Beat Blades Haruka: Live Action Now! {darkest_fate&Potter-Kun}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
A lean young woman wearing what amounted to a cartoon character's outfit. No, anime, anime she had to remind herself as she darted along rainy city streets. The whole idea was that she was playing an adult cartoon character that was being translated into a Hollywood movie. An utterly silly idea and premise, to be sure, but she hadn't exactly been sold by that. The shooting on location in Japan had more or less settled it. Plus, the role was technically a heroine who would be visiting another culture.

Still, Emma Watson supposed this wasn't quite like her usual roles. Since they got her, they had changed the character some: Making her half-Japanese, half-British, for starters. The blue eyes remained, which for Emma meant contacts. The outfit had been streamlined and updated slightly: yellow and black leather that felt strangely protective over Emma's ivory skin.

The actress/ninja jumped back as a bit of street before her exploded. They'd arranged this, and Emma knew at least the general outline. The action was supposed to occur more naturally, relying on some direction from the hidden cameras (they opted to rely commands into Emma's ear, which struck her as slightly odd and very modern) and the performers' natural inclinations. Emma had studied for the part, had even spent a few months training in martial arts. The work showed now, as she smoothly jumped back, moving much more gracefully than one might expect out of a Hollywood actress. It probably helped that Emma had started with a background in dance and applied many of the same skills to her "ninja' training. Still, she had put on quite a bit of muscle, and it showed now as she flicked ninja stars into the distance and drew a short blade.

"By the Crescent Blade, I Haruka, will defeat you!" she cried out, blue eyes darting. The enemy ninja was supposed to be here somewhere. They'd already done setup: this was supposed to be Haruka's big first fight. She'd win, get overconfident, and have issues moving forward. A solid setup, and one they'd built to, letting Emma get used to a few other characters (such as a newly introduced American transfer played by Jennifer Lawrence). Emma knew this would be the harder part: showing the sheer physicality of her role and her performance.

At least her American accent was fairly solid: "Lightning Blade!" Emma/Haruka yelled, flicking her sword. To Emma's surprise, light flashed off the tip. She'd figured they'd add special effects in post. Then again, this did seem quite the modern picture. Not that Emma/Haruka figured she'd have much time to worry: the ninja should be appearing soon.
As Emma made her way down the street, a figure was watching her from the shadows. It grinned as it watched her Lightning Blade materialize, the surprise on her face evident from him even from the distance. She made have had the powers of a Crescent Blade, but she didn't even know the basics and that would become all to apparent to her soon.

Just then a figure emerged from a nearby alleyway, letting out a shriek as it did so. It was a genin, the weakest of the Noroi ninjas. It looked rather cartoonish with its over the top and somewhat silly looking clothes and masks. Also, it didn't seem to be able to speak, it merely shouted the word, "Ninja!" at Emma before it charged her.

Despite looking ridiculous and being the weakest of the Noroi faction had to offer, normal humans were still no match for it as it hopped around and moved with great agility. It pulled its sword from its sheath and moved to slash the blade at Emma. It's steel shimmered in the light and if it was a prop, it was a well made one. That is what Emma would think at least until the blade nicked her arm slightly and she felt the sharp and stinging sensation of pain shoot up her body. It was a real sword, made of real steel it seemed....and Emma had actually just gotten hurt. Still, the genin didn't relent as it charged towards her again, letting out a battle cry as it swung its sword at her once more.
The creature facing Emma/Haruka looked... ridiculous. Emma had seen her share of ridiculous looking creatures thanks to her varied career and all, but this thing just looked more cartoonish than threatening. It did match some of the concept art she'd seen, and it was certainly addressing her, leaving little doubt as to its intention or what it was doing there. The shout and the charge alerted her.

"Haruka's" lack of experience showed rather quickly. She managed to jump out of the way of the incoming attack, jerking her own blade up to try and prevent damage. Despite her efforts, Haruka still felt a sharp pain in her arm, one that made her wince. It didn't feel like it had done too much damage, but for some reason, Emma felt like her energy had just suddenly dropped. It felt almost like she'd just done a quick dash around the block or, well, Emma nearly flushed at the thought but, it felt almost like it did when she'd spent a good deal of time with one of her "wands."

Not a lot of time to think. The creature was swinging again. This time, Haruka moved quicker. She jerked her blade up, metal ringing on metal. The noise made Haruka smile, and she let out a "Ha" of her own. Her other hand thrust out, and she tried summoning some more of the lightning. A little crackle showed, letting Emma know that the special effects team was at least still keeping track. Haruka nodded and rolled to the side. Emma didn't want to do too much rolling or action like that; her costume might have looked cute, but it seemed to want to show the white panties beneath. Sure, the things were durable, made of a reinforced cloth and more akin to the secondary panties worn by cheerleaders than anything Emma usually wore, but it was the principle of the thing.

Haruka flicked her wrist, sending a few more kunai out, not that she had many more. Then Haruka darted left, feigning, hoping the creature fell for it so she could aim toward its right with her sword.
While the attack seemed to drain Emma of energy, it seemed to invigorate the genin slightly, its next attacking coming in with more speed and power, and it seemed more excited in general, like a male dog in heat almost. Despite the fact that Emma couldn't really see its face, she could feel the lust and desire flowing from the genin. However, now that she was more prepared, she was easily able to block and counter the attack that was coming her way. The genin growled as it landed on its feet a yard or so away from her.

The genin dodged the kunai thrown towards it and then bought into the feint Haruka had set it up for, exposing its right side to her, leaving it completely open as it thought she was going to attack from the other direction.

While she now had an opening to attack and destroy the weak genin, if she had any presence of mind, Haruka would notice an ominous fog beginning to gather around the two. That was not a good sign for Haruka if Emma could remember back to the script, as it was often a sign of an approach vile-nin, a much stronger and more powerful foe than a mere genin.
Haruka did feel a strange squirming sensation in her lower belly. Emma vaguely recalled the sensation, and had to wonder if it wasn't the outfit or what she was doing or just the whole situation. Doubtless she'd been cast for this role because of her appearance more than her ability, and likely her popularity had contributed to that. Part of Emma, a part she would never admit aloud, enjoyed the attention and knew that the outfit alone would likely play to several fanboy's imagination. For a brief moment as Haruka darted forward, taking advantage of the opening to stab, Emma's mind flashed to the thought of various teenagers pleasuring themselves to a shot of her in this outfit.

Slightly flushed, the pink showing all too well on her pale English skin, Emma/Haruka darted back, dragging her weapon with her. She'd created an opening, and she pointed the short sword toward it, knowing how to act as if she were channeling energy (practice from Harry Potter and Noah coming into play). Lightning arched again: "Lightning Shot!" Haruka called, letting her attack flow out.

Though even as it did, Haruka took note of the gathering mist. Emma frowned, trying to recall what that was to signal. Oh, right, this was likely a lackey. Just strong enough to give her some trouble, at least now at her beginning, but not nearly as powerful as its boss. Haruka was supposed to be able to handle this, and be pushed to try and go further, to save more, but fail. But Emma did wonder slightly at the realism.

Weren't there supposed to be people? she wondered, frowning as she tried to refocus on finishing this as quickly as possible. Haruka wouldn't risk pressing the attack if she didn't have to, and Emma saw no reason to go against script there, even if this did call for a loss. They could always reshoot with a little more prep... no, no, Emma should try. Were the extras just missing a cue or late or were there not any?

Focus! Emma tightened her grip on her weapon, slashing out again, though in her distraction, the creature might have been able to flee or even perish.
The genin took the blow with full force, falling to its knees with a pained groan. However, the fog only intensified more as a booming laughed filled the area that would definitely draw Haruka's attention. It was enough for the genin to scamper away through the fog. Now the area was completely filled as a large shadow loomed a few yards away from her.

"So, after so many centuries, this is the best the Blades could muster....a whelp who can barely fight?" The figure laughed again in a booming and powerful voice, mocking Haruka as it stepped into her view. It looked as demonic as demons could come. It stood at least at 8 feet tall, if not taller; and it had wide shoulders and a powerful looking form. It glared down at Haruka with its yellow eyes and laughed.

"I am Namahage, and I am one of Noroi's chief generals! I've come to test your power, but I can tell this will end quickly." the demon known as Namahage chuckled as it pulled out a whip that matched it color and texture of its body. "Afterwards, I look forward to make you drown in pleasure." the demon cracked the whip and as fast as light it seemed, it struck Haruka. It's tore into her outfit, ripping off portions of it and sending a wave of pain up her body. Like with the genin before, however, Haruka would feel strange around Namahage. A warmth, not of pain, but of desire, was filling her body and mind rather quickly.
Okay, so the minion went down. Haruka bounced back, smiling confidently. She very nearly did the sign for victory, but technically that would be against character. Besides, Emma knew the script, and given the realism, that knowledge grounded her. It made it easier not to feign at least some surprise when the mist coalesced into a demonic form.

Haruka's blue eyes widened tremendously, pink lips falling open as she beheld the creature. Where the hell did that come from? It looks way better than anything I've ever seen! Again Emma had to wonder just how they were able to achieve such results with their special effects. This thing looked as demonic as demonic came, though admittedly more than a little cliche. It made up for the uninspired design with sheer presence. The terror it emitted slid over Haruka like a caress, making her shiver. Clearly this creature had a good deal of power.

Still, Haruka had to fight, right? She gripped her weapon, eyes narrowing as she looked up. "I wouldn't underestimate a Crescent Blade!" Haruka intoned. She flipped the weapon, pointing its tip toward the creature. "I will defeat you and make this city safe!" Though again, Haruka couldn't help but notice that there was a distinct lack of people to save. Well, that would just make escaping that much more of an option, should it come to that. Haruka twisted the blade again, readying it, watching the demon.

The whip came suddenly. Despite Haruka's defense, she couldn't move in time to block. Emma felt the stinging lash spurt against her. White hot heat hit her skin hard, and this time, she could feel her skin puckering slightly red. Yet once more she felt that same exhaustion, coupled with a heavy, tight sensation filling her lower belly. Bits of yellow leather hung, showing some of the pale skin beneath. Still, Haruka knew she needed to at least try to fight.

"Lightning Blade!" she yelled, jumping forward, summoning more of the lightning. Though already Haruka could feel the attack pulling her, and she knew it wouldn't do nearly the damage she needed.
As the lightning struck, the demon simply stood rooted to the spot and laughed, as if the lightning did little more than tickle it. It's eyes glowed slightly as it raised the whip again. "Weak, much to weak! Feel the power of Noroi!" With those words, the whip seemed to be infused with some kind of dark energy and the lash moved to strike Haruka once again.

This time, the pain would be overwhelming, driving the girl to her knees. At the same time, a massive wave of pleasure and desire would rush through her body as well. Once she was ground, the demon stood over her and continued to whip at her, laughing at it did so, taking enjoyment out of her pain and pleasure.

"I hope you have prepared yourself, girl....I'm getting ready to take you off to my realm and ravish you until the only thing you crave is my cock." It laughed as it whipped her again, fog beginning to surrounded them again as the demon prepared to use the dimension shift technique to take away Haruka and rape her to its heart's content.
The blow didn't seem to do more than lightly phase the demon. Haruka's eyes narrowed in frustration, and she braced herself for the retaliation that she knew would soon be coming. Her eyes darted to the whip, and she desperately tried to jerk. But momentum carried her, and the dark lash licked across her skin.

Pain unlike anything Emma had experienced before lit her skin on fire. She screamed out, a true scream of raw pain as the sensation alone drew her to her knees. Panting, she fought against darkness swirling at the edge of her vision. How had that happened? What was going on? Another lash hit her before she could even fully comprehend the first, drawing another sharp cry from the trembling girl. Then another. The lashes burned, leaving hot trails across Emma's flesh. Worse, she felt each blow driving heat into her, again and again. The mounting heat and tension tight in Emma's lower abdomen, until suddenly:

"Ahaaa!" Emma trembled and arched as she felt a sharp stabbing sensation of raw pleasure shoot through her core. It fired up, almost as if her body responded viscerally to the latest lash. Emma knew it for what it was: a sharp orgasm. She didn't know how the creature had drawn it out of her, but she was at least thankful that it wasn't too much different in appearance from the usual pain. Though if "Haruka" could see her character sheet, she likely would've noticed that "Light Masochism" had just been etched onto her.

"I don't--think so," Haruka said through gritted teeth. She felt another burning lash, but she was more prepared, at least mentally, to take it. She rose, and fought toward the edge, putting all her remaining power and energy into escaping. To Haruka's surprise, she seemed to be moving... quicker than before. It was as if the lashings had given her a burst of energy instead of taking it away...
Namahage seemed to read right through Haruka's reaction to the whipping, laughing as the girl was brought to climax from the blows. "Oh, is the little Blade already enjoying herself? Well don't'll have that and even more once you come with me!" It roared as it lifted the whip above its head and it shot out as Haruka made to escape. It wrapped around her ankle and pulled her too the ground as it tugged back on the whip and Haruka flew into his chest, it was as if she weighed little more than a feather with how much strength it had.

Her body pressed into it's chest, which was large and firm. Her breasts molding beneath her outfit against its form as it wrapped an arm around her waist and looked down upon her. "You are mine now, girl. Art of Dimension Shift!" With those words, Haruka would feel the world spin for a moment before everything went black.

When she came to, she would find herself in an unfamiliar room, if it could even be called that. It seemed more like a dream space....nothing solid to grasp onto or see...just the demon standing above her. "Now then....I will make you mine with my cock." It laughed as what appeared to be a giant rod of tendrils emerged from its crotch area. It was clear in the shape of a cock though, and it was by far the largest Emma had ever seen, either in real life or in any videos she might have glimpsed, and now, that massive rod was approaching her.
Haruka felt something tugging her ankle. She tried to roll, but only managed to twist, nearly tangling herself worse in the length. The flick pulled her completely from her feet, and soon she found her body crushed against him. His hard flesh felt imposing, making Haruka shiver already. She'd never seen someone so large, so menacing, so masculine. Yes, a strange musky, masculine smell seemed to be rising from him, spinning Haruka's head and making it difficult to concentrate. She should use arts to escape or to do something or to... call the director or crew for help, because something...

Haruka blinked, giving away darkness and trying to reorient herself. The space just felt... off. no sense of dimension, several sensations off. Haruka padded herself down, wanting to make sure that she at least existed. A laughing voice drew her attention, and the ninja twisted, looking up to the creature. Her blue eyes widened, mouth parting, as something wriggling and impressive rose from his crotch. The pillar there only vaguely resembled what Haruka/Emma knew of such things.

"Wha--" she managed, looking from crotch to its owner. "What are--no," she shook her head, then tried to push upright. Her feet didn't seem to want to support, sliding out from her. With nothing to steady, Haruka landed hard. The sudden landing drove the air from her, and she had to lay for a few seconds, trying to right herself. Her body still tingled.

she had to protect herself. Haruka tried twisting, contorting her body into a defensive position. "They'll come for me!" she insisted, eyes flashing with terror and anger. "You won't--" she stopped, knowing she was about to spout yet another cliche. Instead her blue eyes hardened, some more of the natural Emma Watson resilience leaking through: she could, and would, fight and resist this... this... monster.
The demon laughed as tendrils shot out from its body, wrapping themselves around Emma's wrists and ankles and lifting her into the air. She was caught completely in its grasp now, and there was no getting way. She could only hopelessly struggle. It laughed as it approached her from behind, its powerful hands digging into the fabric of her outfit. It ripped off part of her top, exposing one of her bare breasts to him, but leaving the other encased in her outfit. Her breast molded against her touch as it squeezed the mound, its fingers moving to tug on her rosy and perky nipple.

Its other hand moved to rip off part of her bottom, exposing her womanhood to him but leaving her firm rear covered. Its massive bulge pressed up against her dripping womanhood, still wet from her climax earlier. Its tip pressed up against her clitoris, rubbing against the nub for a few moments before it lowered to the entrance and started to tease and prod at her.

It did not penetrate her yet however as it laughed and mocked her once again. "If you beg and acknowledge me as your superior....I just might let you off the hook this time...what is it going to be, Crescent Blade?" He asked her, slowing moving his cock away, but keeping his fingers buried in her breast, seeming to give her some hope or chance to avoid the rape it had planned for her.
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