Lets weave a story together... MxF

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Jun 4, 2010
Hi everyone, welcome to my search thread. I've done some editing and now I would say that the majority of my plots are probably 70% story and 30% sex. There are still a couple of plots below that are mainly smut, but they have now become the minority. I'm beginning to find RP's that delve straight into a sex scene in the first few posts boring, hence the change.

So I'm on the hunt for some literate role-players, which to me means a person who is able to string together decent and coherent sentences. A person who can give me a post with description and depth, which adds to the plot that we have going on in our one x one RP. Also someone who has a basic grasp of grammar, spelling and how to use punctuation. No one is perfect and I'm understanding of that. However if you never us speech marks, capital letters and I can barely understand what you're writing, we're going to have a problem. Length isn't everything either, but just be aware that tiny little one liners that give me absolutely nothing to work with, might well kill our RP. I consider myself fairly literate and only write in third person.

Below I'll list a few pairings and plots, if none of them catch your eye feel free to suggest your own. I do enjoy discussing more in depth plot decisions with my role-playing partners and am always up for edits or additions that you might have in mind, so there's always room to add twists and other details. When it comes to male characters; sexual confidence is vital for me, non of this 'afraid to touch a woman' nonsense. I'm not into lovey-dovey romance and much prefer sex scenes brought on by pure carnal desire, lust and even aggression. I do enjoy dominant males, but that doesn't mean that my characters are automatically sniveling, pathetic submissives.

My characters can range from meek, inexperienced, shy girls. To sexually confident, feisty vixens who can give as good as they get. If you have a particular preference I'm sure that I can work with it, there are only two types of females that I won't play. One; some submissive pet who bends to your character's every whim. Two; a cock worshiper who is always begging for sex.

At the beginning of each plot is a picture of what I'd like your male to look like. YOU DON'T HAVE TO make your character look like the pictures that I've provided, but I would really love it if you did. In return I would be more than happy to make my female look any way that you wish. The first plot is the only one where I've added my input about the female's appearance and that is simply because the plot requires her to be a bigger woman.

I also only role-play via threads, I hate loads of PMs clogging up my inbox and I find role-plays ultimately get lost or overlooked in the mass.

My turn ons and turn offs are at the bottom of this page, please make sure that you read them.

This colour represents the role that I would like to play.

Catfish x Online love interest


A girl who struggles with confidence because of her weight, seeks happiness online. She uses pictures of her slimmer cousin and it isn't long until she catches the eye of a young man. They talk for months, getting to know one another and it is discovered that he lives in the same town as her. As their feelings begin to grow, he asks to meet up, but the girl refuses. She's scared that when he finds out what she really looks like, he won't want her anymore. Everything turns upside down when her cousin comes to visit though and whilst they're in town together, they accidentally run into the guy. After a lot of confused yelling, the curvy girl comes clean and tells the truth. The guy is furious and says that he never wants to see her again. However with it being a small town, they inevitably end up running into each other on occasion. What happens when one of them eventually decides to speak up? Will they ever be able to move past this or will he continue to harbor anger towards her? Most of all, how is he going to react when he finds himself questioning his taste in women? After all; he's never found big girls attractive and yet... his eyes are beginning to wander.

Human x Goddess


Eris, the Greek Goddess of strife and discord. For thousands of years she's had a hand in the most destructive moments within human history and by her side each time was her trusty golden apple. A powerful trinket, the apple of discord is imbued with the same magic that courses through the Goddess herself. Wherever it goes it brings with it chaos and destruction. Being bored one day, the mischievous Goddess decided to send it to Earth in order to entertain herself. The city where it landed soon descended into madness. The crime rate rocketed, people who were once decent members of society suddenly began looting and rioting. The apple's magic manipulating them into acting in a way that they normally wouldn't. The golden fruit also has a second power; the ability to hypnotize people by it's presence, driving them into a dark desire to claim it. Many humans will suddenly be willing to kill in order to keep it for themselves. As hysteria took over the city, the other Gods decided to act. Sick of her behavior, they punished Eris and sent her to Earth. With her powers significantly reduced, she was told that she wouldn't be allowed to return until she had retrieved the apple. However that's easier said than done, as she soon discovers that she isn't the only one searching for it. Enlisting the help of a human male, the pair will need to do everything that they can in order to get to it first.

Inmate x Visitor


Slightly inspired by OITNB and Lorna & Christopher's relationship. A woman who is already on probation for a different crime is caught trespassing in someone else's home. For violating the terms of her probation, she is sent back to jail. A couple of months before she's due for re-release she gets a visitor. It's the man whose home she had been caught in. He's convinced himself that this woman must have been stalking him and that's why she was in his home. His house was recently broken into again and assuming that she sent someone to spy on him, he's there to confront her about it. The woman basically tells him to go fuck himself and informs him that she was using his place to crash, as she was homeless, she wasn't stalking him. When the culprits of the second break in are caught, he realizes that she was telling the truth and so goes back to say sorry. They talk and he begins visiting regularly. Once her release date arrives, she has nowhere to go and so he offers her his spare room. (He could be single or married, it's up to you)

A.I. x Human


A daughter visits her father's home to find that he is missing, the house is completely trashed and there are signs of an obvious struggle. As she begins searching for her dad, she discovers in his library a hidden door. Inside; the woman finds a secret room dedicated to her father's inventions. She knew that he worked for the government, but had always believed that it was just a simple desk job. In actual fact her father was a scientist in a special unit, working on top government secrets, and inside that room he had hidden his most precious invention. Upon a table lay man, unconscious and attached to several machines. However as the daughter looks through the files, it soon becomes clear that he isn't what he appears. Her father had created the world's first A.I. in human form. When she accidentally activates the A.I., her father's secret life begins to unfold before her. Now they must work together in order to find out who has kidnapped him and save his life.

Prison Doctor x Inmate


A man serving time for aggravated assault becomes intrigued when the prison hires a new doctor. The attraction is mutual between the pair, however the doctor of course has no intention of pursuing the inmate. The more the two see of each other though, the more the tension begins to build. The inmate often finding it hard to control himself during instances where she strokes his arm slightly whilst taking a blood test, or gets a little too close when performing examinations, along with other things. An appointment with her often leaves the inmate feeling turned on and he's becoming increasingly sexually frustrated. One day he's in for a visit, when a riot breaks out elsewhere within the prison. The guard is needed urgently to go help and doesn't have time to return the inmate to his cell. So he handcuffs the inmate to the chair, thinking that'll hold him until he gets back. However the metal bar attached to the chair is damaged and with a decent kick, the inmate is able to snap it off, freeing himself. Now that he and the doctor are alone, he locks the door and she's not going anywhere until he's worked off some of this pent up frustration.

Neighbor x Country girl


This pairing has two plots depending on whether you're looking for something more smut based or story based. Plot 1 gives the opportunity to jump straight into a sex scene within the first few posts, whereas plot 2 is more about the characters getting to know each other before reaching that point.

Plot 1
Out in the country your character runs a small farm, spending most of his days doing hard work in the fields. As if toiling away under the hot sun wasn't tiring enough, he then has to put up with idiots breaking into his barn on a regular basis. One of which is his neighbor, a younger woman who lives across the field at another farm house. Nothing annoys him more than having to chase away troublemakers who are constantly venturing onto his property. One rainy day, he once again notices the neighbor girl entering his barn. Sick and tired of having to put up with this crap, he marches on over to deal with her. She tries to explain that she was only in there to get out of the rain, but it's too late. His anger gets his pulse racing and it quickly turns to lust.

Plot 2
What initially begins as just a few friends hanging out at the country girl's home, quickly escalates into an out of control party. People who don't even know her begin turning up and all of them are far too drunk. As the night goes on, several of the party goers begin wandering the fields and soon finds themselves near her neighbour's barn. Drunk, clumsy and attempting to light a cigarette turn out to be a terrible mix and her neighbour's barn catches fire as a result. Luckily none of the animals are harmed, but the barn itself is in bad shape. The police and other emergency services are called, but by then the accidental arsonists are long gone. With no one knowing exactly who started the fire, responsibility ultimately lands on the young country girl, since it was her party. With her parents offering to help pay for the damage, her neighbour agrees not to press charges. There's just one thing that he insists on, the girl must help repair the damage by working on his farm.

Vampire x Human


Vampires are still believed to be nothing more than fantasy in this modern day plot. Their existence managing to be kept secret through abiding the laws set down many hundreds of years ago. However now one rogue vampire has the ability to expose the entire race, putting them in danger and potentially changing the world forever. Their killings are becoming too public, leaving a trail of bodies wherever they go. It isn't long before a human detective is put on the case to find the killer. When he accidentally discovers the existence of vampires, they keep him alive for only one reason, he might be able to help them catch the rogue. They want the killer stopped just as much as the humans, in order to keep their existence hidden. In exchange for keeping his life, he must tell no one about them and is given the assistance of a female vampire to help bring the rogue down. (If you really can't stand the thought of a woman being more powerful/stronger than you, don't choose this role-play. Cause suddenly turning your character into a bad-ass vampire slayer after only knowing of their existence for a day, just so you can keep the upper hand, is unrealistic.)

Werewolf x Human


Inspired by the movie Skinwalkers. There is a legend among werewolves, that a child will one day be born with the ability to release them from their curse. On their 21st birthday they will be given the power to turn any werewolf back into a full human. To some this legend has always been a symbol of hope, for they hated the savage monsters and killers that they had become. However others delighted in the power and the slaughtering, they had no desire to turn back and so saw this child as a threat. Soon an internal war between the beasts broke out. There were those who were dedicated to finding the child in order to keep it safe and those who wanted to kill it. Fast forward in time and it is now only a month before a young woman is due to turn 21. The day starts off just like any other, that is until a group of strangers arrive in town. The wolves have finally found her and the worst thing is; she doesn't even know they're coming. (Your werewolf character would belong to the side that wants to keep her alive.)

Ex-criminal x Probation officer


A woman is released from jail and sent to a half-way house to try and slowly reintegrate back into society. Her progress is monitored by a probation officer and as time goes on, their relationship becomes complex.

Head Jock x Unpopular girl


The cool kids in school throw a party and invite the unpopular girl as a joke, intending to pull a prank on her. Even though the party is taking place at the head jock's house, he is unaware of the prank, as the joke has been organized more by the cheerleaders. The unpopular girl shows up and as the night goes on, she is lured into a false sense of security. Then when she's least expecting it, the cheerleaders end up pouring the punch bowl over her head. The unpopular girl runs off embarrassed and the head jock ends up finding her all alone. He offers her the use of a bathroom in order to get herself cleaned up, the en-suite attached to his own bedroom. However once she steps into that shower, his intentions soon become less pure.

Turn ons
Physical forcefulness (being push up against a wall, thrown onto a bed, roughly bent over, grabbed forcibly, slammed or pinned up against things etc)
Clothes being ripped off
Rough sex
Hair pulling
Male's expressing their pleasure (nothing more boring than a guy just going through the motions and thrusting in and out. Groan, moan, grunt, growl or AT LEAST have your character mentally acknowledge that they're aroused and enjoying the sex.)
Biting and nails being dug in (no drawing blood though)
Realistic pacing (unless your character is the Flash, he isn't ripping off her panties, undoing her bra and shoving his cock in all in one movement and so quickly that my female has no chance to react. Do things gradually and allow time for my character to respond.)
Vaginal sex
Oral sex
Nipple play
Building up of sexual tension
Slight non-con (characters being coerced or pressured into have sex, but enjoying it in the end)

Turn offs
Other role-players controlling my character (As in writing from her perspective and telling me what she's doing, seeing, thinking or saying.)
Anal sex
Full on rape
Unrealistic body proportions (I'm not interested in ten inch dicks and triple F breasts)
Insults (My character being called things like whore, bitch and slut is not sexy to me)
Too much dirty talk (I don't mind a little, but if your character basically wants to have an entire conversation during sex, I'm going to lose interest)
Underage sex
Virgin sex
Yuri or Yaoi or Futa
Anything that belongs in the toilet
Foot fetishes
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