The Cries of Madain Sari {darkest_fate&Noire}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Eternal rain made the city of Burmecia eternally damp. It had its own gothic beauty, to be sure. Even before war had ravaged the buildings, there had been that dark, creeping feeling to the place. Dragoons were said to hop from spire to spire, keeping the Burmecian rat-people safe from outside invaders. Only two such knights remained now, and one had forsaken his home to roam.

Still, there were soldiers roaming the streets. Many of the Burmecians filled that role: men and women alike trained in the arts martial. At times it almost felt like it wouldn't have been too unusual to see a child holding a sword. Several had also begun picking up magic, after the near devastation brought upon them by the black mages such a relatively short time ago. The people were sturdy, durable...

"...and moldy,' mumbled the intruder. She wore a dark brown hood, already drenched from the rain. It covered most of her body, which was fortunate for the young girl. Long purple-blue hair extended past the small of her back, and her tendency to wear brilliant colors would make her stand out all the more amid these people. The intruder frowned as she carefully consulted her soaked map, squinting at the running pigments. Her transport had dropped her nearby, so it only made sense to stop here first. But she'd almost been hoping to put this one off until she'd been better prepared: the main guardian of this place, that last dragoon, was almost too diligent, and the intruder didn't want questions.

That thought made her tug at the hood, as if she could somehow cover the horn that jutted proudly from the center of her forehead. Eiko Carol was, after all, one of the last summoners of Madain Sari, and was literally the only person who could prevent what she knew would wreck this world over the next decade.

"Ah, there we go,' she said, nodding as she looked to a building. It was some sort of shrine or holy place; Eiko didn't exactly keep up with Burmecian socio-religious practices. She stepped toward it, grateful to remove the hood and shake some water from her hair. She ran fingers through it, pursing her lips in frustration. Her horn already itched, letting her know she was quite close. Eiko held up a hand, summoning forth a pale light: even inside, Burmecia was dim.

"If I were a stoned Eidolin eager to burst forth and terrorize an entire kingdom of adorable rat people, where would I be?" Eiko mumbled to herself, carefully picking her way through the shrine. Years of training with a certain monkey-tailed thief had left her light on her feet, and her lithe body and accompanying wings (fake though they technically were) helped too. Eiko almost floated over the rocks, finally coming to a stop at what looked like a statue of some kind of frog or serpent or something.

"It's here somewhere," Eiko said, tapping the stone and frowning. She just needed to find it, and hopefully before someone found her first...
Burmecia's shrines were among the last things in the capital to be restored, many of the smaller ones yet lying in some form of ruin. The clergy had bade mercy, kindness, and patience, but scars took some time to heal, and their words had largely fallen on deaf ears. It had been a hard thing for the battered Burmecians to accept the fact that their gods had done nothing to stop the trials they had so recently been put through.

Slaughter by the black arts, and even their sanctuary of Cleyra had been entirely overrun in a way that had humbled the third of the Three Great Kingdoms of the Mist Continent in a way that had simply never occurred before.

The bodies had been buried, but a broken spirit was a much harder thing to mend.

This shrine was one of the luckier ones -- they had at least patched the roof after it had been blown apart by black magic fire, and had scrubbed the blood of the resident priest out of the carpeting.

Still, it was a bleak place. Tapestries lined the walls, framing the high windows that perforated the arch above Eiko's head.

There came a crack of lightning, a brilliant flash illuminating the interior of the temple for a split second... and with it, a figure high above, casting their steepled shadow into harsh relief against the far wall.

It was the only warning Eiko was going to get.

It was fortunate that Eiko had trained under the thief, for it was only by that larcenous grace that she could avoid a speartip coming out of nowhere, radiating the energy of a true dragoon as it pierced straight through stone and the ground below.

It was either that... or the spear had been nothing b it a warning shot.

Time seemed to slow as a Burmecian woman with a pointed hat, a pale red robe, and a spear with an azure blade, slowly stood up from her crouch.

"... I believe," Freya Crescent said, "that you're trespassing."
Eiko managed to leap away just in time to avoid the spear. She stared at the glowing weapon, already knowing far too well where it had come from and who wielded it. Of all the rotten luck: to actually run into Freya Crescent, one of those hero types. Of course, Eiko happened to be one of those as well, with an additional lots of training, albeit in different skills than she'd once boasted (hence why she now carried daggers instead of rackets, though she also had a flute just in case).

The lean thief/summoner turned, quickly following the path of the weapon up to its owner. Yep, there she was: still wearing her traditional Burmecian dragoon---wait, shouldn't there be armor or something. "Well, technically," Eiko glanced behind her, her horn itching terribly, all but yanking her head a certain direction, "yes, I'm trespassing. But I also have permission!" Half-true. Technically Eiko had been here before, when the group had sort of looked around at various places they'd been to during the war to double-check and when Freya herself (who Eiko had fought beside a few times) had wanted to doublecheck.

Well, at least Eiko could tell she'd landed in roughly the right time. She began carefully edging her way in her horn's direction. It was only after she started moving, feeling her cloak shifting, that Eiko realized that she should probably cover the horn. Freya would know what that meant and there would be a lot of questions and possibly even some sort of paradox or something.

Plus, Eiko's horn was practically screaming at her. The Eidolin that had become trapped here wanted out, and it was definitely not happy in all kinds of ways that would be very, very bad for this particular city. Question was whether Eiko could call it out while still talking to and/or avoiding Freya. She did start reaching out with her horn, feeling the thoughts trickling their way through her own.
"You trespass. With permission." The words were flat, the same tone she had typically reserved for a tailed thief in his most ridiculous of moments. She leapt from her spot, the jump for which the Burmecians were so well known. On the way down her robes flared out, revealing a glimmer of lightweight scale beneath her robing -- armor that would not impede her, but which could take the strikes of the dragons for which she gained her title.

She landed in a crouch, wrapping one hand around her spear, plucking it from the ground as if it weighed no more than a flower.

"Come with me. I won't have your lies," Freya said, aiming the speartip straight at Eiko and at... the...

... horn?

"... who are you, that you should have a horn? Only summoners have those among your kind," Freya said slowly. As Eiko moved, so did Freya, slowly stepping in a circle with clawed feet, almost too gracefully for a figure that Eiko knew to contain a stunning amount of physical power.

"What are you doing here? You look almost like--" Freya squinted brilliant green-blue eyes at the girl's blue-purple hair, at the horn upon her head, and--

Light glimmered through the rubble at the base of an altar, a brilliance that reached out to Eiko, reacted to the nearby power of an exceptional summoner...
The voice stretched thoughts across Eiko's. It spoke of freedom, of power, of being trapped for so long. It rang in the still-young summoner's mind, its thoughts wrapping about her own, tripping them up, making focusing that much difficult. Right there, calling to her, speaking to one that could actually here.

Oh, look, now Freya had done the jumping and leaped in front of her. Eiko very nearly jumped herself, though without a good deal of the impressive leaping. Fortunately her nerves were steadier than they'd been when she'd been a child. Plus the talking being. Plus thief training. Plus lots of things. That spear pointed at her, and Eiko was willing to bet that Freya would use it. Still, she sort of half-shuffled.

"Isn't it a fashion statement to put one on now?" Eiko asked, shrugging, a gesture that looked far too close to the rakish thief she still idolized more than a little. "Aren't, like, two of the major heroes summoners so the horn would---aaaah," the last came as the light flickered, hitting Eiko's mind directly. The summoner's head jerked back, and she lost her balance, falling hard to a knee. The cloak fluttered completely free, baring the head. A jewel danced in one ear, one of decidedly crystalline qualities.

"Freya,' Eiko said. "You're lovely and I really, really do want to try and chat or explain, but it would really be best if you--" this Eidolin had... wants. Eiko hadn't felt such want in an eidolin. What had happened to it, to make it want like that? It burned in ways that made the summoner/thief's cheeks flush slightly. She staggered a little more toward it, reaching out, trying to call to her horn. "Leave," she said through gritted teeth, trying to direct the words to Freya. This thing was going to be hard enough to control without a rat-dragoon knight staring her down.
"Eiko," Freya hissed. "Is that you?"

There was no mistaking it -- the clumsy excuse, the horn, the hair, the eyes, and moving like a monkey-tailed thief they had both known so well.

To say nothing of the girl knowing Freya's own name.

Freya had been to far too many worlds, killed too many gods, and uncovered too many magical secrets to have any qualms about at least acknowledging the bizarre and the improbable (even if those numbers, respectively, were only two, one, and... impossible to count).

"What is happening here?" Freya demanded, unable to keep the worry entirely out of her voice. She reached for Eiko with one hand before she caught sight of the crystal glowing amongst the rubble. She turned her spear towards it, the Dragon Hair glowing with brilliant azure light as she reached for her own power, steeped in the blood of dragons.

"This is my home to protect. Whatever you are, be gone," Freya commanded. Even she could feel its power, feel its... want, however muted it was by her current adrenaline. She stepped closer to Eiko, using one hand to push the girl behind her, an unconscious motion borne from a time of defending their mages.

A motion that might break the summoner's tenuous concentration.

As You Will.

The voice... permeated, filling the air with a languid sweetness. The crystal glowed brilliantly, and from it spilled--

A woman.

Radiant, and scarcely taller than Freya herself were it not for her hair, her wings. Her face was a mask, one that was somewhere between beatific and... seductive, with full purple lips and eyes that smoldered like embers. She was soaked, for the rain seemed to come with her, pouring from a stormcloud of her own devising.

Freya leaped --

And for the first time, was too slow.

The Eidolon swayed in midair, holding one hand out -- the rain that followed her swept through, throwing Freya just to one side... and her wing wrapped around Freya.

"... do try to be kinder than that, dear," came the voice, sweet and sensual. It was melodic in a way, promising the song of a Siren. Freya struggled in her grasp as golden light wrapped around her like silk -- that powerful magic that had pulled on Eiko was pouring out, wrapping and twining around Freya's body. The rat woman slowly went limp, her cool blue eyes dilated entirely into black discs as she hung there in the air. Her spear dropped from her hand, clattering to the floor some ten feet below.

Siren looked down over Freya's shoulder to Eiko, and twisted her lips in a smile. "You think to contain me, darling? You seem scarce able to contain yourself~" Siren twisted Freya around and launched the rat woman back toward Eiko with a gust of wind and rain.

Freya landed in a heap -- whether or not Eiko was there when she did so -- and sprawled. Her breathing was labored, her eyes unfocused as she tried to push herself back to her feet, her thighs trembling.

"After all, I've already disposed of your dear ally," Siren said.
Eiko smiled, laughing nervously and almost wishing she had enough hair to somehow push it up and cover her horn. "Maybe?" she managed. It was about all she could manage, with the raw feedback this Eidolin kept sending her way. Years of dealing with the creatures, with being raised by them (Mog, anyway), with having met them during that tumultuous time, with dealing with the uprising that followed and nearly destroyed the world, had left the still young summoner quite the experience in processing the sensations. That didn't stop her from struggling now, particularly with the raw power, no, not just the power, the emotion pouring out now.

"Great, now you're gonna piss it off," Eiko muttered, again sounding far too like a certain tailed thief that she'd learned from. She could see Freya moving in for protection, which Eiko found rather ironic, given the circumstances. Then the push, which... shit, broke Eiko's concentration, which had already been wavering.

Wonderful, some ridiculously sexy Eidolin, and Eiko's head was pounding, her horn feeling like it was going to burrow into her brain. Of course Freya had to fight, but the reaction from the Eidolin was more unnerving. Freya should be on the top of her game, with lots of high level equipment and practice dealing with this sort of thing. But this Eidolin batted her about pretty well.

"More like... form a pact," said Eiko. She mumbled a few words, flicking her hands in Freya's direction. "And you really don't know who you're dealing with, if you think that Freya's done already." Plus, Eiko had just zipped a few healing spells that way. She'd always been quite good at White Magic, able to even double it up during her Trance. So while her skills there may have diminished as her thievery and summoning rose, putting her below even Dagger's lesser abilities now, she could still throw a few Cures and a beneficial spell or two.

"I'm here to act as a channel for your anger," which may now require actually taking out the Eidolin. "And the... other stuff." Eiko frowned, reaching up to rub near her horn. "Seriously, aren't the summoners the ones that are supposed to be horny?" No, she really couldn't stop herself. Again, too much Zidane-influence. She had been crushing on him for, like, ever, after all.
The positive energy wrapped itself around Freya in a corona of sparking light, but whatever it was she had been afflicted with... it appeared that no regular curative would do the trick. Freya languished there on the slick paving stones, rolling onto one side, her back arching as an unbearable heat was wrapping around her body, piercing through it. In that moment, it didn't matter that she wielded the same blade she had used to aid in the slaying of Necron, nor the armoring plates beneath her robes that had protected her from that same being's mighty blows.

Freya had lost the fewest steps, had given herself no time to become complacent.

But it didn't matter.

Not when all the things that she had ignored to become that powerful were being used to bludgeon her.

"... dear, you haven't the mettle. Nor will you, not with your friend so... preoccupied."

Freya screamed, the sound more bestial than anything EIko had ever heard from between Freya's lips. She was tearing at herself with clawed hands, pulling away the robing, dragging at the armored plates. She tore entirely through the leather strings that held her trousers up, pushing them down as fast as she could to slip a hand down the front, rubbing with the fervor of a woman possessed.

"It's the Siren's Call. She has a want she could never herself fulfill. And it will destroy her," Siren said with a cruel twist of her lips, a mockery of a smile. She waved one hand, the storm that had come with her roaring along the path of her hand, sweeping down toward Eiko to buffet her with wind, water, and a golden energy that sought to instill the girl with the same heat she had inflicted upon the Burmecian, using the attack as cover enough to escape, her wings beating once, twice, thrice to carry her out the same window Freya had come in through, making a hasty retreat with a only a high and keening laugh left behind.

Freya should have given chase -- along with Zidane and perhaps Eiko herself now, she might have been the only one fast enough who could have done so.

But the world beyond had ceased to exist, the hand that wasn't furiously rubbing down her pants had slipped up her body, gripping desperately at her chest to put out an inextinguishable flame.
"I so have the mettle!" Eiko insisted, adding a little jump that was most definitely reminiscent of her more "contemporary" self. In point of fact, she knew her summoning to be quite strong. Had she not been interrupted, then doubtless she could have initiated contact with this Eidolin, talked her down, maybe been a vessel for her frustrations. Instead she had Freya along, and while the Burmecian was very magically resistant, particularly for her kind, she couldn't have been expected to be ready to handle... this.

"Oh you glowing bit--" Eiko began, but unlike Freya, she saw the attack coming her way. Also unlike Freya, Eiko was agile, magically inclined, and a summoner. The three meant she could roll away from most of the worst of the attack, put up personal shielding for more, and use her horn to guide her through the worst of it, though she still left feeling a little buzzed. "Get back here and actually commune with me!" Eiko yelled, waving her fists at the sky. She leapt onto a nearby pile of rubble, clinging like the monkey-man who'd taught her. Likely Eiko really could have caught up now, or at least gotten close enough to start communing. Small problem: "Ratchel" as Zidane had once put it.

Eiko lowered down, hurrying over to her old companion. "Perhaps next time you'll stay away from magic," the girl insisted, her hands igniting. She wished she'd kept up better with her healing magic, but she simply hadn't. She could see Freya's hands moving, could all but feel the heat radiating from her old friend. Eiko placed a hand on Freya's chest, leaning forward, though she knew she hadn't a chance of holding Freya down.

"Freya, listen," hissed Eiko, "you're fighting an Eidolic effect, if you're not--" Eiko grumbled and tried to swat some of Freya's hands away, "If you're not careful you'll hurt--" more swatting, "hurt yourself." Great, at this rate, Eiko wasn't sure what she could do to help here... unless, unless she would have to try the... the obvious.
Eiko shouted, and only the steady drum of rain on the roof answered back. The feeling in the girl's horn was beginning to fade, that steady thrum of power ebbing away until there was naught but the ambient magic that came with endless rain. That, and the magic that presently coursed through every inch of Freya's body, particularly between her thighs.

As Eiko pressed down on her body, even that was enough to eliciting a warbling moan from the warrior rat woman. The touch of another had never been more exhilarating or intoxicating. It was an alien sound to anyone who had ever known her (save perhaps Fratley), and it seemed to carry lingering traces of that damndable siren's magic.

"Stop," Freya panted as Eiko smacked at her hands. "I just... I just need to... I need..."

Freya's eyes unfocused as she ripped open the last of her shirt and pulled her trousers done that much more.

She had clearly not missed a step in those intervening years. Sleek gray fur outlined the trim muscles of her stomach, and her breasts were large for such a trim and muscled woman, pert despite the lack of any support. With that shapeless robe gone, her hips were surprisingly wide and womanly, giving way to long aND we'll muscled legs that were currently as stretched as far as her clothes would allow.

She was currently two knuckles deep inside herself, fingers pressed against and again into a pussy that seemed tight just from looking at it. She was sodden and hot, demanding to be touched.

She made a desperate, keeNing sound.

"Help me," begged Burmecia's last and greatest dragon knight.
Just need? Eiko leaned forward, frowning, trying to figure out what---oh, oh, oh it was that kind of... desire and that kind of... need. Eiko chewed her lip while she watched her old friend sliding hands along her sleek body. The summoner hadn't really thought herself all that into the rat-people, but she had to admit that Freya looked pretty good. All lean, muscled body and sleek feminine curves. No doubt Zidane would've flirted with her... (and yes, it occurred to Eiko that Zidane's and Freya's builds weren't that dissimilar from one another; the latter just had a quite noticeable chest).

"and you're touching yourself," said Eiko. She tried to move her hands down, but she swore she could already feel the heat all but rippling out from her friend. Stranger still, it seemed to seep in mentally from Eiko's horn, as if dumping a load of arousal straight into her brain. The lithe teenage summoner found herself trembling with a short little shiver of arousal, and she knew that had to just be part of it.

"Okay, so, I'm going to," she let her hands touch Freya's sides, "oh, furry," Eiko bit her lip. "I'm going to try, and I think that, like, some bit of Eidolin is in you. So I'm going to try and contact it with more horn," she closed her eyes to focus, feeling that. "Okay, wow, Freya, you, you really need to get laid more often," Eiko ran her hands along Freya's body.

"C'mon, you gotta stop," Eiko groaned in frustration, slapping Freya's hands away. finally, she shoved her own down, aiming straight, essentially covering Freya's sex. "I'm going to just hold this here and do nothing until you stop trying to stab yourself," she told Freya, leaning forward, "like, squeeze your boobs or something," and no, Eiko wasn't jealous of Freya's chest... much... even though Eiko's had barely grown since she was a kid...
Her words fell on deaf ears -- no... Freya could hear her. She just didn't have the faculties just then to processential what Eiko said, much less care about or follow the girl's directives.


Every single touch of Eiko's hands on her body seemed to elicit a bit of a reaction. The knight's muscles slid smoothly under her furry hide, a velvety smooth motion that made her all the more interesting to the touch. Her hips undulated, her trim stomach writhing in an attempt to feel more of Eiko's touch.

But as Eiko's slender hand smacked down on Freya's sopping sex, the rat woman groaned a fierce and guttural sound. She didn't knock away Eiko's hand this time. No. Instead she gripped Eiko's haND with all the might and fervor she used to clutch her mighty spear. She held on tightly and pressEd her feet to the ground.

Eiko got to feel something brand new then -- the feel of another woman grinding against her fingers, rolling her hips so that she got the most of Eiko's fingers. Freya was almost panting, her other hand reaching out to do just as Eiko had suggested, gripping at one large breast, squeezing the pliant flesh in one hand.. before an idea seemed to strike her lust-addled mind.

Freya reached for Eiko's hand, to press it to her own breast as she panted out one word.

"Eiko." It was plaintive, asking, desperate, and commanding all in two simple syllables.
Yay, Freya stopped trying to stab herself. Okay, she was still squirming, now mauling her breast as if she wanted to see if milk could come out (did Burmecians breastfeed? Eiko really felt like she should know that). And Freya kept rolling and writhing in an obvious arousal that, judging by what Eiko was siphoning off in her horn, had to be almost painful, particularly for a dragoon who, to Eiko's knowledge, was either virginal or very nearly repressed.

"Okay, you feel softer than me," admitted Eiko, flushing. She hadn't expected that, for Freya's sex to feel almost too soft to be allowed. Eiko's fingers moved delicately, dancing about. Wet already gathered on her digits, likely beginning to mat the fur around Freya's throbbing sex. Jeez, the dragoon already felt about ready to blow and they'd barely started. Eiko started rubbing, not sure if she should try being gentle or just start thrusting fingers into Freya and hope for the best.

Her hand rose, and Eiko had nothing to do with it. she felt the digits move to Freya's heaving chest. "Right," she said, nodding, "I've never done this with another female before, but, like, it shouldn't be that much different from masturbating. If you want, I could even, like, grab my daggers and sort of," she pushed in on Freya's sex with her finger, "or maybe use your spear..." Eiko's eyes widened. "Oh wow, have you actually done that?"

Eiko's fingers splayed out across Freya's breast. She felt them ruffling fur, gliding along the hot flesh. Eiko drew the digits inward, beginning to lightly pinch and roll the nipple between fingers. Pull, pinch, tease, flick, then spread on back down. Eiko was dealing with a lot more chest than she was used to, but, again, the principal should be the same. Her hand beneath worked too, rubbing outside Freya's sex, pushing and teasing and testing, wondering if the fingers should start heading in and see what happened then. Probably best to wait for at least a bit, make sure Freya was good and ready.
It was a heat that Freya herself could barely comprehend, running through her body in pulsing waves... all of which came crashing against her womanhood. She hadn't felt such need in her entire life. Not with Fratley, not with any other man or woman. Not even on lonely nights on the trail had she been able to stoke the flames this much with her own fingers or anything else she found to stimulate herself.

This was something new. Something primal.

Freya bucked her hips against Eiko's fingers, trying to increase the contact area, the friction. Eiko's hand was a good bit more delicate than Freya's. She'd never considered laying with a human before, being a rare soul that could resist the monkey-thief's charms, but... it felt nice. As Eiko began to pay attention to her breasts, Freya flexed her entire body beneath Eiko's touch, making a sound -- a small squeak -- a sound more heard out of the lips of rats than humans. A sound of pleasure, judging by the way that it slowly metamorphosed into a moan.

And in the midst of all that, Freya managed to find her voice.

"... f-fuck... me," Freya whispered. "Please... please fuck me... fuck... I-I... need it. Th-the... dagger. The spear. You, anything," The words came haltingly from the dragon knight, words that had never dribbled past her lips before. She was ready -- she was entirely sodden between her thighs, and with every gentle twist and rub of her pert nipples, they tightened into little buds that demanded to be played with ever more.

One hand swung around, grabbing Eiko by the back of the neck to force the girl down to her, her lips capturing Eiko's in an impassioned but amateurish kiss that thrummed with need as Freya's lithe body melted against Eiko's touch.
So Eiko kept underestimating this, clearly. The bits she siphoned off spoke of a primal need, a raw desire, the overwhelming urge for sexual satisfaction, yes, but, well, maybe Eiko was just used to sort of feeling turned on? She'd met the group when she was a girl, and had essentially blossomed into her young womanhood around people of both sexes that were quite attractive. She'd been adopted by Cid and Hilda, so that put her around Lindbulm, which was a thriving theater community. That, plus Zidane, plus Garnet, plus Freya herself, heck, Rusty and Amarant weren't even that bad looking, for who they were. Plus, Eiko had gone into thievery, played and fooled around with various rogues while they dealt with the summoners.

Meanwhile, Freya had been a slave to duty, and probably in loads of denial. Zidane had admitted to never even getting Freya to date him, saying they'd settled into a comfortable friendship. Eiko did remember Sir Fratley and all, but he seemed... well, kinda a dick, even when he had remembered who Freya was. Struck Eiko that Freya was probably woefully inexperienced and probably desperate for attention even without the Siren.

"Okay, okay, I'll get the dagger," she said, scrambling about. Except before she could manage that, Freya dragged her up. Eiko let out a little squeal, her eyes widening, as she felt the Burmecian's lips against hers. They felt... well, like a female's lips, not that Eiko had a huge wealth of experience to draw on for that idea. She had undergone extensive kissing lessons (thief training was thorough, yo, particularly when Zidane was your main teacher). her mouth opened and she worked against Freya's, feeding the hungry rat-girl and even coaxing a tongue out. Eiko did wonder if Freya's tongue would be different... and she had the almost impish wonder if it wouldn't be sort of long and... flexible.

Freya's bucking reminded Eiko of her promise. Her hand found her dagger, the smooth hilt fairly well worn. It was actually one of Zidane's old ones.... which may have been part of why Eiko liked to use it when she got horny. she mostly just rubbed the rounded bit against her sex till she came, and she moved to start doing that now. The hard leather pressed against Freya's sex, grinding up and down, circling around, letting fluid glide onto the hilt. Eiko was still hoping she wouldn't have to try to actually fuck Freya with it, particularly if the dragoon was, as Eiko was beginning to strongly suspect, a virgin.
Freya scarcely wished to let Eiko free of her grasp. Her hands had dragged and gripped at Eiko's body, attempting to hold the girl to her as her tongue -- ever-so-slightly rougher than a human's tongue, but also stronger, and longer judging by the way it had invaded the summoner's mouth so ably.

The dragoon only finally relinquished her deathgrip hold on Eiko as the summoner retrieved her dagger and pressed the... curiously worn hilt to Freya's sex. It was enough, at least, to momentarily sate Freya. Clawed feet gripped at and scratched against the ground as Eiko began to move the dagger with practiced ease. She was getting the hilt wet with how her body was begging for something -- anything -- to fill her.

Freya's hands returned to Eiko's supple body, clumsily dragging at the robing Eiko had stolen into the city with. Pulling off layers of cloth, attempting to get to what lay within like a woman possessed (which, well, she was). "... f-fuck... fuck me," Freya whispered, and it sounded almost like a mantra. "Fuck me, p-please," she said. She paused briefly in her manhandling of the young summoner, her fingers gripping tight around Eiko's wrist.

Her hips rose and flexed, and it was with a satisfied and protracted groan that Freya forced Eiko to slide that hilt within. There came no resistance, no seizing of her body or trickle of blood. Either she was too wet and desperate for any of that to have mattered in the first place... or Freya hadn't been a virgin. And even if she had been, she took far too much of the hilt for that to be the case anymore.
That tongue took some getting used to. Eiko's eyes widened at the first touch, the first sensation of the strong muscle worked against hers. The summoner could feel the slightly rough sensation as muscle tangled with muscle, and her imagination, aided no doubt by the rising heat between the two of them, had to make her wonder just what that tongue would feel like grazing against more sensitive bits. The thought nearly made Eiko groan, and had her mind not been split a half a dozen different ways, she very likely would have.

The hilt slid and slipped, Eiko working it as best she could given the situation. Wet seeped out, damp enough for Eiko to just start feeling it wetting against her gloved hand. She could feel the warmth more than anything, warmth seeping out, spreading against fabric, radiating from the writhing, bucking Burmecian below. Eiko could feel her own body responding in kind, as if eager to start feeling those same sensations. Her hips circled slightly, and it didn't help that soon Eiko felt hands gliding against her. Cloth started flying, the tugged cloak nearly choking Eiko. The summoner pulled back with a "hrk", nearly falling back completely.

"I'm trying," Eiko managed, even as she felt strong fingers digging against her sides. Even with Eiko's more active training, she knew that Freya had to be stronger than her. The fingers seemed determined to prove that even more, and, again, Eiko's body seemed fairly willing. She shifted again, only to find her dagger sinking into her friend's body. "Oops,' mumbled Eiko. Freya kept bucking, pushing against it, her hips constantly moving. Eiko could only just keep up.

"You're going..." she tried, shifting again, "to hurt yourself if you don't--" Eiko shifted, feeling the strong dragoon moving against her. Just how intense was this arousal? Eiko dared tried using her horn again, channeling thought and energy. If she could just seep a little more out, drain the venom like you did for a snake bite or something.... something worse.
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