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Fear The Walking Dead. randomname98766789 and Vail

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Gavin Pittman is the 18-year-old son of Anthony and Katie Pittman. The Pittman’s also had a 21-year-old daughter named Emma. Originally from Florida, the Pittman family moved cross country and settled in Los Angeles, California when Gavin was two. Anthony Pittman worked with the Los Angeles Police Department and Katie Pittman was a doctor at the UCLA Health Center, one of the biggest hospitals in all of Los Angeles. They ended up moving into a home neighboring another family: the Clarks. Madison and Steven Clark were the parents and the two children were Alicia and Nicholas Clark. The families quickly became close friends and soon Gavin and Alicia were having a plethora of playdates together growing up. They started kindergarten at the same time and were the same age. As long as anyone could remember, Gavin Pittman and Alicia Clark were best friends. The friendship started before school even began. Almost 16 years later, their bond was as strong as it had ever been. In middle school, the children finally began socializing more around the opposite gender. “Dating” was something that occurred first in middle school. While nobody expected anything permanent to happen with a couple that started dating in middle school, Gavin and Alicia shocked everyone.

It was sixth grade when Gavin wrote Alicia a note in English class and asked if she would be his girlfriend. Of course, she said yes and they shared their first two weeks later in the treehouse behind the Pittman’s home. Fast forward to their senior year of high school and they were still growing strong. They never took any breaks, they never broke up, and neither was ever disloyal to the other. It was in 9th grade when Gavin first uttered the words “I love you, Alicia Clark”. He meant them. Every day since then, he has said those three words countless times. Of course, every relationship has a rough patch. They had theirs but they talked out problems like grown adults and worked everything out. It made their relationship even stronger and more likely to succeed. They were even accepted into the same college together: The University of California: Berkley. They were both intelligent and Gavin was also attending on a scholarship to play football for the University. Things were going swell right now, but they had not always been happy.

Three years ago, something happened that would change the family forever. Officer Anthony Pittman answered a domestic violence call late one Summer night. It started out as something easily defused but he had the luck of running into a man that cared about his life no longer. A raged druggie that just hit his girlfriend ended up shooting Anthony Pittman and killing him on the scene. It was two in the morning when the call came in from the Police Station, informing them of what happened. Even though Gavin’s mother tried to stay strong, Katie was truly broken. The last three years had been difficult. She was no longer a doctor, but she was working as a nurse. Her job suffered because she could not concentrate or go that long without breaking down. Gavin, on the other hand, used the tragedy to drive him and make his father proud. Gavin became the star quarterback on the football team and had the personality to match it. Gavin was charming, outspoken, motivated, and lively. He did have a temper sometimes but he was mostly known for being kind to everyone. All the students knew about Gavin’s home situation and he truly inspired others because the tragedy did not stop him from becoming a great person.

His sister, Emma, went off to college a month after their father was killed. She returned home in Florida to the University of Florida and was starting her final year. She wanted to be an engineer. It left Gavin and his mother at home, alone. He did help his own mother mend her wounds and heal, but she could never return to the happy, bubbly person she was before losing her husband. Out of all the relationships in his life, the most stable was with Alicia Clark. They had a loving relationship. They were the “IT” couple even if Alicia was not the head cheerleader but she was still with the star quarterback. Anyone that knew Gavin knew that he loved Alicia more than anything in the world. Nothing could ever change that and he saw a real future with this girl. Since her own home life was dysfunctional with the loss of her father and dealing with her drug addict brother, Gavin liked to think he was a rock for Alicia. Countless times, Madison had ignored her daughter because something was happening with Nick. She often seemed overshadowed by her older brother.

Gavin never overlooked her, though. She was never second or third when she was in his arms. She was always first and was always the most important thing in his life. He always reassured her of that. They were only a few weeks away from graduation. It was an exciting time, but so many people had fallen sick. It screwed up with the schedules of the standardized testing and some people might not graduate on time. Thankfully, Gavin had remained well. His mother was a doctor and always enforced cleanliness when he was a child. Only last week, more tragedy struck, however. They told Gavin that she contracted an airborne illness. It was all so sudden and she was killed in a matter of hours. Gavin had seen her that morning before he left for school. It was almost three o’clock when he was called into the guidance counselor’s office to inform him that his mother had passed away earlier that day. It bothered Gavin because what kind of disease would cause this? Even stranger, the hospital did not let him look at her body, like they were hiding something. Nonetheless, it was real.

The only alleviation was that the Guidance Counselor was Madison Clark. She was like a second mother to him and promised Gavin he could stay with her family, in her home until he and Alicia were getting ready to move into their dorms in the fall. The Clarks loved Gavin like he was their own son. They accepted him into the family long ago, hearing wedding bells in the future for himself and Alicia. He was thankful and he was even allowed to stay in Alicia’s room with his girlfriend. They did trust him more than they should have, but without Alicia, Gavin had no idea how he could survive this. For some reason, he had been unable to reach his sister in the past week. Nobody could get word out to her about their mother’s death so the funeral proceeded and Gavin was the only family that knew about the situation. It was heartbreaking but Gavin kept a strong face each day. He still felt optimistic about his future and refused to let anything cloud his mind. It was now a Monday morning. Gavin was shirtless, wearing a pair of athletic basketball shorts and cotton-knit, dark green boxers underneath.

Beside him was his girlfriend, Alicia. She was wrapped in his arms just like he remembered last night before they fell asleep. In fact, he was still asleep until there was knocking at the door. It was their wake-up call.

“Gavin, Alicia. It’s time to get up!” Madison called out before opening the door slightly to ensure they heard her. She made nothing of them sleeping in the same bed together because she did trust Gavin and knew that young adults would be young adults. She had other things to worry about.

When Madison left the room, Gavin rolled over to look at the clock. 7 AM. Shaking his head, Gavin yawned and turned back to face Alicia. It was his first day back at school since the passing of his mother. Since Madison worked there, she would give Alicia and Gavin a ride to and from school each day. Now, the male rolled over to face his girlfriend, their faces only inches away from one another.

“Princess.” He whispered, greeting her with a soft kiss on the lips. “How did you sleep?”
Alicia Clark felt she had a rather normal family, for California standers. The only normal blood she had was her mother. Madison, did the best she could and let Alicia do her thing, never worrying about her because she was smart. Plus she had Gavin, who she loved as if he was her own. It always seemed with them however, once things started to get look right again, tragedy would strike. Gavin wasn’t just her boyfriend, he was her best friend. The one person she could count on no matter what. Everyone adored him, including Alicia. Sure, he was a star on the football team, smart, kind funny. She thought the world of him, but to her, he was just Gavin, neighbor, bestfriend, and the love of her life. She always got a kick listening to girls talk about him, Alicia never worried or got jealous.

The past week has been as heartbreaking as it was wonderful. Being able to be there for Gavin at anytime, sleeping and waking next to him. Although she wished if was under different terms. Alicia loved his mother, losing her was almost like losing her own. She and Gavin would lay in bed together and just talk till one of them fell asleep. Last night it was her, listening to him talk about other students in his classes that was out sick. She agreed that something strange was going on, starting with his mother, and how no one got a chance to see her after. There was never an expiation on how this illness kill her so quickly. Though they never talked about it for long, Alicia would get worked up and upset, or she would know that Gavin was getting bothered by it, even if he didn’t say anything, she just knew him well enough to know these things.

Alicia was sleeping curled against Gavin, wearing a light sage tank top, and pair of light pink, white and light sage stripe shorts. She heard her mover call them, and the door being open, which just made her curl up more with a small groan. Last night they were both up rather late just talking like they did every night last week. Feeling Gavin's soft kiss made her smile slightly. " I don’t want to get up yet." She whined playfully wrapping her arms around him as if she was trying to keep him in bed with her. Her eyes fluttered open to meet his. " Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked talking about school. Propping herself on her elbow, her head resting in her hand as she looked down at him. This was something she could get used to, having Gavin the be the last and first thing she sees.​
“Yes, I am sure. Life goes on. I must return at some point.” Gavin pointed out, propping up onto his own side as he rested his head on his left hand. Their bodies were still close and Gavin placed his right hand onto the side of Alicia’s face. “Thank you so much for helping me through this, Alicia. I love you more than I could ever explain with words alone.” The young man whispered, leaning down so their lips would touch together. He held the kiss for a few seconds, keeping the kiss chaste. Finally, the young man pulled away from the kiss and just inhaled her sweet scent. As much as he would love to lie in bed all day long with his girlfriend, they were not afforded such an opportunity. “We should start getting ready. Go ahead and take your shower first. I’ll get mine after you finish.” Gavin added, sitting upright on the bed. He reached down to grab both of her hands in his, helping her sit up as well. “Really, thank you, Alicia. I love you so much.” He never shied away from saying those words and he felt like he could never tell her that enough.

After kissing her one more time, Gavin forced himself to sit on the edge of the bed. The young man approached the closet where it had now been divided equally between the couple. However, Alicia did have most of the space since Gavin did not have nearly as many items of clothing as his girlfriend did. He slipped on a plain, white t-shirt and walked downstairs. He greeted Madison and Travis. Even though Travis has not been around ever since the Pittman’s knew the Clark’s, Travis still accepted Gavin into the family and enjoyed having him around. Gavin was cordial with them both before helping Madison finish up the breakfast. For himself, Gavin had a piece of toast, a scrambled egg, and some pieces of bacon. He downed his breakfast in a hurry and kept down a glass of orange juice. Then, he made sure to keep Alicia’s food warm and on the oven until she entered into the kitchen after she finished showering. Travis was busy working on the sink and Madison was bustling around, getting ready for the day. Gavin presented Alicia with her plate of food and a warm smile, placing it in front of her seat at the table.

After that, he stole another kiss from her lips and found his way into the shower. After showering and cleaning himself, Gavin dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a t-shirt with their high school name on the front from the football team, boxers underneath that were clean, a clean pair of socks and his tennis shoes. Being the star quarterback, he did work out often and stay many hours in the gym. His body was muscular and he was quite the desirable male. The shirt he wore was rather tight on his body and really did accentuated his toned body. However, he only cared about one person enjoying his appearance. Of course, that was Alicia Clark. He wanted her to feel turned on whenever she saw him because he was so handsome and so ripped. Surely, Gavin always felt turned on when he saw Alicia. Gavin never was attracted to a cheerleader or another athlete. The only girl he cared about was his artistic, intelligent girlfriend. She was drop dead gorgeous and he loved her. Soon, the young man had dressed and found his backpack from Alicia’s room. While he was there, he also grabbed Alicia’s bag before returning back downstairs into the dining room.
Alicia closed her eye as Gavin touched her face smiling softly, reaching up placing her hand on his. " I know, and you're right." Her eyes opening again meeting his. Even after all these year Gavin seemed to still take her breath away. Not just by his looks, but how he knew the right things to say. Even though it should have been her assuring him. She watched him sit up taking his hand as he pulled her from her laying position. Once her let go of her hands she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him for a moment before looking up to him. " I love you too, Gavin. I'm just glad you're here so I can help you through all this. I just wish I could do more." She kissed his shoulder then kissed his lips as he leaned down to her,before climbing out of bed. Pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans, and light blur graphic t'shirt and a flannel. Just before she left the room she looked back at him sitting at the foot of their bed and smirked. "Don’t worry, I wont take too long. I know it takes you a lot of work to look that pretty." Alicia playfully teased, winking to him as she left the room.

Alicia knew it was her that took longer in the mornings to get ready, she kept her style simple. Sometimes she thought about changing things up, being Gavin's girlfriend she wondered if she should start dressing the part. Once ready she stopped in front of the bathroom mirror giving one last check before heading into the kitchen where the rest of her family was. As she turned the corner she saw Gavin there finishing his breakfast. Behind him, her mother and Travis practically making out. Alicia rolled her eyes, grossed out by them. She always acted like she didn’t like Travis, in honest, she liked the guy. She thought he was dumb to get involved with her family. But her made her mom happy. She sat down just as Gavin was placing her plate. Returning his kiss and giving him a playful pat on his rear. "Hurry up, okay."

Gavin may have not known, but the look he gives Alicia when she walks into the room still gives her butterflies, and any doubt the might have had about the way she looks or dresses seemed silly. Alicia has no reason to change, not for the man that loves her like he does. She was just about done eating when she heard Gavin walking down the hall " Hey, can you grab m-" She laughed seeing Gavin already beat her to it. He was good man, even the small things like getting her backpack with out her asking meant the world. He was truly her better half. Just as she was about to stand, the house phone rang. Alicia felt like all the blood drained from her face as she looked at her mom. She had a gut feeling that it had something to do with Nick. Madison hesitated before walking over and answering the phone. Alicia looked back at Gavin, the look of worry written all over her face as she rushed over to him Holding him. If it was bad news Alicia wanted to be ready. Good news seems to be something that rarely happens now and days. Madison looked over to the two as she hung up the phone. " They found Nick, he was in an accident. " She rushed to grab her bag " C'mon, we all need to go to the hospital.​
Whatever happened, it could not have been pleasant. When Madison said they needed to head over to the hospital because Nick was involved in an accident, Gavin frowned. Alicia was already in his arms so he squeezed his girlfriend tighter, pressing a kiss onto her temple. “I’m sure he’ll be okay. I’ll be with you every step of the way just like you are for me.” Of course, this was not the first time that he stood by Alicia when something happened to her brother. Often, Madison and Travis were so caught up in finding Nick a rehabilitation center or making sure his withdrawals were managed to even think about ensuring that Alicia was alright. It took a toll on her and Gavin saw that better than anyone. Once, her mother had to abandon a birthday celebration for Alicia because Nick was found in a bust at some drug house. However, Gavin ensured that the celebrations went on that day even if he had to make some changes for a last-minute reservation. Needless to say, Gavin had ALWAYS been there when Alicia needed someone: that did not change today. Sensing the urgency in Madison’s voice, Gavin grabbed Alicia’s hand and walked out of the house and towards the car.

Travis and Madison did drive separately so they could each go different places when they left the hospital. They might both work at the school but Madison generally stayed much later than Travis did since she was the guidance counselor and he was an English teacher. Gavin and Alicia piled into the back of Madison’s car. The young man figured this was better than one of them sitting in front while the other sat in the back. It seemed to him that Alicia needed to be held right now. Madison was silent during the drive, almost neglecting to say anything to her daughter to ensure her that her brother would be okay. Now, to anyone else, it might appear that Alicia hated her brother just like she appeared to hate Travis. However, Gavin knew better. She only grew so upset with Nick when he kept using drugs because she loved him and wanted the best for him even if she might never say that. Family was important to Alicia, just as it was important to Gavin. Her family was his family, too. It had always been that way. There was no second guessing on his part. He must stay with Alicia through this.

During the ride, his right hand reached across Alicia’s lap and held her left hand. His left arm wrapped around the back of her neck and pulled her head to rest softly against his chest. The man’s chin gently rested above her head and his left hand curled around to stroke through her long locks of hair. Gavin did this often. It gave him peace just as it did for Alicia. He was always fascinated with her hair. Gavin would literally spend hours before bed just stroking it without a care in the world. It was not even done for her sake only. Gavin derived a great deal of pleasure from touching Alicia at any part of her body. However, there was just something special about playing with her hair. They arrived after a silent trip and parked in the closest parking spot. Even then, they had quite the walk to go. They exited the car and left their backpacks in the seats as they approached the hospital. Travis returned to Madison’s side and Gavin reached down to hold Alicia’s hand, lacing their fingers together as they approached the large hospital.
Alicia wanted to believe Gavin, that Nick was going to be okay. She could remember how her bother was before drug took over his life. The three of them would often hang out after school, he would help her with home work, make her laugh. There was a time Nick was her brother and friend. She lost him once he started using. At first she didn’t understand, Alicia though he was sick. Then he turned into a person that she didn’t know. There were many family talks with her about Nick, and what he was going through and what she needed to do to help them and him. Over the past few years she hardly even saw him. The first few time he was found, Alicia was so excited, so full of hope to have her brother back. Now, after so much disappointment, and heartbreak, she thought better to try not to care. She wish Gavin was right, but Nick will never get better, she was sure of it. By acting she didn’t care, or ignoring him when he was around, make the it hurt a lot less when Nick ran off again. Alicia took her backpack from Gavin and gave a deep annoyed sigh, she didn’t want to see Nick, and this was going to make them late for school, again.

In the car Alicia just stared out the window with a blank look on her face, in deep thought. Apart of her wish Nick was never found, she wasn’t even sure if she wanted him back. But she also didn’t want to find out he was dead or in jail. She had Gavin though, her face lit up as he took her hand. Leaning into him holding her as if her was trying to keep he from falling apart. There was nothing better than having his love. Relaxing as he played with her hair, closing her eyes as if she was going to fall asleep right there. She loved when he did this, it was so soothing, this along with his breathing and heartbeat against her ear. Maybe if she asked her mom, Gavin and her could just wait in the car just like this, but she knew that wasn’t going to happen so she didn’t bother. But it would have been nice.

Her eyes opened as she felt the car park, she was dozing off. Picking up her head she looked to Gavin and mouthed 'Thanks' Meeting up with Travis, her boyfriends hand in hers, the followed a little behind, she holding him back to make sure this happed. " This is dumb" She said in a hushed voice. " I don’t understand what we do this. It’s the same thing every time. We throw away money to get him help, that he doesn’t want. He gets better, then runs off. Every time. If he wanted to come home he would have, he knows where we live." Her voice was bitter, and hurt. She didn’t want to see him like this. As the reached the room, she saw him, strapped to the bed, cops standing around him. Madison ran them off, which was rather funny. But, Nick, he looked awful. She glared at him, then looked to Gavin pulling her hand from his. " I'm just going to wait out here. " Seeing Nick like that made want to punch him, shake some sense into him, cuss him out. It also made her feel weak, hurt. Made her want to run to him, hold him, beg him to come home, tell him she missed his stupid face. She leaned just out side the door, listening to them bicker, and plead with Nick. He was hopeless​
When they arrived, Gavin heard Madison consulting with the nurse. Nick had bruised ribs and some contusions. Physically, he was fine. When Madison inquired about the toxicology report, the nurse refused to tell her since Nick was over 18. The woman requested the police stop questioning her son, and they did. Nick looked awful: pale, sickly, restrained. Just by looking at Alicia’s face, Gavin could see the hurt. Yet again, there was nothing he could do for his girlfriend and it made him sick to his stomach. The family started arguing and bickering until Alicia finally decided to wait outside the room. It infuriated Madison because she called after Alicia when the brunette walked out. “I’ll talk to her. You just worry about Nick. It’s fine.” Gavin assured the woman that was like a second mother to him for his entire life. The male exited the hospital room as well and found Alicia sitting in one of the chairs in the hallway. There were not many words Gavin could say to Alicia that would make her feel better. Hell, there was probably nothing he could even do. The only course of action Gavin knew to take right now was holding Alicia and just being there for her, however she needed him. Sitting down beside her, Gavin stayed silent at first. The only thing he did was reach over and hold one of her hands. He brought that hand to his lips for a kiss.

“I know you’re tired of this. I know you’re tired of everyone always saying that things will be alright. We don’t know that. I hope Nick gets better and I hope he takes things seriously now. I also understand that this is tough on you even if your mother or your brother realize it. I do. I love you, Alicia Clark. Just like the past week where you did not leave my side, I will not leave yours now. Tell me how I can help and I will do it. I will always be here for you. I love you more than life itself.” After finishing his small speech, he kept their hands locked together as he leaned across the chair to kiss her cheek softly. His free hand rested on the girl’s knee and as always, every ounce of his attention was given to Alicia. That appeared as a rarity for anyone else to do. With Gavin, however, it was rare for his entire attention to not be focused on Alicia.

Just then, Travis exited the room. He figured the male might try to talk with Alicia to help Madison but he answered his phone and said his ex-wife’s name, Liza. There was much dysfunction to the family. Travis was close with his ex-wife because of his teenage son. However, Chris seemed to dislike his father and whenever he came over, there was nothing but trouble. Travis had only recently moved in and he was feeling this family in full force now. After Travis walked down the hallway to find some privacy, Gavin thought about how he could make Alicia feel better. Leaning close until his lips were brushing her ear, he started whispering to her. “I think you’ll feel better tonight because I’m going to be inside you. I’m going to fuck you so hard that you will forget about everything else. I’m going to make love to you and kiss you all night long. Let’s just get through this day and tonight, it can be special for us. You know how much I love to hear you moan for me. I know how much you love my cock being inside of you. We’ll get that tonight, Princess. I will take all your worries away.”
When Gavin left Nicks room to find her he didn’t have to look far, because honestly Alicia didn’t want to be far from her family. It just hurt so badly that thing where as messed up as they were. By time he saw her she was sitting there messing with her phone with her ear bud in one ear. Glancing up as he approached she lightly tugged at the cord pulled it from her ear. Just him being close made her feel better after seeing Nick in his poor state. She looked at him from the corner of her eye as he sat next to her, taking her hand in his and kissing it . Smiling she looked to him. " We can't help him unless he wants it, and he never does. Trust me I hope we get that call. But us forcing him in to getting the help he doesn’t want is not working. And right now, all I need is you, I cant imagine what kind of mess I would be if I didn’t have you. " She laughed leaning in about to kiss him when Travis walked out looking to his ringing phone, giving him a small smile. Alicia seemed to hold back saying anything. The good thing about having Gavin around was Alicia and Travis didn’t fight as much. She didn’t feel as if she had to lash out to get attention as much.

Alicia watched as Travis walked off to answer his phone when she felt Gavin's lips against her ear, whispering to her so he didn’t hear. It sent a chill through her, as her eyes almost rolled back in her head. Gavin has been her only and only when it came to sex. As far as she knew the same went for him for her. She had no doubt or curiosity that she could find better or any one who could satisfy her as he did. How she loved when he talked to her like that, teasing her as he would tell her dirty little thing like right now. Far from an appropriate time, but it did take her mind off the issue at hand. Blushing a deep red she leaned into him." I love you." it was almost a moan when she spoke to him, her mind already on how good he always made her feel important. How she wanted it to be night already, today was not off to a good start and Gavin knew just what to do to make her feel good again. Travis after his phone call walked back in the room. They exchanged words before Madison walked out, Alicia jumping to her feet as if they were being caught in the act. "Come on you gut, we are already late for school." Madison said as she walked passed them, her might on Nick and what he told her about the church. 'so much blood.' Nick told her. Alicia took Gavin by the hand and pulled him with her.

The day when by normal enough, pull students and teacher out sick. What ever was going around seemed to be pretty bad. The class room got smaller and smaller. Alicia noticed, but didn’t see any worry in it all. People get sick, bugs go around. Granted this was bad, but again, no reason to worry. Since it was Monday, Gavin had football practice after school, Alicia went home on the bus. Though school was almost over for the year there was still so much homework that needed to be done. But it was so hard to focus, still feeling Gavin's whispers against her ear. She needed him so badly right now, because she found herself now alone and thing about Nick. She wished she didn’t see him like that, then again tomorrow, if he was still there. If there was a chance to run from help he would take it. It wouldn’t have been the first time it happened. So Alicia knew what to expect from him. It was all so conflicting, she wanted Nick to leave, and stay. Live would have been normal if he did. She was sitting on her bed work on homework when she realized that she lost motivation. She plopped on her back looking at the ceiling fan slowly turned. "One more year…" She said to her self before her eyes closed, falling to sleep.​
Gavin immediately responded to Alicia, saying that he loved her, too. This young man had never been reserved about saying those words to his girlfriend. The male was genuine and meant it. When Madison exited, Gavin walked with Alicia back outside the hospital. The things that Nick talked about seeing were horrific. He talked about his friend was seen eating another human being. Of course, Gavin like everyone else ruled this out as just him being on a drug binge. The things he explained were illogical and did not make any sense. It had to be drugs, right? Gavin did not mull over it too long because he wanted to focus on helping Alicia feel better. Besides, he would make good on his promise. Tonight when they were alone in her room, he would make her forget about everything. Finally, Travis decided that he would stay with Nick during the day since Madison had to do college counseling after class ended that afternoon. It was not something Gavin or Alicia needed since they had gone through that process already. Some of the other seniors at Paul R. Williams High School had slacked incredibly and had no idea where they were going yet.

Gavin knew that Nick was a source of tension for everyone. Travis thought Madison should cut Nick off from her family. On the other hand, Madison refused to do that and they argued about it whenever Nick was found. That day went by shakily. Gavin’s mind was back on his schoolwork. Being out for a few days since his mother passed and for the funeral meant he had a lot of work to do in those days. He did study hard and made sure to keep up so he turned in all his work and made up a few tests during his lunch time. After school was over, he walked Alicia to the buses before leaving her for practice. Football was an escape for him because he was lost in the game, even if it was only practice, and he blocked all bad things out. The male ended up showering and changing before leaving. Madison was now just finishing up her counseling so it was convenient for him to ride back home with her. She did thank him again for being there for Alicia and taking care of her. Gavin truly appreciated having this kind of relationship with Alicia’s only living parent. Travis liked him too but he was not a biological parent. At least, Alicia’s real father did adore Gavin so it was nice to know that he had her father’s approval and still had her mother’s approval. When they got home, he realized Travis was gone. He figured he was either still with Nick or on the way home. Instead, unknown to any of them, he went to check out that church Nick talked about. The drug addict sounded so damn convinced that what he saw was real and Travis had to check it out for himself. Gavin had not given it another thought that day. He just assumed the same thing that everyone else did: it was just the drugs in his system making him see things. This time, he was ran down by a car. Things were getting worse.

It just so happened that almost as soon as they arrived, Madison made her a quick dinner consisting of a sandwich and chips. She was going to spend the night in the hospital with Nick. That meant Alicia and Gavin had the house to themselves for now. It was about six in the evening. After dropping off his bags, Gavin crept into Alicia’s room and saw that she was sleeping. Instead of waking her, he simply organized her books and homework and placed them onto the desk so they did not get wrinkled. Then, he covered the girl up before taking a seat at one of the other desks in her room as he did some studying while waiting for his girlfriend to wake up. She was just too peaceful for him to wake up. He loved her and he wanted her to get some rest because he was sure she would not get much of that with this going on with Nick. Besides, Gavin was excited to have some fun with her whenever she woke if that was anytime soon and if she was feeling in the mood.
Alicia had a dreamless sleep, and that was a good thing. Normally when things were stressful she would have the worst most vivid nightmares. Slowly her eye opened, the sun was setting. As he vision came in to focus she saw Gavin sitting at the desk studying. She gave a soft sigh as she took in the sigh of him. The orange setting sun filling her room casting a glow around Gavin was breath taking. Alicia watched him for a few moments. Finally she sat up on her elbows looking at him. " Hey, what time is it?" She asked as she gave him a smirk. " Also, where is everybody? " Taking notice just how quite the house. It was strange just how still every thing. There was no yelling about Nick, no TV blaring in the living room. Just Stillness, and if Alicia had to be honest with herself, it was nice.​
Closing the textbook, Gavin approached the bed and sat down onto the edge of the mattress. “Babe, it’s almost seven. Your mother went to spend the night with Nick at the hospital. Travis wants to find the abandoned church Nick was talking about so he’ll probably be gone awhile.” After explaining this, Gavin looked on the bed and helped pack everything up that Alicia had been studying. Offering his girlfriend a smile, he made no qualms about his intentions. Slowly and sultrily, Gavin decided to slowly pull his shirt up and off his body, disposing of it beside the mattress. “I love you, Alicia. We’ve both had a crazy day. I think we’re both due for some fun. I want you so badly, baby. I want to make you scream since the house is empty. It’s been a few days since we’ve had the chance to play.” Gavin whispered softly, approaching the bed as he was unzipping his jeans and kicking off his shoes and socks.

Once everything was disposed, Gavin was only covered in his boxers. “Well, that is only if you don’t mind putting down your books for a while.” Gavin winked playfully at the green-eyed beauty. He felt turned on from only just thinking about his girlfriend. They both had been through so much and deserved a break. Crawling onto the bed now, he pushed Alicia onto her back as he leaned down to kiss her lips passionately, sliding his tongue into her mouth while wrapping his hands around her wrists, pinning them down onto the bed and above her head. Rubbing his cock against her crotch, Gavin felt his arousal growing wilder against Alicia’s thigh. With their eyes locked again, Gavin moved to kiss down her neck and collarbone as well, hoping that he was turning her on and getting her into the mood.
Alicia rubbed her eyes and gave a small yawn while Gavin explained what was going on and where everyone was. She couldn’t believe how long she slept. She watched him as he put her books away, seeing that smile she knew what was coming next. Maybe it was a good thing she had that nap. " I love you more. " Her eyes looking over his form, he was so amazing. Slowly she reached down, taking ahold of the hem of her shirt, slipping it off tossing it on the floor next to his. It had been too long since she felt him inside her. Normally she wanted to take things a little slower, let him undress her. But she needed him so badly.

"I think book can wait." She said as she was pushed to her back, a soft moan leaving her lips as he pinned her hand over her head. Alicia loved how small he made her feel. She pressed her tongue against his, her hips grinding with his. Her body shivered under his, wanting him so badly right now. Her green eyes met him once more, full of lust for him, and only him. Goosebumps covered her skin when his lips touched her neck, her back arched, begging for more. " Oh Gavin…" She whispered out to him.​
Grinning, Gavin felt his erection quickly growing. This girl made him feel unthinkable sensations. Though he loved keeping her arms restrained, Gavin decided to release her hands so he could start the undressing process. The male went right for his girlfriend’s pants, slowly undoing and pulling down her jeans until he could slip them off her feet. Now, the only thing remaining on her body was the undergarments. To equal the playing field, Gavin quickly removed his own pants, discarding of them onto the floor. Now just clad in his boxers, Gavin started to capture her lips again in a passionate kiss.

“Mmm, I love you so much.” He breathed out while kissing her. “It’s been a while since we had a chance to use bondage. We have the house to ourselves. What do you think about me breaking out the cuffs again?” He suggested, hoping that Alicia would be up to playing these kinky games with him. There was hardly anything he loved more than tying her up in the bedroom. It did not happen often because it would have been bad enough for her mother to walk in on them having sex – it would have been worse to see Alicia bound and gagged. Tonight, though, the house was theirs.
Although Gavin released her hands, she kept them where he left them, feeling his excitement against her she gave a soft sigh. Raising her hips as he slipped off her jeans, then watching him remove his. He always left her breathless, loving everything about her boyfriend. And seeing him before her now, in just his boxers with an erection that she knew only she could give him. She fell even more in love. Her heart raced as she climbed on to of her, kissing her with such want and love for only her.

Her body trembled as he talked about bringing out the handcuffs, feeling the heat between her legs grow. Finally she moved her hands, wrapping her arms around him, pulling him closer to her. His warm body pressing against her was pure ecstasy. " It has been way too long. Gavin, I'm all yours tonight. " She moaned out to him, lightly kissing his neck, nibbling his skin softly. She needed him so bad right now, to make her feel better. Alicia knew that he was the only one in the world to make her feel this good.
There was an unmistakable spark inside Gavin’s eyes. His face was practically glowing right now. Pecking Alicia’s lips one final time, Gavin hopped of the bed with something extra in his step. Since he had been staying at the Clark’s home, Gavin now used part of Alicia’s closet. Inside, he buried a “Special” bag underneath other items thrown into the small space. Pulling it out, Gavin gently tossed it onto the bed. “Let’s see what kind of goodies we have in here.” Gavin teased because he knew full well every single item inside that bag.

Standing at the foot, Gavin dropped a few items onto the mattress: A set of silver handcuffs [not the toy kind, either], a bright pink ball gag [Gavin hated drooling so the ball gag was significantly smaller than most – it would gag her and provide Gavin with those things he loved without the drooling], and an old, silk scarf that was often used as a blindfold. Satisfied with these three items, Gavin’s hand reached for the gag immediately because it was his favorite part. “Okay, sweetheart. Pull your hair back and open your mouth for me. It’s time to put a gag in that mouth of yours.”
Alicia couldn’t help but feel giddy when he looked at her like that. Sitting up in her bed she watched at Gavin made his way to her closet know just what he was looking for as he rummaged though in the back of the closet. He came back with the a bag that she hasn’t seen in too long, Laughing softly as he mused about the toys that he had inside for her. Gavin hasn’t even started to play, yet, she was already forgetting her worries, knowing that he was going to make it all disappear.

Crawling to the foot of the bed she watched as he pulled out his favorite things to use on her. Alicia got to her knees, sitting on her feet in front of Gavin. He made his request, she smiled to him, pulling him in to one more kiss before whispering" I love you, so much." She want to say it one more time before he put the gag in her mouth. Sitting back on her feet, she pulled back her thick brown hair, opening her mouth for him. Alicia loved obeying him, letting him take complete control over her body. He was the love of her life, and trusted him more than anyone she has ever known.​
“I love you, Alicia.” Responding immediately, Gavin offered his sweet brunette a smile. With her hair pulled back and with her mouth open, Gavin placed the pink, plastic ball in between her teeth. Pulling the straps tight around the back of her head, Gavin latched the gag in place. Admiring Alicia, Gavin gently brought his index finger against those pretty, pink, full lips and traced the outline of her mouth. “I adore it when my pretty girlfriend is gagged.” Gags were Gavin’s absolute favorite. Whenever he gagged Alicia, Gavin expected her to kiss him, talk to him, and make as much noise as she could. Gags were not used for absolute silence. Instead, Gavin intended to hear those cute, sexy muffled noises.

After gagging her, the male slowly pushed Alicia onto her back. Deciding to offer a show, his fingers hooked into the waistband of his boxers before sliding the material down his legs. Not only was Gavin well-endowed, but he was longer, thicker, and bulkier than the average man. “Okay, Princess. Let’s see that perfect body of yours now.” Aroused, Gavin found himself on top of Alicia. Before taking the bondage any further, Gavin intended on undressing Alicia completely. It took only a few seconds before those undergarments were released. Pulling out the handcuffs, Gavin flashed them around in front of her eyes. “What do you think, sweetheart? In front or behind?”
Alicia let out a soft moan as the ball gag was strapped around her head, she missed this feeling. Once it was secured, she let her hair down. Her eyes stayed on his, leaning into his touch as his finger touched her lips. Her excitement growing as he told her how pretty she was gagged for his pleasure. Although she enjoyed it just as much as he did. Alicia remembered when Gavin started to introduce to all this. She was unsure about it at first, but she trusted Gavin, and it turned out that she enjoyed this just as much as he did. It wasn’t all that shocking, because they were meant for each other. There was nothing he could do that she didn’t like, or learn too.

Gently she was pushed on her back, laying there Alicia enjoyed the little show Gavin gave her. As many times as she seen his manhood, she was always impressed by how perfect it was, just as the rest of him. Her eyes looked over his now nude form as she climbed on top of her. Goosebumps covered her body as he stripped her down, leaving her naked. Alicia pulled her hands up. Offering her wrists to him. Knowing the he still wanted to speak to him, in a muffled voice and said 'front please'. Alicia knew Gave would understand her.
Placing the handcuffs around Alicia’s wrists, Gavin secured them in place. The cuffs were not too tight – but they were not loose, either. Alicia was truly restrained and it would take a Houdini act for her to escape the handcuffs without his help. Admiring his girlfriend, Gavin just pressed a quick kiss onto her neck after successfully handcuffing her. The groan she emitted, hearing her talk – this just all made him grow even more aroused. However, there was one more piece of the puzzle that needed to fit before they had some fun. Showing the scarf off, he held it up towards Alicia’s face.

“Alright, sweetheart. Close those pretty eyes of yours.” Blindfolds were so much fun. Alicia would be unable to see anything he did to her body. All she could do was feel what he did. After the brunette complied, Gavin quickly placed the blindfold over her eyes and then tied it at the back of her head. With a smile on his face, Gavin admired her for another minute, letting his cock grow even harder. It was now pressed right against her clitoris, the tip rubbing the mound of flesh. “You’re so fucking sexy, Alicia. I love you. Before we make love, I want you to give me a show. Struggle for me. You know what I like.” He whispered, now placing both hands onto her breasts, giving them a soft squeeze.
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