Superheroine seeks Villain, or possibly Villainess

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May 31, 2017
Hello everyone. I am Victory!

I'm a superheroine fighting for justice on the streets of the fictional Omega City. If you enjoy superheroine/villain role play, I'm your girl. I would love to chat to anyone that might be interested in doing a superheroine themed role play.

One thing to keep in mind, I only play original characters. I prefer to give characters my own personality, and because of that I very rarely play any canon characters. I prefer to play in PM, but I might be persuaded to play in thread.

Heroine Name: Victory

Real Name: Victoria Jones

Age: 23

Place of residence: Omega City

Uniform: Victory wears a black bikini top with a red V on each cup, with the word Victory underneath it. She wears a pair of black hot pants with a red belt that has a V on the belt buckle. She also wears red boots with five inch heels. The boots come up to just below her knees.

Powers: Increased strength, Increased resistance to injury, Ability to heal at a much faster rate than normal.

Weaknesses: Unknown

History: Victoria Jones grew up in a pretty normal family, in an average suburb outside Omega City. Always beautiful and popular, she was a cheerleader in high school. After high school though Victoria wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life. She did a little bikini modeling and competed in a few bikini contests, but those really didn't pay the bills very well. A friend talked her into going to work as a dancer in one of Omega Cities more high end gentlemens clubs. The place was clean, the costumers weren't slobs mostly, and the money was fantastic. She told herself it was okay because it was only topless, and she was only going to do it for a few months until something better came along.

A few months turned into two years. Then one fateful night she was out on the lake with a group of friends when they saw a meteor streak from the sky and crash in the distance. Someone came up with the idea of going and finding it, and the group ventured off into the woods. Victoria got separated from the group, and would become lost in the woods. As fate would have it though, she stumbled upon the glowing blue meteor. As she got closer, a beam of blue light suddenly shot out from the meteor and struck her. That was the last thigh she remembered before her friends found her the next morning and awoke her. The meteor was no longer glowing.

Victoria felt no ill effects from what had happened to her. In fact it was just the opposite. She felt better than she ever had in her life. She would soon come to find that she had amazing strength, she was resistant to injury, and that when she was injured she healed at a surprisingly fast rate. She confided this to a close friend from high school Alexander Mays, who was concerned and skeptical at first. Especially when she said she wanted to become a superheroine. Over time though Victoria did just that. Becoming Omega Cities first superheroine of it's very own. Victory!

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