Cassandra's Spicy Menu - Mid to Long Term Thread RP

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May 18, 2017
Hey all! I'm Cassandra!
I've been here a short while and making a long-term thread here seems like the logical next step in becoming a BMR addict regular. I'll start off by saying that I am looking exclusively for a thread roleplay right now. I've started a couple short-term PM scenes. Those are great, but one of the things that excited me about coming to this site is sharing these lovely smutty imaginings with like-minded people. If that's not your thing, totally cool. I'm just making that mandatory for this search. On to the fun!

Take a gander at my F-List. Keep in mind that the character specifics there aren't intended for roleplaying on this site. I will almost certainly create a new character for any stories we start. The kinks are mine, though, so have a look!

This is your favorite part right? I don't like to be super strict, but here's what you should know about roleplaying with me before you reach out.
GendersFxF, FxM. Maybe MxM or FxFuta. It doesn't matter what gender you adhere to, so long as you can convincingly play your character.
My GendersI usually play female characters. Occasionally I get inspired to play male roles.
DetailI love detail, especially in clothing, movement, and environment. Describe things in a way that I can imagine them around me, and i will love you for it.
ThreadsFor this request, I'm only seeking to roleplay via Thread. No PMs, Email, or IM.
LengthI will post between 2 and 5 good paragraphs. More from you is ok, but this is what I can reliably keep up with.
AgesMy characters will almost always be 18+, usually mid-20s to mid-30s. I will only do younger if an idea of mine calls for it, not be request. Probably no older than 60.
Story/Smut RatioSomething like 50/50 to 60/40.
PicturesI like having a picture for each of the characters at the start of a roleplay. It helps augment their descriptions. Real or drawn is fine, but I prefer to not use celebrities or known characters.
Post FrequencyI aim for a post a day or every other day. Sometimes more, sometimes less. There will always be periods when I can't find the time to sit down and write or can't find my muse. I like to be communicative when I know I'll be absent, but I understand when life stuff happens.
OOC ChatI like to do roleplay planning by PM. Also don't mind chatting so long as it's friendly and not overly personal.
PersonalI don't give out personal info, pictures of myself, or my contact info. Also prefer not to discuss personal lives at length.

No stops till the end - FxM
Non-consensual, tight spaces, rough sex, prostitution, hair-pulling, coercion
Set in the early 1900s, a young woman accepts an unusual opportunity to play attendant on a luxury train traveling cross country. For her it's a one way trip, an escape from something or someone. She certainly can't afford the trip as a passenger, but the job promised substantial pay and no obligation beyond the four day/three night trip. She soon learns that the train is filled with men of wealth and influence with unabashedly roaming hands for the scantily clad staff of attractive young women, a mix between veterans and new blood. The men drink, gamble, talk, and grope their way through the first day, and as they retire to their individual cars for the night, the woman receives a late request to serve one customer a nightcap privately in his room. There, she learns the other duty of her employment at his drunken, forceful hands.

This is an experiment into non-con for me, so I'm fairly particular about the type of partner and male character I'm looking to play this with. I'd like a character that is a Not looking to develop a romance or consensual relationship.

Our first trip to Paris - FxM, FxF
Age difference, seduction, reluctance, teacher/student, trickery, obsession
Beatrice is on a trip in Paris with the man of her dreams. Only, he's her teacher, and they're crowded at all times by a dozen other classmates and three parental chaperones. Still, she is dead set on confessing her love to him and kicking off their romance in the city of love. The group is about to board a train headed for Vienna and the next leg of their European tour, but Bea realizes she left her passport in the hotel from the night before. Her teacher (and soon to be lover), makes plans to stay with her to reclaim it and take the next train to Austria to meet back up with the group. The only problem is that it leaves the next day and runs overnight. When will he realize that she 'forgot' her passport on purpose? While she's dragging him around town? Over dinner that night? When she slips into his bed wearing the sort of nightwear you wouldn't pack for a school trip?

Woman of the Cloth (AKA Un-Convent-ional) - FxM
Taboo, forbidden, cheating, risk of being caught, masturbation, sexual exploration
A man from a nearby town in the mountains suffers a near death accident. When he comes to, he realizes that a cloister of nuns are his rescuers. They live in a secluded convent not far from his home. Though he is an outsider, the nuns are very gracious, if distant in helping with his recovery, all but on of them. A sister, younger than the rest, somehow manages to radiate beauty through her plain, concealing garb. She's taken to checking on him often, even earning reprimands from her sisters for being alone with the man. As the day of his healthy departure draws near, she comes to him with a purpose. He returns to his home and his family after that night, but does he find reasons to return? Does the young nun seek an escape from her orthodoxy?

Where Monsters May Lie - FxF, FxM
Low fantasy, elves, monsters, mystery, ???
A hunter of monsters, demons, and other foul creatures is seeking a particular abomination, an elusive one at that. Whatever it is that drives her to bring down this creature, it is strong and personal, so much so that she follows a questionable rumor to a small, backwater town that's docked on a large, eerie lake. On her arrival, she seeks out the usual sources of information, only to be told that she's wasting her time. It's a fools errand. There was no monster sighting. Worse still, the agreed upon source of the rumor is said to be an elven woman that lives alone on the outskirts of town who, according to the townsfolk, is neither credible nor of sound mind. Though frustrated, the hunter seeks to hear this woman's tale herself.
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