Dragon Age- A ride of Passion { Sanoci x ViperFang}


Bloody Heart Shaped- Box
Jan 9, 2009
Buffalo fookin, New York
The Breach signified a turning point throughout the history of Thedas, significant behind the catastrophic occurrence leaving a grotesque scar heralding a shift in the world. Demons sauntering physically to instigate calamity and factions vying for dominion whether it's for personal greed, fundamental beliefs, or exploit in the waves of discord. An ancient magister and one of the first Darkspawn known as Corypheus orchestrated these events. The Herald of Andraste forged in the aftermath of the Breach begun the Inquisition of old, saving the world and closing the tear in the sky. A year has passed with remnants from darker days and legends emerging from the ashes who served the Inquisitor during that perilous event.​


Trudging full of enthusiasm was the notorious Bull's Chargers, an eccentric band of mercenaries already tallying a reputation as one of the best warriors for hired in Thedas prior to the Breach. Hired on by the Inquisition only bolstered renown for them. Currently, by extension by contacts within the Inquisition they were hired out by some overly pretentious Teryn of sightings of Red Templars terrorizing close to towards their double-walled city of solitude. Dalish excelled in tracking for these search and slay missions, retrieval or in all honestly scenarios outdoors. Now finding a way to abolish her insistence on being known as an 'archer' would do more favors for the Chargers. Needless to say, trailing these fanatic lyrium addicts led to the murky forest they found themselves in. The Iron Bull sought out this mission as vermin hunting them was favorable versus colliding with demons..barring Vints summoning them.

" Krem, branch off with Rocky who I trust will not sap this whole forest before we find them. Stitches, I entrust you'll keep them in one piece and cover them. Lastly Skinner...perfect prey in the form of zealot shems for you. Anyone not called out, follow me. Cover ground, we have some prime locations to search.Let's hurry back for some evening fun. HORNS POINTING UP! "

In synchronization, the rest shouted their battle cry together lacking a care in the world if the element of surprise could be sullied. Bearing a frightening, yet well-crafted great axe on his person. Being apprehensive based on past skirmishes resonated into his conscious, equally thrilled for the potential fun yet cautious seeing how red lyrium degenerates these former Templars into something he dare thought demonic. Silence had yet to echo in the forest, met with chirping birds which was a telling sign to the former Ben-Hassrath operative. A large clatter caught the remaining Chargers ear, perhaps one that began fleeing or pursuing someone. Relishing this opportunity the mountainous Tal-Vashoth was overjoyed with bloodlust. They sprinted after the source of the sound, practically abandoning stealth if they wished to catch up to whoever was running.
The Inquisition and its ‘Herald of Andraste’ sealed the Breach and defeated this Elder One. By all accounts, this should have been the end of it. The end of a reign of terror that threatened to swallow all of Thedas. And yet…it was not. Demons remained and there were still several tears in the Veil. What’s more, Corypheus’ foul army of Red Templars and Venatori still plagued Thedas, proclaiming that they would either bring their master back from the Fade or burn the world to ash. Fortunately, their numbers were few compared to before…but they still remained a threat. Though Rivain had been relatively untouched by the disasters, the royalty still wished to help quell the few loose ends that continued to disturb the peace.

A few groups were gathered with the intention of being mercenary bands to help the Inquisition. Among those was Castelleta de Salazar, a mage. Though Rivain didn’t have strict rules for their Circle of Magi, Castelleta was a very capable woman. And beautiful. Tall, curvy in all the right places, tan flesh, crimson hair, and golden brown eyes. Her robes were violet with a snake motif, and it most certainly flattered her assets, baring her full cleavage on display. Skilled in magic and intelligent, it seemed only logical for her to be sent in with a group. Her group, however, was led by another woman who was…well, a bit hot-headed…and not the brightest of the bunch. Made evident when she led them right into a trap.

Templars emerged from the treeline, brandishing their weapons while shards of red lyrium jutted out from their bodies. It was a horrific sight, and Castelleta could feel the corruption radiating from them.

”There’s too many of them! We should retreat!” she called out, raising her staff. It appeared to be made of some sort of black metal with twin snakes winding around each other, clasping a crimson gem between their fangs.

“No! We must fight! We can take these scum!” the leader cried out.

It was a foolish move. Castelleta and two of the group’s archers kept their distance, hurling their spells and arrows. With the Templars sporting metal armor, she found it most helpful to utilize her lightning spells. For a while, it seemed to work…until the leader was run through. Then morale fell. The remaining warriors were killed, leaving Castelleta and the archers to try and flee for their lives. Arrows sailed past them before they split up. The redhead hid behind a large tree once enough distance was gained, and yet she could still hear them gaining on her. She felt her heart in her throat, anticipating the worst when a loud battle cry rattled the area.

She glanced around the tree to find a tall, powerful looking Qunari charging forward. She recognized him from the stories. The Inquisitor’s infamous one-eyed Iron Bull. As if on queue, his illustrious band of Chargers emerged into the fray as well. If the stories did him even half justice…she was saved.
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