((At this time, I prefer to RP over Blue Moon PM as opposed to threads. Because of the sheer potential size of these, I am not completely resistant to the idea of doing threads, but I personally just prefer PMs over thread. Thanks for understanding!))
Hello all! For brevity's sake, I am going to post a link to my Short Term thread so you can get the extra info on me and an idea of what I'm looking for in a partner, because what I'm about to write is A LOT so to make it a little less dense I will forgo personal introductions on this thread.
The Other Thread!
So now, without further ado...THE IDEA!
I've had this idea for a long time, though have yet to actually present it to others. It's one of those things that I've thought of even outside of RPing, just random thoughts of what if that I'm sure plenty of other people have had (or even played), but I've yet to come across one exactly like this, so I thought to Hell with it, might as well share.
Alternate realities have been written about and discussed for a very long time, and many forms of fiction deal in the concepts of it. There have also been plenty of examples of stories presented in an overly sexual nature beyond reality; Porn itself very much is this 'The world seen through the eyes of sex crazed people', and the various porn parodies out there have done this to a degree as well. What I'm thinking of in my head, specifically, is an alternate reality of a fandom where sex is rampant, and often used in place of other actions one would expect in such scenarios. Say, just as an example...where a cop in our world would apprehend a criminal through various means and send to jail, maybe in the Sex-Verse version said cop would either defeat said criminal, before having sex with them as a 'finishing' act, or maybe even the concept of two people engaging in sex and 'battling' for dominance, in place of actually fighting.
Again, not really anything that's particularly new, but my goal is to actually have a long term, smut-meets-plot storyline set in one of these Verses, with multiple characters and even storylines. Think of it like this; as opposed to someone writing a sex version of an Iron Man comic, instead creating 'Marvel: Sex Edition', where one minute you're reading about a sexed up story involving Iron Man, and the next we're following the Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), all set within the same world, but able to be separate just as easily as crossing over.
This always felt insanely ambitious (at least for my usual RPing nature), so I've never had the guts to actually go through with it and advertise it. But I'm a 10+ year role player now, and while I'm still doing this stuff, I want to at least give this the old college try. What makes it a bit more ambitious, is that I don't want it to be just pure sex scene after scene, as that would get old. What I want is an actual narrative, where sex is plentiful, but is also surrounded by plenty of action, drama, and humor. Sex is important, yes, and loads of fun to write, but it loses it's impact if there is no narrative flow from encounter to encounter. Sometimes...people just talk...and in more than just innuendos.
So, going back to Iron Man, say it starts with him having sex (with Pepper or Natasha or any of the other countless ladies he's been with), but the next scene could be him at his company, where a greater plot begins to form, or he saves a bridge from collapsing, or something not at all sex related. (Funny I keep mentioning Iron Man, considering I don't have any immediate ideas for that character at the moment. Maybe it's because he's already such a slut that it's not a huge leap?)
The other big thing for me, is that I'm not looking for purely canon genders. It's not about me wanting to write in a sex filled Batman story, it's about wanting to writing in facsimiles of those worlds, where Batman could be Batwoman, Spider-Man could be Spider-Woman, where Jean Gray could be John Gray etc. While considering current gender dynamics in these kinds of stories are primarily geared towards males (which will mean most of the gender bending will probably be male to female if my partner so desires), there are a couple of instances where I could easily turn a normally female character into a male for your now female hero. For instance, a Batwoman could get a Catman just as one example (and yes, I know there is a Catman. But screw him, what did he ever do for me?
As far as the plots go, I really would like to build our Sex-Verse together. I have plenty of ideas on my own, sure, but half the fun of this is collaboration, and I'm sure there are plenty of you out there who could come up with far more awesome (and hot) ideas than I can for certain fandoms.
This idea, obviously, would involve multiple characters over whole storylines, so it goes without saying that both of us would be in charge of multiple characters more than likely. If you prefer to stick with just one character, things COULD be re-worked a bit if you want to play the main character, while I would play all of the potential partners and the like that you interacted with. This is not my first choice, as I'd rather split the character duties a bit more fairly, but it wouldn't be the first time I've played a billion characters, and I've had fun with it in the past so it's definitely not a deal breaker for me.
A NOTE ON NON-CON: Now, normally I'm not HUGE into non-con style scenarios, but in this case I am lifting my exception to the rule. The very concept of this means that a lot of the sex happening isn't exactly planned, or anything about mutual feelings between all participants, so not every is going to be happy. That said, the nature of this idea also puts it squarely outside of reality; even though these things are happening (to both women and men...the men have to 'lose' just as much as the women, whether hero or villain), it doens't mean it has to be treated realistically. And for those who really want to make it unrealistic and keep things lighter, it can even be treated more like losing a fight that being taken, and keep emotions from becoming depressing. I will work with either scenario, as I'd rather not alienate people based on this.
At the moment, this idea is primarily meant for Comic Book characters, with a mixture of comic and movie canon where appropriate. This can easily expand to other avenues as time goes on (Star Wars, specifically the Prequels, come to mind...), but for now I'm keeping it simple, and going with the heroes and villains in spandex. Also, I haven't had a Super Hero RP in so long I can't actually remember what the last one was...and that just won't do.
The ideas below, again, are not set in stone, and are purely here to show you what initial ideas I had, and where my head is at currently (Spoiler: Usually the gutter, but just as often in the clouds.) While these are so far all based in comics and such, I'm pretty open to using either purely descriptions, comic art, or celebrities/porn stars for the faces of the characters. I really have no preference over which, so if there is one you prefer please let me know.
The Amazing (Spectacular?) Spider-Man/Woman: Parker was the kind of nerd that most people didn't notice, and others treated like garbage. Richard and Mary Parker died (allegedly) in a plane crash several years ago, but not before leaving their only child with it's Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Parker grew up with a love of science, and pining after those that they assumed would never show any interest in them.
One day, on a field trip to OSCorp, Parker was bitten by a radioactive/genetically altered spider, which granted them incredible powers. Using their smarts to build a pair of web shooters and a costume, Parker became Spider-Man/Woman, and sought fame and fortune as a Professional Wrestler/TV Sensation. One night, Parker refuses to apprehend someone who robbed someone else at a tv station, deciding to leave it to the cops. Later, Parker returns home to find out that someone not only broke into their home, but also shot and killed Uncle Ben/Aunt May. Devastated and angry, Parker donned their costume, and hunted down the killer. Upon finding them, Parker was horrified to discover that the killer was none other than the thief from earlier.
From that night forward, Parker gave up the fame and fortune, in favor of using their powers to help others, and prevent the same kinds of tragedies they had to endure. Of course, muggers aren't the only things causing problems in NYC. There's also the crime bosses, corrupt cops, goblins of various colors, men and women who love dressing up like animals, and the occasional alien or two.
More on this: I really think the Spider-Man comics/movies serve as a perfect match for this kind of Role Play; not only is the main character likable and easily changed from male to female if needed, but the supporting cast is robust to put it mildly, with a large rogues gallery but also plenty of allies and even an excess of 'normies'. This can also be the perfect blend of action, comedy, and sex, with a bit of a teen sex comedy vibe to the hero proceedings. Can also go in plenty of directions, from smut to romance and plenty of opportunities for kinkier, more taboo pairings and scenarios.
The Invincible Iron Woman: Okay...I know I said I didn't have any ideas for Iron Man, which is true, but it's only half true. While most any other hero I'm game for switching up the roles and genders, this is one that I'd actually rather not play, but would certainly enjoy playing against. So instead of Tony Stark, maybe an Antonia? Pepper is a man? Rhodie is...well...still just Rhodie? Not much else beyond that in my head, but I thought it worth mentioning!
Batman/Batwoman: Gotham City has become over run by crime and corruption; the mobster own the streets, and the cops, and the good citizens of the city have become resigned in the belief that no help will come, that they will not have a savior. That's when reports of a large, bat like creature stalking the rooftops begins to spread. But this creature doesn't stalk innocent prey, it only goes after the worst of the worst, leaving broken and battered criminals for the cops to apprehend. The Batman/Batwoman has come, and those that create fear have now become the fearful.
But as this vigilante begins cleaning up the streets, a new kind of evil rises. Men and women with amazing abilities begin fighting back, becoming too much for the police to handle. And the police, too, under the crooked leadership of Comissioner Loeb, have turned against the Bat, vowing to bring the vigilante to justice. During the day, Wayne, the human behind the mask, must navigate the treacherous waters of corporate America and the rich and famous, while hiding the secret of their nightly activities.
More on this: Like Spider-Man, Batman provides a solid base with a wealth of characters to choose from to re-invent and would be a good starting point to grow from and build a larger DC Universe from. Unlike Spider-man, Batman stories are naturally much darker, and most romances end in tragedy, and everything has a much more gothic tone. While I don't imagine it as a total downer slog, the very nature of the Bat is darkness and violence, so that should remain. Obviously, however, elements of humor and light can always be mixed in, just so long as the original spirit isn't lost.
Well, that's what I have so far. Again, most of what I'm doing I'd rather plan out with my partner, thus I tried to keep things as bare as possible to start. I love to plot, and I love it even more when I can meet with a like minded individual I can plot alongside. So if any of this interests you, or you have any ideas that could fit into this mold, please shoot me a PM, and we can start discussing this further!
((PS!: It's not mandatory, but if you could put 'Sex-Verse' into the title of the PM, that would be super helpful for me to distinguish requests for this from my other, less specific thread. Thanks in advance!))
Hello all! For brevity's sake, I am going to post a link to my Short Term thread so you can get the extra info on me and an idea of what I'm looking for in a partner, because what I'm about to write is A LOT so to make it a little less dense I will forgo personal introductions on this thread.
The Other Thread!
So now, without further ado...THE IDEA!
I've had this idea for a long time, though have yet to actually present it to others. It's one of those things that I've thought of even outside of RPing, just random thoughts of what if that I'm sure plenty of other people have had (or even played), but I've yet to come across one exactly like this, so I thought to Hell with it, might as well share.
Alternate realities have been written about and discussed for a very long time, and many forms of fiction deal in the concepts of it. There have also been plenty of examples of stories presented in an overly sexual nature beyond reality; Porn itself very much is this 'The world seen through the eyes of sex crazed people', and the various porn parodies out there have done this to a degree as well. What I'm thinking of in my head, specifically, is an alternate reality of a fandom where sex is rampant, and often used in place of other actions one would expect in such scenarios. Say, just as an example...where a cop in our world would apprehend a criminal through various means and send to jail, maybe in the Sex-Verse version said cop would either defeat said criminal, before having sex with them as a 'finishing' act, or maybe even the concept of two people engaging in sex and 'battling' for dominance, in place of actually fighting.
Again, not really anything that's particularly new, but my goal is to actually have a long term, smut-meets-plot storyline set in one of these Verses, with multiple characters and even storylines. Think of it like this; as opposed to someone writing a sex version of an Iron Man comic, instead creating 'Marvel: Sex Edition', where one minute you're reading about a sexed up story involving Iron Man, and the next we're following the Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), all set within the same world, but able to be separate just as easily as crossing over.
This always felt insanely ambitious (at least for my usual RPing nature), so I've never had the guts to actually go through with it and advertise it. But I'm a 10+ year role player now, and while I'm still doing this stuff, I want to at least give this the old college try. What makes it a bit more ambitious, is that I don't want it to be just pure sex scene after scene, as that would get old. What I want is an actual narrative, where sex is plentiful, but is also surrounded by plenty of action, drama, and humor. Sex is important, yes, and loads of fun to write, but it loses it's impact if there is no narrative flow from encounter to encounter. Sometimes...people just talk...and in more than just innuendos.
So, going back to Iron Man, say it starts with him having sex (with Pepper or Natasha or any of the other countless ladies he's been with), but the next scene could be him at his company, where a greater plot begins to form, or he saves a bridge from collapsing, or something not at all sex related. (Funny I keep mentioning Iron Man, considering I don't have any immediate ideas for that character at the moment. Maybe it's because he's already such a slut that it's not a huge leap?)
The other big thing for me, is that I'm not looking for purely canon genders. It's not about me wanting to write in a sex filled Batman story, it's about wanting to writing in facsimiles of those worlds, where Batman could be Batwoman, Spider-Man could be Spider-Woman, where Jean Gray could be John Gray etc. While considering current gender dynamics in these kinds of stories are primarily geared towards males (which will mean most of the gender bending will probably be male to female if my partner so desires), there are a couple of instances where I could easily turn a normally female character into a male for your now female hero. For instance, a Batwoman could get a Catman just as one example (and yes, I know there is a Catman. But screw him, what did he ever do for me?
As far as the plots go, I really would like to build our Sex-Verse together. I have plenty of ideas on my own, sure, but half the fun of this is collaboration, and I'm sure there are plenty of you out there who could come up with far more awesome (and hot) ideas than I can for certain fandoms.
This idea, obviously, would involve multiple characters over whole storylines, so it goes without saying that both of us would be in charge of multiple characters more than likely. If you prefer to stick with just one character, things COULD be re-worked a bit if you want to play the main character, while I would play all of the potential partners and the like that you interacted with. This is not my first choice, as I'd rather split the character duties a bit more fairly, but it wouldn't be the first time I've played a billion characters, and I've had fun with it in the past so it's definitely not a deal breaker for me.
A NOTE ON NON-CON: Now, normally I'm not HUGE into non-con style scenarios, but in this case I am lifting my exception to the rule. The very concept of this means that a lot of the sex happening isn't exactly planned, or anything about mutual feelings between all participants, so not every is going to be happy. That said, the nature of this idea also puts it squarely outside of reality; even though these things are happening (to both women and men...the men have to 'lose' just as much as the women, whether hero or villain), it doens't mean it has to be treated realistically. And for those who really want to make it unrealistic and keep things lighter, it can even be treated more like losing a fight that being taken, and keep emotions from becoming depressing. I will work with either scenario, as I'd rather not alienate people based on this.
At the moment, this idea is primarily meant for Comic Book characters, with a mixture of comic and movie canon where appropriate. This can easily expand to other avenues as time goes on (Star Wars, specifically the Prequels, come to mind...), but for now I'm keeping it simple, and going with the heroes and villains in spandex. Also, I haven't had a Super Hero RP in so long I can't actually remember what the last one was...and that just won't do.
The ideas below, again, are not set in stone, and are purely here to show you what initial ideas I had, and where my head is at currently (Spoiler: Usually the gutter, but just as often in the clouds.) While these are so far all based in comics and such, I'm pretty open to using either purely descriptions, comic art, or celebrities/porn stars for the faces of the characters. I really have no preference over which, so if there is one you prefer please let me know.
The Amazing (Spectacular?) Spider-Man/Woman: Parker was the kind of nerd that most people didn't notice, and others treated like garbage. Richard and Mary Parker died (allegedly) in a plane crash several years ago, but not before leaving their only child with it's Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Parker grew up with a love of science, and pining after those that they assumed would never show any interest in them.
One day, on a field trip to OSCorp, Parker was bitten by a radioactive/genetically altered spider, which granted them incredible powers. Using their smarts to build a pair of web shooters and a costume, Parker became Spider-Man/Woman, and sought fame and fortune as a Professional Wrestler/TV Sensation. One night, Parker refuses to apprehend someone who robbed someone else at a tv station, deciding to leave it to the cops. Later, Parker returns home to find out that someone not only broke into their home, but also shot and killed Uncle Ben/Aunt May. Devastated and angry, Parker donned their costume, and hunted down the killer. Upon finding them, Parker was horrified to discover that the killer was none other than the thief from earlier.
From that night forward, Parker gave up the fame and fortune, in favor of using their powers to help others, and prevent the same kinds of tragedies they had to endure. Of course, muggers aren't the only things causing problems in NYC. There's also the crime bosses, corrupt cops, goblins of various colors, men and women who love dressing up like animals, and the occasional alien or two.
More on this: I really think the Spider-Man comics/movies serve as a perfect match for this kind of Role Play; not only is the main character likable and easily changed from male to female if needed, but the supporting cast is robust to put it mildly, with a large rogues gallery but also plenty of allies and even an excess of 'normies'. This can also be the perfect blend of action, comedy, and sex, with a bit of a teen sex comedy vibe to the hero proceedings. Can also go in plenty of directions, from smut to romance and plenty of opportunities for kinkier, more taboo pairings and scenarios.
The Invincible Iron Woman: Okay...I know I said I didn't have any ideas for Iron Man, which is true, but it's only half true. While most any other hero I'm game for switching up the roles and genders, this is one that I'd actually rather not play, but would certainly enjoy playing against. So instead of Tony Stark, maybe an Antonia? Pepper is a man? Rhodie is...well...still just Rhodie? Not much else beyond that in my head, but I thought it worth mentioning!
Batman/Batwoman: Gotham City has become over run by crime and corruption; the mobster own the streets, and the cops, and the good citizens of the city have become resigned in the belief that no help will come, that they will not have a savior. That's when reports of a large, bat like creature stalking the rooftops begins to spread. But this creature doesn't stalk innocent prey, it only goes after the worst of the worst, leaving broken and battered criminals for the cops to apprehend. The Batman/Batwoman has come, and those that create fear have now become the fearful.
But as this vigilante begins cleaning up the streets, a new kind of evil rises. Men and women with amazing abilities begin fighting back, becoming too much for the police to handle. And the police, too, under the crooked leadership of Comissioner Loeb, have turned against the Bat, vowing to bring the vigilante to justice. During the day, Wayne, the human behind the mask, must navigate the treacherous waters of corporate America and the rich and famous, while hiding the secret of their nightly activities.
More on this: Like Spider-Man, Batman provides a solid base with a wealth of characters to choose from to re-invent and would be a good starting point to grow from and build a larger DC Universe from. Unlike Spider-man, Batman stories are naturally much darker, and most romances end in tragedy, and everything has a much more gothic tone. While I don't imagine it as a total downer slog, the very nature of the Bat is darkness and violence, so that should remain. Obviously, however, elements of humor and light can always be mixed in, just so long as the original spirit isn't lost.
Well, that's what I have so far. Again, most of what I'm doing I'd rather plan out with my partner, thus I tried to keep things as bare as possible to start. I love to plot, and I love it even more when I can meet with a like minded individual I can plot alongside. So if any of this interests you, or you have any ideas that could fit into this mold, please shoot me a PM, and we can start discussing this further!
((PS!: It's not mandatory, but if you could put 'Sex-Verse' into the title of the PM, that would be super helpful for me to distinguish requests for this from my other, less specific thread. Thanks in advance!))