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How simple or hard an addition would this be? (*pained whine*)


Apr 10, 2012
There are a handful of webpages on the internet that have a special function, if something dynamic is being done in it; attempting to navigate away from or close out the page springs up a popup saying something along the lines of
Are you trying to leave this webpage?
--Yes, leave the current page
--No, don't leave the current page
as its main purpose is to prevent accidental page-leaving and losing whatever is being worked on.

Is there any possibility such a function could be added to the "Create New Thread/Post In Thread/Compose Private Message) pages, such that it triggers if the page is navigated away from in any way other than Post/SendPM, Preview, or Save As Draft?

Because I was writing up a post, but paused to close out several other unneeded tabs...and one single misclick closed out the wrong tab, and lost everything I had written. And it's not the first time it's happened in the past few months. Aaaaaaggh. DX

Would this be simple to add to the forum software? Or would it be an involved coding project? If the latter, then alas but nevermind.
I can't speak to the actual question, but I can offer some alternatives.

Perhaps write in Google Docs or similar, then copy pasta it over?

Or if you want to write here and not in another area and copy pasta, then something like Lazarus Form Recovery?

Both have saved me more than once.

I'm so sorry you lost your work! That's super frustrating! *hugs*
Lazarus stopped working with the latest version of Firefox, maybe it still works in Chrome, I don't know, but I miss it dearly.
Then I'm moving my BMR activity to Chrome, that's for sure. That addon saved many mishaps of mine in the past.
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