DC Mutiverse - Welcome to Earth 25

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Mar 19, 2017
Hello everyone, and thank you for taking a moment to look at my page. Hopefully, if you are taking the time to look at this page than you are interested in superheroine roleplays. At the moment, I am wanting to play the world around the heroine, so you would be one of the characters listed below. I would take you down a long journey, exploring the ideas I have for this world where you will find excitement, action, suspense, romance and smut. I enjoy long detailed scenes, if you have not figured it out.


  • Detailed writers who can post two to four paragraphs per post. Not a grammar freak, just please do not write your whole message like you are sending a short form text message.
  • 60% fun exciting story, 40% hot steaming smut
  • Sex of all kinds: rape, seduction, romance, one night stands, etc... There are just too many to name.
  • I want these plays to be fun, with scenes that make you laugh while others keep you on the edge of your seat. I can do anything from a light hearted Marvel Universe type setting to a Christopher Nolan Dark Knight setting but somewhere in between I think is perfect. Have the humor and fun while still having that hint of realism.
  • Sexual torture, sexual devices
  • Physical torture short of permanent loss of limbs unless first agreed upon. Death is included in this.
  • I write in third person, would prefer this but not a deal breaker.
  • Real life consequences for defeat: pregnancy, risk of pregnancy, drug addiction, enslavement, imprisonment, etc...
  • Heroine wins after a long struggle that seems hopeless
  • I use porn stars as my actresses, and will use photos of them during roleplays when situations meet available photos.
  • I think the best partners are partners who can play the world around me. I know that is unfair to ask but I love to come up with an idea and let someone else run with it while taking me for the ride.
  • Character's profiles are listed for the beginning of their career. They can be older depending on the story line.

    All of my characters, with the exception of one, will be DC heroines who are either gender swapped or remain a female. I find female submission and defeat to be much more enjoyable. I am looking for origin plays. Now with that said...

    WELCOME TO EARTH 25, where things did not turn out exactly like they did on Earth Zero which we all know so well. Let me catch you up on things...

    Kara Zor-El
    Kara Zor-El and Kal-El both left Krypton as it was being destroyed by Kal-El's ship was caught in the blast and destroyed. Kara watched in horror though as her ship stayed on course and crash into the farm of a middle aged couple in Kansas, Jonathan and Martha Kent. Becoming Supergirl, really because the choice was thrust upon her, Kara Kent tries to make a living for herself in the nation's capitol, National City. (This could easily be Power Girl instead of Supergirl.)

    Portrayed by: Staci Carr (NSFW)

    Barbara Gordon
    Bruce Wayne's parents were never murdered and Bruce never grew up to become Batman. Instead, Bruce grew up to take over Wayne Enterprises and Jim Gordon was left to take on Gotham's worst all by himself. This would cost him his life however, and Barbara Gordon left Gotham to live with her mother as a teenager. Returning to Gotham for college, Barbara is out to stop the crime her father fought to his grave.

    Portrayed by: Jenny Blinghe (NSFW)

    Diana Prince
    Wonder Woman was born as the love child of Hippolyta and Zeus after Zeus agreed to free Hippolyta from Hercules' bondage thousands of years ago. Growing up, Diana never knew the truth due to her mother's shame but was raised on Themysrica as a spoiled princess who always got her way. This would lead to her betraying her Amazon sisters, by accident and pride which lead to her being imprisoned within the mountains of Themysrica across from the god of war, Ares.

    Portrayed By: Leah Gotti (NSFW)

    Iris West
    When the partial accelerator explodes, it was not Barry Allen that was blasted into a wall of chemicals but instead it was his beautiful girlfriend Iris West. Waking up, and realizing she now has the ability to tape into the speed force, Iris West becomes The Flash in order to save her city but also to help her father who is struggling against the meta human threat.

    Portrayed by: Dani Daniel (NSFW)

    Carol Ferris
    During a test flight in which Hal Jordan did not show up, Carol Ferris is hit by a crashing space ship and her plane nearly crashes but is saved in the last moments by a member of the Green Lantern Core. Carol is then attacked by an alien where she saves Abin Sir. After Abin Sir's death, she is taken to Oa to become a Green Lantern.

    Portrayed by: Megan Rain

    This are just some of the example I am talking about. Others can be addressed if you are interested and message me. I am looking for detailed roleplays that are much more than a basic capture and peril story. I enjoy story telling, so please take your time and lets make the story about 65% story and 35% smut. I really do not have any limits, but anything extreme should at least be brought up to me before hand so I have an idea of what is coming. I really do not know what else to say for now, but if you like this please message me and lets see about roleplaying together...
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