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The Wicked Web (MimxSierra-117)

Madam Mim

One Big Medieval Mess
May 30, 2013
right behind you
She wasn't taking her eyes off of him, and she didn't quite care if that made him uncomfortable. Mara Carridan held the end of a pen between her lips as she watched Mr. O'Rourke write on the blackboard, her eyes tracing his form through the Oxford shirt and khaki chinos. The man knew how to dress, that was for certain, and he certainly knew how to show off his assets. Dark eyes met his for a few moments when he turned around before she forced a blush and looked down, pulling the pen out of her mouth and jotting down notes about molecular geometry. She had to suppress a smile as the memory came unbidden.

She'd known he was there. Mara had heard Mr. O'Rourke walking across the gym floor and that David hadn't been paying attention. David's cock was in her mouth and his hand was in her hair as he moaned softly with his back pressed against the wall at the edge of the bleachers. She'd waited until Mr. O'Rourke found them, and when he didn't immediately say anything but froze and watched she moaned around David's cock, sending vibrations through his body. That nearly undid him and Mara suddenly had the urge to just get it over with. While massaging his balls she took his entire length before running her tongue in a serpentine pattern along the underside of his shaft, sucking hard on his head until he came and she swallowed it with a moan, allowing a few drops to drip onto her lips and down her chin.

"Oh my God Mr. O'Rourke!" Mara had shrieked, cleaning up the cum on her chin and sucking it off in a studiedly absent-minded way. They'd run off before he could say anything, but she knew he'd watched. She knew she might actually have him.

Mara had decided the first day of school, after all, that she would have Mr. O'Rourke. There was no way she couldn't, no way to ignore what those pecs might look like under those button-up shirts, how firm that ass was under his khakis and slacks. She had to have James O'Rourke. He was also, after all, the only decent-looking teacher under 40 in the entire school. She had in the past few months played the sweet and innocent girl many people thought she was--well, many teachers thought she was, anyway. If she had a habit of not noticing how low her shirt had slipped as she leaned on her desk in the front row of her 11th grade Chemistry class, well that wasn't her fault, right? Sitting back in her chair with her knees slightly apart under her short skirt was just bad breeding was all.

And all the time she'd watched Mr. O'Rourke watching her. His catching her sucking off David DiMarco wasn't planned, of course, and had potentially ruined her image. If she blushed enough and was demure enough she might be able to save it until the time was right...but then again, there was no time like the present. Besides, she'd seen that wedding band and Mr. O'Rourke himself seemed like a fighter; it wasn't like it wouldn't be fun anyway. Mara sucked harder on her pen, debating internally.

Fuck it, she decided. When his back was turned she discreetly pulled four Polaroids from her backpack and slipped them into the front cover of her textbook--not very snugly--where they would be sure to slip out.

The Polaroids were stolen from her stepfather's nightstand drawer. He thought she didn't know that he watched her, but he was old and ugly so she certainly wasn't going to give him what he wanted. Each of the Polaroids featured Mara, sometimes changing, sometimes drying after a shower, one was of her from behind while she bent over in a short skirt to look for something; all of them were when she had thought she was alone in her room. She had only found them when her mother told her to go look for some spare change in his nightstand, and slowly she'd been taking one or two at a time for just such an occasion as this.

Mara was careful to blush and look down demurely a few more times whenever Mr. O'Rourke turned around from the blackboard. Finally the bell rang, and without meeting his eyes she turned in her lab report and left, being sure to accidentally leave her book with the Polaroids on her desk.
RE: Don't Stand So Close To Me (MimxSierra-117)

James kept his eyes on the board, fully aware that one student in the class had her eyes fixed on him. He ran his hand through his short, jet black hair that was interspersed with some grey, before it fell alone his strong cheek bone to his neatly trimmed beard, scratching it slightly. Feeling the eyes in the back of his head was definitely distracting, especially after what he had seen a while ago. Mara had always seemed like a very good, innocent, shy student. The way James had seen her bobbing her head up and down along David's cock still didn't sit right with him, for a lot of ways.

He finally turned around and his grey eyes met his dark ones before he saw her blush and put her head down to take more notes. He continued to draw structures on the board before looking back at the class, asking them questions. His eyes often went to Mara. He couldn't deny that what he had seen had shocked him, but it had oddly turned him on a little bit too. His fingers went to fidget with the wedding band he had, thinking of his wife and feeling a little ashamed for it turning him on so much. He shouldn't be feeling that way with his Aoife at home, as well as the fact that having those kinds of thoughts about a student was taboo. But he hadn't been able to shake it, at least not yet....

James shook his head and shifted the glasses on his nose up as he continued to talk about bond angles and the different shapes of molecules. The bell went and he heard the packing behind him. "Alright, leave your lab reports from last week on your desk, I should have them corrected soon. Also, do questions 14-19 on page 121 of the textbook please. And for the love of God don't forget about the test next week, it's worth 5% of your grade for the year!" he said, unable to not steal glances at Mara as she left. She had sometimes had her top low, giving him ample view of her cleavage and her legs spread with a short skirt, making him wonder what was beneath it. Once again, he shook his head, clearing his mind.

That's when he saw her book. He went over and grabbed it "Mara, you forget your...." his voice trailed off as he saw pictures falling out of the front of it. He grabbed them and immediately suppressed a gasp as he saw what they were. He had to wonder no longer, her naked body on show in some of them, the pictures quite detailed. He felt himself getting excited, an erection brewing in his chinos, trying to hide it as he went behind his desk, seeing Mara come back. He looked at her, trying to keep his expression stern. "Now, I know we didn't talk about the whole David DiMarco situation, but you can do so much better" he said, before putting the photos back into her book. "Don't be doing things like this, you have a bright future ahead of you. Besides" he said, with a warm smile "You can do a lot better than him".
Damn! He wasn't supposed to find them until she'd left! Swallowing her frustration Mara turned and walked back to his desk with a smile on her face and a sway in her hips. She didn't miss the telltale bulge of his erection before he hid behind his desk. When he put the photos back in her book she did her best to look devastated and embarrassed. Mr. O'Rourke handed her book back to her and she pulled her lips into a half-hearted smile and held it against her chest, scuffing her toe against the linoleum. The fact that he was judging her relationships by how good the boy was for her was a good sign.

"Y-yeah..." Mara stammered, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear and looking down, forcing herself to flush red. "I um...about that...h-he..." She took a deep breath and looked up at Mr. O'Rouke, tears glistening in her eyes. "We dated for a while. Nothing ever happened--I never let it--but I let him take those pictures and keep them. But we broke up and he said he'd photocopy them and put them up all over school if I didn't...didn't...well, you know." She looked down again and rubbed the fake tears out of her eyes. "So I did and he gave me the pictures back."

This was all a lie, of course. She and David DiMarco had hooked up at a party freshman year and had dated for a month or two before deciding they couldn't stand each other. Still, whenever either of them were in a rare dry spell or just wanted to get off they would sneak off to the gym or behind the bleachers when the weather was nice. Mara truly didn't care if David got in trouble for the lie she'd just told, but she didn't want to fuck things up in case he had some sort of proof that she was lying.

"Please don't tell anyone!" she added hastily. "I just want it to be over and to never talk to him again." Mara twisted a lock of long, dark hair nervously. "Um...Mr. O'Rourke? Could you ah...could you do me a favor and burn these?" She handed the Polaroids back to him with a faint smile. "My mom looks through my backpack when I come home, make sure I've got all my books and stuff because as you can see I'm forgetful. I just don't want her to find these." Mara's smile widened and without waiting for a proper answer she bounced once on her toes and slung her backback over her shoulder. "Thanks Mr. O, you're the best!" With a flip of her hair and the lingering smell of honeysuckle and vanilla Mara was gone, leaving James in possession of the pictures of his half-naked student.
RE: Don't Stand So Close To Me (MimxSierra-117)

James had seen the look of embarrassment on her face. He didn't blame her, he would hate to have his female teachers seeing pictures of him naked when he was in school. He noticed that Mara was trying to look like she was smiling, meaning she most likely hadn't seen his erection. He looked at her as she explained what happened, seeing how red she was, the tears welling in her eyes. He was disgusted at how David had acted. He looked at her, resting his elbows on the table and inter-locking his fingers, resting his chin on them. "Well, if that's the case, we can escalate this." He said softly, wanting her to feel as relaxed and unashamed as possible. It wasn't her fault her creep of an ex had taken the pictures.

James leaned back as she explained that she didn't want him to tell anyone. He sighed, knowing that there was nothing more he could do. He didn't want to humiliate Mara by bringing it further, knowing that the principal and board of management would have to see the photos. He knew he had a soft spot for the girl in front of him. Not just because she was attractive and he had seen her expertly work a cock in front of him, which she could bring up if he took it further, but because she was a bright, kind student. James just smiled at her sympathetically and nodded. "Of course, I won't say a word to anyone if you don't want me to. But don't let this happen again, you don't want to be forced into something you don't want to do Mara. You're too nice a person for that sort of thing to happen"

James was surprised when she handed him the Polaroids. Especially as she handed them to him face up. He could see everything again, his member twitching inside his pants as he struggled not to gasp or let it look like it had affected him, turned him on a bit. He just took them from her and nodded, smiling at her. "Well, good thing your Mom does that, I wouldn't want one of my star pupils getting detention for forgetting to do her homework or revise for her test" James said with a wink. "See ya next class Mara, have a good day" he said, smiling, getting her scent as he looked back down at the photos. He took the lighter from his pocket before staring at the photos again. She looked so good, so hot. He imagined what it would be like to be David, having Mara slide her lips up and down his shaft, moaning around it and swallowing his load.... He grabbed his backpack and slid the pictures into the front of it, a little ashamed of himself for doing so. But, as long as no-one found them and he wasn't doing anything with her, he thought it was fine.

He waited for his erection to subside, in case anyone came into the class, and went around picking up the lab reports, tutting at seeing some of them were barely completed and smiling as he saw a lot of them were done, with some already looking like A+ material.
The week passed slowly for Mara. She had difficulty getting Mr. O'Rourke off of her mind, and really she was a bit surprised at that. Men didn't typically have that effect on her, though she had it on them. She was anxious to try something else, to give him just another little sneak peek...but she would have to wait. Mara always had loved a challenge, especially when it came to older men, but she'd never tried seducing a teacher before. Two therapists, a doctor, her minister, a friend's rabbi, and a former boyfriend's dad--all middle aged men bored with their marriages and looking to feel young again--had all fallen for her far too easily and had bored her quickly; and besides, she didn't see them every day. Boys her own age bored her even more quickly but were easier to get for quickies, and college boys though equally boring were always up for something a bit kinkier. One guy in the Delta Phi fraternity had once paid her to crush his hand with a stiletto and whip him with a belt buckle side out and she'd been surprised at how much she'd liked it; every few months he called her, complaining of not being able to find another girl like her, and she'd go over and do it again for fifty bucks an hour. But a teacher though...a teacher was someone she saw every day, someone who would have to hide it every single day even after class, someone with whom breaking taboos would be even riskier and therefore more fun. And if he fought her, fought his attraction to her...well, so much the better.

Most of the rest of the week passed almost without incident. A time or two, Mara had dropped her pencil on the way to sharpen it and had bent over to pick it up, but it was nothing that could be considered out of the ordinary. The rest of the week also passed similarly as it had on Monday: dreary, cold, and rainy. Friday afternoon found a particularly chilly mid-November downpour and it was a good thing she didn't mind the cold. Mara stayed after school and waited until Mr. O'Rouke appeared to be packing up to go home for the night and she ran to the unsheltered bus stop through the rain. She knew she'd missed her bus and although she had a collapsible umbrella she decided to stand there in just a jacket and a thin white shirt. Her bra was stuffed into her backpack with the umbrella. Mara made sure to look as cold and miserable as possible when Mr. O'Rouke's car began its approach.
James had to take his mind off the pictures somehow, off being attracted to his student somehow. When he had gone home that day, he had dragged his wife, Aoife, to bed and made love to her. More passionate, kinky love than he had in sometime. She had joked, saying that whatever had gotten into him was great and he should try it more often. He chuckled, trying to keep the shame he felt for being attracted to a student at bay. Each of the three times during the week he had looked at the photos, he had done the same thing with her, both of them being hot, sweaty, sticky messes after. It was good, sure, the photos got him going but he loved his wife. He loved being with her and everything about her and hearing her moan his name as she came around his cock and seeing her sucking him off and swallowing his load made him forget all about the pictures and Mara. He had enjoyed it.

The classes with Mara in it had gone pretty well. Sure, she had dropped something a few times and bent over but he ignored it. He had managed to teach well and as the week drew to a close, he was less focused on Mara and more focused on the rest of the class. Having sex with his wife had helped him lots. As the week came to a close he stayed in late to ensure that he had everything done before running to his car and getting in. As he started to leave, he saw Mara in the cold, the rain pelting down and soaking her. He was tempted not to stop, to keep going so that he wouldn't be tempted. But he couldn't help it, he had to pull over, that was the way he was. He pulled up and lowered the window of the passenger door, leaning over in the seat. "Hey Mara, it's soaking outside. Do you need a lift home?"
Mara bounced on her toes, trying to keep warm as she waited for him. What was the hold up? Had he decided to just jack it in the car or something? Finally Mr. O'Rourke pulled up and leaned over to roll down the window. As expected he offered a ride and she smiled in relief.

"Thank you so much, Mr. O!" Without hesitation she climbed in, setting her bookbag between her feet. This forced her knees apart, causing her skirt to ride up. "I got caught up with some friends after class and I think I missed the last bus. I wasn't looking forward to walking six miles in this mess!" She laughed as she reached back and pulled on her seatbelt. The strap rested between her full, round breasts, making them more pronounced. Her white shirt had been made almost transparent by the rain, making the hard, dark nipples pressing against the fabric rather visible. "I live on Eucalyptus, so if you turn left up here..."

The way Mara took him to her house wasn't the most expedient route. It was full of pot holes and frost heaves, and as they went over the rough road her generous breasts jiggled gently. Each time James looked over he would see her wet skirt had ridden up just a little higher, exposing a wider and wider gap between her knee high socks and the hem of her skirt to reveal her smooth, toned thighs. Every now and then she made a half-hearted attempt at plucking down the hem but never succeeded, pretending that the wool was sticking to much to her thighs. Finally they arrived at a quaint little split-level bungalow and Mara began digging through her backpack.

"Dammit!" she hissed. "I forgot my key. I was running late this morning and ran out without half my stuff. My step dad just left for work and my mom won't be home for another hour or so. Could you please wait for me, see if the spare key is there?" Without giving him time to answer she slid out of the car and ran to the house, leaving her backpack behind so he had no choice but to wait.

Frank was home and would have fallen asleep on the couch by now, and her mom should be home in about twenty minutes. Mara bent over to look under the corner of the mat. The spare was right where it was supposed to be, just as her own key was nestled safely in her backpack with her umbrella and her bra. She motioned to Mr. O'Rourke in the car, then ran around to the back. Mara loitered under the overhang near the back door for a few minutes. While she was there she grabbed up a pair of garden shears and snipped off her top button, making her already low-cut shirt look like it had lost a button. Finally she jogged back around to the driveway and got back into the car.

"I'm locked out," she explained breathlessly. What little drying she'd done on the way over had been undone by the deluge and her clothes clung tightly to her lithe frame. "Is there a gas station or somewhere you could take me? Somewhere with a payphone where I could wait for someone to get home?"
James smiled as she opened the car, thanking him. "Well, of course, wouldn't like to make you walk home on such a horrible evening" he said, looking down and noticing her skirt riding up a little bit. He felt the car warming up a bit more, or maybe it was just him. His eyes moved up and she was wearing a white top, the belt resting between them and the soaked white shirt helped him see her breasts and her hard nipples. He tried to contain his lust but his member grew hard in his pants, a slight bulge due to the way he was sitting appeared. He smiled as she mentioned her friends. "Well, I am glad you were hanging out with friends but probably a bad day to do that" he said with a chuckle before nodding and moving off.

James listened to Mara's direction, the route seeming quite beat up, causing the car to bounce as it hit all the potholes and bumps. He looked out of the corner of his eyes as her breasts jiggled, the thoughts invading his mind of her breasts bouncing as he fucked her, him trying to push it out of his mind. He saw her shaven thighs as her skirt rode up higher and higher, her legs also parted but he saw her trying to pull it down he would look away. They pulled up to her bungalow and he smiled. "That's a pretty nice house!" he said with a warm smile, before seeing her rooting in her backpack and frowning. "I'll wait here, wouldn't want you stuck out in the rain" he said with a warm smile.

James watched as she got out, seeing she left her backpack, frowning a little as he watched her heading to the door. He saw her bending over, his cock twitching in his jeans as she gestured she was going around to the pack of the house to check if that door was open. He sat in the car, thinking about her more and more, wanting to strip her and fuck her in the back of his car. Stop that, James. You know you can't do that for so many reason he thought to himself, pushing the thoughts away. He saw her coming back and as she opened the door he noticed her top was a lot more low cut than it had been before. He looked at her. "Oh no! Of course, there was one a little way back up the road" he said before pulling out of her driveway.

James started driving, seeing she was more wet, some droplets sliding between the valley of her breasts, her cleavage more pronounced now that she had cut a button on her top. "How did you cut your top?" he asked, curious, blushing a little now he had mentioned it, making it obvious he realised. He looked out past the dashboard. "Why is there no-one at home? Do they not know when you get off school?" he asked, smiling. "How are the rest of your classes going? All set for the test on Tuesday?" he asked, trying to not make it obvious what he wanted. They soon came to a gas station and he pulled out a bit of change and a 5 dollar bill. "There is change for the phone and also some money to get a coffee and a bite to eat for yourself. I have to fill up the car too, I'll wait until you can get in to leave" he said with a smile before hopping out of the car, grabbing the nozzle and putting it in the hole for the gas, watching as she headed to the phonebooth.
Mara saw the bulge in his pants and she thrilled a little inside at the knowledge that he wanted her. Even if he was fighting it, he wanted to fuck her. Well, they would see how far she could push him until he snapped...and then how well he reacted to punishment for snapping. She looked down into her cleavage, as though she hadn't noticed, then made a noise of surprise and giggled nervously.

"One of my buttons must've fallen off," she said with a shrug, attempting to pull her shirt closed but only succeeding in the tight, wet cloth pulling her breasts together.

On the way to the gas station Mr. O'Rourke grilled her about why there was nobody home then asked her about her classes. "My parents work a lot," she said with a shrug. "My step-dad works second shift, so he just left maybe an hour ago. Mom's a nurse so she works long hours anyway, and I don't think she's supposed to be home for another hour or so." She plucked vainly at her drenched clothes. Even if she got sick it would be worth it. Her skirt was beginning to ride up again, very nearly but not quite giving James a peek at the panties he'd seen in the Polaroids. "School's good. Might need a little extra help with Chemistry as we get to more advanced stuff, but I think I'm ready for Tuesday," Mara answered with a smile. That was a lie; she was a good student and didn't think she would need help with Chemistry later in the year. But now it wouldn't look suspicious if she asked him for help despite doing well. They pulled up to the gas station and she took the money with a smile.

At the phone booth she dialed a number and huddled in the phone booth as shelter from the rain. Mara was really quite tired of being wet in all the wrong ways. "Hi, is Jenny there? Yeah, it's Mara." She waited while Jenny's dad called her to the phone. "Hey Jenny! Um, so I forgot to write down the homework for History today. What were we supposed to read? ...Uh-huh...okay thanks! Yeah see you tomorrow." The phone clanged as she hung up then darted into the gas station. A few minutes later she came out with two coffees, two cold sandwiches, and a candy bar.

"Yeah my mom won't be home for another hour at least," she confirmed, sliding into the car where she'd left her bag to make sure he didn't take off without her. Smiling, Mara handed Mr. O'Rourke one of the coffees and a sandwich. "Wanna keep me company for a little bit? We can split the candy bar..."
James watched as she giggled and pulled up her top. Was she happy about the fact that she had broken a button? He was getting some weird vibes off of her now, maybe she was flirting with him? Not that it would matter, he wouldn't shut it down in case that wasn't what was going on and also he was sure that he could resist her. He watched as she pulled it up, squishing her large, almost visible breast together, her nipples still poking into the fabric of her t-shirt. However, he just focused on the road and what she was saying.

James looked at Mara as she told him about her family. It was pretty interesting how busy they were. He looked at her and smile. "Seems like they have their life together. Too bad that you forgot your key, especially as this weather is awful" he said with a chuckle, trying to make small talk, every word distracting him, allowing him not to be alone with his thoughts. He didn't want to think about fucking her again, afraid it would lead to something actually happen. Her talking was helping. He smiled as she told him that she needed help with Chemistry. "You? I doubt it" he said, seeing that her skirt was risen up almost to a way that he could see her panties. He only had to lean over to see them, but he didn't, want to respect her. "Still, if you need some extra help I am sure we can arrange it" he said softly.

He filled up his tank fully and went into the shop to pay. He smiled as she came out. "Oh, can you get me a coffee too? I need one" he said with a smile as he went back into the car. He waited and smiled as she opened the door, grabbing the coffee and sandwiches before handing her one of the coffee and sandwiches. He listened as she told him that it would be another hour and he smiled. "Well, want to wait here or go somewhere else?" he asked, not wanting her to be bored as he sipped his coffee and ate the sandwich, enjoying the taste, seeing her clothes pressed against her with the wetness making him hard almost straight away again.
"Well, let's see how I do on this test," Mara hedged before running into the gas station.

When she got back in the car, she sipped the coffee thoughtfully. "Well, this isn't very good coffee. Or sandwiches." She chuckled. "So we could go get dinner somewhere," she suggested. "Or if you want to lend me your dryer." Mara laughed again, as though it were a joke. She was very much not joking.

If she could get into his home it would be perfect. She would be able to find a number of things to use to wind him more tightly around her finger, from his wife's physical shortcomings to her lingerie if she got a chance to snoop. But even if she only got him to take her to dinner that was still a date. It was still a step forward, and surely getting "academic help" outside of school wouldn't seem so weird after sharing a meal together.
James laughed as she talked about the test, knowing what he was going to ask. He didn't know why she was asking for help, she was in AP class and was also top of the class at the moment, but maybe she wanted to do better. He looked at her, the coffee tasting pretty rank. He saw how wet his clothes were and thought about it. Was it a good idea to bring her to his house? His wife wasn't there, which actually made it worse. But if he didn't let her dry off and get some dry clothes, she would get a cold, which wouldn't be good. He smiled at her. "Yeah, I suppose you need to dry off, my house is only a 5 minute drive. I can make some good coffee, stick on something warm and you can dry off" he said with a smile before driving off.

As they drove away, he looked back at her. He wasn't sure what to make of this. Mara was clearly enjoying their time together and, as time was going on, he could gather more and more that she was flirting with him. Which flattered him but also made him nervous as he found her very attractive and wanted him. He just had to keep his urges in check. He looked out the windshield as they drove to his house. "So, tell me Mara, what do you do for extra-circular activities? What are your friends like? Where do you want to go to University and what course do you want to do?". Her answers filled up the rest of the time and they soon arrived at his house. He pulled into the garage and it closed behind him and he smiled. "Welcome to my humble abode!" he said with a chuckle.

James and Mara both got out, heading into the open plan kitchen. There was a small island in the middle, the white tiles glistening and the marble countertops extremely clean. He smiled as he went to the presses and grabbed some stuff. "Head up to the first room upstairs. It's our room. Grab a towel, dry yourself off, pick some clothes from my wives closet, you can give them back next week. I'll make some coffee and food while you are upstairs" he said with a warm smile. "Also, leave the other stuff here, I'll wash them for you and get them back to you on Monday"
Mara chatted animatedly about her hobbies and her friends, as well as her university plans. Some of it was made up, particularly about her college plans. She had a friend who was a photographer who had promised to offer her a modeling contract as soon as she turned 18. For all her good grades, Mara didn't like school very much and didn't plan on going to college. If her parents forced her to she would probably major in English or Philosophy, something easy so she could get her societal stamp of approval then go on to model. She'd already done a spread for her friend, but since she was underage most of the pictures had been for his private collection. Two or three featuring a bit more clothing had made it into a small publication.

They pulled up to Mr. O'Rourke's house and her eyes widened a little. Although she wasn't in it for the money she would be lying if she said money didn't make a man more attractive. There was no way he could afford a house like this on a teacher's salary. Either he had some other income, or his was overshadowed by his wife's. If it was the latter she was sure she could use that to her advantage. After following him through the garage Mara kicked off her shoes and bent over to slowly peel down her knee-high socks to reveal slender, shapely legs. Mr. O'Rourke seemed almost eager to have possession of her clothes, to see her in his wife's clothes. With a smile and a word of thanks Mara sashayed up the stairs and into their room.

Their room was clean and modern, like the rest of the house she'd seen so far. The closet was enormous and she looked through the wife's clothes. She had decent fashion sense, but most of the clothes were slightly loose on Mara. Not that the wife was fat by any means, but Mara's nubile, slender young body had different measurements and after trying a shirt on she found it slightly too loose in the waist and much too tight in the bust. Not that she'd planned on actually wearing Mrs. O'Rourke's clothes anyway; after a few moments she found what she was looking for and slipped it on before heading back downstairs.

"Everything was a little too big," she said sheepishly, wandering into the kitchen in a silk robe, holding her wet clothes. She wouldn't have been surprised to learn that it was an anniversary or birthday gift, maybe Christmas, but green was her color and she liked the lace. She may have to steal it at some point in the future. "Besides, my mom would probably get a little weird if I came home wearing someone else's clothes. If we just toss them in the dryer it should be okay." Mara handed the wet clothes to Mr. O'Rourke, her panties on top looking like they'd been poorly hidden.
James chuckled to himself as he saw the look on her face when she saw the house. Sure, the teacher salary wasn't great but it was what he wanted to do. Aoife made a good deal of money in her job and he had gotten an inheritance that had payed off the house and left quite a sizable amount in his savings account, so the teaching job just went to pay for food, bills and luxuries. He liked that his life was pretty comfortable, and seeing the look on Mara's face told him how lucky he truly was. With his life, his job, his wife. He thought about that as they got out of the car and he opened the door into the house, thinking about how stupid his lust for her was and how dangerous it could be. That all went away when he saw her taking off her knee-high socks, a favourite of his, seeing her long, shapely legs, imagining them on his shoulder as his tongue drove between her folds...

James shook it off as Mara went upstairs and grabbed the water, heating it up while he put some bacon on the stove. He looked at the picture of him and his wife on the wall. He knew he had to be strong. Sure, he was lusting after Mara but he loved his wife deeply and would never want to hurt her. He hummed to himself as he but the coffee beans in the coffee press, putting some hot water in and pushing down, the room smelling of coffee and bacon. He grabbed some bread from the press and buttered some slices, placing them on a plate before doing the same with the bacon once it was done. He poured two large cups of coffee, making the food and drinks distracting him from his thoughts. He always liked being in the kitchen doing something, it made him feel at peace.

He soon heard her coming down the stairs and his eyes widened as he saw what she was wearing. Mara was wearing his wife's green silk robe, the one he had bought her a few years ago as a present. He loved the way it looked on Aoife, but it looked even better on her. The way it hugged her curves, pronounced her breasts and showed off her lovely shoulders and legs had him wanting to rip it off and claim her then and their. But, once again, he remembered his wife, his job and he didn't. He knew something was up. His wife had wider hips and a smaller bust, sure, but she had baggy t-shirts and loose fitting tracksuit bottoms that would have worked too. James didn't believe her excuse, or that her panties were on the top for no reason. But he just smiled, feeling flattered she was interested in him, putting them in the dryer.

"Well" he said as he turned back around. "Food is on the table" he said, grabbing a plate and pushing her coffee to one side of the island, him taking the other. "I hope it tastes good, and I hope the coffee is a lot better" he said with a smile and wink. He looked at the food, putting some bacon on the bread and biting into it, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. "So, couldn't find anything else? I could have dried your clothes and you could have put them back on after with other stuff in Aoife's closet" he said with a smile. "Although, that robe does suit you" he said with a chuckle.
It was nearly 5:30 in the evening, but with Mara in a robe with wet hair and the smell of bacon and coffee, it could just as well have been a lazy Saturday morning and she could have just stepped out of the shower. Carefully she slid into the chair at the island, being careful to let the robe part enough to show some skin but not enough to truly give anything away. She closed her eyes and moaned when she took a sip of the coffee, savoring the rich flavor.

" much better than gas station coffee." She opened her eyes slowly and smiled at him over the rim of her cup. The bacon also earned an appreciative moan and she smiled at him. Mara fidgeted with her hair as though nervously when he asked whether she couldn't find anything else.

"I just didn't want to go snooping too much," she said, shifting so that the robe fell casually a little more open. The gentle swell of her bare breasts were visible, but the fabric was nowhere near revealing the nipples pressed against the smooth fabric. "I just feel weird, going through other peoples' closets. But thank you." She smiled warmly at him. "It's nice. What is it, satin?" She knew very well it was silk, but it was just another way to keep the conversation going.

"Aoife..." Mara rolled the name around on her tongue. "What a pretty name. Is that her?" She nodded at a picture on the wall of a woman smiling with Mr. O'Rourke. "She looks...nice."
Jason shifted in his seat a little at her moan from drinking the coffee. He was starting to piece this together. Maybe she had been locked out of her house, but no-way had she missed the bus, forgotten her bra and her umbrella. That just wouldn't make sense, especially as it had been raining on-and-off that very morning. She was clearly playing a game here, a very dangerous one. He wasn't sure if she was trying to seduce him because she wanted him, to prove a point or to blackmail him. Whatever the case, he had to be careful. He saw that the robe wasn't fully tied, allowing it to open a little, revealing more of her body. However, he put that to the side and smiled.

"Well, I am glad you enjoyed" he said warmly with a smile, watching as she drank and ate, he was doing the same. The way she was acting seemed quite innocent, and maybe she hadn't rooted, but each time she shifted he could see more and more of the swell of her bust, causing him to get hard once more. He hated this, he hated that he wanted her, he hated that she looked so good in the robe. But he was strong willed, he could resist her. He smiled. "Well, I understand that. But still, I offered so it wouldn't have been rooting" he said with a warm smile, finishing the last bite of his bacon sandwich, washing it down with the warm, bitter coffee, loving the taste. "No, it's silk. I got it for my wife a few years ago as a present. She loves it" he said, trying to hide the smirk. He loved it too, and Mara wearing it made him love it even more.

He turned around and smiled, blushing a little bit and looking back at Mara. "Yes, that is the love of my life. We've been together since the first year of college, almost 8 years ago now. We got married 4 years ago. Neither of us want kids, so we are all good on that front. We make each other happy, which is all that I can ask" he said with a warm smile. "She is nice, she is gorgeous, one of a kind really. Don't know what I would do without her" he said, before sipping some more of his coffee. James looked back at her. "What about you, Mara? Any boyfriend? Anyone you are interested in from the school. Don't worry, I won't tell any of the teachers!" he said with a chuckle. "It can be our little secret".
"It's beautiful," Mara complimented when Mr. O'Rourke confirmed that it was silk. She held out her arms and looked over the robe again. "I may have to get one for myself, see if they have anything that matches. It's so comfy!"

She was a little chafed that he'd corrected her on what qualified as snooping. Eventually he would learn not to do that, but it may take him some time. A few mistakes which she would enjoy correcting. For now, however, she let it go since he didn't know the rules. She could punish him later. Also chafing was the way he talked about his wife. They'd only been married for four years, which was a bit of a plus...but with how he talked about how much he loved her he was either trying to convince himself or he really did feel that way. That made her job a little harder...but that was the fun of the challenge, wasn't it?

"No, no boyfriend," Mara said, forcing a blush. "I mean, you know about David but other than that I don't really have much going on at school. I do have my eye on someone at school, but he's...taken." She glanced up at him over the rim of her cup and took a sip. There was a bit of a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Besides, I don't know how much I can trust you. Are you good at keeping secrets, Mr. O'Rourke?"
James smiled as she commented on the silk robe he had bought. Yes, it was beautiful, and it just amplified Mara's beauty, making him crave her, wanting to unwrap the robe, see what was underneath and have fun with his gift. But, he had done that so many times with his wife that it would be so bad, never mind the fact he would be risking his marriage, his career, all for one look, taste and feel of a student. That wouldn't be right. He chuckled as he said she would have to get one. "Well, I would offer but I think a robe like that would be seen as inappropriate" he said with a chuckle. "But, I'll write down where I got it and you can go in and get one for yourself, it's a very nice store. A bit pricey though, hope you have saved enough or can convince your parents" he said with a wink.

James was surprised that Mara didn't have a boyfriend. He was more surprised about how he reacted to the fact. It was almost like he was....glad. That unnerved him even more, shifting a little bit in his seat to give his throbbing erection more room against his jeans, not wanting to squash it or feel uncomfortable. He was surprised when she said there was someone, almost a little let down. But this was good, it would mean that maybe he was wrong about her liking him, wrong about the fact she was being flirtatious, wrong about the fact that she had planned everything just to spend time with him.

James saw the look in her eye, the twinkle of mischief in her eyes. He looked at her and laughed. "Hey, I've offered to bring you home, bought coffee, even though it was terrible, and brought you to my house. If you can't tell I'm a cool teacher by now, I don't know what will say it". He laughed, obviously being faecious and then he smiled warmly at her. "Of course I can keep a secret and of course you can trust me. I won't tell a soul and, if I do, I'll buy you 3 silk robes to make up for it" he said with a wink.
With the table between them Mara couldn't see his crotch, but from the way Mr. O'Rourke shifted she could tell he was struggling with an erection. The thought made her smile, though it would look as though she was smiling at the suggestion that buying her a robe might be inappropriate. Then he promised to buy her three silk robes if he ever told anyone who she liked. Oh he was so precious. She bit her lower lip in that just-so way and leaned in.

"You'd have to buy me one in every color," she said conspiratorially. "And I know it sounds silly but he's...well, a bit older. Very muscular and handsome, very smart..." She sighed and leaned back. "But he's taken already, so there's no point, right? How could I compete against some other woman?"

Mara leaned back in her chair for a little bit, looking contemplative, then looked up at her Chemistry teacher. "Can we sit on the couch? I think that might be a bit more comfortable than some hard-backed chair."
James looked at her. He saw her biting her lip, leaning in to tell him that the guy was older and everything else about him. Once again, a pang of jealously rang through his head. Why was he jealous? He had a pretty awesome life, Mara was the forbidden fruit he would never, ever taste. Not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't. He wouldn't ruin everything he had worked so hard to achieve just to get a taste of her, to see what she felt like, to feel what David DiMarco had felt.

He laughed as she said that she couldn't compete against some other woman. He looked at her, smiling warmly. "Mara, I'm assuming he is a senior in the school? You don't have to worry, it's not a competition. How could anyone hope to compete with an attractive, intelligent, amazing woman like yourself? It's no competition, just tell him how you feel and see what happens" he said with a warm smile. He looked a bit worried as she suggested that they sit on the couch but he nodded, grabbing his coffee, using his free hand to slip down his jeans and boxers, adjusting his erection so the bulge wasn't as pronounced and they made their way towards the couch.

He grabbed the remote and turned on the large LCD flatscreen and threw her the remote. "Turn on whatever you want" he said with a warm smile. "And tell me when it is time to head back". He grabbed his rucksack and took out some lab reports from a different year, placing them on the glass coffee table in front of them, the leather squelching a bit as he moved. "Don't mind me, Aoife is coming home tomorrow night so we are going to spend Sunday together, got to get my work done before then" he said with a laugh before looking at her sternly. "And no rooting in the rucksack, your test is hidden in there somewhere, I still need to photocopy it" he said with a wink, curious to see if she would try to get a peek or not. The test wasn't in the bag, he just wanted to see what was going on in her head, to make sure he was reading the signals wrong.
Mara had smiled at his compliments. He was most definitely interested in her, calling her a woman instead of a girl, thinking she was amazing and attractive. Hopefully he would find out just how amazing soon enough. All suspicions were confirmed when he subtly tried to adjust his pants so his erection was less obvious. It was, but only slightly. In the living room he turned on the TV and tossed her the remote. Mara flipped through and put on some sort of "true story" paranormal show, just for some background noise, then sprawled out luxuriously on the couch. Her long legs were smooth and shapely and the way the robe fell over them looked a bit like a magazine spread. Her toes just barely touched his thigh, just enough to seem casual and unconscious, and if James followed the curve of her leg up he would just be able to make out her gluteal crease peeking out from beneath the hem of the robe.

"Does Aoife go out of town very often?" she asked casually when he mentioned that his wife wasn't going to be home until tomorrow night. Theoretically she could "fall asleep" on the couch, maybe... "What does she do, then?" she continued after Mr. O'Rourke had answered.

Mara was a little offended when he seemed to test her, to see if she would try to look in his bag. She wasn't in it for the grades; she didn't need the grades. Despite her lack of interest in school Mara was a good student, and thought that sleeping with a teacher just to get a good grade was a mark of no work ethic, self-respect, or creativity. She therefore made it a point to turn her full attention to the TV and not even glance at the bag. The show was one of those where they would interview a person with a "true" paranormal story, then show a reenactment with actors ten times more attractive. This man claimed to have a succubus haunting his house. The dramatic reenactment showed him writhing in his bed, being ridden by the invisible sex demon, and Mara laughed.

"Sorry, this is just such crap," she said, shaking her head and motioning to the TV. "I watch stuff like this sometimes so I can just turn my brain off. I'd like to believe some of them are true, but this one's just too much." Still she didn't turn it off and wiggled her toes a little as she watched the man writhe sensually in bed, entertaining some unseen lover.
James was quite curious to see what she put on. He was quite curious when Mara put on the "true story" paranormal sorry. He felt her sprawling out on the couch, seeing her placing her toes on his thighs. He looked at her and smiled, able to see her long, slender legs. He wanted to trail further up but he refused to, getting back to marking the lab reports, taking peeks of her legs and smooth feet occasionally, but not peeking any further, the bulge in his jeans occasionally twitching as he looked at her, but he focused on the papers. He looked at her as she talked about Aoife. "Well, she is a publicist for a book company" he said with a smile, looking at her, his eyes drifting further up each time on her legs, unable to control himself. "So, she often has to go off for weekends and help out with book tours or organise them. She does a lot of work from home, it's only when she has a book to get out there that she is gone, which is normally around 6 days a month"

James got a lot more into grading the lab reports as she continued to watch the show, not looking into his backpack. He was proud of her for that, loving how she was so honest. It was just pushing him further down the rabbit hole of wanting her. But, he cleared his mind, instead grading the papers in front of him as she continued to watch the show. He was startled when he heard moans and groans, looking up to see a man in a bed having sex with an unseen creature. He frowned and looked at Mara, who was looking at it. He laughed when she said it was too much. "Well, as a man of science I don't believe in the paranormal" he said with a smile, looking at her. "So I don't believe any of it to be true".

She didn't turn it off, her toes wriggling against his thighs. His breathing increased a little bit, trying to suppress his urges and the want to groan out, her toes scratching his thighs, feeling slightly pleasurable. He soon had to break this, the toes and the show. "Can you turn on something else please?" he asked, looking at her. "The noises are distracting me, I'm trying to work and I don't want to hear the world's worst porno in the background". He laughed, a little nervously, almost as if it was making him uncomfortable.
"That's not too bad, I guess," Mara said when Mr. O'Rourke explained what his wife did. "My mom is an ER nurse, so she's usually 18 hours on, 18 off. It kinda sucks, since a lot of the time she's sleeping, but it keeps the lights on. Frank--my stepdad--works in the oil fields so his shifts keep changing. I'm on my own a lot for meals and stuff, but I don't mind. Sometimes it's like I have my own place." She shrugged and smiled, telling the entire truth for once. It seemed that her place may be just as viable as his, once she'd wrapped him tightly enough that he was willing to risk it.

Mara watched Mr. O'Rourke out of the corner of her eye as he graded the lab reports. Every now and then she'd catch him shifting, trying to relieve the pressure of his erection. She wondered if she could make a game of it, if she could get him to cum before the end of the night without touching him. If he did it without touching himself, so much the better. The dramatic reenactment of the man being "attacked" by the succubus seemed to distract him from his grading for a moment. Finally he asked her to turn it off and she forced a blush.

"Yeah, sorry, that's probably inappropriate," she said, grabbing the remote from the coffee table. To go along with her new 'no touching' rule, she pressed herself up into a slightly more upright position so that her feet were no longer touching him, but only just. Mara flipped on the guide to find a new show, but that didn't change it from the current one; the picture was minimized into the upper right-hand corner and the moaning continued as she looked for something else. Finally she settled on a run-of-the-mill police procedural, Criminal Minds or CSI or something like that, and changed the channel just as a commercial came on. "It was a pretty terrible porno, wasn't it?" she joked. The way she had adjusted herself on the couch, her legs were still sprawled out but the robe had ridden up to expose some of her flank. Even if she just forced him to go jack off in another room, she would consider it a victory. It was only 6:15, not late enough to fake falling asleep...maybe she could propose a real dinner? Yes, a real dinner would be nice, but only after she'd teased him a little more.
James looked at her as she talked about her mother and her stepdad. His eyes softened, his heart melted a little bit. It sounded like she had it very rough, being left to fend for herself, being left at home by herself a lot when her mother was working and her stepfather was working in the oil fields. He smiled sadly at her. "Well, that must be tough on you" he said, looking her in the eyes this time. "I hope you spend that time with friends and not cooped up in your house all the time". He said and patted her legs softly, in a friendly, not sexual way. "Again, if you ever need to talk, Mara, I'm normally always in the school" he said with a warm chuckle.

He looked at her as she apologised and moved up. He smiled "It's okay, just turn on something else you want" he said with a warm smile. The sound of the moaning still filled the room and unsettled him, both annoying him and turning him on for some reason. Finally, the show was changed and he breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled as he looked at the show that was on the TV now. "Huh, good choice, and yes, one of the worst pornos I have seen and I was a teenage boy once" he said with a laugh, not caring that it might be seen as inappropriate. He always liked joking, even in class he made some edgy jokes. It was the kind of person James was and he wasn't going to change for everyone.

He focused more on his papers, less distracted by her now that she was no longer touching him, the show in the background working wonders as he continued to grade the lab reports from different years, getting to Mara's year when he heard the drier go off. "Hey" he said, turning to her. "Go grab your clothes if you want. I am sure it must be pretty tough to be in that robe around your teacher. I know it feels nice but it sure as hell reveals a good bit" he said with a slight laugh. "And tell me when you want to go back, I can drop you home whenever." He looked at her and winked before going back to his work, trying to just focus on that and not her at all.
"You? Porn?" Mara put a hand to her chest and mocked shock. "Mr. O'Rourke, you court scandal, sir!" The fake shock fell away and she laughed before flipping the channel to something else. They sat in comfortable silence for a while as she gave him a break. The dryer went off and she wasn't exactly eager to get up, but then Mr. O'Rourke brought it up and she supposed she ought to. When he mentioned how revealing it was she forced a blush and chuckled nervously.

"Sorry," she mumbled, feigning embarrassment before getting up to get her clothes.

Mara changed right there in the laundry room, with the door cracked. She slipped off the comfortable silk robe and set it on top of the dryer with her normal clothes, then slowly pulled on her stockings, then her skirt, then last her tight shirt with the missing button. Her panties were left partly hidden--but only partly, so that he could find them--by the robe as if she'd forgotten them. Once she was dressed she came down and flopped back on the couch, but he mentioned taking her home. She frowned briefly; it was far too early for that. After a few moments thought her stomach growled and she had an idea.

"Why don't we get something to eat?" she suggested. "Frank's at work, Mom probably had a sandwich and passed out, so I'm on my own for dinner like usual and you said yourself I shouldn't be cooped up in the house all the time. We could order in, if you don't cook."
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