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Jan 4, 2015
There is this hidden room or bunker. Once found by the ower (You) they are trapped.

* Could be a secret area for a club/business. what they do outside of the area is a cover to raise cash or keep the public happy.
* Some where linking out word and magical world.
* Crime
* science
* Military
* Prison

Combination from above.
bold means doing at the moment
To the magic world
The fantasy club baiced in the library so every now and again they get students what are not apart from there club. One day one of the female students was knocked behind a curtain. As she tried to get up she tell into a hidden passage, while looking for a light she steps onto some devil snar (Can't spell it that plant what strangles you from harry potter) as she was sinking down like quick sand she lifted up her arms to grab something making her loose her school dress as she fell throw to the magical world in her under wear.

Host club
During club time they are perfect gatemen but if anyone discovers there secret hiding place, due there parents connections and money they can do what ever they want as long as the public never finds out.

Old prison
Girl coming back from a fancy dress party as a play boy bunny in a bikini takes shelter in what looks like an abandoned bunker from a violent storm. Inside is a medieval prison. Dripping wet she takes a look around where she is caught and chained up I a cell.
Of course if you manage to get into a prison you are going to be arrested.
The question is what will happen next?

Only basic. The girl stumbles on a lab where she is strapped down, locked up, shoved in a tank where she is experimented on what ever they are working on at the time.

Hospital bunker
A girl discovers this hospital bunker on her new property. The question who still owns it and what will they do now its discovered?

Hidden school
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