Four Star Beauty - Dragon Ball Reboot! F/M F/F F/Futa (Now with completed OP!)

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Jan 4, 2017
Hi all! I'm trying to ease back into roleplaying after some medical issues that had me away from anywhere I could comfortably type up posts for a long time. (If we were doing a roleplay before and you wanna resume, hit me up!)

I'm looking to use my Dragon Ball OC to do sort of a reboot of the original Dragon Ball. More fun and lighthearted adventure, less flying and screamfighting (Although that may come later, I'm not dissing Z or Super at all. GT can fuck right off).

I've got a skeleton of a plot in mind, and would like to hash it out a bit more with my partner.

My character, Satsumi Furaido, is raised in a remote wilderness area by her grandmother. Her grandmother dies when she is very young, ten or so, and is left to fend for herself for several years.

Her grandmother was a martial arts master and trained Satsumi until her death. Satsumi's training is far from complete but she's skilled nonetheless, and preternaturally strong.

This would take place when she is approximately fifteen. She's not certain of her age, since she hadn't had a reason to keep track of it, but canonically she is fifteen.

Your character would be a non-martial-artist, on a quest for some multi-piece mcguffin. It could be the Dragon Balls, the pieces of a mythic sword, five essays on the Soul of Music, up to you. As long as it's mythical, powerful, and has several pieces. Our characters meet because Satsumi's grandmother had one of the pieces that your character seeks.

Sex WILL NOT take place immediately, and my character won't initially be a terribly appealing young lady. Her clothes are one step away from being rags, her hair is practically a rat's nest at this point, and grandma died before she went through puberty so she never had a chance to pick up the practice of shaving. She's also fairly short at 4'11" and, lacking access to a bra, she binds her chest with bandages so your character might very well initially mistake her for someone several years younger than she actually is.

Never fret though, one to two mini-quests down the line our characters will find someone who recognizes Satsumi and knew her grandmother. Said "NPC" will essentially get Satsumi a makeover, a new set of travel clothes, and most importantly: a bra. At this point the wooiong and sexual interest towards her could reasonably begin.

I don't usually fancy myself as a roleplay snob but I'm going to have to lay out some rules for those that want to roleplay with me.

-Literacy is a must. I don't expect a novel in every post but at least a paragraph is best.
-No godmodding or mary sues.
-No narrating what my my character does, to a certain extent. If you want to narrate your character doing something like tossing an apple to my character and want to narrate her catching it, just ask me. I'll probably be cool with something like that.

If your interested please reply to the thread with a description of your character. Appearance, age, background, and what they're looking for. If we seem like we'll be a good fit for each other I'll PM you!
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