[ 1x1 Search ~ fandoms&originals - come look! ]

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Jun 10, 2017
Southern Indiana

I guess every thread has one of these, huh? A place for you to get to know me so that you know if our personalities/writing styles mesh or clash? I suppose I can indulge you...heheheh. My username is Artemis Sakura, though I usually just shorten it to 'Artemis'. The 'Sakura' part hearkens back to my days as an anime-obsessed fangirl, and I added it in since just 'Artemis' was already taken, haha. My real first name is [REDACTED] - oh yeah, that does require a certain level of friendship to unlock, doesn't it? xP

I'm 28 years, I work full-time in a factory, where I assemble margarita buckets, and I have more about myself in my profile's bio, if you're truly interested.

Well, you've made it this far - let's get to the thick of it, shall we?


Now I'm a fairly easy person to please, so there aren't many, but the ones that are here are non-negotiable. (Also, some of these are also suggestions and not really rules. xD I included them here for ease of reading.) I'll add to this list if more topics come up that I hadn't thought of.

  1. No sexual scenes at the start of the story, please. Yes, I changed this rule from its original content, because I think it turned people off to rping with me. xD;
  2. Do not try and force me to write a certain number of paragraphs. While I can match the best of the best novella writers, if I am not inspired completely and utterly by what I am writing, it will be dry and dull in parts. Let me write my way - it might surprise you. :)
  3. I don't RP furries/giantesses/fetishes in general, so unless it's something I've listed here, please do not ask. **This does not include characters of a shapeshifting nature, like werewolves or weretigers or the like.**
  4. My characters are neither Dom no Sub. xD They are just themselves, and don't really fit well into those boxes, I've found. So if you try to force one of them into a box, they'll really despise you.
  5. If you don't like gore, then I would recommend not requesting a vampire RP from me, then. I tend to lean towards the grittier, bloodier side of vampires. xP
  6. While I'm thinking of vampires, no Twilight please. I do not like it at all.
  8. On that note, no perfect characters either. I reserve the right to refuse to rp with a Mary Sue or Gary Stu. <3
  9. RP Partners: Don't just up and ditch me without warning, please. If you need to be AFK for a while, let me know, and then when you come back we can just jump right back into the rp. :) I'll try and offer the same courtesy to you as well.
  10. I will post as often as my schedule allows me to - please do not PM me and pester me to post. Right now, my schedule might allow for three times a week, but I'll post more often if I find time. :)
  11. No incest, please.
  12. I don't do femslash. It just doesn't really appeal to me. :) I have a Pathfinder character who is a lesbian, and while I don't mind RPing the non-sexual aspects of her life, I find the idea of rping anything sexual with her rather displeasing to my tastes.

Canon vs OC:

I have no real preference for what you play, unless it's a romance-based RP. Even then, as long as your character is well-written and believable, then I'm alright with even Canon/OC pairings. It's when people have characters that are ~SOOO KAWAII DESU~ that I start to feel sick. xP I myself will usually prefer to play a canon, unless you're willing to double, and then I'll double as a canon and an OC of my own.

It's so...so...GAAAAAY!:

Some of my characters are homosexual, some are Ace, Pan, and some have no sexual drive whatsoever. I hope that you all love my menagerie of misfits as much as I do. :) And don't worry - if my flamboyantly gay OC pops up when your female OC is trying to woo some hot dude, I promise he'll just be the best wing-man ever. ;P

How old are your OCs?:

Generally, they'll be 19+. The youngest vampire character I have is physically 16, but chronologically much, much older. He just crossed paths with the wrong woman. xP I also tend to play non-human races, such as Elves, vampires, shapeshifters, and the like. I have found that I do not get much enjoyment from playing something I am in real life. xP
[size=-1]Stuff I Wanna RP
Time to talk about what we came here for - the actual roleplay stuff! I removed Fandoms because I'm thinking of posting in the Male LFG, where I think it would be more appropriate, as I mainly play male characters in fandoms.

{I would prefer to play the one bolded. If you want me to play a male to your female, then I can do that as well. But as I am posting here, I obviously am wanting to play a girl. :3 Doubling would be fine, though!}

Female Human/Vampire - Craving! :heart:
Female Angel/M!Demon
Female Demon/M!Human
Elven Sorceress/M!Knight
Female Angel Paladin/M!Commoner or M!Knight
Female Band Member/Fanboy
Female fan/M!Band Member

As with the above, I'll add more when I think of them. Right now, I'm pretty tired from work...so I might open this thread up to people now and see what replies I've gotten when I get back. xD

Post in the thread to get my attention, or PM me for more information![/size]
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