Working fun via AIM

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Hi, everyone. I'm a little new here, so bear with me if my post isn't the best thing you've ever seen. Let me know how I'm doing with this one if you decide to answer. When you do want to answer, you can leave me a message here, but I'd rather you send me a message on my AIM, where you can find me as steph_g02. All right, here goes!

My name's Stephanie, I'm 33 and divorced, and I'm interested in doing some roleplays again based around my working worlds. I was an elementary school teacher for six years, and for the last four I've been in real estate. I stay busy with my work and with friends, so I apologize if we miss each other online here and there. I'll work to get back to you quickly, and I'll always keep a positive attitude when we talk. If I don't, call me on it!

As far as characters, I often play myself, but I'm open to playing others if I feel like I can be the person effectively. Just ask! As far as ages, I think a good rule of thumb for me is 10 years in either direction. Propose something for me as a fresh college grad, up until being in my early 40s.

As the title might tell you, I'm interested in some roleplays around either of my careers but I'd be open to other suggestions, too. For my elementary teaching days, the students are obviously too young, but off the top of my head, you could be a single or even a married dad/mom (yes, I go both ways!) or some other older relative of a student, or even a fellow teacher in my school or another nearby. There may be other options, too, and be creative. Pitch me something awesome, because I know you're capable of it! Then we'll see what we can do!

My interest in my real estate situations is a bit broader since I have a more varied life with it. You could be a client when romance sparks, you could be a wealthy or powerful developer or something using your position, you could just be looking to do something awful to a real estate agent perhaps, and you could even be a string of clients who like working with that one agent who "works a little harder" to earn her business. Again, get creative, and I can't wait to hear what you have!

Also, I wanted to just add a seed for an idea. I thought of using this for the basis of a roleplay:
So if you want to discuss something based upon it, I'd love to do that too.

Thanks for reading, and if you need it again, message me here or on AIM at steph_g02. I hope to hear from you soon!
I added a little information and cleaned up some of the writing from my first post, so I'll move this up the thread.
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