Hot For Teacher--With A Twist (MxF)

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Madam Mim

One Big Modern Mess
May 30, 2013
So I originally got the idea for this character when going through Johnny Silverstone's request thread and we started something, but he doesn't appear to be on very often anymore, leaving me with whatever the female equivalent of blue balls is for this particular craving. (Blue ovaries?? o_O)

I'm looking for someone to play a relatively mild-mannered, young, married high school teacher (English or History preferred, but your choice). This teacher slowly falls for a seductive student who twists him tighter and tighter around her finger. She becomes a drug to him and he finds himself risking more and more to meet with her and be with her. Problem is she's kinda crazy, and they're not over until she says it's over regardless of what he tries. (Think, for instance, of him trying to break things off with her only to wind up fucking her on his desk.) She'll fake pregnancy (or actually get pregnant if you prefer; we can spitball it), threaten to tell his wife, to tell the cops, to turn him into the principle, anything to keep him with her until she's done with him. But no matter what he tries he's still addicted to her, still needs her, no matter what it might cost him.

So if you're interested PM me and we can work something out. :) Upfront note: I don't do RPs in PMs. It makes my inbox messy and I lose track of things. I don't do email either, threads only. I'm also looking for someone literate, no one-liners. Please take a look at my rules on my request thread.
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