Looking for Your Darkest Side

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May 20, 2017
Well, hello there. I'm Steamy (my nickname and aspiration), and I'm looking to make friends with your dark side. I'm a submissive woman who loves humiliation, degredation, and the most horrible of unhappy endings. I make bad life choices and deserve to be punished for it. Not so that I'll learn to make better choices -- I won't, I'm not smart enough for that -- but because it might be amusing. I need a cruel, firm hand to take me by the leash. Extra love for misogyny; I adore alpha males who are willing to teach me my proper place.

I prefer playing over private messages. My absolute turn-offs are mutilation, romance and death, in no particular order. Everything else is fair game. This is where my repressed fantasies are all coming out to play. How about yours?

Plot idea: The Puppet Witch
A beautiful but dreaded witch, constantly in pursuit of greater power, has made a fatal mistake. She may fall prey to a trick from a conjured demon, or a curse laid by her tormented apprentice or an abused maid-servant. She finds herself bound by magical chains and utterly in her former victim's thrall. The rules are simple: any command she's given, she must carry out, or the curse will slay her within twenty-four hours. She has complete free will, she's not under any sort of mind control, but she must nonetheless willingly obey or pay with her life.

Any command. To crawl, to beg. To work as a whore. To get down on all fours for a back-alley bum, or a dog in heat. The cruel mistress has just become the slave, and revenge will be sweet.

Plot idea: Falling Goddess
The priestess's naked skin glistened with sweat in the torchlight. She howled as the whip cracked across her shoulders, drawing a red line of agony, painting her body in welts and stripes. She dangled limp, her wrists drawn high above her head in cuffs of tight black leather. Her torment was only beginning. The leader of the brigands who raided her temple stepped into sight on cloven hooves. A lust-demon, his shaggy cock stiffening as he approached her. His clawed hand hefted her breast, weighing it his palm like a piece of meat before giving it a squeeze...

For ages untold, the Goddess of Chastity and Light has watched over her virgin priestesses and paladins, guiding and protecting them from her holy realm. Then came the dark day when a demonic cult raided one of her temples, enslaving her followers, subjecting them to torture, perversion and all manner of vile torments. She saved as many as she could, but witnessing their ordeals from afar roused a new and strange sensation within the Goddess.


The goddess of purity has discovered a dark wellspring deep in her immortal heart. A desire to be conquered. To be leashed, and commanded, trained and punished. She must remain pure; she must remain true to her followers and devotees, and lead them into righteousness. But can she?

I'm seeing this RP as my character's quest to explore her newfound desires, and there's many ways we could take this. She may disguise herself, journeying to the mortal realms, to find a dominant soul to kneel before, like a professional slaver or a corrupt ruler. Or she may journey across the celestial planes, seeking a demon prince or even presenting herself before a rival god, such as a god of pain or domination. She will, of course, intend it to be nothing more than a consentual exploration of desire, and retain her divine majesty. Her 'lover' may have entirely different plans.

After all, a goddess is capable of gifting her divine power unto another, be it another god or a mortal. Giving them her magic, her strength, one tiny bit at a time or all at once. And her own power lessens with every gift, until she is truly helpless and bound. For all of eternity.

Plot idea: Dark Desires of a Princess
She posed before the full-length mirror in sheer dancer's silks, a coined sash wrapped around her nubile hips. She shimmied across the floor, coins jingling, her breasts straining against the silk as her bare arms swayed. A knock at the door. She scrambled to pull on ermine robes, her diamond tiara, making herself presentable before she called for her guest to enter. She was, after all, the crown princess.

The princess, just turned eighteen, is the sole child of her parents and heir to the crown. Wealthy beyond measure, power limitless, wanting for nothing. Nothing, that is, except what she can't have. Her daydreams are filthy beyond measure; images of rough hands grasping her, stripping her... dog collars buckling around her throat, hard cocks spraying hot seed across her body. Defilement and ruin. Needless to say, she can't breathe a word of this. Her father, the King, is strict beyond measure and governs her life with an iron fist; if he suspected she was anything but lily-white and pure of thought, well... no telling what he'd do, but nothing good. All the same, she needs to find an escape. A way to explore her lusts, and give in.

There are a number of ways this could play out. She might confide in a trusted guard or servant, who could help smuggle her out of the castle in disguise, to find her desires among the peasantry (or take advantage and take her reins for himself). She might hint at her yearnings to an ambassador from a foreign land or tribe (even a beast like an orc, goblin, or minotaur). She may find her way into town, to a bar or brothel, and meet an enterprising pimp or slaver. The king has countless enemies, and any number of them would pay good coin to plow and punish his precious daughter...

Plot Idea: Back to School
I don't have this one fully fleshed out yet, but I find the idea compelling. A woman who can pass for much younger is coerced (by blackmail, a dominant lover, etc.) to re-enroll herself as a high school senior. Her authority is utterly stripped from her as she's treated like a minor, made to dress up in school uniforms and teenage slutwear, try out for the cheerleading squad, and play the role of a brainless teenage bimbo.
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