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Sunken - Quicksand Story (nsfw)


Jun 3, 2017
That's my first quicksand story. Please leave a comment, if you like it.

<< 1 >>

Dannie was knee deep in the quicksand. His girlfriend Laurie and her two best friends Michelle and Anne had blindfolded him and dragged him to the sand area, promising him the best sex of his life. Now they stood a small distance away from the quicksand he was in, laughing. He should have known it was a trap. Michelle and Anne hated him.

Laurie laughed along with her friends, but he could see the guilt in her eyes. She didn’t want to humiliate him. She was doing it because her friends asked her to. They wanted him to be neck deep in the sand so they would release dogs to lick his face. He’d heard tales of kids that had been tricked into the infamous quicksand by hot girls and got sucked in. He understood Laurie had been coerced into this, but that didn’t stop him from feeling betrayed, for he loved her dearly.

He could remember the first day he saw her - Laurie, that is. It was at the school library, they were both freshmen at Broward College. The rays of the morning sun streamed into her face, giving her hair a golden hue as she frowned at the book she was reading. He stared at her, lingering on her full lips that was covered in red lipstick. She looked like an angel, he thought as he gawked at her from behind a book shelf, his glasses foggy with sweat. He was just about tearing his gaze from her when she muttered a-not-too-subtle ‘fuck’ when her pencil snapped from applying too much pressure on it.

He walked up to her when he noticed her chewing the tip of her pencil in frustration.

‘’Hi, I’m Dannie.’’ He said shyly, his eyes glued to the ground.

‘’Hi. Laurie.‘’ she replied with the softest voice he’d ever heard, while flashing shapely white teeth in an infectious smile. He stood transfixed, lost in her smile, then he remembered his purpose for coming over.

‘’Having problems with, uh…studying?’’ he asked, feeling like a blob. She was so hot and he was so gawky.

‘’Yeah, I have this history test next week and I can’t afford to fail or I’ll be withdrawn’’ there was panic in her warm blue eyes. Dannie pulled out a chair, sat opposite of her and helped her in studying.

Helping her study proved to be a herculean task, for she lacked concentration and comprehension skills. While he taught, she stared into space, lost in her own world. Although she was pretty, she was an air head but he didn’t care. He was in love.

Half way through the text, she stopped listening totally. Then a glint of mischief flashed in her eyes. Dannie wondered what she was up to until he felt it.

Underneath the table, she ran her toes over his legs upwards till she got to his thighs. Dannie clutched the table forcefully, shocked. He looked around, no one seemed to be watching. He clasped his thighs shut with her feet in between. He had never been touched this intimately.

Although her feet were imprisoned in between his thighs, she managed to wiggle her toes violently brushing his bulge.

He was panting and making his glasses foggy again, getting excited when two girls breezed into the library, one petite and red haired whose name he was to know as Michelle, the other, Anne, tall and blonde like Laurie, both chattering and calling on Laurie, not minding any one. Laurie’s feet dropped from his thighs.

Dannie recoiled, losing his erection. He knew their type. They were those hot, simple minded cheerleaders who dated the jocks and quarterbacks and had an aversion for nerds like him. He looked down at his hands sticky with sweat. He hated hot girls in cliques.

‘’Eww, Laurie, are you like…READING?’’ the blonde asked Laurie, looking disgusted. Before she could reply, the petite one nudged Blondie while staring at him.

‘’Check out nerdy four eyes.’’ She said snickering. Dannie’s face reddened.

‘’Guys, be nice,’’ Laurie said, throwing him a friendly smile. ‘’Dannie is my friend, he’s helping me with school work’’

Before she ran out with her friends, she wrote her cell phone number in his palm, mouthing the words ‘call me’. Dannie felt warm inside. He was in love.

<< 2 >>

He was thigh deep in the quicksand now. Michelle and Anne had left the place, bored. Obviously he wasn’t sinking fast enough. He and Laurie were alone now, both staring at each other.

‘’C’mon Laurie. I know this isn’t you. Get me outta here before I sink completely’’ he tried so hard to hide the panic in his voice, but it only came out shaky. She moved slowly towards him and stopped just the edge of the quicksand.

‘’Look, we’ve been friends since we were juniors, we are sophomores now, and we just started dating. I love you, but you still feel insecure around me, like me dating you is a prank or something. I keep telling you, you are not that awkward kid I knew back then, you’ve grown into your body, but you don’t believe me. I am not out to embarrass you. I am trying to earn your trust. I’m not out to get you, so I need you to trust me on this one. Will you do that for me?’’

She was asking him to do something very difficult, she was asking him to trust her. How could he, when she and her friends had put him through series of embarrassing moments?

He could never forget the biggest embarrassment he’d suffered from her.

* * * * *

He had come into her room to find her in a red lingerie and bra, slender and white, laying seductively on her bed. Seeing her in that position sprang his dick instantly. Although they were just acquaintances then, he was terribly in love with her. She always took advantage of him, but he was terribly in love with her.

She beckoned him with slender fingers to join her on the bed. He walked awkwardly to her, wondering what she was up to.

‘’Dannie, do you want me?’’ she asked, slithering her body seductively.

He stared down at his bulge already dripping with precum. He didn’t know what to do.

She slid her hands down his pants and jerked him off, making him moan like a girl. When she increased speed, he shuddered and splattered cum all over her hands. He was not sure what was happening.

‘’Dannie, you’ve never been with a woman before?’’ she asked him. He felt embarrassed.

‘’Girls don’t like me.” He simply stated.

‘’I like you.’’ she said, before undoing his pants. She instructed him to relax while she worked on him. He propped both elbows on her bed to support his weight while she sucked a condom with her mouth and wore it on him. The soft feel of her mouth on him was pure bliss. She turned around and ever so slowly, sat on him. She wanted him to dissolve every fiber of pleasure that came with the action. When she had positioned his dick deep into her crevice, she began fucking him. Ever so slowly, whining and rotating. He felt he would die then. Then pleasure was too much for a nerd who was used to just masturbating in the bathroom.

Just when he could feel the cum roaring within him, her closet burst open revealing people flashing camera lights into his eyes, laughing and shouting at him.

Laurie came off him, heads bowed like a naughty kid caught eating cookie before dinner. Michelle and Anne, the masterminds of the whole show walked in, smiling in satisfaction.

‘’ ‘Girls don’t like me’… what a loser!’’ a male voice from the crowd jeered, causing them to dissolve in laughter. He got up from the bed and ran out of the room, pants down, face red with embarrassment.

* * * * *

Thinking of that day alone made him distrust her more. He looked at her. Yes, she had apologized and made up for the stolen moment, but the trust dam between them had widened.

What was the glint in her eyes now?

She crouched on all fours in front of him, her head same level with his waist. She unhooked his belt, all the while looking into his eyes.

‘’I need you to trust me Dannie.’’ she unzipped his pants letting it drop on the quicksand around his thighs. He watched as she tied her blonde hair backward in a ponytail, leaned forward, then spat on her hands before jerking him off. She was just at the edge of the quicksand.

He went wild with pleasure.

‘’I need you to trust me’’ she repeated as she took his dick into her mouth. She sucked him slowly, lovingly, stroking him to the rhythm playing in her head. God, how he loved her. He could feel the story in her strokes, the plea that came with each suck. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t lose herself in her. He still felt it was a plan and her friends were all gathered somewhere, watching. He felt they would appear any moments, laughing and taping him.

She put just the amount of teeth action to send pleasure shooting up his spine and exploding in his brain.

‘’Trust me yet?’’ she asked playfully. He nodded his head in affirmation. Who wouldn’t lose himself in an oral fuck like that?

Satisfied, she got up, and watched him wank with his right hand, jerking furiously and spilling his seed in the soft sand. He was handsome and he didn’t know it.

‘’Now that you trust me not to embarrass you, do you believe me when I say you won’t sink completely?’’ she asked after she had made herself comfortable on the sand.

‘’Laurie, I believe you.’’ He replied, totally trusting.

They relaxed in their respective positions and talked about a lot of things; life, love and religion. He couldn’t remember ever being alone with her and just…talk. Despite the fact he was deep in soft sand, he felt oddly happy.

<< 3 >>

The sun came down and the stars came out in full display, revealing the beauty of the complicated universe. Laurie sat on the sand hugging her knees to her chest. Dannie was shoulder deep in the quicksand, with his arms out. The night was still and quiet; they had both exhausted all forms of conversations. Michelle and Anne had not showed up. He felt numb shoulder down. He was getting tired of it all, whatever it was she was trying to prove.

‘’Laurie, don’t you think it’s time you got me out?’’ he asked, his voice tired.

She turned and spoke slowly as though to a child. ‘’ Dannie. The first day you walked up to me at that library, although I was amused by your tall, gawky self, I was drawn to your nerdy charm. It has been a year now and I’ve watched you shed most of your awkwardness. But you just don’t see how hot you’ve become. You look princely now’’ she said, smiling. ‘’now if you would trust-‘’

‘’Fuck you! I’ve been hearing the word ‘trust’ all day and it’s getting tired. I’ve been in this fucking sand for hours, slowly sinking while your two bitchy friends are somewhere else partying while waiting for me to get swallowed up to my neck. What the fuck did I do to deserve this, huh?’’ he fumed furiously, inflamed with anger. He looked at her expecting hurt in her eyes. Rather she was smiling.

‘’I knew there was a man in there. It took you long enough’’ she said getting up. She had patiently waited, waiting for him to get angry at her for once in their relationship.

Not minding how mad her friends would be, she threw him a strong rescue rope.

For anyone surving the net a lot, I have recently published my story on NovelTrove as well:
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