A Lesbian's Straight Girl - An FxF "Best Friends" Seduction Plot

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Jan 14, 2016
We've known each other since we were little kids. We've been through thick and thin. I was there for you in high school when you "came out", and you were there for me when my boyfriend throughout most of high school dumped me. Together, we got through it all. There was just one thing that we couldn't seem to conquer - my jealousy of you.

My luck on the dating scene was horrible since breaking up with Mike. We were at odds with each other afterward, but when he spread a ton of rumors about me throughout the school, he had successfully made me look like a crazy bitch while he had women clawing over him. It was devastating for me to watch him be so successful after me while I couldn't seem to even land a single date with somebody. Sure, I could date one of the nerds from the "less-than-popular" crowd, but if anything it would only solidify my defeat and my newfound status as a loser. I was in a no-win situation, and itnonly got worse when I was asked out... by a girl.

She was a known bisexual who sat at your table. It didn't matter that I said no. Once rumor spread that she asked me out, my status sank even lower than it had. The trend even continued until graduation, when I was finally able to escape that place and start over elsewhere. The only reason I could think of that I made it out alive was..... you. You were there for me at every turn, and I was beyond thankful. It made starting over in life after high school all the easier... that is, until I learned that I hadn't escaped anything at all. No, the curse had followed me, and since you moved away, I had nobody to support me. When I had the chance to drive out to meet you for the first time all summer, I jumped at the chance, and you gladly room the chance to show me around this new town that I knew nothing about. You were my guide for the 2 weeks I was out there. Knowing nothing about the area, you went on and on about the awesome might life, and I couldn't wait to get out and finally start being popular again.

We were out dancing at a club for 18+ night, when a girl approached me and started conversation. At first I thought nothing of it, but the questions were... going somewhere. Was she... flirting with me? Ugh, gross! I made it abundantly clear that I was not in any way interested, but it didn't stop there. After a few more nights out, I was approached again, and once more before the end of the week. The worst part? Not one single guy seemed interested in me. It was only after I vented to you about it that I learned that there are a TON of gay people in the community. It was only slightly comforting to hear that, but I still had another week left out here and I had to do SOMETHING to change my luck. However... The first half of the week brought me nothing but more attempts to be picked up by other girls. It drove me to tears one night while in the other room at your apartment, but when you came over to talk with me about it, out conversation went much differently than ever before.

After a short conversation where I expressed my frustrations with only having luck with freaking lesbians, you turned into a whole other person in an instant. You stalked me down into a corner while going on about how it's a sign and how I just need to accept it. You towered over me as you went on about how I need to just... give it a shot. You placed your fingertip to my lips when I was about to protest, but something about the way you did it was... powerful. Soon, your finger had entered my mouth, while I sucked on it as you backed me off to the bed right behind us.

From here, it obviously goes on to my first lesbian experience with you teaching me to embrace what I was clearly meant to be - A Lesbian. Had you orchestrated the whole thing all the way back from high school? Had you set me up to be hit on by these girls who you knew were gay? Or was it literally just... my curse? Either way, you've hit me at my weakest, and now I'm just a Lesbian's straight sub.
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