Dom F for sub f

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Apr 4, 2017
So this is going to be on the short and sweet side. Just wanting to get this main idea out there since it's been buzzing around my brain for a while now.

So first a little about me. I RP as male or female, and I ALWAYS play dominate characters. I do not sub or switch. Sorry just over playing those characters. I expect a minimum of one paragraph per post and I can write up to ten. Maybe just not every single time. I also adapt if it's going at a faster pace and might relent to two or three sentences. Just as long as I'm getting enough to reply to. I have been RPing for 15 years. I write in 3rd person. I have very few kink limits and open to most settings as well.

My only absolute no's kink wise are:

So the idea is one sparked by another RPer. MC would be a popular high school senior or college freshman. YC would be MC's long time nemesis's mother. And the nemesis as well if you can play multiple characters. But the main focus would be MC and the mother. MC to get back at her nemesis would go to the mother and seduce her. Turn the mother into a pet. A fuck toy. MC would take over YC's life completely. Even how you act and dress. MC would even gain control of the financies and house.

If you play bothe characters then MC would do the same to her rival as well. So if interested please PM me with your favorite color in the subject line.
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