacy" I refuse to build a roleplay by myself--give me effort, heart, and guts. Challenge yourself, and better yet challenge me! I view roleplaying as a friendly collaborative effort, much like mountain climbing it doesn't often work out unless two or more parties are putting in their best and full effort into something! But as a general guideline:

  • PLEASE STICK TO WRITING IN 3rd PERSON ("He looked into her eyes gently". VS "I look into your eyes")
  • Please give me replies/starters that are spellchecked and edited to have as few errors as possible.
  • Please do not give me one-liners. I will consider it a roleplay dropped.
  • Please talk to me if you would like! Private messaging out of character can be a lot of fun!
  • Please be considerate of my work/life situation. It is unlikely that I can reply multiple times everyday. If you catch me online we can volley for a while, but my general norm is 1--3 times a day as my schedule allows.
  • Please let me know about your schedule! If you are unable to reply at least once every couple of days I will likely not be the partner for you.
  • Please tell me about your limits, likes, and wants upfront. Any ideas you have are appreciated, but I like to know where you generally want to take a story and conversely where you don't want it to go.
  • Please send me starters or ideas! Just jumping into something can be a lot of fun, we can work out details out of character as we go!

As for kinks/fetishes I am honestly pretty open.
My hard limits are rape/blood/piss/shit/vomit/gore
I do not like animals/furries either.

Things I don't really like writing about, but can be convinced:
*hardcore S/m stuff (cages, diapers, abusive punishments/doms, etc)
*Medical/nurse fetish
*Giant/Fairy-sized characters getting all sexual.

I am essentially trusting that you will inform me of what you would like to write with me, and that you will respect my right to say no or offer alternatives.

My personal likes are well...varied. I like to dome sometimes, I guess that makes me a switch? I am flexible. I generally like any/all smut scenes to be positive semi-romantic thoroughfares. Our characters don't have to be soulmates, but they have to generally like and care about each other as human beings.

I like anal/oral/vaginal sex

Light S/m
Breasts! Big, small, I love them all!
Cum on clothes, bodies, faces etc

And some of the uhh, stranger things I enjoy ^///^
*Breastmilk (especially if it has magical qualities/effects)
*Cum with magical qualities/effects
*Futa (Preference for playing as a futa)
*Double/triple/multiple penetration
*Dirty talk
*Big thick cocks (9 inches is like "average" in whatever world we are in)
......and lots and lots more.

So here are a few (smutty) ideas I am considering:

***On her twentieth birthday, the sole princess of the kingdom is chosen to be a living avatar of the goddess of beauty and love. In her new role, she is to show all of her subjects love just as the goddess would...with cum on her face and dripping down her legs...

Potential kinks:


***A warrior swears their life and sword to a witch in exchange for saving their life. Unfortunately for the dignified warrior, this witch has more use for the warrior's flesh than their sword...***

Potential Kinks:
Futa/Strap on
Breastmilk magic


Story/Plot driven Ideas:
**Please consider it a general rule that in any story driven roleplay, both of us are going to have to develop multiple characters. It could be on a general gender divide (I generally play female characters, you generally play male) or any "system" that makes logical sense.***

Valles Marineris
Mars has been successfully colonized to the point of having cities as large as New York and Tokyo, or rather, There is Mariner City and the capital, Vedra. Both cities are protected by large iridescent domes that shield their citizens from both the sun and the harsh climate of the red planet. However not all is well in paradise...

Mariner City, while well known for it's crime, has seen a sudden uptick in murder and terrorism seemingly connected to a group calling themselves R3d. My (main) character in classic film noire style is an old flame of yours, and potentially has information on such a group considering she founded it.

Your (main) character, an overworked detective on the case, finds mine in their office late in the night, asking for help.

**A noire mystery...ON MARS. Anything can happen, and we can go in multiple directions--your input is greatly appreciated--I see this in general as a high tech mystery/thriller that has both Earth and Mars at stake.**

Sound and Color
In a small coastal town, my (main) character looks to escape her past demons and start fresh. A washed up one-hit wonder, she isn't expecting a whole lot of recognition or fanfare, but ends up meeting an old friend of her teenage years...except both of them seem to be needing more than a simple friendship.

**A LOT can happen/change/be altered here. We can go lots of directions and if you have an idea, feel free to jump in with a message or starter. I am generally thinking of a sweeter love story here, though drama/angst is totally possible. **

Mt Antero
Inspired somewhat off of Stranger Things: This is more of a concept than a fully fleshed out idea. In essence there is a military base inside of Mt Antero of the Coloradan Rockies developing superhumans in hopes of creating stronger stock for eventual space colonization. However, after the horrendous abuse inflicted upon her, my (main) character manages to escape to the small community at the base of the mountain. From there the plot can go a lot of ways:
Perhaps your (main) character is a sympathetic researcher?
Or a detective who has inherited cases involving missing children, and now with mine can put the pieces together? Lots of directions, and would love to hear your take.

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