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Where would you go in...?


May 18, 2017
This game is simple. The person above you asks "Where would you go in [insert place]". You answer, then ask where the next person would go in somewhere else. The place can be real, somewhere from literature or pop culture, somewhere in space, anywhere. You can name a country, a region, a city, a planet, a set of coordinates...IDK go crazy. Also, you get bonus points for including a picture and for saying what you would do there.

Example: Where would you go in Africa?


Wow, that's so lovely and smart of you to ask. I would go to the pyramids in Egypt and see how many steps I could climb before becoming utterly exhausted.

Where would you go in Florida?

Ok, ready for the real thing? I'll start.

Where would you go in Japan?
Tokyo once more, over and over again. That place never gets old.


Where would you go in Spain?
Gibraltar! And stand on a rock looking out at the sea with a hand over my brow to shade my eyes from the sun.

Where would you go in space?
To the far side of the moon!

Where would you go in the ancient Roman Empire?
Besides everywhere....I'd ride my bike over the Golden Gate Bridge, then set up a blanket somewhere I could just sit and look at the bay.

Where would you go in Westeros (of Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones fame).
To the pleasure houses of Lys!

Where would you go in the Star Wars universe?
Lah'mu, it looks so cool and rainy all the time!

Where would you go in the Pacific?
Fougères Castle in Brittany. The idea of walking through a huge old castle in the middle of the night simultaneously scares and delights me.

Where would you go in Denmark?
To go see the statue of the Little Mermaid

Where would you go in Botswana?
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