Anyone familiar with Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 and/or 2?


Jun 2, 2017
Anyone familiar with Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 and/or 2? I know it's silly but I'm looking for a romance interest for my Time Patroller, Bifrost.
You can play your own OC or a canon character (They'd have to be from an alternate timeline if they are married in canon.) This can be short term or long term.

Name: Bifrost (A pun on the whole 'cold' thing and his sexual orientation).
Age: About 2 centuries, but who's keeping count.
Gender: Hermaphrodite (has both sex organs) though he identifies as male.
Personality: Flamboyant, narcissistic, sassy, flirtatious, at times "high and mighty" and mischievous. Despite his almost superficial traits, he really is a caring person.
Race: Bifrost is a member of the same race as Freeza/Frieza though, he is from a different timeline from the main canon.
Sexual Orientation: As his name implies, he's Bi.
Canon Characters he "likes": Xenoverse Trunks, Chronoa (Supreme Kai of Time), Master Goku, Master Android 18, master Pan and Towa.
Position: Switch. He can be dom but if he is with someone who is as strong or stronger than him then he would most likely be sub.

History and more info: Bifrost accepted the invitation to become a time patroller because of his desire to become strong enough to be admired by all, at least that's what he would say. The real reason is that he found the offer too much of an honor to refuse and he didn't have any ties to his timeline that would hold him there, he wasn't a very important person among his own people. He keeps his horns filed to keep from impaling people on accident, a serious blow to his looks since horns are an attractive appendage among his people.

As a member of the time patrol, Bifrost had grown in strength and as a person. He constantly flirts with his allies (and even Towa), especially Trunks and the Supreme Kai of Time. It is unclear to most if his flirting is some sort of joke or if he's serious.

The main difference between Bifrost's story and the actual game is that Bifrost didn't go through it alone, he had the support of a team. His team consisted of a female saiyan 'rival', a Namekian healer, a bubbly female majin and a 'male' android.

Bifrost was once a cyborg. After a near fatal encounter with Mira, Bifrost was left with very little of his original body. He had foolishly chased Mira on his own through a time portal, he confronted Mira in some alien system and fought him to a near standstill. After Towa ordered Mira to return to her immediately, Mira fired a giant ki blast at a populated world. Choosing to save the planet rather than flee, Bifrost attempted to push the blast back. He couldn't deflect the blast, so he detonated it early, high above the planet. He took the full force of the blast, only the fact that he temporarily turned 'Golden" for the first time saved him. When he was found by his team and the Supreme Kai of Time he had to be 'repaired'. He finished the rest of the Xenoverse 2 story as a cyborg. A year later, his friends surprised him with a set of Dragon Balls to wish for an organic body.

If you want, I can provide a picture of Bifrost. Just ask. If you are also going to be using an original character, please provide a bio and/or pic.
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