Seeking Elves and Noblemen! (Full for now)

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Lady Vi

Mar 19, 2014
No longer looking for the time being! Check back later!

Here's the deal guys an' gals: I'm in the mood for something fun and not entirely serious. Long-term is an option as well, but I won't turn you short-timers away! Something quick might just hit the spot! The 'scene' doesn't have to be sexual (though that won't hurt, haha), but I do demand some literacy.

Biggest craving at the moment is anything Having to do with elves. It's vague, I know, but I'll list some ideas below. If you have your own plot, please suggest it!

I'm also craving Harry Potter. You can find that thread here!

My Long-term/General thread is here as well!

Turn ons:
My kinks are flexible. If it fits the plot, I'm game, but I won't try to force something into the story. Huge turn-ons include:
- Teasing
- Giving oral
- Danger!
- Risk of pregnancy
- Humor
- Sexually inexperienced men
- Premature ejaculation (occasionally, of course.)
- Chick-on-top
- Role reversal

Turn offs:
- Rape/non-con
- Incest
- Underaged characters
- Scat/watersports
- Rude Rp partners
- Illiteracy


World of Warcraft:
Sin'Dorei nobleman/lowborn
Quel'dorei mage/human pickpocket
Really anything, just ask!

CRAVING Slave/handmaid:
Your character is owned by the royal family of a very wealthy nation. How you came to be property is up to you, but you are treated fairly well and enjoy a relatively comfortable life. Your life becomes even easier when you catch the eye of the Princess. She is notoriously cruel and hateful, but she's fallen madly in lust with you. Unfortunately, the nation's views on virtue mean that she can't act on this lust. So, Her Majesty gets creative. You are instructed to perform strange tasks for her to watch, sometimes with the assistance of the Princess's favorite handmaid. At first it's simple things (moving furniture without a tunic, modeling armor or other outfits, acting out scenes from plays or books, etc) but they grow stranger and more lewd as time goes on (stripping totally naked, fondling yourself, describing sexual events in great detail). You don't dare resist for fear of being punished and when you do hesitate of perform in a way your mistress does not enjoy, you are beaten (as is the handmaid). Naturally, you and the handmaid become close though any overt romance is ruined by the Princess's jealousy. The princess is oblivious to your friendship and eventually orders you to have sex while she watches. Depending on how you'd like to play this plot out, the two of you may eventually try to run away or help assassinate the princess.

It's tough being the second son. You're expected to spend all your time training for military greatness while your older brother has glory and attention lavished on him. You have spent so much time training, in fact, that your social life is entirely dead. his royal Highness is a virgin, and your comrades are determined to remedy this. They buy you a night with a charming woman under an assumed name. She is kind and patient, treating you with respect and humor even though she doesn't know your rank. You grow attached and it seems that she is fond of you as well. Eventually your world collapses when your brother is assassinated and your kingdom goes to war. Do you order your favorite whore to follow you to the front? Do you admit your royal blood?

Elf/human adventurer:
Life for a young elven man is rather dull in the high courts, but it's all you know. The short, violent lives of Men intrigue you, but all you have are stories of grand adventure and love that consumes a soul. They are pretty things to dream of, but...
One day the courts are thrown into chaos when a troupe of dwarven adventurers arrive at the gates. They have an old map, written in high elvish, that leads to untold treasures but they need help to translate it. In the party are a pair of human twins, a man and a woman, who draw your attention. They practically radiate life and energy, and the woman's lush curves are utterly unique among the slender elf women.
On translating the map, your king learns that an ancient elf relic is stored with the treasure. The dwarves have no use for such an item, so they happily agree to trade it for a guide. You jump at the chance for adventure, and a few more days with the vivacious human woman.

Elf Nobleman/ Human Wildling:
You and your retinue are headed to a diplomatic function in another kingdom. It's not terribly far, perhaps two weeks by caravan, but the quickest route passes through a dangerous forest filled with bandits and all uncivilized manner of folk. Still, between your guards and your own combat training you're confident that the forest path through the mountains is the best option. Oh, how wrong you are...
Only halfway through the woods, your caravan is set upon in the night and it's just a massacre. Carriages are burned, guards are slaughtered, gold stolen, and you just barely manage to escape. Wandering alone and lost in the woods, death seems certain until a woman takes pity (or maybe she's just interested in your fine clothes). Your wildling savior even knows an old dwarven pass through the mountains! Perhaps you can convince her to lead you back to civilization?

Contacting me:
Send a PM with:
-The scenario you'd like to play
-Any kinks you want to include
-Any turn-offs you think are relevant
-A basic introduction to your character (If OC)
-Any changes to the scene (If you want me to double, for instance)
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