Trials in tainted space effect. (Firestarter09 and DonVoltonus)


Feb 26, 2017
Two 'galactic' community's were formed in the milky way galaxy, the two were called the citadel council races, or something like that, and the United Galactic Confederacy, each of this communities acted as the main government of sorts, both equally a pile of shit. These two never enter acted, hell never encountered each other, until a certain incident occurred. You see at some point a former member species of the citadel council, the Quarians had been exiled, why? Well they went accidentally created artificial intelligence, which was illegal by Councils laws, a war broke out or something like that, called the morning war, and the Quarians lost it and were forced to flee on whatever ships they had. Centuries pass and the Quarians are now forced to live in skin tight environment suit, have weekend immune systems, and were basically up shit creak with out a paddle... Until a desperate (due to food shortages, and etc) attempt by there admirals led them to open, a mass relay which was totally a big ass thing in space, that allowed space ships to travel extremely fast in somewhat normal space... So the poor Quarians encountered the UGC, on the other side of said relay, contact was made, and so it was peaceful, the Quarians were allowed to station there fleet on the second planet(Harvest), the system they were in.

Whilst relief was being given to the poor race, the relay had activated again, this a time another fleet appeared, which was being commanded by a race of avian based metal aliens, called Turians they were angry, why?Apparently it was illegal to open mass relays, and they attacked the first planet in the system (Shanix) in what would become the first contact war.

Eventually the conflict would end in a uneasy peace, and that's how the two galactic governments met, all because of one race (which is now under UGC protection)

"My god. Sis whoever typed this is a retard." Stated a loud feminine voice, as said person out down the tablet like device, which had lit up the dark room she was in. "Damn it, hey are you sleeping?!" She yelled out in the dark, this was Mental Shepard Steele, well get to appearance in a bit, and who she was yelling to was her sister, Meena.
"I think your sister is calling you." Vorth chuckled, the dark orange Krogan looking down at the human girl he was thrusting into. "You want to get your teeth out of that pillow and respond?" He teased, pumping his swollen, ridges member deep into her, his two outer balls slapping against her with each thrust. "Or should I tell her you're busy with inter-racial communication?" He snickered, giving her tail a light tug as his balls slapped against her own when he bottomed out into her pussy.
Meena hissed slightly as her gray fur covered tail was pulled, she kept her face buried in her pillow. Her second tail falied around aimlessly, she slightly squirmed letting the large krogan know to let go of the other tail. Meena moved her head away from her pillow groaning in frustration, her gray triangle cat ears which sat atop her head flattened. "Alright, well it seems my fun is over for now, it was nice learning about male Krogan genitals, if you will be so kind and pull out of me, and we'll go see what my sister wants." Meena said in polite manner, she was lot different than her sister, while she could act immature at times, and well be a bit unhinged at times, she usually was more calm and collected, verus her twins rather brash, and sporadic personality. "Ugh! Fuck your so big!" She exclaimed a bit, as she quickly gritted her teeth, as she tried to get off the swollen member.
He released her tail with a chuckle. "Aww, not even going to let me finish? You're so cruel to leave a guy with blue quads." He smirked, but slowly slid out, each ridge flicking over her clit until the head popped out, glossy with her juices. "Well, give me a call when you're free, I'll make you squirm like this anytime." He teased.
"Yeah, I'll keep it in mind, also tip of advice, be careful. I heard some real shady people showed up at the station docks, today... So you know be careful." She told Vorth, getting off the bed, stretching ever so slightly, letting her generously large busom bounce, and nice round juciy ass jiggle, she turned her head to look at Vorth, a smirk spreading across her face. "Since you mentioned being blue balled, i say you have it lucky, most people dont get to fuck me for that long."

"MEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNAAA!" Came the loud whine from off in the background, seemed Menta was getting impatient.
He chuckled, getting his clothes and leaving, giving her ass a pat. "Krogans are long lived in battle, and longer lived in bed." He smirked, heading out and leaving the sisters by themselves.
Meena giggled and moaned ever so slightly, as she felt the slap to her ass. "Oh thats so much of a turn on for me." She purred to herself. She always loved it when her sister slapped her ass, or when she got to slap her twins ass. It was her kink and the easiest way to get her hard "Im so glad i have a cock." She said to herself, as she walked to her sister room, whilst she walked to the room, she played with her gray hair a bit, she was going to need a haircut soon, it was getting pretty long. "Alright sis. What is it?" She asked her sister once she entered the room, she noticed her sister was just in her boxer briefs, and nothing else, also noting that she had her blankets all at her feet.

"Well took you long enough. Having a little to much fun with the Krogan?" Menta teased her twin, who in turn rolled her eyes. "Well probably should get back on track, at first what i wanted to show you was this really stupid article, about the most recent history in the glaxay." She said grabbing said tablet object and handing it to her twin. "Then I got a message from an old friend of mine, you know Cass, really flat chested Kaithrit." Meena nodded her head slightly, she had only met Cass several times. "Good, because well she on station, and wants to visit, and she said she had a surprise."


"Well that might be her, or the Quarian delivery girl." Menta noticed Meena glare when she said delivery girl. "Hey don't judge what i buy." She said as she got of bed, tits and ass jiggling as she did, she quickly left the room and headed to the door.
Cass would walk in with a finger hushing over her mouth, pulling in a carriage with a sleeping little kitten. "Hey you two, been awhile hasn't it?" She chuckled, looking at the sisters. "I'm pretty sure he's one of yours, considering my last visit had you two pumping me full all night." She smirked.
Menta face went pale white as a ghost, that child was most definitely hers, as she remembered have fun with Cass pussy the most, Menta slightlt gulped. "Y-you said he? Are you sure? I mean maybe you got it mixed and he's a herm?" Menta was trying to get her mind off the boy, but was utterly failing, she noticed from the corner of her eye, Meena snickering. "I-i uh." Menta stuttered.
She laughed lightly. "Relax, I'm screwing with you gals, I've been gone six months and our young only take like four." She smirked, hugging Menta, then Meena. "Sides, didn't you two tell me herms rarely have young?"
Menta blushed ever so, she didn't not like being embarrassed. "Well that was joke me and my sister came up with, in all seriousness, herms can have a shit ton of kids." She stated to Cass. "So you said he? Are you sure, i mean, what if he's a herm. You know looks are deceiving." Menta said eyeing the baby in the stroller, the child did have her and her sister looks.

"Well its nice seeing you again, I assune your still a smuggler?" She asked Cass, taking note of her body, noticing that her chest wasn't that flat anymore, roughly around a B-cup. "See your a B-cup."
"Yeah, he's all male." She giggled. "His mom wasn't, but it seems like Herm-Only races can actually have any gender." She smirked. "I still smuggle, yeah. Met the sweetest pirate gal with balls the size of cars that cums like a broken dam." She smiled.

"Oh these?" She wiggled her chest, shaking her new tits. "Yeah, I kinda had to take something, really hard to feed the little guy with a flat chest."
Meena raised a brow at the something, Cass mentioned. "What did you take?" Meena interest was at an all time high right now, there was multiple things Cass could have taken to get a B-cup, there were a few possibilities; Tittyblossom, Boobswell pads, a few mods for lactation, or the in the entire possibility of.... The treatment, when Meena shuddered at the thought, She and her sister did not like the treatment at all, and for good reason, the mental effects it had on people were well beyond the point of being considered ok, Meena shook the thought from her head, and looked back at the baby boy. "So whose the other parent for the kid? You aren't a herm, so who's you know, was it that pirate gal?" Meena continued to question Cass, she looked to her sister and then back to Cass, waiting patiently for the answer.
"Yeah." She chuckled, "It was the pirate." She rubbed her breasts. "Just a little tittyblossom. But I know what you were thinking, do you think I want fuckin' udders or something?"
"Maybe, well not actual udders, but at least something of a chest." Meena clamly said. "So what species was the pirate? Kui-Tan, they have big balls when not tended to." Meena noticed from the side of her eyes, that Menta was keeping her eyes on the child. "Seems sis doesn't believe Cass." She mentally took note of that. "Well we should let you come in; Then we can continue our talk from there... Oh apparently my sister has a Quarian 'delivery' girl coming over." She felt her sister nudged her side when she mentioned that.
"Oh a hooker? What fun." She smiled, taking the baby in with them. "Yeah, I think she was, I mean those balls are huge, I'm pretty sure she came in my tubes."
Menta pouted at the mention of hooker. "I ordered some stuff, and she might be a hooker." She put a good amount of emphasis on the word might, She walked over to the living room couch and took a seat. "Besides this my first time to meeting a Quarian face to face, so... I don't know what to expect." She said with a pout as her sister started to chuckle a bit, Menta grabbed a tablet that was on the coffee table in the room, she looked up information on what to expect about from Quarians.

"Well take a seat anywhere you want Cass. Hey do you want any food? We got some left over terran stuff." Meena asked her guest as she closed the door.
"Sure" She chuckled, sitting down. "We all know you don't invite people over unless it's for sex." She smirked at Menta. "If I didn't have my kid here I'd have both of you in bed by now."
Meena laughed at Cass comment, which was true. Menta did invite a lot of people over for sex, though Meena was guilty of this as well, after she was fucking and being fucked by a krogan about thirty minutes ago. "Yeah, Yeah laugh it up, I'm trying to be serious here. I swear this Quarian chick is not a hooker... She just has talents." Menta sighed as she tried to defend herself, she looked up from the tablet and turned her head over to Cass. "Hey? Do you know anything about Quarians?" She questioned the smuggler.
"Well, their immune systems are getting better, they can take off the suit for a little while and just take meds afterwards."
"Neat, this article im reading about them, talks about some of the adjustments made to their kind. Such as an expensive heavy modification made to make them have levos based acids instead of dextros based ones, says here it was due to a massive dextro food shortage and the fact there were no dextro based worlds in U.G.C space, huh... They never talked about this in school." Menta slread off the tablet, before putting it down for a second. "Huh if you think about its pretty dark, or just strange."
"Rebuilding your race from the ground up." She chuckled lightly. "Sounds like a big deal to me." She glanced to Menta. "Well you did spend college under peoples desk, not surprising you missed things."
"Yeah i can see it being a big deal, and hey! I spent a good amount of time under my sister desk, and she spent a good amount of time under my desk. Also I learned a good amount of stuff, and besides they are still incorporating all this new info and stuff into schools, I mean seriously we were kids when the first contact war happend!" Menta said as she tried to defend herself. "Besides you were one of those people, hell I was the one to take your virginity!" Menta had a lot of history with Cass, as well her sister to some degree.
"Still so defensive Menta." She giggled. "It really was just a joke. Either way, they're out of their suits and making very good use of it." She smirked. "Trust me, I've tried it myself."
"Fine whatever!" She exlcaimed to Cass as she turned her head away from her, pouting in annoyance not entirely happy with saying she called a whore over. "Look just saying i did not invite a whore over ok." She said as the doorbell rang once again. "Well she's here." Menta said as she got up from the couch and approached the door, turning her head back to look at her sister and Cass, before turning her attention to the door and opening it, seeing a purple suited Quarian woman standing there.
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