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Jan 9, 2009
Nova Scotia

        • 'Kay, so. Just so we're clear, people have been asking...

          name tay or dream !
          age nineteen-ish. haha.
          height five foot ten 1/2 inches
          race three quarters black, one quarter white.

          favorite video game(s) banjo-kazooie, jak and daxter
          favorite food(s) poutine, custard bars
          favorite book blood and chocolate
          favorite band/artist(s) passion pit, MGMT
          favorite song
          the reeling - passion pit
          favorite music genre indie/electronica
          favorite movie(s) alpha dog, DOOM, 28 Days/Weeks Later

          obsession(s) passion pit, roleplaying, video games, photoshop, rugby

          Okay. Basics. Muahaha. >: )


        • august 5th, 2oo9,

          mood fairly content; fatigued
          watching sister, sister
          dreading friday's exam .... </3

          Today was ... bland. x] Woke up, had cocoa puffs, went to ... summer school.
          Ew, I know. I failed calculus and I need it for university in September. Whew,
          computer science! So, I'm home now, sorta bored, gonna reply to some roleplays/
          PMs and snoop the forums for any spam threads (ps, tell me if you see any
          so Goatse can stop harping on me o 3o).

          I fucking love horror movies. I dunno why. I'm sadistic, I think? They guts, the
          blood, the horrified cries of agony just makes me so fucking thrilled. OH. The
          Final Destination movie comes out in a few weeks. Totally gonna cop that in
          3D cherries, awww yeah. I might go on WoW, I dunno... got OS tonight; don't
          feel like going. Everyone's on vacation which means no Ulduar. Fuck me gently.

        • august 6th, 2oo9,

          mood slightly irritated but, staying minty
          watching one piece
          dreading the exam tomorrow ...

          Today was a nice day, I suppose. Went to summer school and had
          PIZZA. I know, it was so amazing. Then these guys that I know play
          WoW (like me) came over to talk to me ... of course, about WoW. It
          was pretty great, one of the guys was a fucking sweetheart, too.
          Anyway. Had to wait a bit to drive home but it was worth it. When
          I did come home I just kicked back and decided to watch One Piece,
          which I'm still watching right now. Can you spell loser? I can.


          So, my friend decided to stop by unexpectedly, AGAIN. I hate when he
          fucking does that. I'm in my PJs, my hair's a mess and shit ... and he just
          barges into my room. I could have been watching porn, but luckily, I was
          watching One Piece. (I'm kidding. xD Fuck, don't take me so seriously.)
          So, I told him to call or something before he came over, then basically
          kicked him out because I was starting to study for my exam.

          The moral of this story is:

          Do not visit Dream's house when she's not wearing a bra. Sure, you get
          a glimpse of big, nice boobies through a baggy t-shirt, but is it worth it in
          the end, having me yell at you?

          More then half of the male Bluemoon population, I do believe, would say "yes".

        • august 7th, 2oo9

          mood tired
          watching final destination 2
          eating popcorn !

          hehe, I forgot to write an entry for yesterday. Was busy. Today I'm done
          summer school. I killed my exam (I'm pretty sure!) and went over to my sister's
          for a bit to visit her since I don't see her much. We played this game for the Wii
          called 'Bully'. lol. It was so fucking weird. You go around literally bullying kids ...
          and she kissed a guy! The main character, being a guy, flirted with a guy and kissed
          him like, a bajillion times. I was flabbergasted, really. It was cool, though, I told her
          to do it again, HAHA, so totally me. Oh yeah, today is our parade to welcome Sidney
          Crosby home :) It was absolutely amazing. The parade was awesome; I seen Julian
          from the Trailer Park Boys; he remembered me from a while ago, even my name, and
          told me hi. :)

          Crosby seemed to happy to be home. I got some nice pictures of him with me and
          the cup he brought home, too. I was so proud. After the parade was done - fuck it
          was hot outside - I drove the kids home I took with me, then hopped in the pool
          with them. The evening was ... dull after that. xD


        • august 8th, 2oo9

          watching aliens
          feeling a little iffy; sore
          drinking ginger ale :)

          Nice day today. I ended up waking up around like ... 1pm. I'm so lazy. :]
          I decided to go with some friends to see GI Joe today, I had some high hopes
          for it but I knew deep down inside it would be crappy, and I was right. It
          was ... okay, I suppose. Nothing special; totally predictably. I only went to
          see it because Ray Park, Marlon Wayans and Channing Tatum were in it.
          LOTS of topless guys, I was in my glory. I enjoyed the Rip/Scarlet pairing, too,
          it was honestly my favorite pairing in basically any movie I've seen. I don't know
          why, guys! x]

          So, now, I'm just chillin'. Stomach's a little upset but it's cool, ginger-ale will

        • august 14th, 2oo9,

          mood fucking tired
          watching maury

          I haven't written lately because I haven't had much access to the
          computer. xD Sorry guys. I decided to go on a vacation with some good
          friends of mine to Moncton to stay in a hotel for a while (where I am right
          now). We've been playing rugby and going to Magic Mountain which is this
          really cute water park then we went to the zoo :) Tonight (after my nap,
          of course!) we're going to go shopping :3 I get to start university this fall
          so I wanted to get some nice outfits particularly because I dropped from a
          size 16 pant size to a size 11 this summer, so I'm pretty pleased with myself.

          Rugby will do that to you : ) Plus I'm getting my hair done in a few weeks
          and that means pictures for you all!~

      • I'm going to treat this as my BM facebook page, now.
        Ahah, so don't mock me. ;D

        Totally watching Land of the Dead. <3

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