[Help a Lady Out?] - Open and new fandom plots~

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Aug 4, 2013
Willkommen! Bienvenue! Welcome! C'mon in!

Glad you stopped by! I have this awful tendency to be a little long-winded, so I'll list out some things and color/bold the main points to try to make it a little easier to sift through. ;]

  • [Number 1] I am 25, female, a medical student and in a long term relationship. Therefore, I do have a life offline, and that life has a tendency to get in the way of my posting frequency, sometimes (who the hell am I kidding? often times) without much warning. I will try to give you a heads up on when I will go long stretches without replying, but it just doesn't always happen the way I want it to. My school schedule this year is a little more flexible, so I'm hoping this will be less of an issue! Patience is much-appreciated and required.

    [Number 2] That being said, I also respect that you have a life offline and am not necessarily looking for any specific posting frequency. As long as you reply relatively regularly, I will have no complaints. I might send you a nudge here and there if its been a while and welcome you to do the same.

    [Number 3] Please, please, please write with some detail. I thrive on substance in posts. Does that mean I want every post to be 10+ thick paragraphs? Not at all. But detail is your friend. Really delve into your character's head: tell me what they're thinking/feeling/seeing/etc. Post lengths vary, of course, depending on the amount of interaction, but I absolutely cannot work with one liners. And one paragraph can even push it unless it's a really beefy paragraph or the interaction is limiting which does happen. I will almost always give you just as much, or more, than what you give me. But I have to have something to work with. And hopefully we will be able to inspire each other to continue!

    [Number 4] That being said, if I've posted something and you don't feel like I've given you enough to move on from or don't have any idea where to go from it, do not hesitate to let me know. I am more than willing to either make some changes to my post or even help you decide where to take yours. I consider myself a very easy-going rp partner and try not to demand more than what I expect of myself. I know sometimes a post takes me somewhere and might leave it hanging too much or not enough, so don't be afraid to talk to me! I'm friendlier than I might come across as and I'm always looking to improve my writing!

    [Number 5] Please have a solid understanding of basic grammar, spelling and syntax. I am far from perfect and very aware of it, however I do try to keep an eye on everything I write and ensure that it's completely understandable. I don't want to have to struggle to figure out what you're trying to say.

    [Number 6] I do not roleplay over messengers. Please do not ask. I feel like messenger roleplaying kind of stifles my writing style and I end up downloading these messengers, forgetting to sign in and then just never really use them in the end. My preferences are as follows: PM = Thread.

    [Number 7] I do not play weak, quiet or meek females. My female characters are typically outspoken and stubborn and will hit you with a closed fist before an open hand. That does not necessarily mean that they are dominant in the bedroom, but they are going to need a man willing to rise to the challenge that they present, sexually and otherwise. I don't know that I particularly follow the whole dom/sub role all that well, period, but these characters are women who need - and like - a man to take control where necessary...and also perhaps give it up when he knows it's good for him. ;) So I suppose they're more switch than anything else?

    [Number 8] On that note: Here is my F-List! Generally pretty basic stuff, ask if it's not on the list. I haven't updated it recently and don't have the will to at the moment lol. I can probably be convinced of things not on there are even on my "no" list. The hard "no"s are the usual list, though: vore, scat, etc.

    [Number 9] I only roleplay het pairings, sorry in advance. I also generally prefer the female role, however I am never opposed to having multiple characters and perhaps having a few male side characters or what-have-you.

    [Number 10] All of my plots are open to manipulation and changes with any partner interested in them. They're meant to give you a glimpse of what I had in mind and then be tweaked to make it work for the both of us.

    [Number 11] In listed pairings, I will underline the character/role I am most interested in playing. If neither is underlined, I'm open to either. In fandom pairings, I am typically always willing to double up and play a canon character of your choice if you are willing to play a canon character of mine.

    [Number 12] As for plot:smut ratio, that all varies by plot and partner.

    [Number 13] NONE OF MY PLOTS ARE SET IN STONE. They are guidelines and meant to be fleshed out with anyone interested in them. So come at me with ideas!

    [Number 14] The more attention I draw to a plot, the more I'm probably craving it. ;p And in this case, I've kept my list of plots very small because I'm only looking to take on a few more roleplays right now. My schedule is better than it used to be, but I don't want to bite off more than I can chew and leave anyone hanging too much...but I still have writing cravings. ;c

*~Generic Pairings with/without Plots~*

  • [Plot 1] Vampire/Lycan
    • [*]She had spent the last fifty years lying low in a town of psychics, tired of participating in the constant battle between her own kind and the vampires. The psychics had accepted her, most with immediate knowledge of what she truly was. The years had been pleasant, but she had finally decided to move on and do a bit of traveling. Her fascination with powerful, fast cars brought her to a group of street racers in the town she had moved to. She made her entrance and upon stepping out of the car, her nostrils were assaulted by the unmistakable scent of a vampire. The humans, oblivious to her struggle to remain calm and the way her eyes darted around in search of the offending creature, investigated her car and asked questions about it and her.

      He, certainly, was not oblivious to her presence, either. He kept to the outskirts, brows lifted in amusement at her clear struggle to stay calm. After watching her squirm for a while, he clears the humans from her car and makes his approach. It doesn't take much conversation to recommend a truce; he is there for the same reason she is. They both just want to enjoy some seat time and have a little fun. They become at ease with each other and even end up working together. Their relationship is soon to escalate and just as things are starting to get comfortable, the battle they had been avoiding arrives in their backyard.

  • [Plot 2]Dragon/Hunter
    • [*]I have too many little ideas/different settings running through my head to narrow it down to any specific one, but the gist is that my character - a hunter of monsters/dragons/what-have-you - is commissioned to slay a dragon that has been "plaguing" a town/city. She is expecting a mindless creature like the ones she usually slays, but instead finds an intelligent - and verbal - one. They either fight or don't, but the conversation carries them to partner up for one reason or another. And, lo' and behold, he is able to shift into a human form.

      I have quiiiitte a few very different ideas with this one so...yeah.

  • [Plot 3] Scottish Laird/English Nobleman's Daughter
    • [*]Alright, so I don't actually really have a plot for this one...however I admit that I have gotten caught up in the Outlander whirlwind and goddammit kilts are hot okay and I was thinking this could be something of a take off of that. Set around the mid 1700s leading up to the Jacobite uprising and so-on. I'm open to all sorts of ideas on this one. I also was toying around with maybe adding a fantasy twist to this plot so let me know if you have any interest.

  • [Plot 4] Professional Athlete/Professional Race Car Driver
    • [*]He is a professional athlete already several years into his career and she is in her rookie year of professional drifting. He knows next to nothing about drifting and she knows next to nothing about his sport. What he does know, is that he sees a pretty young woman across the bar that he is quite interested in taking home. He and his teammates find themselves hanging around her and her fellow drivers and chatting the way people do. However despite his efforts to flirt and get his point across, she does nothing more than flirt lightly back and smile coyly. On the subject of profession, one of his teammates (or himself) makes a somewhat snide comment about drifting not sounding dangerous or difficult and immediately she offers a challenge: they come to their next event and she'll show them exactly what it is that they do...and so it continues.

  • [Plot 5]Wizard/Witch
    • [*]Ascaris Academy is known for producing the finest witches and wizards in the land; so prestigious, in fact, that they only send out invitations to those they consider most qualified. There is a system in place that pairs students as "study partners", so-to-speak, tying their grades and performances together. Should one fail, the other suffers consequences, as well. The students, however, do not know their partners until they meet, the badge given to them upon arrival growing brightly when it happens. Some students never even meet their partner...

      She is a new student at this prestigious academy, her skill in the magic of healing long-cultivated and passed in her family. In her classes, arrives a wizard that has the school in quite the tizzy: he's a visiting student said to be working on research for a facility in the surrounding town, though no one knows what sort of research or why. All anyone knows upon his arrival is that he is said to be incredibly skilled with offensive magic, and it has been requested that he even run some of the training exercises for those classes. They run into each other quite literally one afternoon, a brief conversation preceding the abrupt shine of their badges that neither had expected. It became painfully clear that they would be seeing much more of each other. They do, of course, find that they balance one-another well: where she lacks in offensive magic, he lacks in healing magic, and they find that they are able to teach each other.

      What none of the students know is that this rather secretive visiting student is actually an undercover agent for the elite police force of the wizarding world, investigating the use of dark magic in and around the academy campus. He can tell no-one, of course, but will his growing closeness with his partner threaten his secret? And what happens when she is found to be a target of whomever is using the black magic?

  • [Plot 6] Princess' Guard/Princess
    • [*]No real plot for this one, just the pairing in mind. Thinking along the lines of a stubborn princess who has difficulty being proper. He's just been promoted to the position of her guard; maybe they've known each other for a while, maybe not. She's a bit of a handful, convinces him to teach her how to use a sword, sneak out to the market in disguise and so-on. They're becoming closer, and so the wrench of an arranged marriage gets thrown into the mix.

*~Fandom Plots~*

  • [!!!Zoids: Chaotic Century!!!] OC/OC
    • [*]The General in charge of the Guylos Empire has brought forth a plan to end the rekindled war between themselves and the Republic in the grandest of ways: recreate and take control of the Deathsaurer in a scale manageable to their military personnel. After much deliberation and a serious loss, the leader agreed and the military’s researchers and scientists set to work to build this monstrosity. Once plans were drawn up and confirmed, they set out to create the Zoid on a small scale before building the real deal.

      Now enter the Red Death of the Guylos Empire: a lieutenant colonel feared by those on the receiving end of the blades of her black Slash Liger. The Republic prided itself in its secret weapon and brought her to the battlefield to massacre the enemy. She was considered a heartless, soulless and mindless killer: the perfect weapon and pilot. The General in charge of her battalion was also the overseer of the project to recreate the Deathsaurer. She was meant to take control of the powerful Zoid in its final form. However the Red Death was also to participate in several lab tests which was where she met the head scientist. He was friendly - talked to her even when she said nothing back. Eventually, she did start talking back. He managed to get her to open up and even return more to the personality she had as an adolescent and early teen. Slowly but surely, she became friendly - willing to speak to others and hold conversations. It had been three months since she had last been on the battlefield and she was a completely different woman. Even the other soldiers were beginning to whisper and talk about what this meant for themselves and the battlefield.

      …and then the small-scale Deathsaurer was completed.

      Everything was going well until they lost control. The Zoid demolished the lab and killed everyone present - the head scientist, included - before completely self-destructing. When the news reached her, she stopped. Thoughts snapped together in her head and by that night, she disappeared; gone from the Empire entirely. The Empire was absolutely frantic in its search for her but turned up nothing.

      She laid low for two full years in the Helic Republic. She had befriended a scientist and archaeologist who helped her transfer the core of her Slash Liger into another Zoid that he had unearthed and had been unable to bring to life. There were rumors that the Empire's Red Death had died. No one was suspicious of the unusual Hayate Liger and its friendly, red-headed pilot. She worked odd jobs and left people oblivious to her former identity.

      ...until a certain pilot recognized her. He was a sort of mercenary and managed to recognize her almost immediately…much to her dismay. He wanted a battle - and she refused until he'd finally pushed one-too many buttons. He was an impressive pilot and she was actually starting to have fun when a mass of lower level Zoids surrounded them and a new communication was established between them. After years of them searching, her former General informed her that they had almost completed the full-scale Deathsaurer and they wanted her back to pilot it. Naturally, she wasn't planning on going back, but did have every intention of making his life a living hell and preventing him from succeeding. After taking out the small Zoids, the two retreated back to the nearest village for the evening.

      Naturally, she had to explain the story to him in full detail, and while she didn’t want this on anyone else, in the back of her mind she knew that she was probably going to need a bit of help to make this job easier. To her surprise, he agreed, with his own reasons he didn’t share and she didn’t ask for.

  • Castlevania
    Trevor Belmont/OC
    • [*]Okay, can we first appreciate how great all measly FOUR episodes of Castlevania on Netflix is? Because, c'mon: I didn't even know I needed snarky/sarcastic as fuck Trevor Belmont in my life. I'll admit to having not played nearly enough of the games to have any real substantial hold on the lore based off of that, but I'm willing to research and learn if someone can bring me endless entertainment with a tired-of-your-shit Trevor. I'm struggling with a plot right now, but have a character brewing in this brain of mine.

      Would also consider doing an AU...because I am that convinced that every universe needs Snarky McSarcastic Pants. On that note...I'll stop rambling.

  • Rurouni Kenshin
    Sanosuke Sagara/OC
    • [*]...this is what happens when I have time to discover anime on Netflix. Rewatched (most of) the first 3 seasons of RuroKen...discovered my affection for Ken has somehow transferred to Sano. Caveat being that I'm in a similar situation to Castlevania: I'm brewing a character, but have not yet pieced together a plot to my liking.

      Join me on the struggle bus.

  • Naruto
    Kakashi Hatake/OC
    • [*]Another victim of my foray back into anime. I'll admit that I haven't delved back into Naruto enough to have much into later Shippuden series, but I do have a couple of old plots I've dusted off that don't necessarily play so much into the main plot and would use the other canons as side characters, more-so.

      Also would consider AU for this one pretty enthusiastically.
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