The Wolf and the Dragon (Potter and Lovely)


Apr 12, 2017
East Coast
King Robb sat in his tent, surrounded by his bannermen and advisors. Today he was meeting with the last Targaryen on the planet as far as anyone knew. Her name was Daenerys and she had he had been told. He had sent his hand, Roose Bolton to greet her party on the shore and to escort them to Harrenhal where they were currently encamped. He had indeed confirmed for him that the dragons did exist and she had a horde of horsemen as well.

She could try and conquer the Seven Kingdoms on her own as her forebears had, but it seemed she knew that her presence was rapidly unifying the warring elements in the realm. Robb, however, had no intention of working with the Crown ever again. If Daenerys sought his loyalty, she would have to recognize the North's independence. Otherwise, as far as he saw it, it was switch just own far off overlord for another.

Thus, this summit had been called...for the two rulers and their advisers to meet, talk, get to know one another and see if an alliance was possible. Robb waited with his direwolf, he heard her procession entering the was only a matter of time now.
Daenerys was led into Harrenhal by one of the young Lord's men. She had Tyrion at her side as well as her translator and best friend, Messandei. Otherwise the rest were soldiers. Yara and Theon had stayed at the Iron Islands to make sure Yara remained on the throne this time. She continued to make her way into the keep, leaving her army and her dragons behind at the gate. It seemed like the logical choice. Dany wanted an alliance, not a war.

Tyrion was giving her advice about how to deal with Starks and Dany appreciated it. According to him they were good people. They valued family and the North above everything. Daenerys was prepared to give independence to the North in order to have his support. They were one of the most powerful families in Westeros and she would need their support.

They entered the camp and were quickly led to the tent where Robb, his bannermen, and his advisers. This was the first time she was meeting anyone from the Stark family and she was pleasantly surprised. He was quite handsome, she had to admit. But Dany couldn't let that distract her. Tyrion introduced her and she stood tall, waiting from Robb to speak.
Daenery's beauty had matched all the rumors and more. Robb found himself at a loss of words for a moment, so taken in by her beauty was he. Thankfully there were formal introduction to be had as Tyrion introduced her and Roose introduced him. He found time to find his words and calm himself as he stood from his chair and walked towards the gathered party.

He gave a small greeting to Tyrion first, apologizing for the mess that had gotten this whole war started with his imprisonment. It had been made clear, that Tyrion at least, was not as bad as the other Lannister's. He then turned his attention to Daenerys and gently grasped her hand, giving it a kiss as was custom.

"It is an honor to meet you at last, Your Grace. Please, have a seat. You and your party must be tired from the travel." He referred to her by the royal Your Grace, showing he thought of her as an equal and not as an inferior. He was hoping she thought the same as he took a seat at the table and food and wine were brought forth.
Daenerys watched as Robb stepped forward and took her hand, kissing it softly. She was rather surprised by this as well. Part of her expected Starks to be hard cold people but there was something about him that seemed soft and even sweet. Though this was all very formal. "Thank you, You Grace." She replied, glad they considered each other equals. "It is an honor to meet you as well. We appreciate your hospitality." She said, taking a seat beside him, so they could discuss while they are. Tyrion sat on the other side of her.

"So..." Dany began, looking over at Robb as food and wine were set before them. "I assume you know why I'm here. I seek an alliance with the North. I know the presence of a Targaryens is not usually welcome so I am hoping to at least secure some support with your people." She said as she started in on her food and drank her wine. It had been a long journey after all.
Robb nodded as Dany addressed why she was there. Even with most of the Seven Kingdoms now in open rebellion against the Crown, Dany stilled needed support, least her presence unite the divided factions. Robb also needed the Loyalist forces to be completely defeated so he could secure his own independence, or at least, have a ruler on the Iron Throne that acknowledged his independence.

"Times are different now...the Lannisters are the scum of the Earth and they cannot be tolerated to rule Westeros" Robb spoke out, his voice firm and his hatred for the Lannister's clear in his tone of voice before he looked at Dany, softening slightly and smiling. "Though your father wasn't the best ruler and committed crimes against my family....I hear you are a just and kind ruler, and I can see that now." Robb nodded as he looked to his advisers and then back to Dany and her crew.

"I would be happy to enter into an alliance with you, so long as you promise to acknowledge the complete independence of the North upon your coronation." Robb laid out his terms, plan, simple and to the point.
Dany listened to his proposal and nodded a little once he finished. "Once I am on the Iron Throne then you shall have your independence." She promised, keeping her tone soft but level. She always found easier to get people to listen to her if she didn't sound too imposing. "So do we have an alliance?" She asked raising her glass to him, hoping he would accept.

Daenerys knew that Tyrion took no offense to what Robb said about his family. From everything Dany heard he wasn't wrong.
"Aye, we have an alliance." Robb grinned as he lifted his own glass, accepting her proposal. He took a swig of his wine and then looked Dany in the eyes. She was beautiful...and he wanted her, badly...but he had to hide that overt want and desire by more official means. He set his goblet down and then looked around the room.

"I propose something stronger than an alliance by words though....let us join our Houses together by marriage and secure the strength and unity of the realm by our union." Robb proposed marriage, out of the blue and looked to Dany, judging her reaction and waiting for her response.
Dany smiled as he accepted, drinking down her own wine as well. He was handsome. Even Dany would admit that. He seemed like the good man that Tyrion had described. It was hard to concentrate when she was thinking what he might be like in bed. Though she wasn't sure why she was thinking about that. To be fair it had been a long journey across the sea and Dany didn't have Daario there to keep her satisfied.

At Robb's proposal of marriage Dany raised a bow at him. It was unexpected but welcome. She looked back Tyrion who nodded his encouragement. "Alright. A marriage there shall be." She agreed. This was a better deal than they dared hope for.
Robb grinned at Dany's acceptance and there was a roar of acceptance from his bannerman. Indeed, marrying a Targaryen with dragons who insured their independence basically means they had already won the war and their freedom. His men began to call for a feast to celebrate such an occasion and men quickly began bustling about to prepare.

Robb chuckled as he stood up and offered Dany his arm with a smile. "How about we go for a walk for awhile while my men prepare for our wedding feast...I'd like to get to know my wife a bit better..." Despite his smile...the way Robb looked at her clearly had a double meaning....he wanted to know about her as a person, sure....but Dany recognized the lust...he wanted to know what she was like in bed as well.
Dany smiled as everyone else seemed happy about the pairing. It was true that with her on theircsign they had all but won the war. The Lannisters were no match for her forces and Dany planned to get more houses on her side. There was no way they could loose and Dany would be Queen very soon. When he suggested a walk as the feast was prepared Dany saw what he really wanted. So she agreed, standing from her chair and allowing him to lead her from the tent.

Soon they were far enough away from the men and Dany gave him a knowing look, a little smirk on her face.
Once they were far enough away and Dany gave him that smirk, he wasted little time. He quickly pinned her against the wall the were walking by, his lips upon hers in an instant. His tongue lashing at her lips and seeking to gain entry to her mouth. At the same time, his hands moved up to her shoulders and grasped the top of her dress as he slowly began to pull it down her body, waiting to see if she would stop him.

All the while, Dany would feel a rather large bulge being pressed up against her crotch that was growing larger by the second as Robb seemed to be enjoying the moment quite a bit.
Dany bit her lip as he pinned her to the wall before their lips met in a searing kiss. She moaned softly and let her lips part for him as he started to pull her dress down she pushed his coat off of his shoulders, letting him tug her dress down. "Well you Northerners don't waist any time." She smirked, nipping at his lower lip.
Robb's tongue battled with Dany's in her mouth as he explored. He felt his coat being pushed off and he shrugged his shoulders to help it fall to the ground. At her words, he couldn't help but chuckle. "We Northmen are known for taking what we want, especially when it comes to beautiful women." Robb chuckled against her lips as he pushed her dress down past her breasts.

His eyes took in the site of her bare breasts before him and his mouth was quickly latched onto one of her mounds, his tongue swirling around her rosy nub as he sucked. His hand went to spank her ass as his bulge pressed even more firmly against her crotch now.
Dany chuckled as well until his lips found their way to her breasts. Her head tilted back against the wall and she closed her eyes. "What a coincidence...Targaryens seem to share the same quality." She told him with a little laugh then a moan as he spanked her. "Mmmm now what did I do to deserve that?" She asked playfully with a smirk.
"You earned that for being a naughty girl...and a naughty queen." He chuckled as he spanked her ass again, this time even harder. She seemed to enjoy it so he was assuming that she was the type of girl who liked to be dominated. He delivered another hard spank to her ass before he began to push her down onto her knees.

"I think you know what to do, don't you, my naughty Queen." Robb chuckled, his voice gruff and full of lust as he started to undo his trousers, his massive bulge square in front of Dany's eyes, making it clear what he expected of her.
Daenerys' eyes widened slightly as he pushed her down to her knees, though she went willining. It was clear to Dany that he liked to be in control, at least in the bedroom. She hoped no one would walk by and see them. Especially not one of her subjects. When he told her that she knew what to do she nodded and reached up, starting to undo his trousers, pushing them down enough to release his cock. She stroked him for a moment before wrapping her lips around his tip.
Robb let out a soft moan as he felt Daenery's free his cock and stroke it. She had skill, and her soft hand felt amazing wrapped around his throbbing cock. He let out an even louder moan as her lips engulfed his tip. He reached down and gently patted her head, running his hand through her soft locks of it.

" feels...amazing. More, please." His breath was ragged as he started to move his hips, pushing more of his cock slowly into her mouth.
Dany groaned softly around his cock, starting slowly before letting him slip further past her lips. Her eyes stayed up on him, watching him and making sure he loved what she was doing. Her hand rested on his hips as she let him move further abs further past her lips until he was more than halfway in. She continued to moan around him. After a moment she pulled away before wrapping her lips around him again.
Robb's moans got progressively louder as Dany took in more and more of his cock into her mouth. Her tongue brushing against his underside felt amazing and he gripped her head gently before she pulled away for a moment. "Do you like my cock, My Queen?" He asked with a chuckle as he moved his hands down to her breasts. He gave her mounds a tender squeeze, feeling her flesh mold against his fingers as she continued to suck him off.
Dany nodded at his question before continuing. Now she moved her lips a little faster, wanting him to give him more pleasure and groaning as he squeezed her breasts. Her eyes stayed up on him and she moved him further and further into her mouth, this time almost reaching his full length before she had to pull away and breath.
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