Looking For Other Wicked Lovers!

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Wicked Lover

May 22, 2017
Hello everyone! Before I get onto my plots I want to set some rules straight...
I do not do fxf role plays but sometimes I will be open to mxm and always open to fxm
I don't want one liners for replies and starters. I will usually reply with the same length you give me in starters and replies which leads to me to say I do not do starters. I'm fine with starters or discussion! And I will only do Threads and pms. I believe that is all... My kinks also go pretty far so just ask what is okay and what is not :).
My F-List: https://www.f-list.net/c/manon%20blackbeak

I have multiple ideas (that can go anywhere) that I'm craving and not (but still up for) so the ideas I am craving will be in red and the ones I'm not craving will be a normal colour! But also they may seem like starters, I'm just giving a little idea of what the idea may be like!

~Sex? No Problem!
A world just like today, yet something's different... No one is afraid to have sex in public! There's people on the streets ravaging each other, there's also little kids exposed to this as well. Rape is still a crime it's just not as severe punishment these days! You can ask or invite someone to these type of things, if they decline let them go and if they accept well there ya go! There is just no limits, people sitting on benches stark naked using sex toys and all!

~An God/Immortal and a Mortal
You are a type of god who has just been banished to the mortal planet known as Earth. There you find it's easy to entertain yourself, drunk mortals all around challenge you and you get to beat the living shit out of them. But there's also females around that drool over you, till you come across one gorgeous mortal female. She doesn't drool over you, no matter how hard you try to get her attention so after a while you approach her and when she turns to you, realization hits you, that she isn't just any mortal...

~The Apocalypse
Your just a normal guy who had been at home working, yeah you heard me right! A work from home guy who doesn't have a very good income, but one day the phone stops and everything stops. No one replies your calls or anything, but when you step outside your apartment door, you are tackled by a being but when you looked up you are met with a green skinned rotting thing. What are they called? Oh yeah, right, right... Zombies. You only had seconds to see him before it was tore from you and a machete sliced its head off, before you stood 2 guys and one girl, the guys were coming up to the door meanwhile the girl was wiping her machete clean of blood when she noticed and before you could do anything she slammed the butt of her pistol into your temple.

~Werewolves In A Human World
You are an powerful werewolf, son to a dangerous werewolf and heir to the throne of your fathers pack. But before you can claim this throne you have to prove your worthy and to do this you have to fight and live threw the war with the other rival pack. But as you go to spy you have a run in with one of their pack members, before you can alert the others you both meet eyes and your wolf howls in joy, she was your mate! But before you could make your move she was gone in a flash, and before you knew it you were heading home feeling so empty. How would you stop this? Will you step up to the throne and make your father proud so you can claim your rightful empire? Or will you abandon your mission? It's all up to you.

If you have any plots you'd like to share with me, don't feel shy :)
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