Amanda's Updated Intro & Request Thread.

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Mar 3, 2017
England (UK)


Hi and thank you for reading this. First, this intro contains a few updates in light of my two recent RP partners turning out not to be who they said they were! I hope this will attract some who are more genuine and thank you for reading.

So, my name is Amanda and I am a 28 year old lesbian living in England. I hope to tell you a little about myself and what I am looking for here so please do read it and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or even better, if you would like to explore writing something with me.


I have been writing role plays and erotica since I was 19, although I am fairly new to Blue Moon. I have been offline for a few months following a serious road accident but I am now on the road to recovery and enjoying getting back to writing.


I write in third person and I like to think I am very careful about spelling and being grammatically correct (although I am fairly tolerant of those who are not provided I can understand what they are writing).

I love lengthy posts and will happily write as lengthy a post as you wish and will adore you if you feel able to do so too. I usually respond to posts the same day and, dependent upon my role-play partner, I can also often write several posts per day.

I am happy to have OOC discussions and chat if you wish that.

I am willing to write in Forums, PM’s, YIM or email to suit you but PM's are my personal preference.


Firstly I will repeat, I am a lesbian. I am not a lesbian merely in role-play, nor am I a man who likes to role-play being a lesbian. I am a lesbian in real life and I have no sexual interest in men so please respect that guys.

I am also submissive in real life but that does not mean I have to be submissive in my role-plays, although I confess I infinitely prefer to be and I readily admit that I am pretty pathetic at playing the Domme role!

I have very few limits in my writing (which does not mean I do not have them in real life). I am writing fiction and, with a few reservations, I can write pretty much anything in role-play. Those restrictions, which are absolute no’s for me are: paedophilia in any guise whatsoever! Children have no place in sexual activities – end of! Bestiality – sorry but it is not for me – a major turn off. Snuff and excessive violence – not for me either. And, once again – men. Not even men who write as women. I am sorry but it does not work for me.

Beyond that, I will try most things once and probably more than once! If you want to see a list of my likes and dislikes, please visit my F-List at:

I am happy to write multiple characters if required and I also love using pictures where appropriate (but will not throw the baby out of the pram if you do not wish me to use pictures).

I am not too bothered what age you like to play (provided legally adult age) but I do confess that, if you really want to get my juices running, I do love being submissive to a female younger than myself!


I know these are very popular in online role-play but sci-fi, vampires, werewolves, furries, fairies and the like leave me cold. I like to write about real human characters in real world situations.

The following are some of the themes which excite me but I am sure there are others. If you have a craving for a specific storyline, try me, the chances are I will say yes.

Themes in RED are particular cravings.

Teacher/Student (Highschool) – either can be dominant

Lesbian prostitute/Lesbian client

Domme/trainee slave (trained from scratch – possibly non-con)

Boss (Female)/Secretary

Lesbian Club Owner/performer

Young female gymnast/lesbian trainer

Group Highschool girls forcing straight girl into being lesbian plaything

Anything involving Lesbian non-con

I think you get the idea! Anything along similar lines!


Thank you again for taking the time to read through my ramblings. I hope you have found something which excites you enough to want to respond. I would love to hear from you.

Hugs & kisses
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