The Brat in the Basement - Huge age gaps, FxM or FxF

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May 18, 2017
This plot is a variation of one of my longest running fantasies of over 15 years. I'd like to think that's it's well thought out :) but you're free to offer suggestions on how to make it more realistic. In fact, I encourage it. Realism and relatability is probably my biggest kink altogether. So here's my best shot at a thorough explanation of the fantasy. I will likely fine tune it as time goes on. There are a couple possibilities for our relationship to each other in this plot. It works better the more our characters dislike each other, and my preference for your character depends on the age that I play:

For MC playing between 15 to 25:
FxM - YC is a 55+ year old white guy
FxF - YC is 0 to 2 years older than I am

For MC playing between 25 to 30s:
FxM - YC is a 15 to 35 year old black guy
FxF - YC is 0 to 10 years older than I am

Now obviously the plot varies depending on those arrangements, but only slightly and to maintain realism and practicality. The summary of the plot itself is as follows:

Our characters are at odds with each other. Anywhere between rivals to worst enemies works perfectly. Additionally, your character could be at odds with both myself as well as my cousin, who's less than a day older than I am, where we would both basically try to act as a team against you. The warfare is mental more than anything else. A comment here, gossip there, spreading rumors... all to make each other look as bad as possible, with the end goal of destroying that other person's reputation and forcing them to either move away or accept their defeat and suffer as long as we're around each other. It's clear to see how this could evolve into the worst kind of hate for each other. That's what makes it work so well. The desire for revenge and to shut the other one down only grows with that hate. Unfortunately for me (us), you're not only far, far smarter, but you're either a dirty old man, black guy, or a lesbian hatching a plan to put me (us) in my (our) place. Since I (we) actually believe we're on the same level as you are mentally, your plan goes without a hitch:

Dirty old white man (55+):
One day I will get nosy and look your name up on Google. I never liked you in the first place, but when I discovered that you actually operate a noncon porn website, I'm absolutely disgusted. I call you out on it, go off on you in public about it, and eventually I go to the police. Problem is... You're not doing anything illegal. Getting nowhere with that, I turn to the website itself. Signing up, I hit the forum to make a post claiming that I'm the owner's neighbor and I have concerns about his character. Creepy this, pedophile that... I throw it all out there and find myself contacted by somebody who claims to be a moderator who claims to have the same concerns that I do. We talk about it in length on various occasions. Eventually the moderator talks me into investigating. Claiming that he's seen enough of the owners videos to know that he seems to do his shoots in a jail cell in the basement of his house. Since he's seen cars drive by through the basement windows, the jail cell is clearly on the street side of the house. Therefore, all I have to do is sneak into the basement through a window on the back yard side of the house, take some pictures, gather any evidence I can, and sneak back out. The only problem with that plan? The moderator is really you, and you just had me sneak in on the jail cell side of the basement. Since the walls are 10 ft tall, I have no chance at escaping. My only way out is for you to literally release me, and that just won't happen unless I sign the appropriate paperwork and make a convincing video claiming that I actually want to be your next girl.

Any FxF arrangement (MC 15 to 25 years old):
Similar to above, I would discover something about your character that disgusts me. In this case? Your supposed promiscuity. It would only be rumors, but rumors are all I need to go rampant trying to destroy your reputation. The worst rumor I could think the spread was that you're really a closet lesbian. It may catch fire, it may not. That's not the point. The point is that once you hear about that rumor that I just tried to spread, you're playing for keeps. We have a lot of common friends. I wouldn't even fathom the possibility of you having the favor of any one of them, at least not over me. In my mind, I've done my damage and everybody thinks you're a freak now. However, one of my best friends convinces me to cross the line. Break into your house through your basement, destroy everything I can get my hands on, and then sneak out. Being young and foolish, she talks me right into it and I take it hook line and sinker. Once again, there's a problem with the plan though. The whole thing was a setup from you and her and I just fell into the same situation described in the previous summary. Locked in the basement in a jail cell type of enclosure, my only way out is to somehow convince you to let me go. What I don't see coming is that when the conversation starts, your finger shushes me....... before slowly sliding between my lips and into my mouth. Stunned and without any idea what to do, I'm soon sucking on your finger while you stalk me into the corner of my jail cell. In no time flat, we're making out while I'm still stunned at the fact that this is seriously happening. A closet lesbian? Maybe I was right all along... But that doesn't bode well for me now, especially as a straight girl.

Black guy (15 to 35):

Any FxF arrangement (MC 25 to 30s):
Similar to previous FxF plot; **WILL EDIT TO MAKE MORE REALISTIC**
RE: Sexually Enslaving an Enemy (and maybe even her cousin) - FxM and FxF

Bumping, adding more info later
RE: Sexually Enslaving an Enemy (and maybe even her cousin) - FxM and FxF

Bumping, I have one partner right now and room for another
RE: Sexually Enslaving an Enemy (and maybe even her cousin) - FxM and FxF

Bumping :)
RE: Sexually Enslaving an Enemy (and maybe even her cousin) - FxM and FxF

RE: Sexually Enslaving an Enemy (and maybe even her cousin) - FxM and FxF

Bumparoo... :)
RE: Sexually Enslaving an Enemy (and maybe even her cousin) - FxM and FxF

RE: Sexually Enslaving an Enemy (and maybe even her cousin) - FxM and FxF

RE: Sexually Enslaving an Enemy (and maybe even her cousin) - FxM and FxF

RE: Sexually Enslaving an Enemy (and maybe even her cousin) - FxM and FxF

I haven't edited the section for a black character, but you're free to ask about it :) I do have some ideas in mind. Otherwise you're free to ask about any of it, really.
RE: The Brat in the Basement - Huge age gaps, Fun or FxF

Changed title to suit an idea I've yet to write in yet.
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