Mari, Mari, Quite Contrary [F/M x M/Monster(s)]

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May 8, 2016
Hey, a thread wherein I'm looking to play a boy or girl versus, well.. essentially anything oozing with masculinity. Plots might be written mono-gendered, but sexes can be changed, etc etc.

da Rules
Not many, I promise. This is also more of a relevant information dump.
> Be literate. I'll take this at face value and say that I just mean that you should be able to write -- or at the very least, spell, well -- I'm pretty flexible on length, though I've found that a paragraph is often a good minimum.
> Roleplay in Third Person, please. It's the only tense I feel comfortable in.
> No Godmoding/controlling my characters action, speech or thoughts.
> PMs, please.

ANYTHING not human or from the standard catalog of human-like races: Aliens, Monsters, Robots, Specters and so forth, humanoid or not, playing as or against.
DARK themes revolving around fear, psychological as well as body horror, cruelty, and the high probability of a "bad end".
Big Male paired to Small Female in the case of heterosexual pursuits. Can range from just a foot of difference to someone of Herculean stature and beyond. I'm not alone in thinking this is cute/sexy, right?
Dubious or Non-Consent, or Consent that is for some reason retracted.
Alternate Settings (talking outside the typical period of 1200s-1500s) featuring:
Twisted, unreciprocated love, stalking, kidnapping, feigning love for a monster to prolong one's survival and stockholm syndrome.
Long family lines mired in intrigue and too many skeletons to count, consuming their own flesh and blood.
Sci-Fi, Derelict Ships/Space Stations, Extra-dimensional visitors and Machines expressing desires beyond their once thought rigid programming.
The friendliness of a stranger in a time of need belying nefarious intent.
YOUR Ideas, Plots and Suggestions!

Kinks 'n Such
Here are a few things I've hastily copy-pasted from a previous thread.
- Dom/Sub Relationships and Sadomasochism: I can play either role but I don't really like playing against weak male subs. It's only fun when you're pinning down and roughing up a strong guy, y'know?
- Ageplay/Age Gaps: Pretty self-explanatory, I like younger, inexperienced characters versus more experienced, dominant parties. Or I just like age gaps that border on taboo in their degree.
- Incest: Good every once in a while, though I don't much care for Mother x Son.
- Risk of Pregnancy/Internal Cumshots: Never really played it all the way out to full pregnancy, but it could be interesting. Pairs well with a lot of other taboo subjects.
- Dub-/Non-Con: Can play it both ways, but if I'm the aggressor in the situation, I prefer a strong male counterpart, just as before -- likewise, the situation being reversed mid-way through can be pretty fun.
- Size Differences: Hnng, nothing can beat this! It factors into both cuteness and sexiness!
- Non-humans such as Beasts/Animals, Aliens, Monsters and Robots: The more exotic/weird, the better, either as or against.
- Double, Triple, Quadruple Penetration: Just shove it in every hole, eh?
- Face Fucking and Messy Oral/Deep Throating
- Messy everything
There's a lot more than that and honestly I can be just as happy with vanilla kinks. In closing, there's very little that will turn me off save for perhaps toilet-centric kinks and overly bizarre transformations.

No clever title -- though that's probably being awfully generous so far as the others are concerned. There won't be much here. Generally, I'm a person who likes to build a roleplay based on genres or pairings my partner is interested in. So feel free to skip this section and pitch something vague. Or read it, get inspired, suggest changes or not. I'm not picky.
A lone survivor in a world overrun with mutants/zombies has had a hard time of things. Either abandoned by her commune or split off from her group, she's been stuck in the wilderness for too long. She's on the run, gnawing teeth at her heels when she happens upon a settlement/fortified building. The only choices before her being death or invading another's abode, she somehow finds her way inside. Only after deciding to hide and wait out the "storm" does she realize the creature's aren't going away. He's going to be stuck here longer than usual, and the abundance of food and water has her at his wit's end. She'd never wanted to be a thief -- but with the owner away, what can he do? Except the owner returns as she's trying to take a bit for herself, and he's none too happy for the little rat that's infested his home.

It's summer vacation and everyone's ready to let loose! Except some poor schmo who's been saddled with his baby sister for much of his cross-country road trip. His parents lent him the car and a fistful of cash, but under the condition that he and his friends drop her off a few states over. It wouldn't be such a big deal if not for his little sister being such a terrible prude. No fooling around or drinking allowed when she's around, as the veritable buzz kill is always reminding him that she'll let their parents know of all the things he's doing. On the verge of accepting that his fun road trip with friends has turned out a total bust, the group happens across a dusty old town, seemingly abandoned. Desperate for a night without the constant reminder of his inhibitions, brother and friends dare his sister, who in spite of all her nagging merely wants to fit in with the mature college kids, to enter one of the town's dilapidated and abandoned buildings in nothing but her skivvies. Caving to peer pressure, she accepts, nothing but a flashlight to her name, not knowing what might lay in store for her.

A Boy's Boarding School for young men from affluent families who've proven themselves far more dedicated to the pursuits of pleasure than knowledge to be trusted anywhere else but a gilded prison sees our suggested setting. A girl or young woman lives down the road, working along the school route or doing some task at the academy herself. She is called out to by one of the students, and her decision from there sets the tone of the RP.
  • She Accepts, assuring herself that she means only to go no further than second base. When he brings his rather generous allowance into the mix, she can't help but go further. Word spreads among the student body, and soon her visits aren't solely for the sake of her paper route/deliveries/whatever else. Morale among the students is high, but their commitment to work low as "the girl at the gate" steals both their attention, and money. The principal holds a meeting, eating away at the faculty's time in order to try and get to the bottom of whatever is poisoning his illustrious student body. Your role from here is negotiable, though I see the story playing out as her being confronted and then blackmailed with some evidence of her activities. She either plays along with whatever commands he (teacher, counselor, principal, student body president or something else entirely) makes or he'll ruin her life.
  • She Declines, which leads to an increasingly hostile scenario of the student calling out to her. She's on a set, and rather predictable schedule, making getting the jump on the hapless woman/girl quite easy.

Alternatively, we could do a route where it's an all girl's school and our heroine's from a rather humble background, thrown into an illustrious school setting by a wealthy grandfather who's suddenly come back into her life. Grand dad also happens to be a close friend with the principal, so any misbehavior on her part can have big repercussions regarding her education and personal life. So what's a girl to do when a teacher confronts her with evidence that she's been meeting her boyfriend (or some other male figure) outside of school almost every day?
A hitchiker, a lost camper, or some other such person in peril happens upon a dog to keep her company. Thinking the odds have turned in her favor for the first time in a while, she unquestioningly takes the pooch at her side. Except when she drifts off for the night, the "friendly animal" reveals its true form and true, predatory instincts.
For years an important figure within the Vampire world has secretly been carrying a horrendous disease. As of yet, there is no cure, only a means of staying the effects. How? Through something almost as terrible as the painful fate awaiting any of the afflicted: drinking werewolf blood. So it comes that a werewolf is hunted down and caged, destined to spend the remainder of his life as an ageless vampire's blood bank.

(This scenario can go one of two ways, I think. I think regardless, some vague fondness for the creature will arise on the vampire's part; but she's a proper lady who's only out for his blood, though sating some of the werewolf's baser desires might arise from her "fondness" of him. Compared to what every other vampire is doing to him in the name of a cure/venting their hatred for his species, however, the bite of a vampire is quite gentle. So, either something romantic blooms between them, or the werewolf one day breaks free, setting himself towards revenge. And who else but the person who's illness provoked his capture in the first place deserves his ire?)
Kids often have the worst ideas, and she's no exception. Well, it wasn't really her idea, but her friends; but the important thing is that she's the only one who'd had the balls to carry it out. They both needed money, and the guy down the road was loaded. More important, though, was the fact he was almost never around. So they watched, and waited, and made their move when they thought he was gone.. except her friend backed out last second with a terrible excuse. The window was already broken, though, so why not go ahead with the plan? She'd regret that decision later, when it turned out the master of the home hadn't left at all -- or had simply returned early -- and his frequent forays outside of his house weren't for the sake of a job but something far more sinister. Now he's got her, and he's going to make sure this little home invader learns that he's not the sort of person to be trifled with.

That's all for now! If you're interested, drop me a line. If not, thanks for the read!
RE: Mari, Mari, Quite Contrary [F x M/Monster(s)]

I should really consider some new plots.
Time sure does fly when you're not posting.

Someone save me from this damnable heat wave.
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